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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 24

by Lynn Coppersmith

  They were camped near a cold, clear river one Sunday, when Selena went to catch up on their laundry. Marcia had gone before her and had found a favorable spot where the water was clean and shallow. The river had cut a deep ravine between two steep, rocky cliffs, and Selena knelt in the shade beneath one of them as she worked. The two women sat side by side, enjoying the company while they completed the onerous chore.

  “You seem awfully happy these days,” Marcia commented, giving Selena a sidelong glance.

  “I am,” Selena said with a smile. “I never would have believed just a few short months ago that I would find everything my heart desired.” She pursed her lips in thoughtful reflection. “There was a time I thought I never wanted a man, and I had nearly given up on the idea of marriage. Then Liam showed up.”

  Marcia laughed at the thought. “So Liam’s your knight in shining armor, so to speak?”

  “I guess so, although he’s much more than just some girlish fantasy. He makes me feel safe and protected, but at the same time completely and wonderfully alive. Every day, I learn something new about him, and I look forward to a lifetime of such discoveries.” She laughed a bit self-consciously. “I’m sorry for going on and on. I must be boring you to tears.”

  “Not at all, Selena. I only hope that my two girls will find someone who will make them just as happy.” Marcia made a face as she scrubbed. “I feel certain that Susan will, but sometimes I worry about Natasha. I wonder if that girl will ever be completely happy.”

  “What do you mean?” Selena asked.

  Marcia heaved a weary sigh and eyed Selena ruefully. “She’s nineteen, she’s beautiful, and she has nearly everything she could want, but she’s never satisfied. She always wants more. And what’s worse, she always wants what she can’t have.”

  “Such as Liam,” Selena said, keeping her tone as neutral as possible. After all, it wasn’t Marcia’s fault that Natasha couldn’t keep her eyes off Liam.

  “I’m afraid so. I keep hoping that she’ll meet some other young man who can sway her interest. Take young Adam. He’s handsome and charming. He’s completely smitten with her. He keeps bringing her flowers and mooning around, yet she all but ignores him.” Marcia shook her head. “I’m not sure where I went wrong with her. Natasha is so different from Susan and her brother. Those two are hard workers, and they appreciate everything they have. They bring joy to my life. Natasha never lifts a finger to help unless it directly benefits her, and she always seems to make things more difficult for Gerald and me, with her whining and complaining. And what I don’t understand is that she used to be very different. When she was younger, she was sweet-tempered and thoughtful. It was only about five years ago that she started to change.” She tossed Selena a quick glance. “You must think the very worst about us.”

  Selena reached out to squeeze Marcia’s hand fondly. “No, Marcia. I could never think ill of you. You’ve become very dear to me. And don’t worry about Natasha. I’m sure everything will work out. Surely, once we reach Oregon, she’ll meet a nice young man. Liam told me that men greatly outnumber the women, so she should have her pick of eligible suitors.”

  “I hope so,” Marcia laughed. “I hate to admit it, but I’m looking forward to the day she marries. Then, it will be up to her husband to make her happy.”

  Marcia finished her laundry and gathered up the damp clothes. “I’d better get back to camp. I’ve got to get supper going if we’re going to eat before it gets too late.”

  “Alright, I’ll be finished soon too.”

  Selena watched her friend leave and then resumed her own scrubbing. As Selena worked, she replayed Marcia’s words. She thought about what Natasha had done, trying to come between her and Liam, and Selena’s jaw clenched with anger. She would never reveal the incident to Marcia, as she knew it would cause her too much shame and pain. However, Selena was determined not to let Natasha cause any further trouble for them. The selfish chit would just have to find her own husband and stop coveting Selena’s.

  Selena began to feel a prickling sensation along her spine, and an uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. She sat back on her heels, scanning the brush around the river for any signs of someone or something that might be lurking there. The birds were chirping in the trees, and everything seemed fine, but Selena couldn’t shake a feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

  She had almost convinced herself that she was just being silly when a pebble bounced off the cliff above her and splashed into the water. Selena glanced up and saw several more rocks tumbling down. She jumped up and ran, barely managing to get out from under the sliding rocks in time. She watched in horror as a huge rock landed where she had been sitting, crushing the washboard and Liam’s shirt beneath it. The boulder bounced and fell into the river, settling with a huge splash.

  Selena screamed and clutched a hand to her throat as her heart pounded in her chest. If she had been just a second or two slower to move, she would have been crushed just like the washboard. She was shaking like a leaf, and it took several minutes for her heartbeat to slow and her breathing to return to normal.

  She eyed the cliff warily, looking for any signs that more rocks were ready to fall. When she was finally satisfied that it was safe, she ran back to where she had been working. Casting frequent glances up at the cliff, she snatched up the washboard and the rest of the laundry and headed back to camp.

  Liam was busy greasing the axles, but he turned to greet her when she returned. He took one look at her pale cheeks and scrambled to his feet.

  “What happened to you?” he asked anxiously.

  “I’m alright. I just got a fright, that’s all,” Selena replied with a trembling smile. She set the clothes on the bench of the wagon. “I was doing the laundry and there was a rockslide from the cliff behind me. I almost got buried under a nasty rock. I got out of the way in time, but the washboard wasn’t so lucky.” She held it out to show him, and Liam blanched.

  “My God, are you alright?” He hugged her to his chest.

  “Yes really, I’m fine. Just a few scratches. But I have to tell you, I’m tempted to make you do the laundry from now on. Laundry always seems to get me into trouble, one way or another,” Selena said wryly.

  Liam straightened and gave her a dubious grin. The fact that Selena was able to downplay the incident reassured him that she was not harmed. He raised one brow and hugged her closer.

  “Now that’s a lousy excuse to try to avoid doing your chores. You know, as I recall, that was part of our deal when I agreed to let you come with me on this trip. You said you would do the laundry.”

  “That’s right,” Selena said, with a saucy tilt of her head. “And as I recall, it was also part of our deal that you wouldn’t be sharing my bed. Would you like to revert to the terms of that agreement, Mr. McKenzie?”

  “Well, since you put it that way,” Liam said, his grin growing wider as he hooked a finger into her neckline and ogled her breasts, “I guess I’ll be washing my own clothes from now on.”

  He kissed her, his lips soft and searching on hers, reminding her of past delights and promising more to come. The kiss was more eloquent than words could have possibly been. Selena gave a sigh when he raised his head, and she toyed with the buttons on his shirt.

  “Well, since you put it that way, perhaps I could keep doing the wash, after all.” She stretched up for one more quick kiss before stepping away to retrieve the laundry. “I’d better spread these out to dry, and then I’ll start supper.”

  Selena was cooking dinner when she remembered the feeling she had felt just before the rockslide. Her brows furrowed in thought. Somehow, she had had a presentiment of danger, and she was lucky she had or she would have been killed. The thought made her shiver. Pushing it to the back of her mind, she finished making the cornbread.

  They crossed into Idaho territory, and the main trail reached Fort Hall. At that point, the trail split into two main routes, one going to Oregon, and the other branching off to become the C
alifornia Trail. Selena breathed a sigh of relief. It had always been in the back of her mind that she might run into Jeb again, and she was glad that they were passing the place where he would likely turn off.

  Liam suggested they take a shortcut off the main trail that would bypass Fort Hall altogether. Since neither the Boyds nor the Robertses needed to replenish any supplies, they all agreed. The alternate route brought them to Soda Springs, thusly named for the natural bubbling pools of carbonated water that had been formed by ancient volcanoes. Liam explained to them that the local Indians and fur traders had visited the springs for hundreds of years to swim in the carbonated pools. The alkali water was considered to be good for one’s health, but he cautioned them not to drink too much of it. Many emigrants and their livestock became sick from imbibing too heavily.

  Soda Springs was a popular stop for the emigrants, and there were a number of people already there. Although it was tempting to swim in the warm, bubbling water, Selena despaired of finding a private pool where she might indulge without either viewing or showing an indecent amount of naked skin.

  It was past midnight when Liam shook her gently awake. Blinking her eyes in the dim firelight, she frowned at him.

  “What’s the matter?” she murmured. Her voice was still husky from sleep.

  Liam grinned down at her and kissed her forehead. “Come on,” he said.

  He helped her up from the pallet. She noticed that he was wearing his breeches and boots.

  “What is it? Where are we going?”

  “Trust me,” he whispered.

  He urged her to slip on her shoes and nightgown, and he led her out of the tent. Not sure what he was up to, Selena followed him without any further questions. He picked up a lantern and matches, and he led her to the edge of the woods. Pausing to light the lantern, he lifted it and clasped her hand in his larger one before leading her down a dark trail through dense forest. Selena was still groggy, but her curiosity was peaked.

  Liam led her to a rock lined pool filled with clear, bubbling spring water and set the lantern down on a large boulder. Steam rose from the surface to wreathe in curling tendrils in the cool night air.

  “Your bath awaits you, my lady.” He grinned down at her as he shed his boots and breeches.

  Understanding finally dawned, and with a squeal of joy, Selena quickly unbuttoned her nightgown and dropped it to the ground before grasping his hand to let him lead her into the pool. She gasped at the feeling of the warm sparkling water. Tiny bubbles tickled along her skin, and she giggled with delight.

  The pool was large, over twenty feet in diameter and shaped like a large oval. It was lined all around by smooth boulders. There were tall evergreens and pine trees surrounding the spring, and their branches seemed to brush the sky as they closed like a cocoon around the pool. The dark night sky was lit by a million stars, and their glittering reflections shone on the surface of the water. It seemed like an enchanted place.

  “Liam, this is heavenly!” Selena sank into the water and sighed. “I might not go to Oregon after all. I think I will stay here forever.”

  Liam laughed, grasping her waist and bringing her against him. “I thought you would like it. Come on.”

  He pulled her to the center of the pool where the water was so deep they couldn’t touch the bottom. They cavorted like children, splashing and dunking each other. They chased and teased, dove and resurfaced, and their laughter rang softly in the night, muffled by the woods around them.

  At length, they tired and Liam retreated to the edge of the pool where large rocks jutted out beneath the water forming a bench of sorts. He pulled Selena across his lap and kissed her long and thoroughly, cradling her head on his arm as he caressed her with growing hunger. Selena straddled his waist, impaling herself upon him as her eyelids dropped half closed.

  Their upper bodies were above the water, and Liam stroked her breasts as he made love to her. By the light of the lantern, he paid homage to every silken curve. When sensation finally overwhelmed her, Selena clung to him as pleasurable spasms wracked her body. He followed her to his own fulfillment, his hoarse groan mingling with hers in the darkness.

  Although it was early August, there was a chill in the night air, and Selena shivered, pressing closer to Liam. She lay panting against his chest for a long time, letting the waves of satisfaction slowly dissipate. He kissed her temple and rubbed his hands along her back to ward away the chill. She had never felt so safe or so adored.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, Selena.”

  She burrowed her face into the crook of his neck and smiled. “And will you love our baby?”

  Liam went very still before holding her at arm's length to search her face. His expression was full of surprise and wonder. “Are you sure?”

  Selena nodded her head, finding it hard to speak with the emotion welling inside her. His eyes raked down her body, as if he were seeing her for the first time. He couldn’t detect any changes, and he laughed.

  “But how can you tell for sure? You don’t look pregnant.”

  Selena’s smile held a wealth of feminine smugness, and she snuggled against him once more. “Haven’t you noticed that your pleasure hasn’t been interrupted for two months now? If I were to venture a guess, I would say that the babe was conceived soon after our vows were first consummated.”

  Liam hugged her against him and his chuckle rumbled in her ear.

  “So you’re happy then?” she pressed him.

  “My dearest love, of course I’m happy. I hope to keep your belly full with many more children in years to come. And they will all be born out of our love for one another.”

  He gave her a tender kiss before lifting her off his lap.

  “Come on. You need to get back to bed. You’re carrying my child. You shouldn’t be staying awake all night playing. You should rest.”

  In the following days, Selena couldn’t help but roll her eyes with fond exasperation. No mother hen had ever fussed over her chicks as diligently as Liam did over her. Everything she did was subject to his scrutiny, and the simplest chores were deemed too strenuous for her. He scolded her for lifting the iron cook pots over the fire. She wasn’t supposed to stretch and reach to get things out of the wagon. Every time they went over a particularly jarring bump, Liam would cast a concerned look at her. On and on it went until Selena was ready to pull her hair out.

  “Liam, I’m not an invalid,” she protested one afternoon as they bounced along in the wagon. “I’m just pregnant.”

  He gave her an injured look. “I know. I just want you to take better care of yourself.” He frowned as he looked back at the plodding oxen. “I wish we were already home. You aren’t getting enough rest on this trip, and you should be eating something besides beans all the time. It’s not good for you or the baby.”

  Selena heaved a sigh. His concern was touching, but it was also getting annoying. She definitely wouldn’t be able to endure another seven months of this.

  “Liam, women have babies every day. I’ll be fine. You’re making me nervous with all this fussing.”

  She threaded an arm through his and leaned over to kiss his ear, taking the sting out of her remarks. When she spoke again, her voice was low and sultry.

  “And you haven’t made love to me for nearly a week. I’m starting to feel neglected.”

  Liam gave her a sidelong glance and a rueful smile. “I have gone a little too far I guess.”

  “Um hum,” she smiled.

  “But it’s only because I love you,” he said defensively.

  “I know,” she said, laughing, “and you can show me just how much tonight.”

  After that, Liam relaxed and began to enjoy his wife’s pregnancy. Still, she would often catch him watching her with concern clouding his hazel eyes. In the face of her pointed stare, he would grin and shrug. Every night, he wrapped his arms securely around her and placed his hand protectively over her belly. As she drifted to sleep, she secret
ly admitted to herself that it was nice to have a husband who was so concerned with her welfare.

  One afternoon, Selena found some blackberry bushes near their campsite, and she, Marcia, Susan and Cassie set out to collect some. They were each able to fill their bucket, and Selena used hers to make a rich blackberry cobbler. She delighted in watching Liam consume the dessert, and she giggled at his exaggerated moans and sighs of ecstasy.

  Two days later, she chanced upon another berry patch. Remembering her husband’s appreciation, Selena hastened back to camp to grab her bucket. The other ladies were too busy to join her, so she set out on her own to collect some. If she hurried, she would have time to make another cobbler for their dessert that night.

  The late afternoon sun was sweltering, and Selena swatted at biting flies as she plucked the rich berries, being careful not to prick her fingers on the thorns. The time passed quickly, and soon, she had filled her bucket. She was halfway back to camp when she heard a thrashing and grunting in the bushes ahead of her.

  Selena stopped, not sure what was making the noise. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she stood frozen in place as she saw a large black bear emerging from the brush not twenty yards away. The bear didn’t seem to notice her, as it sniffed around, scrounging for food. The bear grunted and raised its nose into the air when it caught a whiff of her scent. It hesitated for a moment but lost interest and resumed its lumbering gait.

  Selena unintentionally released a tiny squawk of relief from her constricted throat, and the bear’s head snapped up once more to pin her with a menacing glare. The bear emitted a low growl, and that was enough to send Selena flying through the woods in panic. She screamed as she ran through the thick underbrush, heedless of the brambles and branches that scratched her arms and face. She glanced over her shoulder and couldn’t see any sign of the bear, but she was too frantic to slow her headlong pace. She ran until her sides were aching, and looking behind her once more, she failed to see the shallow drop off ahead of her. She stumbled over the edge and fell, screaming again as she tumbled down a small hill.


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