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Trailing Home: Liam's Bride (The McKenzie Series #3)

Page 32

by Lynn Coppersmith

  Liam needed no further urging. He took her lips in a kiss that was tender but quickly became scorching. He explored her body with a hunger that made her burn. Selena pressed her own kisses and caresses on him, her hands divesting him of his clothing until he was lying naked beside her under the blanket. When he knelt between her thighs, she opened joyfully to receive him. Their lovemaking was slow and sensuous as they took turns stoking each other’s passions. They shared their bodies without hesitation, more keenly aware than ever before of their mutual need. When they finally lay sated, their limbs twined intimately under the tangled blankets, they had tasted the full measure of their love. Their eyes melded in the glow of firelight, and no words were necessary between them. The scars of the past had been healed and firmly laid to rest. Jeb’s abuse could never come between them again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was early October when they reached the cutoff where they could choose to continue on to the Dalles Mission or turn south onto the Barlow Road. They were only about a hundred and fifty miles from the Willamette Valley. With any luck, they would soon reach their destination. Selena could sense Liam’s impatience. He, even more than the others, was relieved they were close to the end of their journey. As the unofficial leader of their traveling group, he felt a responsibility for all their safety.

  They made camp that night and agreed to share a communal dinner. Liam described what lay ahead of them in either direction.

  “The Dalles Mission is a collection of rundown buildings surrounded by a crude stockade fence. It is situated on the Columbia River, where large rocks confine the water and the river is forced from rapids into a slower moving, wider body of water. The river is over a mile wide in some areas, and the water is quite deep. There is a group of soldiers, both regulars and volunteers, to guard against hostile Indians in the area, since they’ve had some problems in recent years. I’ve heard supplies are limited in the mission anyway, so the town doesn’t really offer much opportunity to restock. Everyone is anxious to move through the area as quickly as possible.”

  “What are our choices then, Liam?” Gerald asked quietly.

  Liam chewed on a stalk of grass as he considered. “We can go on to Dalles. Once we get there, we have two choices. We could abandon the wagons and load our belongings onto rafts to float down the river. However, the river is treacherous and develops into another series of dangerous rapids further downstream. Many emigrants have died trying to navigate the river on their own. As a result, professional ferrymen have set up business, and emigrants can load the contents of their wagons onto flat bottomed boats to be floated down the river. They know how to negotiate the rapids, so it’s a bit safer, but it’s still risky. Then there’s the cost. The ferrymen charge exorbitant rates for their services, sometimes over eighty dollars per family, and many people can’t afford their prices. I don’t think the cost would be a problem for any of us.” He glanced up to see their agreement. They were fortunate that everyone in their traveling group had sufficient funds for whichever route they chose. “If we chose that route, we could save several days of travel time.”

  “And if we go the other way?” Matthew asked quietly.

  “The other choice is to take the Barlow Road around the south side of Mount Hood. It’s the tallest peak in the Cascade Mountains, and the Barlow Road is the only land route around it. The route is a toll road that was carved out of the dense woods around the mountain several years ago. It would allow us to avoid the Columbia River altogether, but it is not without challenges. That’s the way we went before, and as I remember it, it was the hardest stretch we faced. That’s the way most people go though, because of the expense and danger of the river.”

  When Liam lapsed into silence, a few thoughtful moments passed as the others considered what he had told them. It was clear that neither route would be easy.

  “What do you think is best, Liam?” Hank asked, taking a deep puff from his pipe and squinting through the smoke.

  “Well, I think we should take the Barlow. The charge is five dollars per wagon and ten cents a head for the livestock.” Liam stared into the flames, thinking back on his earlier experiences. “It’s a rough trail, even when I came back east on horseback by myself. Sometimes it’s so narrow and steep you can barely get the wagons through. In fact, there’s one hill, Laurel Hill, that is almost impassable. We had a devil of a time getting over it with the wagon last time, and we were crossing almost a month earlier than we will be this trip.” He thought for a moment, recalling his trip with his brothers. “But I still think it’s safer than the river.”

  He looked up to scan the group. “I’m worried about the weather though. We made it okay last time, but others who came after us had a lot of trouble.” Liam paused again, his hesitation palpable as he considered their options. “It would take us several extra days of hard travel, but if we all have sufficient supplies, I think we should go that route. Of course, if we go that way, we have to hope that the weather will hold a few more days. It would be impossible to try and get the wagons over those steep hills in ice or deep snow. Luckily, all our oxen are in decent shape. They’re tired and lean, but they’re healthy and I think they would make it alright.”

  A few thoughtful moments passed, and Gerald was the first to break the silence. “I trust your judgment, Liam. You haven’t steered us wrong before.” He looked at the others, seeing their nods of agreement. “We’re okay on supplies. We’re running low on a few things, but we won’t starve by any means.”

  “We should be alright too,” Matthew said, looking at Cassie for confirmation. When she nodded, he looked back at Liam. “I’m fine with going that way.”

  Liam glanced over his shoulder at Selena. She was perched on a log behind him, and he was leaning back against her legs.

  “What about us? Will our supplies hold out another week or two?”

  “We’re fine,” she answered with a smile. “In fact, we might have some extra if anyone needs.”

  “Good,” Liam sighed. “Well, if we’re all agreed, let’s head out first thing in the morning.”

  The next morning, they set out on the Barlow Road. They paid the toll at the first booth and before long they all understood what Liam had been telling them. The trail was so rocky and passed through such dense woods, that they could barely get through in some areas. There were many times that they had to all walk in front of the teams, leading the oxen to urge them up the steep hills. Since it was a bit late in the year, they didn’t have to wait behind slower moving wagons, and that, at least, was a relief. For the most part, the weather was cooperative, with only light snow and some icy fog at times. There wasn’t enough precipitation to impede their progress.

  After a week, they reached Laurel Hill. It was the single most difficult obstacle they had faced, and crossing it was a monumental task. Every member of their group was called on to help, even Natasha. The hill was so steep, they had to triple team the oxen to get the wagons to the top. As they had done once before, they had to secure all the wagon wheels so they wouldn’t turn when they reached the top of the hill. In addition to tying ropes around tree trunks, they had to cut hundred-foot-long trees and drag them behind them to keep the wagons from tipping over as they made the steep descent. By the time they had all descended safely, they were exhausted but exuberant. The worst was behind them.

  They reached Oregon City, at the north end of the Willamette Valley on October 18th. By the time they had left their wagons and oxen at the livery and checked into a hotel, it was early evening. It was the first time any of them had slept in an actual bed or eaten dinner at a table in months.

  Everyone was elated as they sat around a large dining table, sharing a much deserved celebratory meal that night. They were thrilled to be eating something other than beans and bacon, and the women were delighted not to have to cook. They offered prayers of thanks for their safe arrival, and the mood was festive and joyful. They toasted numerous times to the future success and happiness of al
l their families, and the events of the trip were recalled with colorful humor. The hardships they had suffered were remembered but were overshadowed by their joy and optimism.

  Near the end of the meal, Gerald stood up and raised his mug of beer to gain everyone’s attention. “I’d like to propose a toast,” he said smiling at each of them in turn. Finally, his eyes settled on Liam. “Here’s to our wise, brave and faithful guide, Liam McKenzie. Liam, I count you a true friend. I’m not sure we would have made it without you. Thank you for everything.”

  Loud cheers, whistles and clapping accompanied the toast. Selena was surprised to see Liam blush as he smiled and inclined his head, looking uncomfortable beneath such praise. Her eyes were misty and her heart swelled with pride that she could claim him as her husband. For a brief moment, she remembered her fist days with him and how she had wondered how it might feel to be his wife in truth. Now she knew, and it was a heady experience.

  They stayed an extra day in Oregon City to stake their claims, new ones for the Boyds and the Robertses, but just adding additional acreage for Liam’s claim in the wake of his marriage to Selena. They were pleased to find there was land available to claim that was near the McKenzie farm, and all three families would be close neighbors. By the time they had completed their business it was early afternoon. After a delicious lunch, Liam escorted Selena back to their hotel room.

  “I need to get some supplies. Do you want to come along, or would you rather wait here while I’m gone?” he asked.

  Selena yawned and stretched out on the feather mattress, enjoying its softness. “I’m quite happy to wait here. I think I will have a nap and then a nice hot bath before dinner.”

  Liam swatted her bottom playfully, dropping a kiss onto her hair when she squeaked with mock outrage. “Well enjoy doing nothing while you can. When we get home, I’m going to put you straight to work.”

  “You’re a slave driver,” Selena accused with a groan, stretching on the bed. “If I hadn’t spent half the night appeasing your lustful appetites, I wouldn’t be so tired now.”

  “I guess you have earned a rest,” he said with a chuckle, remembering just how eagerly she had made love with him through the wee hours of the night. The feather mattress was indeed a luxury after months of sleeping on the ground, and they hadn’t let it go to waste. He gave her one more kiss before turning to go. “I won’t be gone long.”

  Selena watched him leave then she turned and snuggled deeper into the pillows, pulling a light quilt up over her shoulders. She lay for several minutes, enjoying the opportunity to relax. Her lips curved into a secretive smile as she hugged an arm across her belly. Her monthly was more than a week overdue, and she was fairly certain she was expecting again.

  She wouldn’t tell Liam yet. There would be plenty of time once they got home and she was sure that this pregnancy would last, but somehow, she wasn’t worried. Her keen intuition told her that come next summer, she would be having Liam’s baby.

  Liam’s baby! The thought thrilled her. She didn’t know the exact time she had conceived, but it didn’t really matter. Each and every time she and Liam had come together, it had been with an abundance of love. That love would soon blossom into a child they could both treasure. She fell asleep with a dreamy sigh.

  It seemed like only moments later when she awoke, hearing the key in the door. She sat up in the bed just as Liam came in, carrying a large pile of packages wrapped in brown paper. She noticed that the sunlight coming in the window was tinged with the colors of late afternoon.

  “What time is it?” she asked with a yawn.

  “You’re still asleep?” Liam teased. He crossed to drop the packages on the bed near her feet before sitting down beside her, wrapping one strong arm around her waist. He explored her lips with a thorough kiss before smiling down at her. “I should have known not to marry such a lazy woman.”

  “Mmm,” she murmured as she sank against him. She eyed the packages. “What are those?”

  “Why don’t you open them and find out?” Liam said with a grin. “They’re for you.”

  With the eagerness of a child, Selena gave a squeal of delight as she reached for the parcels and pulled them closer. She tore the paper back on the first one, and her eyes opened wide. A lovely dress of deep violet silk lay nestled in the paper. The heart shaped neckline was trimmed with delicate matching lace, as were the cuffs and bodice. A multitude of tiny pearl buttons went down the center of the bodice and several more closed each sleeve. The quality of the garment rivaled any dress she had seen Natasha wear.

  “Liam, it’s beautiful,” Selena breathed as she scrambled up from the bed. She lifted the dress and held it against her, turning this way and that to see how the skirt moved. “I’ve never owned such a lovely dress.”

  Liam’s smile only widened. He indicated the other packages. “There’s more.”

  Selena opened the other parcels and found a half dozen other dresses in various colors and styles, all equally beautiful. The fabrics and trimmings were the finest quality, and the garments were sewn with exquisite attention to detail. There were three other pretty, but much plainer dresses that were obviously to be worn for everyday chores.

  Liam had also purchased new chemises, pantalets and stockings made from soft silk trimmed with delicate lace, a luxury Selena had never had. There were frilly garters, ribbons for her hair, a beautiful comb and brush set and three pairs of fine leather shoes. Selena’s eyes filled with tears as she looked over her shoulder at Liam.

  “You shouldn’t have. This is too much, Liam. I don’t need so many new clothes . . . and such fine ones too!”

  “Sure you do,” he said, coming to stand behind her. He hugged her back against him as he looked at her reflection in a tall, standing mirror. His hands nearly spanned her tiny waist, and he had to fight the urge to cup her full breasts. “I’ve noticed that you’ve been mending your clothes much too often lately, with the wear and tear from the trip. It’s time you had some new things. You deserve a treat.”

  “But Liam, you must have spent a small fortune. Can we afford these?” she worried, tugging at her bottom lip with her teeth.

  Liam’s smile was indulgent. “Selena, you’re not married to a pauper. I’m not rich, but our farm is quite prosperous, and my share of the money we got from selling my parent’s farm is quite a tidy sum. I can certainly afford to treat my wife to some new clothes. Now try them on. I want to see whether they fit well.”

  Liam pulled off his boots and stretched out on the mattress, lounging against the headboard to watch his wife. Selena eagerly shed her old clothes and changed into the new undergarments. She gasped as she caught a glimpse of herself in the full length mirror. The silk was so fine it appeared almost transparent, and the effect was even more alluring than total nudity. She could easily see her puckered nipples and the dark thatch of hair between her thighs.

  “Liam,” she whispered, turning to face him with a sultry smile, “do you really want your wife to dress in such wanton undergarments?” As she asked the question, she smoothed a hand slowly over her breast, noticing how his eyes followed her movements.

  The lustful glow in Liam’s eyes sent her pulse pounding. “Actually, I bought those as a treat for me,” he said with a grin. “Now, try on one of the dresses.”

  Selena slipped into a dress of soft, mint green twill. She turned in a circle before him, showing him that the fit was perfect. That dress was followed by a dove grey one trimmed with wine colored piping, then a cornflower blue dress that was embroidered around the neckline and cuffs with darker blue stitching. Selena was astounded by the beauty of each garment, and she noticed that not only had Liam gotten the size right, but his choice of colors and fabrics was perfectly in line with her own taste. Each dress complimented her coloring and showed off her trim figure. The only alterations that would be needed were to shorten some of the hems since Selena was not very tall.

  “Where did you manage to find all these clothes?” Selena asked as s
he doffed the blue dress and laid it neatly across a nearby chair before picking up a rose colored muslin dress. “They’re beautiful.”

  “My sisters-in-law come to town once a year or so to buy some new things. There’s more selection here than in the small town near our farm.” Liam replied.

  His eyes never strayed from the fetching sight of Selena’s meagerly clad form as she stepped into the dress and wiggled it up over her slim hips. The silk chemise she wore dipped low over her bosom, teasing him with glimpses of the dark shadowed valley between her breasts and the tempting pink buds at their peaks.

  Selena was too busy to notice his lascivious interest as she buttoned the bodice and turned to the mirror, pleased to see the fit was perfect. “How did you know what size to get? Everything fits me just right.”

  Liam’s smile was devilish as he held up his hands and indicated the shape of a highly exaggerated hourglass in the air. “I just told the shopkeeper that my wife’s figure looked like this, and she knew just what size you were.”

  “You are positively wicked,” Selena said with a roll of her eyes and a sigh.

  At Liam’s urging, she didn’t stop until all of the gowns had been tried on and approved. She saved the violet dress for last, since it was her favorite. When she donned the gown, she stared at her reflection with wonder. The bodice fit more snugly than the others, and her breasts were pressed up with a generous amount of cleavage showing where the neckline dipped coyly between her breasts. The dress flared over her hips to fall in graceful folds around her ankles. The color made her eyes appear more purple than blue. Selena had never felt so beautiful or feminine when she turned to face Liam.


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