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Competitive Heat [Men of Iron Horse 8] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Morgan Fox

  I could’ve been killed.

  Like a bolt of lightning, Finn was at her side. “Are you all right?” He put one hand on her back and then other on the bike to keep it steady.

  She nodded, tugging the chin strap free as she yanked the black helmet off her head. She needed it off. She was suffocating with it on.

  “That,” she started, inhaling a deep breath, “was a giant asshole.”

  He smiled with relief in his eyes. “I have other words for him, too, but I’ll be nice.”

  “Don’t hold back on my account.” She rubbed her gloved hand over her face, still trying to get her heart to slow. That had been too damn close. She glanced up to see Finn’s tortured gaze. He looked horrified, the whites of his eyes more prominent than they’d ever been.

  “Can you ride?” At her nod, he said, “Good. Let’s get back before some other fucktard thinks he’s playing Speed Racer.”

  Back at the ranch, he loaded his bike into the trailer and then hers. He didn’t say much, just went about doing things. He was gruff and his muscles tense. She heard something slam inside the trailer and walked over to see what it was. He stood, towering inside the silver box with his hands on his hips and his head lowered.

  “Do you need a moment?” she asked.

  He cleared his throat. “I’m pissed,” he told her flatly, stepping out of the trailer and closing the door behind him.

  “Okay.” She dragged out the word, waiting for him to say more.

  “He could’ve hurt you or worse.” There was fire in his eyes, a cross between lust and irritation. “He ruined our ride.”

  She placed her hands over his, covering them with a gentle brush of her fingers. “No, he didn’t,” she countered. “I enjoyed our day together. Truck Dude just made the end of the ride a bit more intense.” She smiled, hoping he would see that she was truly okay. “I won’t give him the kind of power to say he ruined our ride.”

  She pressed to her toes and kissed him, liking that he cared so much about her well-being. It had been a long time since someone had put her first. My parents always had. As much as she worried that Finn was a short-term affair, for tonight, she would let herself forget her hesitation and enjoy the night.

  “We should get ready to see your parents,” she reminded him.

  “Are you sure you still want to go?” he asked, his throat moving nervously as he swallowed.

  This will be harder than giving myself to you the first time, but I have to start somewhere. “Yes. So let’s not be late.”

  * * * *

  The hungry stare Finn was devouring Noble with was enough to melt the panties right off her. His appreciative gaze was followed by a mouthwatering grin, as if telling her he knew he’d been busted. His thoughts had been naughty.

  When were they not?

  “Did I happen to tell you just how sexy you look tonight?” He rubbed a stiff hand over his mouth. “You’re going to make me rush through dinner so we can get you back to my ranch.”

  She laughed. “You really need to behave,” she warned. “We’re going to see your parents to have dinner. I don’t want them to think you’re bedding some kind of nympho. Okay?”

  He groaned, reaching to take her hand in his as they made their way inside his parents’ home. Before he went inside, he tugged her up against him, his breath at her ear. “I’ll behave, but afterward…”

  He let his words drift off, but he didn’t have to finish. She knew exactly what he was thinking. She’d been thinking them, too. He was dressed like a man made of money, power, and sensuality. And he knew it. Dark jeans, a button-down navy-blue shirt, black boots, and matching Stetson.

  She quivered.

  The front door opened. Theresa and Phineas greeted them both in unison. They hugged her and escorted her right into the dining area. The table was set and loaded with homemade food. She hadn’t seen a bounty like that since her mother had prepared their last Thanksgiving meal. Her heart sank at the memory.

  “Wow,” Noble breathed. “This all looks so amazing.”

  “Thank you. Please have a seat,” Theresa said, waving her hand at the seat directly across from her.

  Everyone sat at the table and as she expected they said grace. Something her parents would’ve appreciated. Finn led and she loved the low rumble of his voice. Sitting with his family, a peaceful calm settled over her. Nothing at all like she’d imagined. Theresa and Phineas made it hard to be uncomfortable. They were kind and giving, never prying for details about her, always waiting for her to share about herself, or add something to a story that Finn told.

  “Noble wants to open her own fitness center. She’s a natural.”

  Her stomach let go. He had to lead with that?

  “That sounds wonderful,” Theresa cheered. “Are you more the business mind or the fitness guru?”

  “Both,” Finn praised.

  She smiled, appreciating Finn’s enthusiasm. “I received a college degree in kinesiology and business management. I’m also a certified fitness instructor,” she said matter-of-factly.

  “That’s wonderful,” Phineas added. “Do you have plans to open a club?”

  Her throat dried. She hadn’t spoken so honestly about her plans to anyone but Finn. “I’m sorting through some details now to see when I should make that kind of move.”

  “You have?” Finn asked, slanting a curious gaze her way. “I had no idea.”

  She took a sip of water. “I haven’t shared that with anyone but my lawyer.”

  “You’ll have to keep us posted so we can join you to celebrate the grand opening.” Theresa beamed, her gaze moving from Noble to Finn and back again.

  Maybe saying it aloud was a good thing. Maybe putting it out on the table, so to speak, was a way for her to finally stop hiding in her shell and start doing what she’d always dreamed. Maybe Finn was right about more than just being around his parents. There was a good chance he was winning her heart and helping her to find a way to stop dwelling on the loss of her parents and focus on a future—a future with him and a fitness club.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Finn paced the thick gray rug in his living room, clearly attempting to blaze a trail through it. He twisted his hands in front of him nervously, a few times stopping to rake his fingers through his hair. He was making her dizzy.

  “What’s on your mind, Finn?”

  He closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath of air, before he said, “I want to ask you something and you can say no. However, I hope you say yes.”

  Noble watched as the all-American big football star looked like he was going to lose his lunch, all the color draining from his face. “This is a—I want to—would you—” He groaned. “Would you go with me to a team party at the owner’s house this weekend?”

  She and Finn had been dating for a little less than two months, and neither had hinted at taking the next step about meeting ‘friends.’ It might’ve been because every time he suggested hanging out with friends, she dodged it like a bullet. It wasn’t her friends she was concerned about. Jace and the others at Iron Horse got a front-row seat to her dating life with Finn.

  No, it wasn’t her friends at all. It was his. Even though he talked about his teammates like they were brothers, she couldn’t get over the possibility that they would treat her like a plaything—a whore for the season.

  If she avoided meeting them, then that could never happen. She could never be made to feel ashamed for wanting him to want her. She would never be labeled as one of his groupies—a conquest.

  Meeting his parents had been easy. Meeting his teammates would prove challenging. It would take everything she had and more to not let the past creep up, haunting her with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘oh shits.’ The fear that had always plagued her was there again. The chanting during her walk of shame was fresh and vibrant in her mind. Her stomach rolled.

  Am I shaking?

  “Finn,” she started, her tongue thick in her mouth.

  “It would mean a great de
al to me if you’re there. The team owner demands the players show up. I would much rather not go alone.”

  She swallowed hard. Her mouth opened to say no, but the needful look in his eyes left her pursing her lips. What kind of person would I be if I made him go alone? She closed her eyes, praying she wouldn’t let him down.

  “I like our private life,” she admitted.

  “I know, but I want my teammates to meet you. I want them to know why I play so well.” He winked.

  She breathed a laugh, somehow finding a way to contain her immediate no reaction. “My game pointers are hardly the reason.”

  “You’re right. It’s the sex,” he told her, swooping in to hold her close. When he was this close, she inhaled deeply, relishing the masculine scent of his body. “Don’t make me beg.”

  Maybe I should. “You might have to.”

  He chuckled. “It’ll be great. The other wives and girlfriends will be there. Come on, Noble. Are you really considering making me go alone?”

  Her forehead pinched tightly at the bridge of her nose. She grimaced. “Fine. I’ll go.”

  He kissed her hard, groaning. “I’ll get to see you in a sexy dress now.”

  She blinked hard as she eased back. “Right, what is the dress attire for the evening?”

  He nuzzled the side of her face, nipping her earlobe, and making her gasp with a shiver. “Sexy,” he said in a raspy tone.

  * * * *

  Noble hadn’t seen much of Finn all week. Between practice and her time at Iron Horse and moving forward with her fitness studio, she had little time for midnight romps and secret rendezvous. Plus, Finn was traveling with the team. The season was only half over and Finn was having a record year. At this rate, the playoffs were in the bag.

  “You closing tonight?” Claire asked, wiping down a few tables in front of the bar. The woman never worked this late. She had a little girl at home.

  “Why are you here tonight?”

  “Covering for Layton,” Claire said directly, not breaking stride on her tables. She moved the salt and pepper shakers into a green container, placing them on the bar. Noble began refilling them. “I haven’t seen much of Finn this week. You guys still doing okay?”

  “We’re good.”

  Noble couldn’t be happier with Finn. He treated her like a treasure. Not to mention, he was a demon in the sack, and supported her—loved the idea of her opening a fitness center. However, she lacked the courage to move to the next level.

  The honeymoon phase will end eventually, right?

  At that, Claire stopped wiping tables and collecting shakers. The bar wasn’t busy and the silence drifting off her cool gaze was deafening. The woman didn’t like prying. She was private and respected that for others. But this time was different. “If that’s so, then why do you sound like you’re not good?”

  Noble thought back over the course of two months and considered what a fool she was for not giving her heart to Finn. He was into her, wanted to be with her, and had told her that he wanted her in his life. Still, there was something missing. Something making her guard her heart.

  My mistake with River and losing the people that I loved, duh.

  “Finn’s great,” she replied.

  “But are you?”

  No, I’m in over my head. “Part of me is over the moon with the relationship I have with Finn.”

  “And the other?”

  She shook her head, moving to sit on one of the barstools. “I don’t know. I’m constantly at war with my feelings for him. I keep telling myself I want the fantasy romance, but then I…”

  “Are you worried that he’ll end up hurting you?” Claire was direct. Clearly she’d had personal experience dealing with a man she loved and shouldn’t have.

  Noble’s history had left her in knots most of the time when she considered a romantic relationship with someone. Her career, or lack thereof, was another issue. When it came down to it, Noble was a mess. What insane person doesn’t look at a man like Finn and thank God for the chance to be with him?

  Apparently me.

  “I’m crazy about him, but it might not be enough.” She wasn’t sure how to explain her situation without revealing too many gut-wrenching and humiliating details. “I don’t think I can be what he needs. I have too many damn hang-ups.”

  “Join the party,” Claire scoffed, waving her hand in the air. “Single mom, thanks to an asshole that simply left me to raise our daughter alone. Yeah, I know a lot about hang-ups.”

  Of all the women at Iron Horse, Claire did. But one thing Noble knew about her was that she never complained about her situation. She was a single mom, student, and waitress—the woman was a wrecking ball of strength and courage.

  “How do you let people into your circle?”

  She frowned. “I don’t. I haven’t been able to find someone I’d trust with my daughter, but you’re in a different situation than I am. You don’t have physical baggage. It would seem you have mental ones.”

  I sure the hell do.

  Claire sat beside her. “The one nice thing about mental hang-ups is that they can be resolved if you really want them to be. If you have a fear of him hurting you, then it’s really that you don’t trust him. Do you trust him?”

  I want to.

  Her shoulders slumped, a defeated sigh parting from her lips. “I have no reason to believe I can’t. It’s just—”

  Claire raised her hand, stopping her from saying more. “You’re finding excuses now. Stop that. If your first response is that you have no reason to not trust him, then why don’t you? If you can figure out the reason for that, then maybe you can move on and start really living without the hang-ups holding you back.”

  If only I could.

  * * * *

  Noble was royalty, stepping out of the white limousine that picked her and Finn up for the evening. He led her up the long walkway that was glowing with the lights from the garden which grew along the path toward the front of a mansion. Attendants lined the entrance, smiling and nodding as guests walked by.

  Taking a chance at a great first impression, Noble had purchased a dress she never would’ve selected if not for tonight. It was a long, elegant maroon dress that hugged her hips and waist and slung over one shoulder. She complemented the attire with three-inch matching stiletto heels. She hadn’t worn anything like this in—never. Her hair was up in a stylish bun with a few loose strands dangling at the sides of her face. She had lined her eyes with a dark kohl and used natural colors for her makeup—a light camel eye shadow, a rose blush, and soft pink lipstick.

  Finn had melted her like butter when he’d arrived at her house. He wore a black suit, white collared shirt, and a tie with the same shade of maroon as her dress. They matched. She’d wanted to pull him into her house by that sexy tie and do wild and crazy things to him all night. It took everything she had to ignore the primal desires his look drew out in her. Finn was the sexiest man she’d ever met. Being with him was wonderful, a moment in time like she’d never known.

  And all would be great, if I could stop thinking that sooner or later, the fairy tale will end, disaster will strike, and all will be lost.

  Stiffening her spine, she walked with grace even though on the inside a war was raging. Damn, Claire had hit the nail on the head when she’d talked about trusting Finn. Noble had no reason not to. He’d never hurt her or put her in a situation that wasn’t—perfect. Holding his warm hand brought a sense of calm over her. Falling in love with Finn was inevitable and impossible to prevent. He was handsome, charming, caring, and cherished her like no other ever had. When he wasn’t with her, she watched the clock, counting down the seconds until they’d be together again. She was giddy—like a young girl with a crush. He made her smile and laugh even when she didn’t want to. Finn was special. In fact, if she got real about her feelings, she’d admit that she’d already fallen in love with him.

  As they made their way to the gathering people at the back of the mansion, Finn began in
troducing her to people along the way. His teammates were mostly married, and their wives were like her. Women with careers, children, and lives of their own. The only difference for these ladies was that they happened to have pro-athletes for husbands.

  The experience lifted her spirits. His teammates didn’t chant horrible things at her or look at her in any way that made her uncomfortable. Instead, they laughed with her, joked about her choice in men, and showed genuine interest in her fitness center. Some even encouraged her to become a trainer for the team. As much as she appreciated that, she had no interest in following Finn and his team around during football season. She wanted her own club, that much was certain.

  Talking with so many people at the party got her excited about moving forward on a location. Everyone had their own idea, but the area itself, Uptown Dallas, was the prime location they agreed on.

  Most of the night, Finn stood next to her, introducing her to new people, and then somehow the conversation rolled right into her talking about her fitness center. He never once tried to steer the conversation or stop the interest so many seemed to have. One thing that had her stammering a bit, was when she caught him eye fucking her, right in front of everyone. At that moment, he simply winked, sipped his water, and shrugged.

  She leaned into him. “Stop.”

  “Make me,” he countered, brushing his hand down her back and grazing his palm over her backside. “Whenever you want to go, let me know.”

  She quirked a smile. “We haven’t mingled long enough. It would be rude.”

  “Thirty minutes longer than I’d intended.” He groaned, rubbing his lips against her ear. “I’ve been eager to peel you out of that dress since the moment I saw you in it.”

  She smiled wide. “Behave.”

  “Hey,” a deep voice said, stepping up alongside them. “Since his manners are lacking, I figured I’d come over and introduce myself.” The towering man with obsidian eyes reached his hand out to her. “I’m Darrell and this is my wife, Melanie.”


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