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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

Page 5

by Nicole Edwards

  Naturally, my gaze dropped.

  I only prayed that my IQ didn’t follow.


  UNABLE TO HELP MYSELF, I remained relatively close to Clarissa even when I became aware she was attempting to put space between us. Ever since I’d touched her, I had the overwhelming urge to do so again, and I’d never been the sort of man to hold back when I wanted something.

  And God knew, Clarissa Tinsley had tested my patience over the years.

  It seemed I’d been waiting for her since the day I laid eyes on her. She was one of the few women who had ever avoided me. The last time had been when I personally invited her to the grand opening of Dichotomy in Dallas. The woman had blatantly ignored my request. Complete radio silence. No response whatsoever.

  However, I could forgive her for that because Clarissa was well worth the chase.

  I was known for my demanding personality, going after what I wanted regardless of the obstacles that might be in my way. It was a trait that had allowed me to get as far as I had in life. Not only had my face graced the cover of every entertainment magazine in the world many times over, I’d also been mentioned in Forbes a few dozen times. There was no reason to believe I couldn’t handle one sweet little submissive.

  And fuck if I didn’t want to handle her with both hands.

  The need to be close to Clarissa was something I’d dealt with since the first time I laid eyes on her at Devotion. That day was still etched in my memory.

  Standing outside the glass enclosure, I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off the angel who was currently kneeling on the floor at Xander’s feet.

  There were four people inside the glass-walled room, all immersed in a scene, one anyone at the club was privy to watch. Why I had stopped to observe, I wasn’t entirely sure, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t look away from the auburn-haired beauty. Up until this point, our eyes had locked on numerous occasions, but now she was avoiding me.

  “Show us, Clarissa,” Mercedes said sharply as she took a step closer to Clarissa.

  Xander’s gaze remained fixed on Clarissa but there seemed to be a battle brewing in the Dom’s head. Admittedly, I was confused considering Xander was currently submitting to Mercedes. Not something I’d ever thought I would see. Then again, when it came to this lifestyle, nothing could be considered strange.

  While I stood there, completely fixated on her, I noticed the way Clarissa’s hand dipped between her legs at Mercedes’s command. When she lifted her hand again, her fingertips were glistening with her arousal. She was evidently turned on by what was transpiring in that room.

  “Lick your fingers clean,” Mercedes insisted.

  Right before my eyes, Clarissa’s pink tongue darted out to lap at the juices coating her fingers.

  “Very nice,” Mercedes said. “Now I want to watch you suck X’s big, beautiful cock.”

  My eyes narrowed, but no one was paying attention to me. I wanted this woman to use her safe word, to walk right out of that room and into my arms. No way could I handle watching her suck Xander’s cock.

  I glanced up at the big man’s face. I could see his indecision. He didn’t want this to happen any more than I did.

  “Put this on him,” Mercedes instructed. “I think you’ll like this one. It tastes like grapes.”

  Clarissa reached for the condom and I noticed how her hands were shaking. As soon as she took it from Mercedes, Clarissa dropped the prophylactic. She fumbled, then retrieved it from the floor, her eyes darting back and forth between Xander and Mercedes.

  “I want you to watch the pretty little sub’s mouth wrapped around your cock.”

  No. Fuck no.

  I wanted to intervene, but it wasn’t my place. I had no claim on this woman, despite the inexplicable draw I had to her.

  Suddenly, Xander’s clipped “Red” had everyone stilling, including me.

  “What did you say?” Mercedes asked, her eyes narrowed.

  “Red,” Xander repeated.

  And just like that, the scene was over. Without even knowing, Xander had saved me from myself. As I watched Shane help Clarissa back into her dress, I vowed that one day I would have her.

  Honestly, I hadn’t expected quite so many days, months, years to pass between then and now. I had battled a constant, aching desire to have her and I knew I wouldn’t be able to let another opportunity pass me by. I’d been guilty of that too many times when it came to her and it was high time I set the dominos in motion. It might’ve sounded ludicrous, but I couldn’t deny there was something between us, something that had been building for years.

  Based on her reaction—overly cautious, doing her best not to touch me or look at me—I had to believe Clarissa was well aware of the chemistry, too. However, as a Dom, I didn’t make assumptions. That was a surefire way to find yourself and your submissive in a position that didn’t benefit either person. And although I had plenty of women vying for my attention, I was looking for a particular woman. One who could meet my highly specific needs.

  Clarissa was one of those women. She was, quite possibly, the only woman who could sate me.

  So, while I sat at the table, listening to Xander ramble on about a new high-rise building he was gutting, I wanted nothing more than to pull Clarissa into my arms and never let her go.

  But I was nothing if not controlled. I promised myself I’d keep things professional until after the meal concluded and that was what I intended to do. At that point, though, I wasn’t making any promises.

  “So, will you be in town for the weekend?” Xander asked. “At the club?”

  I nodded. “That’s my plan, although I’m heading to Chicago for a couple of days. I need to check in there.”

  “So, no movies on the horizon?” Mercedes inquired.

  “No, actually, I’m in the process of severing ties with my talent agency, so I’m not taking on any additional projects until that time.”

  Xander grinned. “I’m sure you can make more demands at this point in your career. Are you seeking other representation?”

  “That I can, and no, I’m not.” I didn’t bother to explain that I was in the process of working a business deal that would eliminate my need for a talent agency altogether.

  Xander’s gaze cut over to Clarissa, then Mercedes, and finally back to me. “You know Clarissa’s a contract lawyer, right? If you need someone to look anything over…”

  I turned my attention to the beautiful woman at my side.

  While I had asked Mercedes on a couple of occasions about Clarissa, the Domme was never forthcoming. Which was why I’d had to do a little research for myself. Since my opportunities to interact with Clarissa outside of Devotion had always been limited, I’d been hoping to find some common ground, something to provoke a formal introduction.

  As soon as I’d learned she was in contract law, I knew we had something to build upon.

  “I did know that,” I admitted. “Which is one of the reasons I asked Mercedes to set something up.” I glanced over at Clarissa. “I assume you’re taking on new clients?”

  Her honey-gold eyes lifted to meet mine, her eyebrows remaining at a definite slant. “I… Yes, I am.”

  “She’s in the process of building her client list,” Xander explained, although he seemed slightly wary, his gaze shooting over to his wife a few times.

  Mercedes appeared to be ignoring him. “An unfortunate incident altered her original course,” the Domme noted, her tone reflecting her obvious distaste for whatever the unfortunate incident was.

  I was curious as to what that meant, but I figured we would have plenty of time to discuss in the near future, so I held back my questions on that topic.

  I continued to keep my eyes on Clarissa. “Well, I happen to know someone who is highly interested in acquiring your services.”

  I noticed how Clarissa glared at Mercedes. I fought the urge to smile.

  “You?” Clarissa asked, her tone hesitant as her gaze darted over to me.

�Actually, no. I have a few friends in Chicago who have asked me to put you in contact with them.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “You said you were looking for clients, correct?”

  “Yes, I’m looking to … expand,” she said, her tone a little sturdier than before.

  “Do you have an issue taking on clients in another state?”

  Her eyes shot up to my face. “No. But … well, it’ll likely require me to be licensed in that state.” She sighed. “I’m not sure that’s feasible at this point. It’s been an uphill battle, but I’m slowly gaining ground. In fact, I really should be going.” Clarissa abruptly placed her napkin on her plate and glanced at the silver watch on her delicate wrist. “I have a conference call in a bit.”

  Ah, well. It looked as though the feisty submissive had lying down to an art form. I had to admit, I wasn’t fond of it. In fact, it made me want to paddle her ass right here in the restaurant.

  And, oh, how incredible that would be.

  “We understand,” Mercedes said, her tone placating as she reached over and squeezed Clarissa’s hand. “Why don’t you come to Dichotomy on Saturday night? Perhaps you can discuss further with Trent. We’ll be there.” The Domme’s gaze shot over to me. “You’ll have a guest pass for her?”

  I nodded, turning my attention back to Clarissa, wondering why she was so intent on getting away from me.

  “Perfect,” Mercedes continued, her attention on Clarissa once again. “If you’d like, I can set you up with a Dom to scene—”

  “No!” I stated firmly, interrupting Mercedes, my eyes locking with Clarissa’s.

  “What?” Clarissa was clearly startled by my sudden outburst. “Why not?”

  “Because you’ll scene with me.”

  Everything else aside, there was no way in fucking hell I was going to sit back while Clarissa scened with another Dom. Not at my club. Absolutely not. I’d spent far too long sitting in the shadows and biding my time to have to watch while another man touched her the way I dreamed about.

  Lowering my voice and keeping in mind she didn’t belong to me—yet—I plastered on a neutral expression. “It’s my club. If you’d like to scene with someone, it will be me. Do you have a problem with that?”

  I watched as she swallowed hard, then gently shook her head.

  “Is your information still current at Devotion?” Since all active members were required to submit quarterly blood tests, I figured I knew the answer before she said it, but I had to ask.

  “Yes.” Clarissa glanced down at her watch again. “But it doesn’t matter. I can’t go to the club this weekend.”

  I wasn’t about to argue with her. I was sure she had her reasons. I had my doubts as to whether they were truthful or not, but I was not willing to let her lie her way through this conversation any more than she already had.

  I had other plans in mind for the sweet submissive, anyway.

  “Well, one of these days, then,” I told her firmly, ready to steer the conversation back to the business at hand.

  Those warm hazelnut eyes widened, but she didn’t refute me. I was fairly certain she wanted to, but she didn’t. Good thing, too.

  I nodded my approval, then politely turned back to Xander and Mercedes. “Thanks for inviting me to lunch. I’m glad we could catch up. And I thank you greatly for putting me in touch with Clarissa. My friends are very interested in utilizing her services.” I got to my feet and adjusted my suit jacket. “Also, if you get any additional information on those condos, send the details to Troy. He’ll make sure I get it.”

  “I’ll have my assistant get it over to him,” Xander stated, his cynical gaze holding mine. I could tell Xander was as surprised by the outcome of this lunch as Clarissa was.

  “Perfect.” Turning to Clarissa, I added, “I’ll walk you out.”

  I reached for Clarissa’s hand, helping her to stand. Her skin was soft and smooth, cool to the touch. I had the distinct urge to keep her within my grasp forever. It was probably a little presumptuous, but I couldn’t deny it.

  Rather than let her go, I tucked her hand into the crook of my arm and then started for the exit.

  “Hey, Trent.” Xander’s deep voice sounded from behind me.

  I glanced over my shoulder, cocking one eyebrow in question.

  “Expect my phone call. I’ve got something else to discuss.”

  I nodded. I had a feeling this was a spur-of-the-moment discussion. One that likely had everything to do with my obvious interest in Clarissa. The Dom was protective of his friends and I knew Clarissa was close with the pair. Since I wasn’t trying to hide my attraction to her, it made sense that he was on high alert.

  Once we stepped outside into the late summer afternoon, I handed over both tickets to the valet attendant and then glanced around to see if there were any cameras pointed my way. The street was crowded, but no one appeared to be paying any attention to us, so I pulled Clarissa toward a shaded alcove tucked into the building. It wasn’t completely private; however, it would shield us from view from the street.

  “Do you know what Xander wants to talk about?” I asked, watching Clarissa’s face for any reaction.

  “Not specifically, but I have an idea,” she admitted, her eyes lifting to meet mine. While she sounded respectful, I could see her emotional walls had gone back up.

  I arched one eyebrow, encouraging her to continue.

  “If I had to guess, Xander wants to warn you about me.”

  Her voice was so soft, so sweet. It drew out every single protective instinct I had. “And the warning would be?”

  She tried to drop her gaze but I curled my fingers beneath her chin.

  I ensured there was no misunderstanding in my tone when I said, “I want you to look at me when you’re speaking to me.”

  I saw the moment her eyes glazed over. The submissive was a prominent part of this woman. I had always suspected as much, but the short time I’d spent with her today had confirmed it.

  “What is Xander going to warn me about?”

  “That I’m not like the submissives you usually play with.”


  “No.” Her eyes remained locked with mine as she followed my instruction to the letter.

  “And what’s different?”

  “I’m not a part-time sexual submissive.”

  I already knew that. Not because anyone had informed me of the details. I’d sensed it with Clarissa. She needed dominance in more aspects than merely sexual. But I liked that she was straightforward with her answer.

  I knew what that entailed but I wanted her to continue, so I prompted with, “Which means?”

  “It means I’m looking for more than just a scene at a club.”

  I took a step closer, watching her reaction to my nearness. “You’re looking for a full-time Dom?”

  “Yes … eventually.” Her succulent lips formed a perfect O as she stared back at me, clearly shocked by how close we were.

  I’d never taken a full-time submissive but I certainly wasn’t opposed to the idea. Not when it came to Clarissa. I knew without a doubt I could give her everything she desired and then some.

  Curling my hand over her cheek, I leaned down. I was tempted to kiss her, but I knew it wouldn’t go over well. Clarissa was already on the defensive, so I refrained. I settled for brushing my thumb over her cheek.

  When she sighed, it took everything in me not to ravish her mouth.

  “Good, then we’re on the same page.”

  When I pulled back, Clarissa was still watching me. There was a hint of insecurity there. As though she wasn’t expecting me to take her up on the offer or to be capable of giving her what she so desperately needed.

  Truth was, I’d long ago passed the point of wanting a part-time submissive. I wanted a submissive who would be at my side at all times. A life partner, I guessed was the best way to put it. Someone who was there for me on both a physical and emotional level. Two, in fact, though I was
keeping that close to my vest for the moment.

  I decided to be honest with her.

  “I’m certainly open to having a full-time submissive, Clarissa.” I continued to watch her eyes. “However, I’m not looking for a slave.” I needed to make that clear. “I want a submissive who makes decisions on her own. I want a submissive who’s willing to negotiate her rules, knows her limits and shares them. Are my needs in line with yours?”

  When Clarissa didn’t answer, I leaned in closer, fighting the urge to kiss her once again. “Whether you want to admit it or not, I am the Dom you’re looking for, Clarissa. I can give you everything you need, and I fully intend to pursue you. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for far too long.”

  I pulled back, wanting to see her reaction. She licked her lips as she stared back at me.

  “Does that mean the possible client was all a lie to get me here?” She sounded offended.

  I stood tall once again, dropping my hand. This was her safety net, I knew. “You should know up front, I’m not a man who plays games. My friends are waiting for my call, in fact. If possible, they’d like for you to meet with them on Friday at their Chicago offices.”

  “Chicago?” Clarissa instantly shook her head. “Unfortunately, I can’t afford a trip out there at this time. It would be far too—”

  “I would take you on my private jet,” I stated firmly. “It would cost you nothing except for your time and willingness to interview.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “And why would you be with me?”

  “Because this is a business transaction that I’ve set up. It’s in my best interest considering both parties are important to me.”

  That seemed to surprise her, but she recovered quickly. “Well, I appreciate the offer, but I’m going to need some time to think about it. I’m not the spontaneous sort, Mr. Ramsey.”

  Ah. We were back to that.

  “Understood. However, you will take my call later, Clarissa. Regardless of how you feel about the job, I would very much like to take you out, get to know you better.”

  I watched as she swallowed hard. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”


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