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Their Famous Dominant (Office Intrigue, 4)

Page 34

by Nicole Edwards

  Everyone who knew Trent Ramsey knew he had to maintain control. In everything he did. It was the reason he rarely opened himself up to anyone. It was a wonder he had as many friends as he did. Most of them being in this world of Domination and submission where he’d immersed himself.

  He had the ultimate control here.

  And inside the club, he held the absolute power. He was the alpha and the omega. Which explained why he had come here today. He could refuel here, take back whatever he felt he’d lost.

  I got that. It made total sense to me.

  The question was, how did the three of us figure out how to balance it all out? How did we show him it was all right to not always be in control? When it came to sex, he could be the ultimate authority. Master could order me around all day and night. I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

  However, we had to show him it was all right to let go sometimes. To let others take care of him when it was necessary. For some reason, I didn’t think it was going to be all that easy to convince him of that.

  What made it harder was trying to figure out what Clarissa needed when I wasn’t even sure she knew herself.


  I got a bad feeling this was going to get worse before it got better.



  I SPENT THE ENTIRE DAY fuming. Pissed off at Trent because he had ditched me twice now after we spent the night together.

  It wasn’t until the ride to the club that I realized I was being stupid. I’d somehow allowed myself to get in too deep despite the numerous warnings. I knew better, so why the hell had I allowed myself to fall for him?

  Of course, acknowledging that didn’t help, either.

  So, I silently vowed that tonight I would prove to Trent and everyone else that I was the perfect submissive. It was his own damn fault if he couldn’t see that, if he wasn’t willing to accept what I had to offer.

  After all, I’d done it a million times before. It was the reason I continued to fail with the Doms I’d played with. They were all looking for a rebellious submissive, one who would earn their punishment. I damn sure wasn’t that submissive and Trent Ramsey was going to see that tonight.

  Of course, as I walked into Dichotomy with Zeke not far behind, I was worried that nervous sweat was going to derail my train of thought and blow my entire plan. I had no idea what I was anxious about. I’d been to numerous clubs in my lifetime. At this point, I wasn’t surprised by much.

  “Welcome to Dich—Clarissa?”

  When my eyes adjusted to the brightly lit room, I turned and made eye contact with the bubbly woman with the curly blond hair. It took a moment for me to recognize her, but when I did, I smiled. “Sarah?”

  She hopped to her feet and walked around the small desk, hugging me tightly. “Trent told me you were coming. It’s so good to see you.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” I hugged her back, happy to see someone I knew. “I didn’t know you were a member here.”

  “Technically, I’m not. But I do work here. Dylan and I manage the club,” she said proudly. “I’m just filling in temporarily. Until Trent can get some submissives to man the front desk on nights we’re open.”

  I had met Sarah at Devotion once while I’d been debating on whether or not I wanted to ask Shane to scene with me. Turned out, Shane hadn’t been able to attend, so I had spent the evening watching others when Sarah had approached. Being a novice in the fetish world, Sarah had started asking questions and I’d felt helpful being able to answer almost all of them. In fact, it was that night when I realized how much experience I had as a submissive, and how little reward I’d received from that experience.

  “Trent’s expecting you,” Sarah informed me, pulling back and staring into my face, as though trying to read my expression. “Here, let me take your coat and your shoes.”

  “No shoes?” I asked.

  “Not tonight. At least for submissives,” she replied with a gleam in her eye.

  I quickly removed the lightweight trench coat I had pulled out of my coat closet. Luckily, I had overlooked packing up my fall and winter collection or I would’ve been flashing a whole lot of skin to the unsuspecting public.

  “Wow. You look … beautiful.”

  A blush crept up my neck, but I managed to smile shyly as I leaned down and slipped my shoes off. “Thank you.”

  “I have to say, Trent’s going to be pleased.”

  He better be. Then again, he had picked out this seductive ensemble, so I was sure he would be pleased.

  “And you should see Troy,” Sarah said in a conspiratorial whisper. “The two of you are going to look mighty fine on Trent’s … arms. You can go on in when you’re ready,” Sarah informed me, her smile still blinding. “It’s good to see you again, Master Lautner.”

  While Sarah made polite conversation with Zeke, I shored up my nerve, adjusted the emerald-green corset to ensure my boobs were settled appropriately, then headed for the door.

  A lock disengaged, and the door opened. It led me into another room, where I encountered a big, burly guy. The man’s eyes traveled from my face down to my feet, then back again. The look was more clinical than anything.

  “Are you carrying any weapons? Cell phones? Video equipment?” he asked, his voice slightly higher-pitched than I expected.

  “No, sir,” I said, my eyes locked with his.

  “Mind if I pat you down?”

  “I … um…”

  “She’s with me, Lee.”

  My gaze swung over to see Trent standing in the doorway looking ridiculously sexy in a pair of black leather pants and a black leather vest. Beneath was nothing but endless bronzed skin over a ridiculously chiseled torso. His dark hair and stubbled chin gave him a dangerous look that stirred delicious things in my belly.

  For half a second, I forgot how pissed I was at him. In fact, warmth infused me as memories of last night came back in a feverish rush. The way Trent and Troy had crushed me between them, fucking me at the same time, filling me to overflowing. I’d never experienced anything like it.

  Too bad Trent had ruined it by fleeing before anyone woke up.

  “She’s all yours, Master Ramsey.” Lee held out his hand, motioning toward Trent. “I did not check her for a cell phone.”

  Trent’s eyebrow lifted as he looked at me.

  “I don’t have one, Master.” I knew the rules in places such as this. No phones, no cameras. I had long ago learned to leave mine at home or secured in my car. Since I’d been brought in a limo, I had left all my personal belongings.

  Trent held out his hand to me and I reached for him. The instant my fingers touched his, my skin tingled.

  “You look lovely, sunshine,” he said softly, cupping my face as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. It was a gentle kiss, but that didn’t seem to matter. My insides coiled with heat and I instantly longed for more.

  While I wanted the anger to remain, I had a soft spot where this man was concerned. I wanted to earn his approval, to get him to want me in a way that wouldn’t have him fleeing from bed the minute he woke up.

  I battled back my inner submissive. She was not allowed to lose control tonight. I was here to prove a point and that was all.

  “Thank you, Master.”

  “Are you ready for tonight?”

  I was more than ready. “Yes, Master. I am.”


  When Trent turned, I found myself face-to-face with the sexy man who had overwhelmed me in ways I never anticipated.

  Troy looked vastly different tonight, wearing a pair of leather pants and a collar. Nothing else. Well, nothing except for the leash that dangled from the collar hanging down the front of him and not doing a damn thing to hide that delicious chest of his.

  “Troy, please greet Clarissa appropriately.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Troy stepped up to me, leaned in, and pressed his lips to mine. My breath halted in my chest as I inhaled his delicious scent. His hand slid u
p to my neck, his fingers slipping under my hair as he deepened the kiss. I sighed as I gave in to my urges, kissing him back.

  “It’s good to see you. I missed you today,” Troy whispered as our lips separated, his voice deeper than I expected it.

  I didn’t know what to say to that. My brain cells were once again mushy, and if I gave in to his charms, it would throw me off my game.

  I glanced over at Trent, noticing he was eyeing both of us intently.

  Trent met my gaze. His eyes seemed harder than before, the wicked gleam completely absent.

  His tone came out harsh and matter-of-fact. “Tonight, the two of you belong to me. As my submissives, you’ll obey accordingly.”

  Not sure what to say to that, I looked at Troy again. He was watching me closely and there was something in his dark eyes that seemed almost like a warning. I wasn’t sure what it was, nor was I positive I wasn’t merely imagining it.

  Regardless, he looked rather impressive in those leather pants and the collar. I’d never found men in collars attractive, but I figured that was because I was a submissive. Yet there was something about Troy.

  “Sunshine,” Trent called, pulling my attention from Troy.

  Realizing I’d been ignoring him, I turned my body so that I was fully facing him and placed my hands behind my back. I was in Trent’s club and there were protocols that needed to be followed. I reminded myself of that as I dropped my gaze. “I’m sorry, Master.”

  Trent’s fingers tilted my chin upward. “None of that tonight. I want you to forget every ounce of training you’ve received, and I want you to follow my instructions. You belong to me tonight. Your pleasure is mine. Every orgasm you have belongs to me. Do you understand what I’m telling you, sunshine?”

  Oh, I understood, all right. This man—this Dom—wanted me to set myself up for failure. Too bad that wasn’t going to happen. Even if I wanted to, forgetting my training would be nearly impossible. Granted, if we could rewind a good twelve hours and change the outcome, perhaps I would try. Since we couldn’t do that, I would at least lead him to believe I would.

  Nodding, I met his gaze. “Yes, I understand, Master.”

  He reached into his pocket and pulled something out. I glanced down to see a collar in his hand. Oddly enough, it looked as though it had been designed to match my corset perfectly. Didn’t surprise me.

  “Lift up your hair,” he instructed.

  I hesitated for only a second, but then I did as he asked. Trent reached around me, placing the collar against my neck before fastening it in the back.

  “Is that uncomfortable?”

  “No, Master.” I wasn’t used to wearing collars, but I didn’t have an aversion to them, per se. Some Doms preferred them simply to lay claim while at the clubs. Since it was obvious Trent was the master of his domain, it made sense that he wanted everyone to know what belonged to him. This was probably just one of Trent’s many rules while here in his club. I was sure plenty of these submissives had worn his collar at one time or another.

  That thought made me slightly queasy, but I battled it back. It didn’t matter.

  Once my hair fell down my back again, I reached up and fingered the soft leather.

  “Look at me, pet,” he commanded.

  I lifted my gaze and I noticed he had a leash in his hand. Now those … those weren’t really my thing. I didn’t care to be leashed, to be dragged around like an animal.

  Without asking, he reached up and attached it to my collar and I let him, remembering this wasn’t about me. It was about proving a point. Trent tugged on the lead, pulling me closer until his mouth was centimeters from mine.

  “You belong to me, sunshine. I expect to have your full attention and your complete submission tonight. Do not question my authority.”

  “Yes, Master,” I whispered.

  “I’ll show you around, but while we’re here on the main floor, I want you both to walk one step behind me, Troy on my left, you on my right. If I stop, you both stop. Do not speak unless spoken to, and do not make eye contact with any of the Doms we encounter unless I specifically instruct you to.”

  One thing I had going for me was the fact we were in a club. My brain had been programmed to treat this setting differently than in other social situations. I knew my place and I could play my part perfectly. Trent would soon see that.

  With a leash in each hand, Trent turned, and I fell into step behind him, my arm brushing against Troy’s. I repeated Trent’s instructions in my head over and over—on his right, one step behind at all times.

  Trent led us into the large open area as the door to the small room closed behind us. I was inundated with the familiar sounds of a club. The music pulsed and throbbed, a deep, sensual beat that blended well with the modern décor. There was a sexiness about the space, even though there were only a few people milling about.

  He guided us toward the side of the room, then tugged on the leashes until we were standing at his sides. He placed his hand at the small of my back and pointed out an area where a couple of women were seated, chatting quietly.

  “This is where submissives can relax should the need arise. You’re both welcome in this space anytime. With my permission, of course. Doms will not approach you while you’re in here, so it can be a good place to catch your breath.”

  I nodded, then allowed Trent to steer me toward the back wall.

  “We don’t serve alcohol due to the nature of the club. I’ve learned that booze doesn’t mix well in this scene.”

  I had to agree with him there. Many of the clubs I’d attended did serve alcohol. Some had rules, others didn’t. It was always personal preference on the owner’s part. Regardless, I didn’t drink when I was at a club, nor did I do any scenes with Doms who did unless they were friends of mine.

  We kept moving to another seating area where a few men—I could tell they were Dominants based on all the leather they wore as well as the way they carried themselves—were standing around, talking animatedly about something.

  “This area is for Dominants only. Submissives are allowed, but only if they’re accompanied by their Dom.”

  “Understood, Master.”

  Trent turned to face me, his hand curling around my cheek. “You don’t know how much it pleases me to hear you call me that.”

  Oh, I had some idea based on the wicked gleam in his eyes. It was just another weapon in my submissive arsenal. By the end of the night, Trent wouldn’t know what hit him.

  He released me and turned away, so I continued to look around.

  The section directly across from the Doms’ lounge didn’t need explanation. There were several jewel-toned pillows on the floor. I knew they were used for submissives to kneel and present themselves to their potential partners. That was something Trent had attempted to implement at Devotion. During their themed nights, it had gone over well.

  “Let me show you the dungeon.”

  This time, Trent stepped in front of us, and Troy and I followed close behind. We descended the staircase that led to what I assumed was the basement since I’d come in on the ground level outside. I was surprised to see there were only a few people wandering around, only one couple actually playing.

  “Most people will arrive closer to ten. We’re keeping short hours due to the limited membership at this time.”

  I nodded my understanding as I perused the room, noting the various equipment. There was a variety of St. Andrew’s crosses, spanking benches, even a Sybian machine in the corner. Chains dangled from the ceiling, secured to wooden beams that crisscrossed the entire space from above. It was the typical dungeon that was found in a lot of BDSM clubs I’d attended, only nicer.

  “See anything that interests you?”

  The appropriate response instantly slipped off my tongue without thought. “Anything that pleases you, Master.”

  Trent turned to face me, tilting my chin up and forcing me to look in his eyes. “What did I tell you the other night?”

  “You a
sked that I tell you exactly what was on my mind when you asked me a question, Master.”

  “That’s right.” He waited, his eyes searching my face. “Care to amend your answer?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Trent nodded.

  “I don’t have an affinity for the crop, although I do enjoy the flogger and whip,” I admitted. “However, I’m open to trying anything that would be of interest to you, Master.”

  Okay, so maybe I’d said the exact same thing, but I felt I deserved some credit.

  “You’re going to be a fun one, aren’t you, sunshine?”

  I didn’t know about all that. I had never been accused of being fun. Certainly not in the clubs. The Doms I’d been with in the past generally got tired of me fairly quickly. I found that a lot of them expected a recalcitrant submissive, despite what they said. I wasn’t the sort to rock the boat, so they tended to move on fairly quickly.

  “Come on,” Trent said, turning toward the stairs. “We’ve got more to see.”

  I was all for seeing what this place was all about. And secretly, deep down, I was hoping I’d get a better glimpse of some of the toys. Perhaps even get a chance to watch a scene or two.

  Maybe even experience a scene with Troy.


  ROUGHLY AN HOUR AFTER CLARISSA’S arrival, I had a much better understanding of Xander’s warning. Especially now, after I’d shown her the club and she’d interacted with several of the other submissives, including Troy.

  She seemed different here. More uptight. Very unlike the sassy woman I’d spent the past few days with. Didn’t matter that I’d told her to forget everything she had learned, Clarissa was on edge, keeping her distance as she put on her submissive performance. I wasn’t sure she even realized it.

  “I’d like the two of you to go wait in the lounge while I greet some of the members.”

  “Of course, Master,” Clarissa replied by rote.

  “Yes, Master,” Troy said dutifully.

  Tonight, Troy seemed a little harder to read than Clarissa even if his expressions weren’t nearly as guarded. I could tell he was eager but cautious all the same. My thoughts drifted back to earlier, when I’d fucked his mouth for all I was worth. Troy had been exactly what I’d needed in the moment. So much so, it had left me somewhat shaken myself. Not a normal response, for sure.


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