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Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Mychals, Anna

  Laughing as a sob chokes out, she says, “No. It’s something that my dad told me to always carry. I automatically put it in my purse or pocket if I am going out.”

  Wiping away the stray tear and placing a stray hair behind her ear, I lean down and place a gentle kiss upon her soft lips. God, she tastes like sun ripened raspberries with a twist of mint. Her senses surround me and I pull her deeper towards me. She lets go and her tongue flirts with mine. Pulling back just a little, she gently nips my bottom lip. Holy hell! I must have her.

  Suddenly she pulls back. The immediate loss leaves me needing to have her close again.

  “What’s wrong?” I have to feel her skin again so I take her by her hand. Her hand is soft as silk and I want to kiss the inside of her wrist, nipping my way up to her neck.

  She smiles shyly back to me. “Let’s not let this ruin today. Let’s get these kayaks in the water.”

  She carries the front while I handle the back. We do this again with the second. Finally, Grace and I are off for our afternoon adventure hoping to leave this one hiccup behind.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’m trying to regain my composure as we glide into the water. Not wanting to let what just happened damper my spirits, I take three deep cleansing breaths.

  “Grace, are you okay?”

  Looking back over my shoulder, I see him leaning forward with great concern in his eyes.

  “I’m fine. Just trying to get acclimated to this kayak. It’s a little longer than the one I have back home and the wind is pushing it a little more than I would like.” I hope this eases him a little.

  “Wait right there until I can pull up alongside of you. There are more people than I anticipated out enjoying the day. I want to maneuver out to the jetty and follow it around to the harbor. This will allow us to mingle more with the people kayaking than the paddle boarders and surfers.”

  Glancing out over the area, I’m taken in by the sheer beauty. To my left I can see that the beach holds many options for visitors. There’s a massive lawn in which people can enjoy a game of volleyball or just relax and have a picnic. There’s a small campground with tents right up to the beach. Farther up the shore, people are already lining the beach ready for a fun filled day in the sun. There is a group of surfers in a circle having a casual chat. Every once in a while they will look back, scanning the horizons. To my right, on the other side of a jetty, I see a beautiful harbor filled with expensive and stylish boats. On the docks, I can barely make out a few harbor seals sunning.

  Suddenly I feel a bump. Turning with a jerk, I’m met by the most breathtaking smile.

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you sure you are okay?”

  “I’m fine. I was just engrossed in my surroundings. Thank you so much for inviting me today. I know that I’m going to really enjoy this.”

  He starts rummaging through his water proof bag. “Before I lead you around the jetty, I want to take the opportunity for us to reapply sunscreen. I believe with the clear skies and sun beating down on the water, we’re going to get more reflection than usual. Also, it’s a little windy so you may want to put on your parka or have it at least ready in case you need it. I’ll hold you still so you don’t feel like you are being jostled around.”

  Usually I am turned off by guys telling me what I need to do, however the way he speaks to me feels different. His voice is filled with comfort and concern. Not an ‘I know what is best for you, so do it’. Being in uncharted waters, I let down my guard a little and start to relax. The silence that falls between us is again comfortable, not awkward.

  I allow Jackson to lead as we go around the jetty. This area is not as congested as the area in which we came and the wildlife is abundant. Just below the surface of the water, I can see fish swimming by. In the distance, I identify two brown pelicans dive bombing into the waters trying to rummage up some lunch. More Salton Sea birds are perched upon the jetty waiting for just the right time to make their move.

  Jackson’s strong voice interrupts our silence. “So, tell me the truth. Did you bring your mace because you were afraid I may end up being a weirdo?”

  I chuckle, “No. It’s out of habit. Growing up on a Marine Base my stepfather was constantly worried. I was the type of person that always enjoyed the outdoors. I’d rather play a pickup game of flag football then play dolls with the girls on the playground. I was always getting scraped up or bloody. They boys in the neighborhood would always play rock, paper, and scissors to see which one would follow me home to show my parents. When I joined my middle school track team, I started running. Not in front of my house, but miles around the base. He told me that he knew what young boys were interested in and he was not going to have me go out without protection. That afternoon, while he was out, he bought me an air horn. He told me that if someone tried to get me, to kick them in the balls then blow the horn directly in their ear. That was also the day he signed me up for Judo. When I was in high school, he upped it to mace because he said that he knew what young Marines had on their minds. Even though the legal age to carry was eighteen, he didn’t care. He said that he would deal with any consequences if they ever arose.”

  “I like that man.” The face that Jackson makes is not of humor but of admiration.

  “Well, when I went off to college early, he was not too happy. He about had a coronary when he found out that I was assigned to a co-ed dorm. The day we moved in, he had two of his biggest Recon buddies help out. As I set up my room, they served as two guards starring down the onlookers as they went down the hall. Can you say embarrassing?”

  “I wouldn’t say embarrassing but loved. People get this notion that Marines have to be hard asses all the time. What is sometime perceived as heavy handed is often just genuine concern. Marines protect their own and will go to great lengths to do so. You know that. You know that your stepfather would go insane if anything ever happened to you.”

  “I know. It’s just sometimes I feel that I’ve not been given the chance to prove that I can be my own person. I don’t need people watching over me 24/7. That’s why I’m here. I need time to discover the person I am. I can’t do that when people are manipulating my every move.”

  “Manipulating?” he asks.

  “Yes, manipulating. I know that Nate begged me to come to California with him because he and my parents knew that I was looking to exert my independence more by teaching in another state other than Virginia. They thought that by Nate asking me to come to California, it would satisfy my criteria of teaching away from home. They knew that I couldn’t resist Nate. I knew that he was taking a huge risk and as a friend, I wouldn’t let him go it alone.”

  “So, even though you knew that they were manipulating you, you still came to California?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I look over to him, “I guess I’m not as independent as I thought.”

  We paddle around taking in the sights for another thirty minutes. I notice Jackson slowing to wait for me to pull along side of him. “Are you hungry?”

  “Sort of.”

  Looking at me with a small frown, “You’re not one of these chicks that doesn’t eat are you? That’s not the reason your cupboards were bare as bones, was it?”

  “No. I just don’t want you to switch up your plans because I may be getting hungry.”

  “Grace, this is part of my plans. Follow me.”

  I follow him as he paddles close to shore. As we enter the harbor, I notice boats exiting, taking tourist out into the ocean. I see people standing on the decks with binoculars, looking out into the horizon.

  “They take people out for whale and dolphin watching.”

  Looking back at him, I say, “Excuse me?”

  “The boats. You were watching the boats go out. They have charters from the harbor that go out a couple of times a day. I went on one when I first moved here. The best time to see dolphins in the harbor is at dawn. Sometimes I put in here early just so I can see the sun rise. Maybe we can do
that soon.”

  “Sounds like a date.”

  “You don’t consider this a date?” he says with a curious smile.

  “I don’t know. You tell me,” I tease back.

  “How about we discuss this over lunch? Follow me.”

  Jackson pulls his kayak up on a landing area. He gets out and drags it further up the landing to a clearing on the grass. He then turns and helps me out, takes my kayak and sets it next to his. Taking my hand in to his, he quickly kisses it and whispers, “Let’s eat.”

  Walking up to a shaded area, Jackson points over to a building. “That building is the wash house. Why don’t you run over there and freshen up? When you get back I will have everything set up over in the shade of trees near the water.”

  Putting my hands on my hips, I look over to him. “Do I look that hideous?”

  “God No! I thought you may want to wash your hands or use the restroom before we eat. I apologize if that came off wrong. Grace, from the first moment I laid eyes on you, I’ve thought that you were undeniably beautiful.”

  “You’re forgiven,” I yell as a turn and skip away.

  I’m always a little skeptical about wash houses. Most of them are musty smelling and filled with spiders. After using their sinks, I feel the need to sanitize again. Looking around, I find that is not the case here. It is very clean and refreshing. I walk over to the mirror. As I observe myself, I notice a glow that I haven’t had in a while. No, it’s not the sun. I have a look of contentment and peace. I believe this is the first time ever I’ve been able to be myself around someone other than my family. Even with my family, I feel like I have to put on a front. This. This feels so good. After washing my face, refreshing my ponytail, and putting on a little lip balm, I head out to enjoy a lunch with my new found friend.

  As I stroll over to the picnic area, I notice that he has set up a blanket under the trees in an area that faces more to the ocean than the docks. It is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. Not just the area but what he has set up. I have to give an inner chuckle because, instead of a traditional picnic blanket, he has a camouflaged poncho liner on the ground. On top of the liner is a spread that makes my mouth water. I don’t know what I expected. Maybe a PB&J? No. He has bowls of cut up fruit and pasta salad. He’s putting what I think is chicken salad on slices of bread. My favorite kind of lunch.

  I kick off my shoes and sit down across from him. “This looks awesome.”

  “What did you expect? PB&J?”

  And he reads minds as well.


  During lunch we chat about casual things like favorite food, favorite music and how he can pack a mean lunch. I can tell that he doesn’t get nervous often. When he starts to ask me a question, he pauses like he is trying to form it just right. He briefly looks away then makes a point to look me directly in the eye. Have you ever seen someone so striking that you find it hard to look at them? I’ve never met someone that can get me so hot and bothered. When I meet his eyes of copper, it feels as if he can see to the depths of my soul. Seeing him looking at me right now makes me want to strip every layer off of him, straddle him and ride him into the sunset.

  “Excuse me?”

  I glance up and notice he has an amused look on his face. Did I just say that last part out loud?

  “Did I just say that out loud?” I slowly cover my eyes.

  “Only thing I heard in that cute mumble was strip, straddle and ride. Would you like to elaborate more?” The look on his face sends a surge of warmth throughout my body.

  Do you remember in Sixteen Candles when Jake leaned over and kissed Samantha while they were sitting on the table celebrating her birthday? In a move that can only match that, Jackson slowly leans over, caresses my face, and lightly kisses my lips. As he sits back, I see a flash of apprehension. He’s the one that kissed me. Quickly he jumps up and holds his hand out to mine. Taking the offer, he pulls me up to where we are chest to chest. He slowly runs his fingers down my cheek and whispers, “I have a surprise for you. Let me get things cleaned up. We have to be quick.”

  Leaving me breathless, the only word that I can choke out is, “Okay.”

  He runs over and disposes of the trash. Everything else packs neatly in his day pack. Taking my hand again, he leads me on to our next adventure.


  The building that stands before us is elegant, with geometrical angles and windows that allow the light of nature to shine within. Turning to him, I can see that he is just as impressed as I am.

  “What is this place?”

  “This is the Ocean Institute. This was one of the first places I visited when I moved to the area. It’s open to the public on the weekends, but during the week it’s open for school programs. You see those ships over there? They take visitors in search for whales and dolphins, or just to experience the life of a pirate.”

  “So, what are we doing?”

  With a childlike grin, he pulls me behind him. “You’ll see.”

  Walking into the center, there are children running back and forth between exhibits with wonder in their eyes. Exhausted parents are tagging along behind them to make sure they follow every rule while still getting the hands on experience. Walking towards us with a smile is a young guy who appears to be no more than twenty.

  “Jackson, you made it just in time. I was starting to worry.”

  “Sorry Adam, I let time slip away from us.” Turning towards me he starts the introductions. “Adam, this is Grace. Grace, this is Ben’s brother Adam. He kindly looks after Thor during my hectic work schedule. He’s going to school at the University of California in San Diego for Marine Biology. He volunteers here on weekends to further his education as well as try to keep a handle on all these little rugrats running around here.”

  Adam kindly shakes my hand. “It’s nice to meet you Grace. I’ve been told that I may have a little competition when it comes to Thor. I hear he has become quite enamored with you.”

  “Yeah, I was starting to wonder if you guys ever pay attention to him. He loves to get on my couch and snuggle.”

  Looking shocked Adam asks, “He gets on your couch? Thor’s never tried once to get on the couch at home.”

  Jackson laughs. “He has her wrapped.”

  Adam looks over to me and elbows Jackson in the stomach. “It looks like she has someone else wrapped.”

  Jackson cuts him off with a hard glance.

  Getting the hint, Adam claps his hands, “I say we head on out before we miss the pristine time.”

  As we’re walking out of a set of doors that leads to the beach, Adam starts his tour. “Today, my friend Jackson has set up a one of a kind private tour to our tide pools. In order to enjoy them, you have to hit low tide just right. That is why I was worried about you guys being late.” Leading us down a sandy path he continues. “The area that we will be going to is a marine protected area. The terrain is a boulder field which means there’s very uneven footing. Please be careful where you step. I can’t have Jackson lobbing my head off because I got his girl hurt.”

  Jackson slightly slaps Adam on the back of the head. “Alrighty then. Let’s continue. I have several rules that you must follow. Number one is that you should never remove any animals, shells or rocks from the tide pools. This brings us to number two. Never pick up the animals. You must observe them where they are. If we pick them up or move them, it could cause great harm to them and their habitat. Number three is that we must walk gently. This is a safety concern for you and also to make sure that we do not step on plants or animals that we may encounter. Last but not least, never turn over rocks. Again, you may harm a habitat or be faced with something that you may not want to meet.” Turning back to us, “Got it?”

  Jackson and I quickly nod our heads. This is totally cool. I’ve always loved the ocean but was never up close and personal in this manner. My mom and stepfather always took me to the aquariums on the North Carolina beaches where I loved touching the horseshoe crabs or petting the rays.

sp; We walk about another half mile before coming to the pools. I am amazed at what I already see.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I stand back in awe of this beautiful creature. On her way down to the pools she had this little bounce in her step. It reminded me of the kids back in the center, itching to get from one exhibit to the other. I know I just met her but I feel like I have known her all my life. She makes me want more. She makes me need more. Grace has this comfortable air about her that makes me want to spill all my dreams and sorrows.

  For the past hour, I have watched as Adam leads her around the pools. I see the wonder in her eyes. She is mesmerized, taking in everything that Adam is showing her. I’m drawn back into the dialogue that Adam is now presenting.

  “Throughout the tide pool you can see so many different types of marine life. This is a solitary anemone. It looks almost like an upside down jellyfish. They are three to five inches wide. Its tentacles can deliver a sting that can be fatal to its prey, though not strong enough that we can feel it. It has only one body cavity in which they take in and expels food. The tentacles sting the prey, and then draw it down into its body cavity. Over here we see a different type of anemone. This is an aggregating anemone. These anemones are smaller, only getting to be about seven centimeters. They live in tight colonies and feed off of small fish, snails, and crabs. Sometimes they’ll eat algae and plankton.”

  At this point, all I’m starting to hear is, “Blah, Blah, Blah” because as she is bending down, she sticks her sweet ass out. It makes me want to come up from behind and caress it. She has no clue how sexy she looks with her hair pulled up and stray wisps gently blowing in the wind. Just the innocent movement of her tucking a loose strand behind her ear makes me want to lose it.


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