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Seeking Me To Find You (Finding You Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Mychals, Anna

  “What?” I cry out. “He was just protecting me.”

  “That’s what I said, but Ben told me to comply before they arrested me for being belligerent with the officer.”

  “What happened to Evan?”

  “His ass was carted off to another hospital because they were worried I would do something to him. The last thing I heard, he received over a hundred stitches to his head, arm, and ass before heading off to jail. A Detective Walters said he will be by this afternoon to take your statement. Also, your mom and stepdad will be here as soon as they can.”

  “What about Sam?” I ask hopefully.

  “The last time I checked, Sam was still out in the waiting room sleeping. I gave him no other option because the nurse said only one person could be in here with you and it was going to be me.”

  This makes my heart smile. I can just imagine the fight Jackson put up leading Sam to kindly concede to insure a scene wouldn’t be made.



  “I need to pee. Really bad.”

  With his trademark sexy smile, he pushes the button to signal for the nurse.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  The past two weeks have been a journey. After Grace was released from the hospital, her mom and stepdad arrived causing me to be bumped back to my house. They didn’t concede as well as Sam did. The stepdad told me that he appreciated everything that I did but there was no way he and his wife were going to stay in a hotel while their little girl healed.

  Thor was liberated from the brig. As soon as I got him home, he dragged me to Grace’s door. When she opened it, he barged his self through and reined kisses all over her. I don’t know who cried the most, Grace or Thor. Even though I was banished from sleepovers, Thor was granted full access with sleepover rights. Safe to say, he hasn’t spent a single night at our house. Even though Grace’s parents left this morning, I don’t think it’s safe yet to broach the subject of Thor coming back home. What’s more, I don’t think I want to. I’m starting to think that I’ve lost my dog forever, the only way to get him back being to win her back.

  At Evan’s bail hearing he was denied bail due to the charges involving both Rory and Grace. Grace couldn’t bring herself to attend but both of her dads and I sat in the front row. We all willed Evan to turn and look at us but that never happened. He stood with his back to us in his orange jump suit, pleading not guilty to all counts. Just seeing him standing there handcuffed and sporting a curvature of staples in his shaved scalp gave me some comfort.

  Being on a normal schedule has really helped me to relax. It’s also helped me try to heal my relationship with Grace. Since my work days are basically Monday through Friday from six a.m. to six p.m., I’ve been able to see Grace every night. Hell, she does have my dog and I have the right to see him. Or at least that’s what I told her.

  Today was Grace’s first day back to work. Rory still has two more weeks before she returns. Several teachers have come together to cater a meal for her this evening. Grace, volunteering to take it, called and asked me to tagalong for support. The guilt Grace has been struggling with has intensified anxiety attacks she’s been experiencing. Due to this, Grace’s mom suggested that she see a therapist to help her cope with everything that has happened. Her therapist suggested it was time for her to meet with Rory, thinking it would help her start her healing process.

  When I arrive at Grace’s house I knock. No answer. I knock again. No answer. Scanning the parking lot, I see that her car is here but not in the usual place. I start freaking. Turning the door knob, I notice it is unlocked. Will that girl ever learn? I walk in and see her stock-still on her couch. As soon as I sit beside her, Grace makes eye contact with me. What I see in her eyes is pure terror.

  “I don’t think I can do this Jackson.”

  I take her hand. Bringing her quivering hand to my mouth, I place a tender kiss inside her palm.

  “Yes you can Grace. I’m going to be right beside you,” I say encouragingly.

  Grace turns her body so she is fully facing me.

  “You do it. I think she would rather see you than me,” she says as if trying to convince herself of this.

  “Grace, this is for you just as much as it’s for Rory. You need to take this step in healing. Every time I say her name, you start to cry. Both of you have become very close these past few months and I know for a fact she doesn’t blame you.”

  Grace hops off the sofa, “How do you know? If I can’t forgive myself, then how can she forgive me?”

  Grace walks over to the kitchen window, staring out into nothing. Walking up behind her, I place my hands around her waist, pulling her in for comfort. She turns around and buries her face into my chest, softly sobbing. I place a small kiss on the top of her head, comforting her in a protective embrace.

  “I’ve talked to Rory every day and the first thing she always asks is how you’re doing. She doesn’t blame you for anything. She’s just glad that Evan was caught.”

  Hearing her cry pulls at my heart. I pull back and lift her chin so that we are eye to eye.

  “Grace, you need to do this,” I say as I wipe a stray tear.

  “I know,” she answers back.

  Our eyes stay locked. The pull of my heart pulls me to her pouty lips. As I taste her salty tears that linger on her lips, she pulls me in deeper. Feeling her need makes me want to sweep all of her worries away by taking them as my own.

  Grace runs her delicate hands under my shirt. I hoist her up onto the kitchen counter where she continues caressing my body. Her gentle assault ignites my senses. Knowing I am about to take this to a place she is not ready to go, I pull away.

  The look on her face is of knowing.

  “I’m sorry,” she says timidly.

  I turn my back to adjust my arousal.

  “Jackson,” she calls.

  With my back still facing her I answer, “We need to get going.”


  The meeting with Rory was so cathartic for them both. After about ten minutes, I knew I had to step out so they could heal in private. As I was giving them their time, I reflected on everything that had transpired over the past couple of months. Looking back, I had fallen in love with Grace the moment she challenged me about me dragging a dog, my dog, off her property. I never imagined that this beautiful creature would turn my world on its end, making me search within to heal things from my past in order to make her my future.

  As I am driving her home, I reach over and take her hand into mine. Giving it a gentle squeeze, I silently reassure Grace that I will always be there for her.

  “Jackson, before we go home, can we go somewhere private to talk?”

  Knowing the perfect place, I simply answer, “Yes.”

  I drive down Old Highway 101 where I find a small turn off that leads to trails that will take us out to picturesque sandstone bluffs that over look the Pacific Ocean. Once we park I help her out, grabbing my backpack. We proceed down to a secluded area.

  Looking around in awe, she says, “This is so majestic. I’ve only seen views like this in pictures.”

  I clear a spot which is at a safe distance from the bluffs edge. I grab the poncho liner from my backpack I keep for emergencies and place it on a cleared space on ground. I look over and notice Grace admiring the rocky beach below. It is pretty much secluded except for two surfers heading out to seek their perfect wave.

  I take a seat and wait for her to gather her thoughts. After a few seconds, Grace comes over, sitting directly in front of me.

  “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me the past couple of weeks.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “I know that but I don’t know why. When you said that you couldn’t do us, do this, I thought that you were done with me. That you didn’t care.”

  Taking her hand, I explain, “Grace, I got scared. My feelings for you were so intense, I started second guessing everything. In my life experiences, if
it’s too good to be true then it probably is. When I started going back to work, it became more and more difficult for me to give you what I thought you needed.”

  “What did you think I needed that I wasn’t already getting?”

  “You needed someone to be there with you more than an hour a day. You needed someone that was fully invested in you and not his career. I felt I was cheating you out of everything that you deserved.”

  With this said, Grace becomes agitated.

  “So you made the decision just to walk away instead of talking with me? Don’t you see how selfish that was of you?”

  “Yes, but now I think I’m being selfish because I want you to be with me always because I can’t live without you.”

  The awe that spreads across her face deepens my feelings.

  “Jackson, I know that for the next six months your schedule will be semi-normal. What happens when you go back to your regular duty?”

  “Between conversations with my Sergeant Major and my mom, I discovered that I was hiding behind my career. I can just make different choices that will keep me home more.”

  “Jackson, I never asked you to make a choice.”

  Drawing her closer, I whisper, “I know, but in looking at my choices, I choose you. Every time, I choose you.”

  Grace slowly leans in for a kiss but I divert her, quickly standing up and pulling her with me. I gather up our belongings and head back to the truck.

  “Where are we going?” Grace calls from behind.

  “Home so that I can make love to you.”


  As soon as we get back to her place, I scoop her up and carry her upstairs. The look on Thor’s face as I close the bedroom door, barring him from entry, is priceless. I now understand where they get the term “puppy dog eyes”.

  When I turn around, Grace walks up to me. She starts to slowly unbutton my shirt, kissing my chest after freeing each button.

  I start to reach for her and she pulls back.

  “If we’re going to make a go at this relationship again, you’re going to have to learn to let me take control sometimes. Yes, it’s nice to be taken care of by your man, but sometimes a woman needs to let her man know just how much she appreciates all he does for her.”

  After Grace strips me of my shirt, she aims for my jeans. She slowly pulls them down, divesting them from my body. With an audible gasp, she has learned that sometimes this Marine goes commando. Slowly, Grace brings my hardened shaft to her soft lips. As she keeps direct contact with my gaze, she skims her mouth against the head while moving her hand up and down my length. Drawing her mouth away, she takes her thumb and swirls the tip with the moisture that has beaded. Once again, she claims a tight grip at the base. Grace takes me into her mouth, deeper this time, until her lips meet her fist. Watching her move her delicious mouth in rhythmic timing with her hand drives me wild. I try to calm myself so this does not end too soon, but she starts licking and sucking me as if I was an ice cream cone. Holy Fuck!

  I break our eye contact for a brief second and feel her withdraw from me. Grace stands before me and pushes me onto the bed. I’m lying on my back as she starts to slowly strip. Seductively, Grace climbs across the bed and straddles my body. Leaning forward, she plants a soft kiss on my lips. As she comes back down, she takes my straining erection and directs it to her entrance. Easing down on me inch by inch shatters me. Grabbing her hips, I guide her up and down while she pants my name. Realizing that she has ceded control, I swiftly pull out and flip her over onto the bed. Opening her to my mouth, I savor all the delectable juices that are flowing. Grace tightly grips my hair, bringing me deeper into her core. When I sense she is on the verge of coming I pull back, making her beg for more.

  At my loss, Grace whimpers, “Please.” Knowing that I could never ignore her pleads, I hover my body over hers. She runs her delicate hands over my chest and down my arms. As I gaze into her eyes, I realize that I could never live without her. I want to spend the rest of my life pleasing her with everything her heart desires.

  Smoothing her hair from her face, I lean in and place a single kiss to her lips. “I love you, Grace.”

  Immediately her eyes well up with tears. “I love you too, Jackson.”

  With that, I made love to the woman that I’ll love forever.


  Several weeks have gone by which has helped to solidify our relationship. Due to our schedules, Sam has invited us to come to L.A for the Thanksgiving holiday. Grace is still a little guarded when it comes to Sam, but in time I know they’ll work things through.

  Today I’ve decided to take Grace out for a little paddle. One thing about Southern California, the weather doesn’t have huge variations. That’s why today, the weekend before Thanksgiving, we can enjoy the outdoors while wearing a light jacket.

  As I am checking the ties on the kayak Grace comes walking up, placing a good morning kiss on my cheek.

  “Are you sure I don’t need anything other than an extra set of clothes and my sunscreen?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Throwing her bag in the passenger seat, Grace comes back around to finish helping me.

  “Jackson, are you okay?”

  Looking down at her, I can see that she is deeply concerned.

  “Grace, you worry too much.”

  Putting her hands on her very fine hips she says, “That’s my job and you better get used to it. You’ve been pulling weird hours lately and I know that you have to be exhausted. We can stay home if you want.”

  The past week I have filled in for fellow Marines who have had to be out due to various reasons. I try to help out whenever I can, knowing that they would return the favor if ever I was in need.

  “Grace, it’s a beautiful day and I just want to get out.”

  Securing the last strap, we head out for the day.


  Once we get to the beach, we find that it’s rather balmy. The surf is rough which causes excellent conditions for the surfers, but there’s no way it’s safe enough for us to go out.

  “Grace, I know that we planned on going out paddling today but the surf seems too volatile. Would you settle for a hike?”

  Grabbing her pack, she says, “Let’s go.”

  The trail at Doheny is not really a trail you can “hike”. The trail is virtually level but has awesome ocean views. My plan is to hike from the marina down to the south end of the beach. Most people choose the opposite route because they like to end with a picnic near the marina.

  As we are walking, we fall in a normal pattern. She always lags behind me stopping for anything that peaks her interest. Every once in a while I will stop and wait for her to catch up. I believe this is my favorite part. When Grace realizes that I’m waiting for her she quickly jogs up to me. She throws her arms around my neck, giving me a quick kiss. Then we set off farther down the beach.

  I get to the entrance of Capo Beach and patiently wait for Grace. She has stopped, yet again, to watch a pod of dolphins playing in the surf. This time I go to her. As I reach her, I can tell she is in awe of her surroundings. I stand behind her, bringing her into my arms. She tilts her head to the left, exposing the silky skin on her neck. Bending down, I place gentle kisses following her shoulder up to her ear.

  “How about we set up our picnic on the beach?” I whisper into her ear.

  “Sounds like a plan.”


  As we’re eating, we discuss the plans for the holiday. We decide to leave Wednesday evening after I get off of work. Silence befalls us as we sit watching the surfers take on some impressive waves. I grab my backpack. As I rummage through it, Grace becomes curious.

  “Whatcha looking for?”

  As I delve deeper, I start throwing crap out left and right.

  “Jackson, what is wrong?”

  Continuing to chuck things, I hear a gasp. I turn around and see that Grace is walking towards the small, black velvet box I was desperately searching for. Looking up at me in confusion, sh
e bends down and picks it up. She extends her hand placing the box into mine. As I come to one knee, Grace covers her mouth in disbelief.

  Gazing upward to her beautiful face I begin, “Grace, from the first moment that I thought you were going to call the cops on me for trying to drag off my own dog, I’ve loved you.”

  Trying to contain my composure, I take a couple of deep breaths.

  “Grace, you have captured my heart. I believe you actually captured my dog’s heart first.”

  She gives a sweet laugh, while wiping falling tears away.

  Taking both of her delicate hands, I plead, “Please allow me to love you forever. Grace Elizabeth Weatherly, will you marry me?”

  Drying her eyes, she gives me an astringent look. “Are you just doing this because you’re afraid that if we ever broke up again, that Thor would never want to come back to you?”

  “Kind of,” I say playfully.

  “At least I can say you’re honest.”

  “You’re killing me, Grace.”

  Dropping to her knees, Grace passionately kisses me. She pulls back, “Yes, it would be a privilege and an honor to be your wife.”

  We sit together watching the sun casting a beautiful glow of copper tones as it descends into the ocean. I catch Grace staring at her ring.

  “Do you not like it?” I ask.

  Grace punches me in the shoulder. “I absolutely love it. When did you buy this?”

  “Actually, I didn’t buy it,” I admit.

  “You stole it?” she says with a mischievous grin.

  “Ha. Ha. Ha. No. It’s actually my grandmother’s. My grandparents dated all throughout school. When my grandfather joined the Navy during World War II, he promised my grandmother that he would return and marry her. He saved all of his money in order to buy this ring that she had noticed in the jewelry shop window before he left. He said that one of the things that he kept thinking was that if he could survive the war, he could survive facing her father.

  “When I was visiting with my mom, we had a little heart to heart. Before I left, she said that she had been meaning to give it to me to use when I found the love of my life. I think that she realized before I did that it was you.”


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