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Gabriel's Secret: A Vampire's Obsession: Book 1

Page 5

by Rylai, Stephanie

  As they walked outside, they were met by a cool breeze, causing Olivia to shiver. Gabriel grabbed her arm and wrapped it around his back under his jacket, trying to keep the wind off of her the best he could.

  “I’d lend you my jacket, but it would swallow you,” he chuckled softly.

  “It’s okay, I’m fine,” she told him, though that didn’t stop Gabriel from grabbing her other arm and wrapping it around his front as he rubbed her arm.

  His hand was still so cold, so it wasn’t doing much to provide warmth.

  “How did you hear about that place? It was great.”

  “I know the owner,” he said simply. “It’s an… exclusive club, I suppose. Only certain people know where it is.”

  Olivia couldn’t help but be amused, “So a new-to-town biker is a member of an elite club which involves a hidden, fine dining restaurant?”

  “Too hard to believe?” he asked her with a smile.

  “A bit,” she admitted to him. “But I’ll take your word for it.”

  “Good,” he said, guiding them back towards her apartment.

  They chatted quietly to each other as they made the journey back, keeping their arms around each other. Olivia felt herself growing a little smitten by him, even though just a couple of hours ago she swore to herself if she ever saw him again she would slap him across the face and walk away; a far-fetched idea, nevertheless, since Olivia had never been one for violence on any scale.

  Too soon they arrived back her at her apartment building. They stopped before the entrance, Olivia turning to look at him.

  “Thank you for letting me make it up to you,” Gabriel purred to her, letting her arms stay snaked around his ribs.

  “Thank you for convincing me,” she grinned to him. “What had he pulled you away for?” she asked, realizing she hadn’t even bothered to ask.

  “It’s not important. I assure you, though, it will never happen again,” he breathed to her, brushing some of the hairs from her face.

  Olivia was all smiles, her stomach filling with butterflies and her heart quickening.

  Her eyes went to her apartment building, “Well… I guess I should go…” she sighed.

  When she turned back to him, his cool hands grabbed both of her cheeks and his lips were on hers. She was frozen for a moment, shocked by his action. But she eased quickly, leaning into the kiss. Gabriel’s lips moved carefully and tenderly against hers, his top lip over hers. Olivia was left feeling breathless. No one had ever kissed her so sweetly.

  He pulled away slowly, his forehead leaning against hers as he peered down into her eyes and his thumbs tracing the outline of her cheeks.

  “I want to see you again, Olivia. Tomorrow night.”

  Olivia was a bit flustered, still shocked from the tender kiss.

  She nodded quickly, “O-Okay,” she managed to get out.

  A grin came to his lips, leaning back in and pecking her lips once more before pulling away from her. Her arms dropped from him, standing back to look at him.

  “I’ll come here to pick you up, around eight. I’ll see you then,” he said, his eyes lingering on her.

  “Okay… Goodnight, Gabriel,” she breathed.

  “Goodnight, Olivia,” Gabriel said before turning and walking down the street.


  The next week passed in a blur for Olivia. Each day she went to work, got off at five, and then got ready to spend her evening with Gabriel. Every night they spent hours talking and doing anything from grabbing dinner, to taking walks around the city, and watching a couple of movies.

  Olivia had never felt such a strong connection with anyone else. She hung on his every word, and he hung on hers. When he looked at her, he didn’t look through her or wait for his turn to talk, but he actually looked to her and listened to her. Never had anyone made her feel so valued. With each day that passed, Olivia knew she was starting to grow strong feelings for him.

  She just hoped he felt the same so that she didn’t get her heartbroken again like she had been with Kent. Olivia told herself Gabriel was nothing like Kent and wouldn’t do that to her. And while they certainly were nothing alike, there was no way for her to know whether or not he would end up leaving her in the same condition Kent had.

  That Saturday night, Emily was gone to spend the night with Isaac so Olivia finally asked Gabriel to come to her apartment. She was a little nervous to be with him alone, her mind immediately wondering if something sexual would come of the evening. She tried to tell herself there was no way, that they had only known each other for a little over a week. Yet she found herself cleaning her bedroom and lighting a couple of candles to make it smell like lavender. Olivia considered herself to be a fool, but at least she was always a prepared fool.

  She moved back into the kitchen, making sure the wine she bought was chilling. As she began to fiddled with the stack of magazines on the island, there was a knock on the door. Her heart gave a thud and she hurried to the bathroom to check her appearance in the mirror. Olivia had gone with a blush colored blouse and black skinny jeans, her wavy strawberry hair in a French braid.

  Taking a deep breath, she made her way to the door and opened it. In the door frame stood Gabriel, smiling weakly at her. His skin seemed especially drained of color, even though he was already pale, and dark circles were around his eyes.

  He didn’t look well at all. “Are you okay?” she asked him softly.

  “I’m fine,” he told her, walking past her.

  “You don’t look fine…” she mumbled, shutting the door behind him.

  His eyes darted around the apartment. It was open for the main room, with the bedrooms on adjacent sides along with the bathrooms.

  “You have a nice apartment,” he said, beginning to walk around.

  There was pain pinching at his features, and worry flaring through Olivia’s chest.

  “I didn’t decorate, Emily did,” she mumbled, following behind him and grabbing his hand. “Gabriel, if you aren’t well, this can wait for another night…”

  “Don’t be silly, Olivia. I’m already here. I’m fine,” he told her, though even the sound of his voice wasn’t convincing.


  He turned to face her, a hand brushing against her cheek. Her eyes were fixated on the dark circles around his eyes.

  “I’m staying here and spending time with you,” he told her softly. “I want our evening to go just as planned.”

  Olivia sighed, getting the gist that she wouldn’t be able to convince him to go home and get well.

  “Alright,” she said in defeat, taking his hand from her cheek and guiding him to the couch.

  He sat first, propping in the corner of the couch. She sat next to him, her thigh touching his. Olivia grabbed the remote from the coffee table and turned on a movie for them, picking one of the comic book movies.

  The two sat in silence during the film, only chuckling occasionally from the jokes. His arm stayed around her and her head rested against his shoulder as they watched. Olivia still worried for him, wondering what had gotten him so sick. He could say he felt fine all he wanted, but the look on his face told her otherwise. Gabriel’s skin almost seemed dried out, papery.

  Part of her worried he was into drugs or something and was dope-sick. He was secretive about what he did for money, yet seemed to have plenty of it all the time. She tried not to think on it though, not wanting to think of ill of him when he hadn’t really given her a reason. Gabriel was just a private man, at least that’s what she tried to tell herself.

  There was a darkness that lingered around him, but it didn’t seem to come from who he was—if that even made any sense. She could tell he had a good heart, so anything he was wrapped in she would be willing to take on with him if it meant being with him.

  Once the movie ended, Olivia sat up and stretched a bit. “I’ll grab us some wine. You can pick the next movie,” she looked to him with a bit of a smile.

  He looked even worse than bef
ore, looking as though he was dizzy.

  She stood from the couch and moved to the kitchen, “Do you need something to eat?” she asked him, wondering if maybe he needed something on his stomach.

  As she reached the island, she glanced back to him to see him standing as well. He moved to walk towards her, when his legs seemed to give out from under him and he collapsed to the floor.

  Olivia gasped and rushed to his side, “Back up!” he snapped at her as he tried to pull himself to his knees.

  His arm was around his stomach, his entire body wrenching in pain. Olivia’s eyes were wide and glossy, not understanding what was happening. Gabriel was panting from the pain he was facing, his eyes shut tightly.

  “Gabriel…” she breathed, moving towards him again, reaching for him.

  “I said back up, Olivia!” he yelled at her.

  Just as he managed to get to his knees, his body fell against the floor again. “Stay away from me right now,” he managed to get out in a pant.

  “I don’t understand… I just want to help you…” she tried to explain to him, her feelings a little hurt that he wouldn’t let her even try and help him.

  Gabriel seemed to be struggling for breath, his limbs seeming too weak to pick himself up.

  “I don’t want to hurt you…” he whispered hoarsely. “Please back away further. Get away from me.”

  His whole body convulsed with pain, Olivia could see the veins in his arms popping out as he tried with all of his might to stand. She was so confused and scared.

  Why would he hurt her for getting close to him? What was happening? From where she was standing, it looked like he was dying.

  After several minutes of painful groaning and straining, Gabriel managed to pull himself to his feet though his body was still doubled over in pain. Through putting himself through so much pain just to get to his feet, Gabriel was baring his teeth. His raven locks had fallen on his face, blocking his eyes from her sight.

  Olivia took just one step towards him, and she witnessed pointed teeth extended from the gums above his canines. Her eyes were wild then, staring at him in utter shock. What… What were those? Fangs? There was no way. Things like that were fairytales, they didn’t actually exist… But they stayed showing as he gripped his stomach in agony.

  “What are you…?” Olivia heard herself say, her eyes fixated on his pointed teeth.

  There was no way they were real, right? But they certainly weren’t inserts, she had seen them extend from his gums.

  His head snapped up, looking to her with sheer horror written over his face. He quickly hurried to the door, not answering her question. But he was slow from the pain he was bearing, Olivia was able to approach him before he reached the door.

  “Gabriel….” She breathed, grabbing his arm.

  As soon as her skin touched his, Gabriel turned in a blur and tackled her to the floor. One hand pinned her shoulder to the floor, most of his weight going to it. His other hand grabbed the top of her head and jerked it to the side.

  Olivia’s heart felt like it was going to burst from that intense moment of fear. There was a sharp pain in her neck then, making her body squirm. She could feel something in her neck. Then, he began sucking on the spot, she could hear him gulp loudly; his hands shook as he held her into place. At first, it was painful, then it was just uncomfortable—and then she felt herself grow strangely aroused by it. Tingles coursed through her body, a small breath escaping her lips. Soon, his hand stopped shaking.

  Olivia was growing light headed, her eyes starting to drift closed. Just as they did, the pressure in her neck was gone. She felt his tongue graze against her neck, sending a shiver down her spine. Slowly, he pulled back and looked down into her eyes with burning silver eyes. She gazed up at him, her eyes going from his intense eyes, down to the bit of blood that was dribbled on his lip. Her body was still aflame with arousal, her eyes drifting back to his to see desire burning in his eyes as well.

  It was instantaneous.

  He leaned down at the same moment she craned her neck up and their lips collided together. His hands held her hips tightly, bringing her body up against his. Olivia was absolutely consumed with desire for him, feeling almost as though she could die without his touch. With a swift motion, Gabriel grabbed both of her thighs and wrapped them around his hips and picked her up. He carried her to the island, setting her down on the edge as he began to unbutton her blouse. His lips never left hers, moving against hers hungrily with passion and ferocity. Olivia felt lightheaded, unsure if it was from the blood loss or desire.

  Gabriel ripped her shirt from her body, discarding it to the side. He pulled back to gaze at her for a moment, his jaw clenching a bit. He then ducked down, his tongue grazing against the skin of her cleavage. She looked down to see a line of blood trickling from her neck. His tongue followed the trail up her chest, over her collarbone and back to her neck.

  A breathy moan escaped her lips, the action was completely titillating. He pulled her tight against his body, beginning to suck on her neck. Her arms were around his neck, her forehead against his shoulder as he sucked on her neck. Olivia’s head was clouded, unable to think of anything but him. He picked her up again, his hands on her bottom as he pulled back to look around the apartment. Gabriel didn’t even have to ask which way her room was, seeming to know. He carried her to her room, his lips covering her neck in kisses.

  As he stepped into her room, he kicked the door closed behind them. As he walked towards her bed, Olivia grabbed his face and kissed him again. His lips felt so right against hers, like she had been waiting her entire life to be kissed by those lips. It was as though they were made for one another, and in that moment she was sure of it. Never had a man left her spinning like he did, or haunt her dreams like he had every night since they met. There was something about him that drew her in and she never wanted to let go of him.

  Gabriel laid her on the bed, his cold hands gliding down her sides before pressing her pelvis into his. She could feel his erection against her. Her hands busied themselves by unbuttoning his shirt, quickly shrugging his shirt from his shoulders and tossing it to the floor. Her eyes grazed over his muscles. He was in peak physical condition, his muscles well defined and flawless. His eyes gazed down into hers as he unbuttoned her jeans and began to pull them down over her bottom. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, but Olivia didn’t care.

  She needed him.

  Her neck craned up and grabbed his lips once again, her hands going to his bearded jaw to pull him down against her. Gabriel’s body hovered just above her as they kissed. Her tongue pressed into his mouth, making him groan and his kiss grow more urgent. In a blur, he had her pants off and kicked his shoes off before unbuckling his belt and discarding his own pants. With his body pressed fully against hers, Olivia let out a small breath with how chilly all of his skin was. Before she had just thought he had pour circulation and that’s why his hands stayed cold, but every inch of him was cool while her body felt on fire from the hormones coursing through her body.

  Her face was bright red as his fingertips hooked into her waistband and began pulling her panties off. His lips moved against hers hungrily, his tongue grazing against hers as his fingers glided between her legs and traced her sex. She was already slick from arousal, making him growl in the back of his throat. He couldn’t seem to get his boxers off fast enough, kicking them off from around his ankles. He pulled back from the kiss, his eyes looking down into hers. It was like he had a moment of clarity through the fog of lust.

  He swallowed and let out a shaky breath before speaking quietly, “Do you want this?” he asked her.

  “I want you, Gabriel,” Olivia whispered to him, one hand laying on his chest.

  She hadn’t anticipated the evening to take such a sharp turn, but she wouldn’t have changed it. They could talk more later about what had taken place in the living room, but in this moment, she just wanted him in the most primal and intimate sense.

  He rested his
forehead against hers. Olivia wrapped her legs around his hips, his hands drifting over the exposed skin of her thighs. Gabriel then pressed his hips into hers, the tip of his member pushing against her entrance. Then with a sudden movement, he thrusted into her.

  Olivia hadn’t had sex in two months, so it was uncomfortable at first but she was far too into it to care. His hands clutched to her legs, his breathing ragged as he began to thrust in and out rhythmically. Her body quickly adjusted, moans slipping from her lips easily. His movements grew rough at the sound of her moans, but she actually enjoyed it. Olivia had never been a fan of rough sex, but it seemed like anything he could do would feel perfect to her. She kissed his lips before moving down to his neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of soft wet kisses. Her hips instinctively began to move against his, making each thrust go deeper. Gabriel started moving faster, his hips roughly grinding against hers. She was breathless, consumed by every sensation.

  He then sat up abruptly, pulling her with him. Turning to sit on the edge of the bed, he pulled her onto his lap and pushed her down onto his member. His hands snaked up her back, unhooking her bra and pushing it from her arms. Olivia’s face was flushed as she moved her hips to move and up down his member, truly realizing then just how large he was. Gabriel watched her with lusty eyes, turned on by the sight of her riding him. He couldn’t hold back his groans. Then, his lips were on her shoulder, kissing over the pale flesh. After just a few kisses, there was a sharp pain, followed by him sucking on her shoulder. The same pain and discomfort filled her for just a few brief moments before quickly dissipating just like it had before. Only when the arousal hit that time, it was unbearable.

  His hands seized her hips, bringing her down hard. She could feel her walls already starting to tighten around his member, loud moans escaping her. Olivia felt his hand at the bottom of her braid as he sucked on her shoulder, ripping the hair tie from her locks before his fingers gripped the braid at the back of her hair. With a skillful movement, his fingers combed through her hair and freed it from the plait. His fingers fisted in her hair, pulling at it roughly.


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