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Forged in Ice

Page 9

by Alyssa Rose Ivy

  “Or we could switch drivers. I can drive a little bit,” Rachel offered. “Ainsley’s been driving for ages.”

  “But we do not want to show up too early in the morning,” I explained. That sounded like a reasonable enough excuse.

  “Why? You think the wolf will mind being woken up?” Henry asked. I wanted to curse him. He needed to keep quiet.

  “I need a break either way.” Ainsley stretched. “Without caffeine I’m useless this late at night.”

  “There are a bunch of hotels at the next exit.” Rachel scrolled through her phone. “We can get a few rooms.”

  “Sounds great.” Some of my tension dissipated.

  “How many rooms do we want? One girls, one guys?” Rachel kept typing into her phone.

  “Ainsley and I will be sharing.” Otherwise there was no point stopping. We needed alone time.

  “Then who am I supposed to share a room with?” Rachel looked at me over her shoulder.

  “Henry.” I smirked.

  Rachel glared. “Some things never change, James.”

  “What? You know him better than Talen.”

  “We’ll get three rooms. You will be paying,” Rachel grunted.

  “I will be happy to refund you, but as Ainsley would say, they do not want my gold coins.” My coins would also make us stand out.

  “You have more money than anyone I know.” Rachel set her phone down. “I’ve seen your house. Your TVs and hot tubs.”

  “Hot tubs?” Ainsley’s eyes widened. “As in multiple?”

  “He had the party house back in high school. It was like a bachelor pad, yet he was seventeen. Craziness.” Rachel’s voice filled with more excitement. Her brisk tone had softened. “It also helped that he lived alone. There were no rules, no curfew.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Ainsley rolled her eyes at me in the rearview mirror.

  “I was stuck in your world, so I figured I might as well enjoy it.” I had been young and was tasting my first freedom. I had never spent so much time outside of my father’s sight. I had been keeping him posted, but he never personally checked in on me.

  Henry yawned. “Maybe you are right, and we all should rest. We have no idea what we will face tomorrow.”

  “Exactly.” Even if my reasons for stopping were mostly for Ainsley’s health, I was concerned about the whole group. We needed to be in our best form in case these wolves were not as happy to see us as Talen predicted.

  “I can’t believe I’m really doing this.” Rachel set down her phone on her lap.

  “I say that to myself all the time.” Ainsley adjusted her hands on the wheel. “It’s definitely surreal.”

  “I feel like you’ve aged years since I last saw you.” Rachel turned to look at Ainsley.

  “Uh, is that a comment on how I look?”

  Rachel shook her head. “Of course not. You seem more worldly I guess. Not quite as little kid.”

  “I’m not sure if I should be insulted that I seemed like a little kid.”

  “I’m putting my foot in my mouth left and right.” Rachel sighed. “What I mean is you seemed inexperienced. Young. Way younger than me, but you don’t now. It’s why I believe you. Something has definitely changed for you.”

  “Lots has.” Ainsley kept her eyes fixed on the road.

  We made it to the hotel ten minutes later. Ainsley let out a huge sigh before locking the car. “I could fall asleep standing up.”

  “I could always carry you,” I half-teased. I would have done it if I believed it were what she wanted. But she would never want to appear weak. I was learning more about Ainsley every day.

  “And that would help us blend in.” Rachel rolled her eyes.

  “I was merely offering.” I took Ainsley’s hand in mine. “I am sorry you are so tired.”

  “What I don’t understand is how you are so awake.” Ainsley’s voice was full of concern.

  “I have many talents.”

  Henry coughed. “Talents? Is that what you are calling them?”

  Rachel spun around to look at us. “Let Ainsley and me handle the check-in. The rest of you stay quiet.”

  “Got it,” Henry agreed quickly.

  “Good.” Rachel turned and hurried toward the front of the two story hotel.

  The doors opened automatically as Rachel approached, and we all walked inside.

  I followed Rachel’s instructions and stood back while Ainsley and Rachel secured our rooms for the evening.

  “These are for you.” Rachel handed Henry a paper sleeve with plastic cards.

  “Thank you.” Henry accepted the paper, but Rachel held on. Something silent passed between them.

  Talen grabbed the sleeve. “I am going to bed. It is room 206.” He hurried over to the stairs, wisely giving Henry and Rachel some space.

  “Have a good night.” Ainsley smiled at Rachel.

  “You too.” Rachel raised an eyebrow.

  “We will.” I took Ainsley’s hand, and we followed Talen to the stairs.

  We reached our room, and Ainsley inserted the key into the door. It did nothing at first, and the light turned red. She inserted the card again, slower this time, and I waited impatiently for the little light to turn green. She pushed open the door, and I followed her into the room.

  She dropped her bag next to the TV and collapsed on the bed.

  “Finally.” I lay down next to Ainsley on the bed.

  “I’ve missed you.” She leaned up on one elbow.

  “I have missed you too.” I brushed her hair away from her face.

  “And things keep getting crazier.”

  “Rachel?” I rested my head beside hers on the pillow.

  “Yeah. The world is starting to feel entirely too small.”

  “Which world?”

  “Ugh, good point.” She rolled away from me.

  “It is not all bad, is it?”

  “No, it’s not all bad.” She rested her head on my chest. “There’s you.”

  “Glad I am in your positive category.”

  “Of course you are.” She brushed her lips over my skin.

  I ran my hand down her back. “I will keep you safe.”

  “Who says I’m worried about my safety?”

  “The tension in your body.”

  “I wasn’t aware I was visibly tense.”

  I gently rolled her onto her stomach and started to give her a shoulder rub.

  She moaned softly.

  “See, you are tense.”

  “That feels so good.” She relaxed slightly.

  “You are tense. If it is not about your safety, what is it?” I hoped it was not about our connection. She said she was happy with me, but that did not mean she enjoyed being forever linked.

  “Maybe it’s from the driving.”

  “Do you really believe that?” I continued to rub her shoulders. They were loosening up further.

  “There’s a lot going on right now.”

  “But something in particular has you tense. I can tell.”

  “How can you tell?” She turned her head to the side.

  “I know you.”

  She sighed. “I’m afraid I’m going to find out why I’m involved.”

  “Why you are involved?”

  “We both know there has to be a reason your dad’s men wanted me, and why I’m your kindred.”

  “It is likely the same reason for both.”

  “Exactly.” She offset my hands and rolled over.

  “And that reason is why you are so worried?”

  “It means something in my life isn’t as it seems. Otherwise how could I possibly have a connection to Energo? It makes no sense.”

  “Or maybe it is just destiny.” My excuse sounded hollow to my own ears.

  “You don’t believe that.” She sat up. “Don’t pretend otherwise.”

  “We will find the answer.”

  “I have this bad feeling about it.”

  I ran my hands up and down her arms. “Do not. It
is going to be okay.”

  “You promise?” She looked up at me through her big blue eyes, and I almost lost it.

  “I promise.” I would make sure she was okay.

  “Good.” She smiled.

  “There is the smile I love.”

  “You never smile.” She tilted her head to the side and seemed to be studying me.

  “Sure I do.” I grinned.

  “Not often.”

  “I smile much more now that I know you.” I had never known true happiness before meeting her.

  “You have a great smile.”

  “So do you.”

  “You have great lips.”

  “You have the best lips.” I gently brushed my lips against hers. Her lips were so soft and sweet.

  She moaned. “You are the biggest tease.”

  “How am I a tease?” I entwined my fingers with hers.

  “That kiss was a tease. It was too light and short.”

  “You say that as though I am going to deny you more? Have you forgotten I am the one that insisted we share a room?”

  “Of course I didn’t forget that. I’m glad you did.”

  “How glad?”

  “Very.” She reached around my neck and pulled my head down to hers.

  * * *

  I lay in the dark holding Ainsley in my arms. We only had a few hours before we returned to the lobby to meet the others, and I was glad Ainsley was getting sleep. My thoughts were racing too fast to allow me to relax. At least I had Ainsley beside me. She made the restlessness comfortable.

  I closed my eyes and tried one last time to find sleep. I ran my hands up and down Ainsley’s back.

  Are you ready to thank me, son?

  My heart rate accelerated at the sound of my father’s voice. I will never thank you.

  But I have given you so much. You cannot deny your fulfillment.

  I can only curse you for what you have done.

  You love the girl.

  Do not think, or speak, of her. I could not stand to have him even think of her.

  He laughed. Why do you think she is still with you? I am the only reason.

  That is a lie.

  Is it? He pushed me the way he always used to. He wanted me to doubt myself. It had taken me years to figure that out.

  It is. I refused to acknowledge the doubt swirling around me. She is my kindred. Mine.

  How did you discover she belonged in Energo? She is yours only because of me.

  Not true. I refused to let him get to me. Yet I knew he had. The seed of doubt was there, and it would haunt me now.

  I will be ready for my repayment soon.

  I will not help you.

  You will.


  You should not disrespect me, son. I always get what I want, and you might not like the next method I choose.

  Leave me alone!

  Everything went silent again. I wiped sweat off my forehead and pulled Ainsley closer to me. Everything would be okay. She was my kindred, and he could never change that.

  I refused to close my eyes after that. I kept them open while I watched the clock, both willing the seconds to pass and begging them to slow so I could hold Ainsley longer.

  The sun rose, spilling light into the room through the small space in the curtains.

  Ainsley stirred beside me and opened her eyes. When she saw me she smiled. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” Any morning waking up beside her was a good morning no matter what else was plaguing me.

  “Did you sleep?” Her smile fell and was replaced by an expression of worry.

  “I had enough sleep.” I would make up for my lack of sleep later, when I knew we were both safe from my father.

  “I sleep so much better when I’m with you. Obviously the same isn’t true for you.” She sat up and started dressing.

  “Do not read something into my difficultly sleeping. It comes from the stresses we are facing and not from any lack of comfort with you.”

  “Yet you are worried about my stress?”

  I moved behind her and pulled her back against my chest. “Yes. I worry about you.”

  “I will try to relax, if you try to get some sleep today in the car.”

  “You are asking me to sleep on our drive?”

  “Yes. You won’t be driving so it shouldn’t be too difficult.”

  “I cannot promise I will sleep, but I will promise to try.”

  “That means closing your eyes and letting your worry go for a while.” She rolled her head in such a way that I had complete access to her neck. I could not resist running my lips down her sensitive skin.

  She moaned, and I let my hands skim down her body. “You should not have started dressing so soon.”

  “And why is that?” She asked coyly.

  “You know exactly why.”

  She laughed before removing the bra and underwear she had just put on. “That was an easy fix.”

  “A very easy one.” I eased her down on the bed. “I am glad you woke up early enough to give us time.”

  “I think we have a problem, James.” She cupped my face with her hands.

  “What kind of problem?” I slipped my face out of her grasp and took her breast in my mouth.

  She moaned.

  I moved my mouth. “What problem?”

  “We are—”

  I returned my mouth to her breast, and she moaned again.

  “Were you saying something?” I released her breast and slid my hand between her long legs.

  “I was saying we are addicted to each other.”

  “Is that so?” I slid my hand up higher.

  She closed her eyes and opened up to me. “But maybe that’s not a problem.”

  “Not when you have me anytime you want.” I returned my mouth to her breast, loving the moans the combination of my mouth and hand were eliciting.

  * * *

  “Good morning!” Ainsley greeted Rachel, Henry, and Talen with a grin when we finally made it down to the lobby. We were running a few minutes behind schedule, but the delay was completely worth it.

  “Good morning to you as well.” Rachel grinned. “Would you want me to drive today? I know you got sleep, but I feel bad that you drove all day yesterday.”

  “You don’t mind?” Ainsley ran her hands through her hair as if trying to brush it.

  Rachel shook her head. “Nope. Not at all.”

  “I can sit beside you and read the directions from your phone.” Henry offered.

  “Oh, that would be great.” Rachel beamed.

  Evidently their talk the evening before had helped ease the tension. It was nice to see a smile on their faces, but I hoped Henry had not made any promises he would be unable to keep.

  “Sounds like a plan.” I led Ainsley out to the car. I was relieved we would be sitting beside one another.

  I took the middle seat, wanting to spare her from the less comfortable spot, and Talen slid in on my other side far too close for comfort. Ainsley had not been kidding about the small size of her car.

  “Thanks for driving,” Ainsley called to the front as Rachel pulled out of the lot.

  “Thanks for doing so much driving yesterday.” Rachel turned onto the road.

  “You are thanking me even though you have no clue why we’re even going?” Ainsley shook her head. “That’s impressive.”

  “It’s where you need to be, and right now that reason is good enough for me.”

  “What are you hoping to get from your involvement?” I remembered Rachel was a girl with single-minded determination. She was not the type to go along with something unless it held some benefit for her.

  “Rekindling old friendships.” She glanced at me in the rearview mirror. “Proving to myself I am not crazy. There is more going on than anyone in town believed.”

  “You are not crazy,” Henry reassured her. “And I am sorry we had to leave the way we did. I am sworn to protect Charlotte, and I did what I had to. My oath of protectio
n is imbedded in who I am, and I could not hesitate. I had to save my people and do my duty.”

  “And eventually you will explain to me who your people are?” Rachel took the ramp back onto the interstate.

  “Maybe you’ll get to meet them.” Ainsley stretched out her legs. “You never know.”

  “She has to now.” I admitted. “She knows too much.”

  “Because that doesn’t sound scary?” Rachel changed lanes. “It sounds like a threat.”

  “Not a threat. No one is going to hurt you. And you can go home eventually, but not until we get to the bottom of this.” I chose my words carefully.

  “I can go home eventually?” Rachel’s voice dripped with skepticism. “I am with you willingly. You can’t force me to stay.”

  “Technically we can.” Henry looked down. “We are stronger than you think.”

  Rachel shook her head. “Save your breath, I am coming with you anyway. I want to see Charlotte.”

  “Can you imagine Charlotte’s face if we return with Rachel?” Henry leaned forward in his seat. He sounded like himself again.

  “Were you two very close?” Ainsley asked Rachel.

  “Yes, although she wasn’t in Charleston all that long. She’s a really cool person. One of my few true friends. Well, I thought she was. I don’t know what to believe anymore.” Rachel sighed.

  I decided to put her out of her worries on one issue. “She was truly your friend. She misses you.”

  “Yeah?” Rachel caught my eye in the rearview mirror. “I’ve thought about her a lot over the years.”

  “Have you thought of me?” Henry leaned over toward her.

  “I already told you I never got over you,” she mumbled.

  “I have thought of you every single night since I met you.” Henry looked at her with such an intensity I could nearly feel it.

  Talen laughed. “Oh, this is too much. A Guardian declaring his ever dying love?”

  Henry turned around. “Stay out of this.”

  “Why did you wait so long to come back?” Rachel’s question took me by surprise. By the relaxed way they were moving around each other now, I assumed they discussed all this already.

  “Because I thought you and Roberts were together. I did not want to get in the way of your new life.”


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