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The Seven: A Taste for Jazz: Book 3 of The Seven series

Page 7

by Stone, Ciana

  He surprised her by shifting and placing his free hand on the side of her face. "And you'd give up your life and career and all you love for that?"

  Jazz had not considered it in that light but his question forced her to take a hard look at what he was asking. Part of her wanted to say the hell with it. Florida wasn't her home. Sure, she'd seen this as an easy gig, have some fun, live in luxury and play bodyguard. Piece of cake. At least that was her initial reaction.

  Now she saw it for what it was. She'd have to give up her entire life, devote herself only to his protection to ensure he was safe to do his work. What kind of life did that spell for her? She had no doubt there was chemistry between the two of them. That was a given. And yes, she had feelings for him. Feelings that grew stronger each day. But what of his feelings? What if he decided that all he wanted from her was fun and games? Could she devote her life to guarding a man who had no real feelings for her?

  She looked into his eyes, searching them for answers. And was rewarded with an epiphany. It didn't matter what he felt for her. It didn't even matter that she was already falling in love with him. All that mattered was that she keep him safe and prevent the horror she'd seen as mankind's possible destiny. For once in her life, it wasn't about her. It was about something bigger.


  Rock searched her eyes. He could detect no dishonesty or deceit. What he could detect was something that shook him far more. He saw love shining in her eyes. Love and loyalty and absolute commitment.

  "Jazz...I...damn, I don't know quite what to think about any of this."

  "Look, I know there's no proof, no data to measure or analyze—but that's not true. Think about it, Rock. Based on all your knowledge and understanding, let's say the world continues just as it is now. Where do you think we'll be in a hundred years? Or even fifty? Is what I saw so far from possible?"

  Her question hit the nail on the head. His mind went immediately into analytical mode. Being blessed with eidetic memory, his mind could quickly sift through the volumes of material he'd read and extrapolate conjectures based on the data stored in his mind.

  Rock was unaware of the vacant expression that came over his face, or the words he mumbled. "Global dimming...destabilization of climate...acidification...shutdown of thermohaline circulation...oceanic anoxia...glacier retreat...photorespiration inhibition..."

  It wasn't until Jazz was sitting on top of him, straddling his body and shaking him that his mind returned to reality. "Huh? What are you doing?"

  "Trying to snap you out of whatever the heck kind of...trance you were in."


  "Well whatever. You've been sitting there for five minutes like a zombie mumbling things about destabilization and photo-something inhibition and...stuff."

  Rock couldn't hold back a smile at her reply and the way she waved her arms around, as if her motions were filling in the words she couldn't remember.

  "What's so funny?"

  "Nothing. I'm sorry. And you're right. Based on the current status of the planet, in one hundred years, if left unchecked, man could be faced with a dismal future."

  "See? I'm right. And Stanzia's right. You have to finish your research and develop this..." She lost her excited animation and frowned. "Just exactly what is it you're working on anyway?"

  "An affordable and efficient hydrogen fuel cell."

  "Which means?"

  "Eliminating the dependence on fossil fuels."


  "If I can make it work."

  Jazz stared at him wide-eyed. "You can do that?"

  Rock smiled. "I think so. Yes."

  She surprised him by jumping up and pacing back and forth, chewing on a thumbnail and mumbling to herself.


  She didn't respond.


  She stopped and looked at him.

  "What's wrong?"

  "What's wrong? Okay, I'm not a super brain like you, but even I can see the handwriting on the wall. If anyone and I mean anyone has a clue that you're working on a hydrogen fuel cell that could eliminate our need for fossil fuels, then it's clear as the nose on your face that you're the prize pig at the county fair."

  "Prize pig?"

  She waved away the question. "Don't play stupid now. You have to see it. On one hand you have all the people who don't want that to happen. And we're talking mega money here—the freaking basis of world economy. Those guys sure as shit don't want to be put out of business. So either they try to eliminate you and stop it from happening, or they try to get control of it. And then there's the other side of the coin. The people who want it to happen but want to be the ones who profit from it. Either way, we're talking about some very big guns, Rock. And all with you in their sights."

  Rock stood and walked to her. "Isn't that a bit melodramatic?"

  "Is it? You're the brains. You tell me. What would people do to either prevent it from happening or control it?"

  Rock wondered if maybe in some ways he wasn't the dumbest man on the planet. He'd never considered that anyone would take his life to get their hands on his research. Buy him out? Sure. He got offers all the time. But kill him?

  It made a cold chill slide down his spine. Suddenly his safe haven didn't seem so safe. And that made him angry.

  Jazz saw the emotions play on his face, and recognized his anger by the set of his jaw and the flash in his eyes. "Rock, listen." She took his hands in hers. "You obviously have resources. I mean this place isn't cheap. So surely you can afford a more secure location where you can work. I'll help. You pick the place and I'll make sure the security is sound. I know people who can help. I promise I'll keep you safe."

  He smiled and leaned down to put his forehead against hers. "Jazz, my beautiful warrior. I know you mean well but—"

  "Don't." She pushed back. The last thing she could take was hearing him say that he couldn't have her around underfoot. That what they had was sexually exciting but nothing more. Despite her resolve to do whatever it took to keep him safe and put her own desires in the background, she just wasn't ready to hear those words come from his mouth.


  She cut him off again. "No. You don't have to spell it out. I'm not asking you for anything, Rock. We had a great night and that's that. You don't owe me anything. All that matters is keeping you safe. That's it."

  Rock listened and watched and felt a thrill of excitement. She'd bewitched him at first sight, obliterated his desire for other women with one look. He'd fought it and tried to analyze it a hundred different ways but the truth was he was hooked on her. And not just for sex. While that was the stuff of dreams, she was quite literally what he'd wished for.

  His problem was that it scared the living shit out of him. He'd never been captivated by a woman. Never been in love. Even the word scared him. He feared it because he saw it as something that would take him over, rob him of his life and dreams and freedom.

  He didn't want that. So he'd fought the feelings. But now he found himself not so afraid. And that was because of the fear he sensed in her. She loved him and it scared her. He had no doubt that Jazz would go toe-to-toe with any danger, face it down and probably conquer it. Any physical threat she could handle. But love was something she didn't know how to fight or deal with.

  She was just like him. That made it easier. And exciting. To think that she was as enthralled with him as he was with her was one of the most exhilarating feelings he'd ever experienced.

  "I appreciate that, baby. I do. But that wasn't what I wanted to say."


  He smiled and gave her a light gentle kiss. "What I wanted to say," he whispered, "is that while there's no one I'd trust more than you for protection, the idea of you putting yourself in harm's way scares me."

  "I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself."

  "Of that I have no doubt. But baby, my motives are selfish. Now that I've found you, I don't want to risk losing you."

  Nothing he could have
said would have surprised her more. Or elated her or scared her. "Rock, I...crap, I'm so bad at this. Really bad."

  "Join the club, baby."

  She laughed at the remark, feeling a bone-deep connection with the man who held her. "I care, Rock. A lot. More than I want to. More than is probably good for me."

  "I won't hurt you, Jazz."

  "Not intentionally. I believe that. But who knows what tomorrow will bring. What we think we want today often looks different tomorrow or next week or next month."

  "I hope that's not the case, but you're right. We don't know, so let's not make promises. For now, let's just acknowledge that there's something between us that's more than what we've had so far. Something that could be just what we've both been looking for."

  "And only time will tell?"

  "Basically, yeah."

  "Okay," she said with a smile. "I can do that. One day at a time."

  "And since we're being completely honest here, I need you to know that I've asked to meet with some people - people I've known a long time and am certain I can trust."

  "About what? Me?"

  "You and the person who hired you."

  "You think they might know Stanzia?"

  "I think if anyone among the Seven has heard of her it would be them or they'd have the means to find out who she is."

  "They're Seven?"

  "Well, yeah. So am I, Jazz."

  She got up and walked over to the railing on the patio, stared out at the landscape for a few moments then turned to face him. "I know. A shifter. You can turn into a cat or be a werewolf."

  "No, a werewolf is someone who only shifts into wolf form. I can shift into the form of a wolf but I'm not a werewolf. I can just adopt animal forms."

  "How many?"

  "Any I can visualize in my mind."

  "So you're not like - like changing on a full moon and going on a killing spree?"

  Rock laughed. "Hardly."

  "Okay, so can I ask - were you born that way? I mean are your parents Shifters?"

  "My father, yes. My mother is a Changeling. Which makes me technically a mutt."

  "A Changeling?"

  "Yes. She can take on any corporeal appearance."

  "That's pretty cool. So... damn, this probably sounds silly, but I don't know all that much about your people. Are you originally from here? Not Florida, but this continent or this planet?"

  "No. We originated on another world that is - well, the best explanation and the most scientifically correct is our world is on a parallel dimension."

  "Whoa, science boy. Shifters is big enough to comprehend. Parallel dimensions? Isn't that just science fiction stuff?"

  "No, it's not."

  "So how did you get here?"

  "There are portals - doorways - between dimensions. Our people travelled to other dimensions via these portals for - well as long as we have existed."

  "And what? You liked it here so you stayed?"

  "Not exactly. As happens with many great civilizations, ours grew too powerful and we began to fight among ourselves. There was a - a rift—for lack of a better word. Some of us gravitated toward what we call the Light, and some toward the Dark. To prevent the Dark from taking over this world, the Light sealed the portals."

  "So you're stuck here. Unless your theory pans out and you can figure out a way to open and ... and control it, right?"

  "Something like that."

  "Okay, still sounds like something from the SyFy channel but I'll play along. So, back to these friends of yours. When are you meeting with them?"

  "If you'll go with me, tonight."

  "Go where?"

  "To the Keys."

  "Sure. I'm game. I am supposed to be protecting you."

  "Indeed you are. So, you need to go by your place and get anything?"

  "I need to go to the gym. I can't leave Ed high and dry."

  "I've already taken care of that."

  "Oh, well in that case ... how long are we gonna be gone?"

  "Just the night."

  "Then yeah, I'd like to pack a few things."

  "Okay. Why don't I pick you up in - an hour? Two?"

  "An hour's fine."

  Rock got up and walked her outside. She started for her bike but he took hold of her arm and pulled her back to him. "You have any objections to sharing a room with me tonight?"

  "Not a one."

  Rock smiled and gave her a kiss that had her knees turning to jelly. When he released her she grinned up at him. "One hour."

  "I'll be there."

  With a sexy smile, she sauntered to her bike and climbed on. Rock waiting until she pulled away then went back inside to call the others and let them know he was bringing Jazz with him. As much as he hated deceiving her, he needed one of them to get inside her head and find out if she was on the level.

  Because if she was, his identity - all his identities, were endangered.

  Chapter Seven

  I've faced a lot of situations in my life, some pleasant, some not and some that were downright dangerous. But it's a fact that I never dreamed I'd be riding down the highway with a Shifter at the wheel, on my way to meet a Vampire, a Demon and a Wizard. That sounds like the start of a really bad joke.

  Who said fiction was strange? My life, of late, puts fiction to shame.

  I am curious. Rock says that the demon - correction Daemon is named Severin and is one of the most upstanding and honorable men he's ever known. Men? I asked about that. How can you call a Daemon a man?

  According to Rock, the word Daemon stems from Greek and the original meaning was Deity. Daemons are like some spawns from hell. They aren't inherently evil. They are immortal, however or virtually so. He says he's known a few in his life and has never known one to die of natural causes.

  A few have been killed, but it take a lot to kill a Daemon.

  Wizards, are sort of a Daemon/Fae hybrid species. They have extreme longevity and powers that belong to both Fae and Daemon, but their powers are somewhat diluted.

  Vampires? They don't have to hide from the sun. At least not all of them. Some are weaker than others and develop serious burns from overexposure.

  For the most part, the Seven aren't evil beings. At least according to Rock and what I learned from Stanzia. There are evil ones among them, but as a human I can't cast any stones over that. We have our fair share of evil.

  I've been thinking about Stanzia a lot. Why would she enlist me to guard Rock when he seems pretty damn competent of handling that on his own? And why doesn't he know her? If he's so important to her, why is she just now making a move to help safeguard him?

  It doesn't add up and things that don't add up make me nervous. And suspicious.

  Which is why I'm curious to hear what Rock's friends have to say.

  After the lavish style of Rock's house, Jazz was surprised when they pulled up in front of a small house with a wrap-around porch. There were lights on inside.

  "You won't need your guns," Rock commented as he parked the car.

  "You never know."

  He shrugged and got out of the car. She did likewise and followed him to the door. He rapped on it twice. A few seconds later it opened.

  Her initial reaction was holy shit. The man who stood inside the house was gorgeous. Long hair that just begged to have hands tangled in it, eyes the color of twilight and a face that she was not likely to ever forget.

  He was tall and lean, the kind of lean that bespoke of wiry strength and a flexibility that conjured up lascivious imaginings.

  "Conner." The man smiled and extended his hand.

  "Severin." Rock clasped his hand and pulled the man to him. They embraced in the manner of brothers.

  "I am Severin." The man's attention switched to Jazz.

  And earned another mental holy shit. Something blazed from his eyes, something with power.

  "Jazz Boudreaux." She offered her hand.

  His touch produced literal sparks, something that shocked the hell out of her an
d seemed to surprise him as well the way his eyes widened.

  "Ms. Boudreaux. Please come in."

  That's when she noticed the second man. He rose from his seat. "Conner. Good to see you."

  "Same here, Andre." Conner embraced Andre as well and then gestured toward Jazz. "Jazz this is Andre. Andre, Jazz."

  "A pleasure." Andre did not offer his hand.

  Good god, are all the Seven this sexy? Jazz had seen her share of good-looking men but the three in the room with her now were off the charts sexy.

  "Please, have a seat." Severin gestured to the sofa.

  Rock settled on the couch and patted the cushion beside him. Jazz took a seat and waited as the other two men sat.

  "Augustus was not able to be here," Severin said. "But we can video conference him in."

  "You have a secure connection?" Rock asked.

  "The one you so generously provided." Severin got up and left the room. When he returned, he carried a tablet. He set it up on a table on one side of the room.

  Jazz watched as he set about establishing a connection. A few seconds passed before Augustus Thurinus' image appeared.

  "Sorry I couldn't make it."

  "No problem." Rock answered.

  "And this is Ms. Boudreaux?"

  "Jazz." Jazz offered.

  "Jazz. I'm Augustus. As I understand it, you say you were ... transported to another place - a castle by a woman, Stanzia, and there she convinced you that Conner - pardon Rock - was in need of protection. In fact, the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Is this correct?"

  "In a nutshell, yes."

  "And you believe this to be true?"


  "Then it is imperative that we ascertain if what you experienced did in fact happen and this is not the result of a spell or some form of mental control."

  "And how do you plan on doing that?" She noticed that no one else was chirping up.Apparently Augustus was the big dog in this show.

  "I am going to ask you to allow Severin to join minds with you."

  "Excuse me?"

  Augustus smiled. "Yes, I know it sounds impossible but I assure you it can be done."


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