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The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16)

Page 3

by Alexie Aaron

  Mia’s eyes opened wide. She was suddenly aware of her present state of vulnerability.

  “In his case, there may be a carnal issue. In mine, I’m looking for a fellow warrior. I’m not interested in being inside of you.”

  “This is making me very uncomfortable,” Mia said, getting up.

  “There is a war coming. I want you to fight beside me,” Sariel said, putting his hand on her chest.

  “I already have a fighting partner, Sariel, but thank you for the offer,” she said, trying to lift the angel’s hand off of her body.

  “Are you talking about Stephen Murphy?”


  “Not Angelo Michaels?” Sariel clarified.

  “I don’t trust Angelo, or you for that matter,” Mia said as Sariel pulled her closer to him. “This isn’t helping,” she said, pushing at him.

  “You have so much demon in you. I can understand your need to lie with a male. Is that what it takes to win your allegiance?”

  “That is none of your business. I’m a married woman. I lay with my husband.”

  “I can give you the pleasure you seek,” he said huskily.

  Mia raised her knee hard. She twisted away as the surprised archangel felt real pain in an area of his body where he hadn’t felt pain in a long time.

  Mia turned and ran in the direction of the farmhouse. She had only gone a few yards when she felt the light change. Sariel rose into his angel form and spread his mighty wings, blocking out the sun. He reach down, and she vaulted to the side, evading his grasp, falling hard on the ground. Mia used the hillside, rolling down and under the archangel until she was behind him. Mia rose to her feet, and as she did, she picked up a rock, held it in her hand, and lifted dozens more with her mind. She kept them moving around the angel before her.

  Sariel spun around and looked down at the petite creature with the glowing yellow eyes and determined look on her face.

  Mia spoke, “I don’t want to hurt you, and I sense you could kill me with a thought. I need you to leave here, and don’t return.”

  “You have no need to fear me. I’m sorry for reverting to my baser self. You continue to astonish me.”

  “Sariel, you surprised me, and not in a good way. I can see we humans are under the misapprehension that you paranormal titans fight for us. Instead, I’ve learned that we are but chess pieces in this cosmic game. I am no one’s pawn, queen, or knight. I am Mia Cooper Martin: proud wife of Theodore Martin, mother of Brian Stephen Cid Martin, and daughter of Charles and Amanda Cooper. I have been given these gifts to aid the lost and fight for the balance of good and evil. I have been bred with a bit of all of you. I am kin to demon and birdman alike, and I have superhuman and angel cells just waiting to attach themselves. God made me this way for a purpose, I’m not sure I totally understand. Until I do, I’ll not fight with or against you. But I will protect my family, friends and myself.”

  “I wish I could tell you that this has dissuaded me from wanting to train you, to bring you into my army. I will be watching you. You’re just beginning to evolve, and I can see you need space in which to discover what you truly want in life. If you choose to stand beside me, I will be honored. If you chose to stand across from me, I will be sad to crush you, but I will. Take care, Mia Cooper Martin. Choose carefully.”

  Sariel lifted up off the ground, and with one push of his wings, he soared into the heavens.

  Mia let the rocks fall before she succumbed to the exhaustion and fainted.

  Chapter Three

  Mia felt a cold nose on her face. Her eyes snapped open, and before her was Maggie’s concerned face. “What time is it?” she asked, not really expecting the dog to suddenly display a timepiece. If Maggie had, then Mia would assume she was still dreaming.

  “Mia!” Mia heard Ted call.

  “Over here!” she responded as she tried to get to her feet. Her legs were still asleep and very numb. She stamped her foot, trying to get the feeling back. Maggie misunderstood and launched herself into Mia’s arms. The two of them maintained the briefest moment of stability before Mia toppled over backwards. She fell hard on her bottom. Maggie, thinking this was some kind of game, washed Mia’s face before running around her barking.

  Ted followed the sound to find Mia wiping off Maggie’s kisses as she lay flat on her back.

  Ted’s shadow fell across her. He was communicating, but she didn’t understand what he was trying to tell her. It was all math.

  “Mia…” Ted said, feeling a strange pressure in his head. “Are you reading my mind?”

  Mia’s eyes opened wide in shock. She put both of her hands over her mouth, her face displaying fear. She forced herself to her feet. “Oh my god, Ted, I’m so sorry,” she said, reaching for him. “Please forgive me. I didn’t know I could do that. I had no intention… Oh my god,” she repeated.

  “It’s okay,” Ted said, grabbing her hands that were moving over his body so fast, as if Mia could wipe away what she had accidently done.

  “I didn’t know I was doing that,” she said. “I didn’t think I could do that?”

  “Did you find anything interesting in my head, m’dear?” he asked, looking at her sideways.

  “Math. I thought you were speaking to me in equations,” Mia admitted. “There were all these numbers.”

  “Truth in numbers. They don’t lie. Why didn’t you continue?”

  “I hate mind readers,” she said, her mouth downturned. “I didn’t want to be one. I’m not going to do that again.”

  Ted reached an arm around her. “It’s okay, Minnie Mouse. I don’t think you did it on purpose. But if you ever want to visit this cabeza again, just call first. This way, I can clear out the porn and hide my dirty laundry.”

  “Don’t worry. I don’t know why that happened, but it’s never happening again,” she assured him.

  “I don’t get you. You develop these superpowers, and instead of building an evil empire with them, you apologize. Mia, you are one of a kind.”

  “Thank God for that,” she said, pulling a burr off of her pants.

  “Do you mind telling me what you were doing out here alone?”

  “I think I was sleeping,” she said, her mind still reeling. “Wait, I was talking to Murphy, and then he left, and Sariel showed up. I think I threatened him.”

  “You threatened an archangel?” Ted asked

  “With rocks,” she said, biting her lip.


  “I don’t exactly remember. Oh, now I do. He was being rude. He left, and that’s all I remember, except I had this dream about you and me, and we were… At least I think it was us?” Mia looked up at him. “Can we start again?”

  “Hello, Mia. Do you know we have a dinner appointment in less than an hour?”

  “Yes, no, I forgot, but I am hungry,” she admitted, smiling. She looked at Ted a moment, and her smile turned into a leer. She raised an eyebrow and wiggled her finger.

  “No, I’m not kissing you. You’re going to make us late,” he said firmly. “You still need to take a shower. May I recommend a cold one?”

  “How hospitable of you,” Mia said, disappointed.

  “You only have yourself to blame. If you weren’t out here throwing rocks at angels, then we would have more time not showering.”

  “You’re probably right,” Mia said and took his hand. The two walked back to the house.


  Mike nodded in the direction of the bar’s entrance. Mia and Ted walked in. Mia was dressed in, what Mike knew, was probably one of two dresses that Ted hadn’t burned. He also knew it was a gift from Angelo. He would have to speak to her about the faux pas of wearing a gift from another man in front of your husband. He suspected that Ted was oblivious to this. To Ted, Mia was dressed and probably on time. Burt stood up as Mia and Ted approached. Mike got to his feet until Mia sat down.

  “I thought we’d have a drink. It’s going to be a few minutes before our table is ready,” Burt explained.

p; Ted looked at Mia and asked, “What would you like?”

  “Surprise me,” Mia challenged.

  Ted smiled mischievously and leaned over to the waitress and whispered their order. She giggled and walked quickly to the bar.

  “Am I going to regret this?” Mia asked.

  “Oh, most certainly,” Ted said.

  Mike looked at the two of them. If it wasn’t for the sex vibe that was rolling off Mia in waves, he would suspect the two of them were in an adolescent mood.

  The waitress came back with a draft beer and a tall drink with several umbrellas decorating the mysterious icy brew.

  Mia giggled and stood up so she could take a sip. “Okay, it’s very fruity and, OMG, lots of rum, more rum and, yes, still more rum. I’m not driving home.” She sat down hard.

  Burt shook his head. “Ted, you’re going to have to hold her hair back if she drinks any more of that,” he warned.

  “Don’t worry, one’s enough,” Ted said. “Okay, now that we’ve been primed with alcohol, you can tell us why the two of you asked us here. Not that we mind double dating with you two but…”

  “Ted, you probably don’t remember this, but five years ago, we asked you to join PEEPs,” Burt began.

  “Really, has it been that long?” Ted asked.

  Mia watched the men with interest. She could feel the comradery between the three. Sure, there had been times when Ted and Mike were volatile, and a lot of that was because of her. But tonight, the three PEEPs men were enjoying the company and the stories each were telling.

  Mia had managed, finally, to persuade Ted that there was enough time to make love before getting ready for the dinner. Mia was still feeling waves of emotion and needed to be made love to again by her husband. The rum hadn’t calmed her down; it had made it worse.

  “Mia, I hope you don’t feel excluded,” Burt said, putting his hand briefly on hers.

  “No not at all. It’s nice to hear these new versions of the old stories.”

  “The main reason for this dinner is to celebrate Ted’s five years. The second reason is to offer Ted a full and equal partnership.”

  Mia looked at Ted. She could tell that he was touched by the offer, and no doubt, that immense brain of his was calculating his share of the PEEPs coffers against the risk that came with a partnership if he agreed.

  “We don’t need your answer tonight,” Mike said. “We’ve made enough to pay off my mother, and I’ve never been comfortable with having the lion’s share, so Burt, you, and I will share the burden of PEEPs equally. Talk it over with the missus, and let us know soon. We’d like to have the paperwork drawn up before the end of the month.”

  “Sure. I’m flattered, and I’ll let you know tomorrow before the PEEPs meeting,” Ted said.

  “Good, then let’s have a steak and enjoy the evening. Mia, can I order you a proper drink?” Mike offered.

  “Yes, please,” Mia said on her best behavior.

  A hand fell on her lap, and she pondered for a moment whose it was. She enclosed her hand around the familiar hand of Ted and smiled.

  The hostess came over and told them their table was ready. Mia almost said that she was hungry but was tired of everyone telling her that she was always hungry. She simply stood up and put a hand on the table for support as a wave of dizziness hit her.

  Mike, anticipating the effect of the rum drink, took her arm in his and escorted her through the bar to the table while Ted glared at the two of them.

  Burt smiled. At last, things were back to normal.


  Cid had just checked on Brian when he heard Ted and Mia drive up. He and Murphy were at odds as to why Mia had been gone so long that afternoon. Murphy said, when he had left Mia, she was in a good mood.

  Cid found himself thinking about Ted. He knew that Ted had been carrying a heavy load of guilt. He hoped that the couple’s rather loud but hurried lovemaking was a sign that they had worked out the last of their problems.

  Ted was Cid’s best friend, but in the short time he had known Mia, he had come to love her as a sister. He became as protective of her as Murphy was. Mia had accepted Cid as he was. She was the first, aside from Ted, to recognize his worth. If she and Ted broke up, he would definitely have a problem on his hands.

  Maggie barked and did the Ted’s-home dance of joy in the foyer.

  “Shush, girl, you’ll wake Brian,” Cid warned.

  Ted opened the door for Mia, and she all but floated into the house.

  “She’s had a bit too much to drink,” Ted whispered. “She’s in an I-love-everyone kind of mood.”

  “Even you?” Cid asked, teasing.

  “Especially me. We had to stop on the way home and…”

  Cid blushed.

  Mia ran up the stairs to peek in on Brian before she came down the steps and into Cid’s arms. “I just want you to know how much I love you,” she said. “You are so understanding and smart and…”

  “Mia, let Cid go,” Ted said, pulling her clenched hands off of Cid’s waist.

  Mia smiled and did so.

  “Coffee, I have fresh coffee,” Cid babbled. “And cheesecake…”

  This brought Mia right back into his arms. “I love a man who feeds me,” she said.

  Ted couldn’t help it; he burst out laughing. “I’m at fault here. I dared her to drink a Rum Robin before supper. Mike gave her a whiskey, and Burt ordered wine at dinner.”

  Cid lifted Mia’s chin and said in a very brotherly way, “You are going to have a hell of a headache unless we get some water into you quick.”

  Cid guided her to the kitchen.

  Mia looked back at Ted and said, “We’re going to get some water. Wanna come?”

  “No, you two go ahead. I’m going to get out of this monkey suit,” Ted said.

  Cid pulled out a chair and sat Mia down. She drummed her fingers on the new table while Cid fetched the water, coffee and cheesecake.

  “Do you want to tell me why you drank so much?” Cid asked, handing her a fork.

  “I’ve been squashing down my feelings. Too much emotion, too hard not to feel,” she said. “I still feel like I’m losing him, Cid,” Mia said. “I can’t lose him; he’s my world.”

  Cid put a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, Mia. Ted’s not going anywhere. He knows he’s damn lucky to have you. Uh, so that’s why you’re throwing a lot of sex at him? Are you trying to show him what he would miss?” Cid asked.

  “No, yes, I don’t really know. I think it’s still the good part of our marriage. Maybe I can hold on to him that way until I can fix the other parts.”

  “Mia, I have no experience or good words with which to guide you, but I know that the truth is never a bad idea. Sometimes when we are trying to protect our loved ones, we hurt them just the same,” Cid said. “I still think that we shouldn’t bury our problems.”

  “Speaking of buried problems, remind me to call Father Santos tomorrow. I need to find out where he and Angelo interred Chastity Murphy.”


  “Murph wants to visit her grave. Oh, could you go with him? He doesn’t want me to,” Mia said sadly.

  “Ah, the other woman.”

  “Stop, don’t you start that nonsense. Can you? I’ll owe you a favor.”

  “Really, a favor? I’ll take that favor. You can exchange working with me on a new cookie recipe for the bachelor’s auction next weekend.”

  “Deal,” Mia said and shook Cid’s hand. “You do know that Burt also asked me to make his cookies, don’t you?”

  “Yes, that’s why we have to come up with another recipe,” Cid said.

  “I’ll be happy to,” Mia said.

  “Happy to do what?” Ted asked, walking in the kitchen.

  Cid explained, and Ted nodded. “Sounds like a good trade. I remember when Gerald and Father Santos showed up to remove Chastity’s remains. I was a bit frightened by Angelo. He was like this walking wall.”

  “I remember thinking he was a
n angel,” Mia said. “Pblsst. I know angels, and that man is hardly an angel.”

  “Mia, how much did you have to drink?” Cid asked, worried that she was way too drunk for only three drinks. He put his hand on her forehead.

  “I don’t remember,” Mia confessed. “Too many. Did Ted tell you the news?”


  “I’ll leave you two to your conversation. I’ll be back down after I change. I think I have to dry-clean this thing, and that’s expensive.” Mia sniffed her armpits. “Still okay.”

  They waited until they were sure Mia was upstairs before talking.

  “So what happened?”

  “Mike and Burt offered me a partnership.”

  “Congrats! Are you going to take it?”

  “I don’t know. Mia suggested I talk to Alan about it. He’s coming here tomorrow morning to take care of that thing we talked about.”

  “That thing that got postponed when Mia went to the aerie?”

  “One in the same.”

  “It’s something that should have been done when you married her, dude,” Cid pointed out.

  “There was so much going on, it had honestly slipped my mind at the time. Turned out to be fortunate that it didn’t happen, otherwise Bev would have never gotten Mia out of that contract.”

  “Are you doing this now to hold on to Mia?” Cid asked. “Because if you are, I can assure you that she doesn’t need to be bribed. She loves you.”

  “I want to take care of her and Brian. What if something happens to me? I could blow myself up…” he said.

  “Don’t let Dupree’s jokes influence you,” Cid counseled. “How are things working out between the two of you?”

  “Mia and I came to an understanding. We are both going to try to be more truthful with each other.”

  “Does that include your long dalliance with Beth?”

  “It was no such thing,” Ted said, frowning. “I confessed how long Beth had been in play after Mia asked me about it. In turn, she told me all about how she felt about Burt, Whitney and Murphy. It was touch and go for a while there, especially the Beth part.”


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