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The Old House (Haunted Series Book 16)

Page 27

by Alexie Aaron

  “My dad’s parents aren’t living, so I only have one grandpa.”

  “I didn’t know I had any until this year.”


  “I wouldn’t lie to you, Mark.”

  Ted came out and saw Mark and the flowers Mia held so tenderly. He backtracked, found a vase and put some water in it, and returned. “Let me put them in here,” he said. He placed the flowers on the small table next to Mia and left the two alone.

  “Your husband isn’t mad I’m here, is he?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Good, because I wouldn’t want to tangle with that giant.”

  Mia laughed. “Ted’s tall, but he is a softy. You could take him.”

  Mark laughed.

  “He saved my life, Mark.”


  “A psychopath tossed me down eighty feet into a well of ice cold water. Ted climbed down and rescued me.”

  “Wow. Eighty feet!”

  “I’ve been lucky to have heroes around me like Ted and Murphy and the rest of the PEEPs. I tend to run into the fray before thinking things through. Today, I was caught unawares. All I could think was that I had to get Mike and Cid to safety. I’m built a bit different; I can take a little more of a beating than most people.”

  “Is it because you’re an angel?” he asked.

  “Oh my, I’m no angel. I do, however, know one.”


  “As I said before, I’ll never lie to you. You may not like all that I have to say, but I’ll always be honest with you, Mark.”

  “I can see things other people can’t,” Mark blurted out.

  “Go on, I’m listening.”

  “When my dad was getting ready to leave the last time, I saw him coming home in a coffin. I begged him not to leave, but he went anyway.”

  “That must have been hard on you. But he did return alive.”

  “He might as well be dead.”

  “Mark, I want you to listen to me. Things that you see are warnings or possibilities. They aren’t necessarily going to happen. But for the moment in time that you see them, they could. Your dad didn’t die because there were hundreds of moments that happened in between.”

  “He still got blown up.”

  “Yes, but there was a medic there, who was trained, who stabilized him. Doctors and nurses who cared for him… He returned a broken man, but he returned. He needs you. Hopefully, Ted and Cid have worked out the bugs, and you’ll be able to better communicate with him.”

  “He’s going to die.”

  “Everyone dies, Mark. Our time here on earth has a limit, but when we move on, there are infinite possibilities. What a wondrous adventure awaits us, when our time comes.”

  “That eighty foot drop killed you, didn’t it?”

  “Yes. I was lucky to have Murphy around to start my heart when it quit, Ted who climbed into the well, and Burt and Mike who were there to pull us both out. Glenda had a warm bath to take the chill out of me while a lady named Beth called for help. I survived. If it was foretold that I would fall into that well, and I hadn’t met Murphy or PEEPs, I’d be dead. Nothing is for certain. Don’t give up on your dad, Mark.”

  Mark sat there and thought about her words. Below the deck, unseen to Mia and Mark, Cid, Mike and Burt were listening to Mia’s words. Inside, on the other side of the screened window, Ted, Audrey and Glenda heard what Mia told the young prophet.

  “You’ve told me so much. I’m going to have to think about this. Can I come back and ask you more questions?”

  “Yes. Oh, before you leave, check in with Ted and Cid. I think they need to make some adjustments. You look very nice by the way. Very handsome. Don’t let them ruin your suit. Maybe take the jacket off first,” she suggested.

  “I will. Thank you, Mia.”

  “No, thank you for the visit, the flowers, and understanding,” she said sweetly.

  Mark got up to go.

  Ted was at the door. “Hey, kiddo, could I measure the spot between your eyes?”

  “Yeah sure. Why?”

  “Come on, and I’ll show you. Hold on.” Ted went to the deck’s edge and called out, “Paging Igor, paging Igor, meet Doctor F in the kitchen.”

  “Doctor F?” Mia questioned and then moaned. “So you’re Doctor Frankenstein today?”

  Ted smiled, showing Mia all his teeth.

  “Don’t do that. It gives me the creeps.”

  Mark laughed. The two of them walked into the house.

  Mia looked over at the flowers and smiled. Her eyes drooped as the fatigue she was keeping at bay overcame her, and she fell asleep and dreamed of flowers.


  Mark left the cottage feeling very positive. Ted and Cid were optimistic that their invention would work after a few adjustments. He walked up the drive and paused as an expensive sedan stopped at the end. The window rolled down, and the driver asked, “Is this where Mia Martin is residing?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The driver got out and opened the passenger door before going around to the trunk.

  Mark watched as a small man got out. He smiled at Mark. “Hello, young man. “I’m Orion. I’m Mia’s grandfather.”

  “I’m Mark. Mia and I are friends.”

  The driver had two bags in hand.

  “Just put them down. I think I can manage the rest of the way. Thank you.”

  Mark reached for a bag, and Orion took the other, pleased by the old world manners this child had, very rare on this continent. There was something else about the boy that interested Orion.

  “Excuse me, but what is your last name?”


  “It all makes sense now,” Orion said.

  “What makes sense?”

  “Sorry, Mark, I was talking to myself. Bad habit, runs in the family.”

  Mark walked him into the house and placed his bag down. “Mia is sleeping on the porch. The rest are around somewhere,” he said. “I have to get back home to my gran. Nice to meet you, Orion.”

  Orion shook his hand and his suspicions were confirmed. The boy left, and Orion spoke his thoughts again aloud, “There goes Prophet Leighton, seer of angels.”

  Mia heard the sliding door and opened her eyes expecting to see Ted. Orion smiled. “Hello, Mia.”

  “You’re here so soon.”

  “Angelo’s driver doesn’t believe in speed limits. He calls them suggestions. It was quite a wild ride. I wonder if he gets away with that with Angelo.”

  “I doubt it.” Mia tried to sit up, but the pain pulled her back down.

  Orion rushed to her side and pulled off her gloves and held her hands in his. “Oh, my poor dear. As you suspected, if it wasn’t for Sariel’s armor, you would be in two pieces.”

  “Murphy called it a negative elemental. Have you heard of such things?”

  “On the rare occurrence of a demon death, they are offered rebirth as an elemental. It’s a demon ghost. It can have a physical form, but most times it looks like bubbling tar. Always black.”

  “Can it be killed or do I have to catch it and take it away?” Mia asked.

  “Do you have Sariel’s sword with you?”


  “Use that.”

  “Will it cause an imbalance?”

  Orion looked at her. “You have been spending too much time with Paolo Santos. His balance, phooey.”


  “It’s all this talk of balance that has gotten us sidetracked. It has focused our eyes in the wrong direction, and now we have a big problem.”

  “Care to share?” Mia asked, worried about Orion’s blood pressure.

  “Later. One problem at a time. I see you met the prophet Mark Leighton.”

  “Whoa,” Mia said. “He’s the boy that the old house calls to, the reason why we asked the PEEPs here. I felt he was in trouble.”

  “He was, but not anymore. You turned him in the right direction. He can see angels, Mia,” Orion said s
lyly. “Be careful.”

  “I’m not an angel.”

  “Not completely. Angelo told me about the wings.”

  “Shhh,” Mia said and put her hand on Orion’s head and spoke to him through it.

  “I haven’t told Ted I flew to see Angelo in person yet. There never seemed to be a good time, so many people around. I’m afraid that now, if he finds out, everything I fought for will crumble.”

  Orion thought back, “He won’t hear it from me, but Angelo I can’t guarantee. Find the time, Mia. The longer you wait, the worse it will be.”

  Mia released her hand and studied her grandfather. “Thank you for coming.”

  “I would have stayed after the mall investigation, but I had Audrey’s research to do, and I sensed that you and Ted didn’t need my interference.”

  “Guidance,” Ted said from the doorway. “You gave me good counsel when things were darkest.”

  “I hope so, but it didn’t take, did it?” Orion accused.

  Ted looked down. “That was my fault.”

  Mia hoped that Ted would assume that Orion had read the information from her, and not from Angelo telling him.

  “Son, I am but a scribe. I have little experience with matters of the heart. What I do know is that my granddaughter took a part of herself and planted it in your heart. This is the ultimate sacrifice anyone can do for love. She will make mistakes. She has made mistakes. But she loves you. Whenever you doubt this, put your hand here,” Orion said, taking Ted’s hand and placing it on his heart. “Feel the beat. The second beat is stronger. This is where Mia is.”

  Ted did so. He smiled as he, whether by suggestion or by magic, did indeed feel the difference. “Why, Mia?”

  “I wanted to give you something no one else would ever have.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Okay, enough of this. You two are fine. I can see that. Now, on to indulging me. Where is my great-grandson?”

  “He’s in the bedroom regaling Audrey with his views on ice cream and pie. Or that’s what it sounds like to me,” Ted said.

  Orion moved past him, and Ted came out and helped Mia walk into the cottage and into the bathroom where Ted had prepared a hot, soothing bath of Epsom salts and lavender.

  “Relieve yourself, and then call me. You’re not to get in or out of the tub without me.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Ted smiled and closed the door.

  Mia took care of the essentials and said, “Ted, you can come in now.”

  He opened the door enough to slide in and locked it after him. “Audrey’s already been, and there are two bathrooms in Mike’s RV and one in the boys’. You are to have an uninterrupted soak.”

  Mia stood there and let Ted undress her, and she only winced once when he picked her up and placed her in the tub. He looked down at her and said, “I like the way your breasts bob.”

  Mia blushed. Ted sat down and leaned against the tub. “What a day.”

  Mia reached over and took his hat off and played with his curls.

  “I need a haircut.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Orion arrived quickly.”

  “Angelo’s driver likes to fold time.”

  “That happened to me once,” Ted said.

  “Really? Tell me.”

  “I was on my way from Kansas to Illinois, and I swear, one moment I was leaving Kansas and the next I was in Illinois. I mean, what happened to Missouri?”

  “There is no Missouri. It’s only a mirage on a map,” Mia said playfully.

  “There’s a lot of beautiful places in Missouri,” Ted said.

  “Further proof that it doesn’t exist. Like England. Totally made up.”

  Ted snickered. “I’d like to be a fly on the wall when you tell Cid that.”

  “Ah, Cid needs to believe in places like Missouri and England, otherwise he would start to question whether he is a character in a book or real,” Mia observed.

  “Did Orion give you a pain pill?”

  “Nope, Burt did before Orion came. I think they are finally working.”

  “What is it with the two of you and drugs? Do I have to be worried?”


  Ted turned around. “Mia, tell me about you and Burt doing drugs.”

  “It all started with the hollow. I dosed him pretty good, and then I took some of his stuff. I don’t remember much after that, but the next day both of us were very happy.”

  “Stop, I don’t need to hear this.”

  “You asked,” she said with a sly smile.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Cid was busy in the kitchen, and Maggie was underfoot, hoping to catch a snack. Orion watched Cid while sitting at the kitchen bar, sipping on a glass of white wine. It wasn’t one of Angelo’s expensive vintages, but it was tasty. He watched Ted slide out of the bathroom and collect some clothes for Mia and slide back in. There didn’t seem to be anything amiss. Mia must not have told Ted yet about her visiting Angelo. He regretted this advice. It would only push Ted further away from Mia.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Cid said, placing a plate of crab-filled mushroom caps in front of him.

  “I’m worried about my best intentions.”

  “Ah, I almost destroyed Ted and Mia with mine. You?”

  “Still in process. You know, you give what you think is great advice, but in actuality, it isn’t.”


  “Some things don’t have to come to light. Secrets held in order not to hurt the other are actually a good thing.”

  “Speaking to the choir, brother. May I have two Amens,” Cid requested.

  “Amen, Amen.”

  “Sounds like a feckin’ revival,” Glenda said. “Well, if it isn’t Tripod. Land sakes, it’s good to see you. Heard you’re part of the family.”

  “Yes I am.”

  “Good thing, family. This family is nuts, but it’s still good. So how’s your granddaughter?”

  “Healing. She took a hell of a beating. Saved your son I understand. You too bartender,” Orion said, indicating his empty glass.

  “Yes she did,” Cid said, pouring wine. “Glenda, can I get you anything?”

  “I’m pretty sauced, but I’ll take some of them little mushrooms.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Ted rubbed Mia’s hair with the towel. He tenderly combed the tangles out. All the while, she stared at him as if he was a rock star. Ted was shocked at how deep Mia’s love was for him. How could he have been such an insecure jackass?

  “I gave you every reason to be,” Mia said.

  Ted was puzzled. He realized that Mia thought he was talking, but she was in his head instead. How many pills did Burt give her?

  “Three. That’s what he takes.”

  “Burt weighs a wee bit more than you do, pumpkin.”

  Mia hunched her shoulders. “I broke the curse, Teddy Bear. I didn’t know I was cursed, but I was, and now it’s gone.”


  “Yup. Don’t be mad. It happened when I was a kid. Bound us both. We’re better not bound,” Mia said honestly. “I thought I was free, and then I realized that I loved thee,” she said, pointing at him.

  “Nice rhyme.”

  “Any time.”

  Ted laughed. He felt a weight lift off of him. His Mia, whom he had married knowing that she was in love with Murphy, wasn’t in love with Murphy anymore. She loved Ted so much that she had released her hold on Stephen.

  “How do you feel about Sariel?”

  “Sad. He’s frightened. He needs a wingman. I mean, why not another angel, for cripes’ sake?”

  “You have to trust your wingman. He trusts you.”

  “I’ll probably get us both killed.”

  “No you won’t.”


  Ted was silent for a moment.

  “Go ahead and ask,” Mia said, trying to stand.

  “Who’s the best lover?” he asked, drawing her to him.

; Mia giggled. “You are. You weren’t, but you are now.”

  Ted’s ego took a hit. “Who?”

  “Burt. He did this thing…” Mia seemed to be experiencing the memory. Her body actually quaked. “Whoa, that turned me inside out.”

  Ted decided he was done probing Mia’s brain after that. He wanted to try and figure out that thing, but he knew that he really ought to feed Brian before the gang arrived for Cid’s curry. “Come on, Chatty Cathy, time to return to civilization. And if you’re a good girl and don’t tell anyone any more secrets, we’ll try that thing later.”

  Mia clapped her hands.

  Ted opened the bathroom door and guided Mia to the sofa. He walked into Brian’s room and thanked Audrey.

  “My pleasure, he and I have been having a nonstop conversation,” she teased. “I need a glass of wine.”

  Ted picked up his son and took him over to his mother. Brian was overjoyed and hugged Mia, giving her kisses.

  “Ah am Ah am,” he said.

  Orion slid off his stool and walked over and said, “Brian, Aham Brahma Asmi?”

  Brian pointed to Mia.

  “Interesting.” He spoke to Brian again in a language no one in the room understood.

  Brian babbled back, ending with “Gee Pop.”

  “Your son is very smart.”

  “He can call most everyone by name, but calls me Ah am.”

  “Your child is speaking Hindi, Mia. He has given you a shortened name. Like Theodore is Ted, Michael is Mike, etcetera. Aham Brahma Asmi is a chant that brings about a feeling of ‘oneness’ with all creation. It denies confinement of the body and the mind. In Brian’s mind, he can see all the creatures inside of you. He can see you move in and out of your body. Just like Ted affectionately calls you Mighty Mouse when you are fierce and Minnie Mouse when you are vulnerable, your son calls you Aham.”

  “Whoa,” Mia said, stunned.

  “How is this possible?” Ted asked. “I can understand repeating words, chanting Aham Brahma Asmi, but understanding the concept?”

  “He takes after his godfather,” Cid called over.

  “I guess that answers everything,” Mia said. “I’m hungry. Is anyone hungry?”


  Burt couldn’t help but feel Ted’s eyes on him all evening. He thought it might have had something to do with the three painkillers he gave Mia, but he wasn’t sure. Mia was walking slowly, but she was walking. Orion said that he had an idea of how to speed the healing but kept it to himself. He would talk to Mia later. Burt was amused to find out that Orion and Mia were related. The more he looked at the two, the more there were little tells. The eyebrow lifting was one of them. Mia and the small birdman also moved both hands when they talked. Otherwise, they looked nothing alike.


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