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Aristocrats: Power, Grace, and Decadence: Britain's Great Ruling Classes from 1066 to the Present

Page 44

by Lawrence James

Seymour, Lord Thomas

  Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, first Earl of

  Shakespeare, William

  Shelley, Sir John

  Shelley, Percy

  Sherriffmuir, Battle of

  Shrewsbury, Elizabeth, Countess of

  Shrewsbury, John Talbot, first Earl of

  Shrewsbury, John Talbot, second Earl of

  Shrewsbury, Gilbert Talbot, seventh Earl of

  Shrewsbury, Charles Talbot, twelfth Earl of

  Shrewsbury, Francis Talbot, fifth Earl of

  Shrewsbury, Battle of

  Sibthorp, Colonel Charles de Laet Waldo

  Sidmouth, Henry Addington, first Lord

  Sidney, Sir Philip

  Sidney, Sir Ralph

  ‘silver fork’ novels

  Skipwith, Sir William

  slaves and slave trade; abolition; in America

  Smith, John

  Smith, Thomas Assheton


  Society for the Encouragement of Purity in Literature

  Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen for the Preservation of Game

  Solway Moss, Battle of

  Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, first Duke of

  Somerset, Edward Seymour, first Duke of (Protector Somerset)

  Somerset, Robert Carr, first Earl of

  South Africa

  Southey, Robert

  Spain; and Jacobitism; and Peninsular War

  Spanish Armada Spectator, The

  Spenser, Edmund

  sporting estates

  sports; and the army; see also cricket; hunting and shooting; polo

  spring guns

  Stafford, William Howard, fifth Viscount

  Stanhope, Hon. Augustus

  Statutes of Iona

  Statutes of Labourers

  Steel, A. G.

  Sterne, Laurence

  Steyning races


  Stillingfleet, Edward, Dean of St Paul’s

  Stoke-by-Newark, Battle of

  Stone, Lawrence

  Stoye, John

  Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of

  Strathallan, James Drummond, Viscount

  Straw, Jack

  Straw, Jack (Home Secretary)

  Strutt, Edward

  Stubbs, George

  Suckling, Sir John

  Suffield, Edward Harbord, third Lord

  Suffield, Charles Harbord, fifth Lord

  Suffolk, William de la Pole, first Duke of

  Suffolk, John de la Pole, second Duke of

  Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, third Duke of



  Sunderland, Countess of

  Sunderland, Robert Spencer, second Earl of

  Surrey, Henry Howard, Earl of


  Sutherland, Cromartie, fourth Duke of

  Sutherland, William, seventeenth Earl of

  Swift, Jonathan

  swordsmanship, see fencing

  Sybil (Disraeli)

  Sydney, Algernon

  Sydney, Henry

  Sydney (Australia)

  Sykes, Sir Mark

  Tailboys, Sir William

  Talleyrand, Charles Maurice de

  Tancred (Disraeli)

  Tatler, The

  Tattershall Castle

  taxation; see also death duties

  temperance movement

  Tempest, Lord Ernest Vane


  Tewkesbury, Battle of

  Thackeray, William Makepeace

  Thanet, John Tufton, second Earl of

  Thatcher, Margaret

  theatres, closure of


  Thesaurus Linguae Romanas (Cooper)

  Thirty Years War

  Thistlewood, Arthur

  Thompson, Flora

  Thorpe, Jeremy

  Times, The

  titles, sale of

  ‘To a Young Ass’ (Coleridge)

  Tod, Colonel James

  Tom Jones (Fielding)



  Tower of London

  Towne, Benjamin

  Towton, Battle of

  Trade Disputes Act

  trade unions

  Trafalgar, Battle of

  Treasonous Practices and Seditious Meetings Bill

  Trinity College, Cambridge

  Trinity College, Dublin

  Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare)

  Trollope, Anthony

  Tudor, Owain

  Tullibardine, William Murray, Earl of


  Tweeddale, Marquess of

  Two Treatises on Government (Locke)

  Tyler, Wat

  Tyrconnel, Richard Talbot, Earl of


  United States of America; army officers; communists in; laws and liberties; student agitation in; Thomas Paine and; see also American Revolution


  Upstairs Downstairs


  Uxbridge, Henry Paget, ninth Earl of

  van Dyck, Anthony

  Vanbrugh, Sir John

  Vanderbilt, Consuelo

  Vanderbilt, William

  Victoria, Queen

  Victoria (Australia)

  Victoria Cross

  Vindication of the Rights of Man (Wollstonecraft)

  Virginia Vita Edwardi Secundi

  Waldegrave, seventh Earl of


  Walpole, Sir Horace, see Orford, Horace Walpole, fourth Earl of

  Walpole, Sir Robert, see Orford, Robert Walpole, first Earl of

  Walter, Lucy

  War of the Three Kingdoms


  Wars of the Roses

  Warwick, Countess of

  Warwick, Guy de Beauchamp, tenth Earl of

  Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp, twelfth Earl of

  Warwick, Richard de Beauchamp, thirteenth Earl of

  Warwick, Richard Neville (‘the Kingmaker), sixteenth Earl of

  Warwick, Robert Rich, second Earl of

  Washington, General George

  Waterford, Henry Beresford, third Marquess of

  Waterford, John Beresford, fourth Marquess of

  Waterford, John Beresford, fifth Marquess of

  Waterloo, Battle of

  Waugh, Evelyn

  Wedgwood, Josiah

  Welbeck Abbey

  Wellesley, Richard, Marquess (and second Earl of Mornington)

  Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of; and reform

  Welsh bards

  Wentworth, Sir William

  West, Benjamin

  Westminster, second Duke of

  Westminster Abbey

  Westminster election

  Westminster Hall

  Westminster Palace

  Westminster School

  Westmorland, Countess of

  Westmorland, Charles Neville, sixth Earl of

  Wharton, Philip, fourth Baron

  Wharton, Thomas, first Marquess of

  Whigs and Tories

  White, Robert Eyre

  White Mischief (Fox)

  White’s Club

  Whitelock, Bulstrode

  Who’s Who

  Wilberforce, William

  Wilde, Oscar

  Wilkes, John

  William the Conqueror (King William I)

  William III, King (William of Orange)

  William IV, King

  Wilson, Harold (Lord Wilson of Rievaulx)

  Wiltshire, James Butler, Earl of

  Winchester, Bishop of

  Winchester, Marquess of

  Winchilsea, tenth Earl of

  Windsor, Duke of, see Edward VIII, King


  Wodehouse, P. G.

  Wollstonecraft, Mary

  Wolsey, Thomas

  Wood, Edward, see Halifax, Edward Wood, first Earl of

  Wood, Colonel Thomas

  Woodberry, Lieut

  Woodville, Elizabeth, see Elizabeth Woodville, Queen

  Wootton, Sir Henry

  Worcester, Battle of

  working classes

  Wriothesley family

  Wyatt, Sir Thomas

  Wycliffe, John

  Wylloughby, Francis, Lord

  Wylloughby, Richard


  York, Edward, Duke of

  York, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of

  York, Richard, Duke of

  York, Duke of, see James II, King

  Yorktown, Battle of

  Young England movement

  Younghusband, George

  Zola, Émile

  Zulu War

  Zutphen, siege of




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