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The Complete Groupie Trilogy

Page 60

by Ginger Voight

  Never… in her wildest dreams…

  But there he was, taking her left hand in his. “Andy Foster, you are the love of my life,” he said simply as he looked up at her and gasped her hand. “Marry me.”

  It wasn’t even a question. It was a command. “Vanni.” The word came out in a breath. She didn’t know what to say. It was a dream come true. He didn’t wait for her answer; he took the ring from the box and slid it onto her finger, then rose to his feet to take her into his arms. There were tears in her eyes as she kissed him.

  Neither one spoke as he took her to the hotel where they had conceived their baby. They held each other tight as they rode to the top floor and checked into the same penthouse suite. Rose petals led the way to their romantic paradise. He lifted her effortlessly and kicked the door shut behind them as he followed the pretty pink and red trail.

  He placed her gently on the bed, but there was nothing gentle in the way she pulled him down to her. Her kisses were hungry and demanding. This was her man now – he had committed to her a lifetime with the ring she now wore on her finger, one she never could have expected from that first sexy dance in Philadelphia so long ago. Her fingers tugged his ponytail free and tangled in his hair as she pulled him close.

  Until they were one, nothing was close enough.

  His fingers unbuttoned her top and slid it from her shoulders as he kissed his way along her neck and towards her chest. She gasped when his mouth closed over her bare breast, which he unveiled with the same rising ardor. She tore his jacket away and slipped his shirt above his head, her fingers dancing over the solid muscles of his broad chest.

  This wasn’t just some guy sharing her bed. This was the love of her life, her unexpected soul mate.

  Her fiancé, she thought to herself. Giovanni Carnevale was her fiancé! The world wanted him… but he wanted her.

  He unzipped her jeans and slid them over her full hips as he trailed tiny, hot kisses along her satiny flesh. He paused as he reached her rounded stomach, where he gently kissed the solid, little ball hidden there. He was in awe of the miracle growing inside her body, but more importantly he was in awe of the miracle of her. He lightly traced the curve of her tummy.

  A smile spread across her face as she ran her fingers through his hair. He had been so attentive, so loving – so eager to share this amazing journey with her. It was such a far cry from their pregnancy scare in San Francisco. He had certainly grown over the years. It amazed her to think that she might have been the reason why.

  And now he had promised her forever. He wasn’t walking away, like in her nightmares. He was warm and real and wonderful in her arms. It made her hunger for him not just in body, but deep in her soul. Just as she reached for him, she felt a slight but distinct fluttering in her tummy. She held her breath for a moment, trying to figure out what it could have been, and then she felt it again.

  She gasped as she sat up, which got his attention. “What’s the matter?” he asked with concern.

  There were tears in her eyes as she shook her head. “I think… I think I felt the baby.”

  His eyes widened as he touched her stomach. He couldn’t feel anything. He bent closer and whispered, “Are you in there, my little baby Bean?” against her skin.

  There, very slightly, almost imperceptibly, she felt it again. She was crying and laughing all at the same time. “Did you feel it?”

  He gave her a sweet smile. He had read anything he could get his hands on to know what to expect while she was pregnant. He knew it was still too soon for that. “No. But I feel you,” he said as he climbed back up her body to kiss her deeply on the mouth. “I love you, Andy,” he said, hoping one day he’d say it enough to make up for all the times he had withheld it like some selfish, entitled asshole.

  “I love you, Vanni,” she whispered back.

  His heart melted every time she said his name. His mouth devoured hers while his fingers danced over her quivering flesh. He took his time loving her, giving her a Valentine’s Day to remember always.

  When they finally come together, it wasn’t answering a physical need. It was making an unspoken promise. The ring she now wore weighed deliciously against her finger, a sacred covenant far too long in the making.

  That night she had no nightmares at all.

  They returned to his brownstone the following day and were at L.A.X by that evening. They didn’t bother to hide the ring, or their embrace, as they faced the onslaught of PING reporters that slithered around the airport, waiting for the next celebrity arrival to exploit.

  “Vanni! Over here! Vanni!”

  Neither Vanni nor Andy said anything as they bore through the small crush of pushy photographers.

  “Did you have a good Valentine’s Day?” they wanted to know.

  Vanni sent one of them a stern glance. “Yes, we did. Especially since you guys weren’t there.”

  By the time they reached the hired car to return them home, they were both agitated from the intrusion. He wanted to say he was sorry; he wanted to promise it would get better, but the fact of the matter was this was their life, for better or worse.

  As his wife, there would be a lot more interest in her now, especially with the baby coming. They had managed to hide the OB/GYN appointments so far, but the growing bump in her belly would soon tell its own tale, especially now that she was unwilling to stay cooped up in their beach house for the rest of her pregnancy.

  They still had five months to go. She’d go stir crazy if she had to wait that long to return to the land of the living.

  The next day they made a conference call to Graham, to suggest they find a place for her in the production of Fierce. Graham, who recovered quickly from the shock of seeing her, was all for the idea. He called Shannon, and made an appointment with Andy for the following day to come into his office and meet with his co-producer for the show.

  Andy was happier than Vanni had ever seen her when she puttered around the kitchen, preparing dinner for them that evening.

  “So when do we break the news?” he wanted to know. He had hoped that PING would have made a big deal about the big bauble on her finger, breaking the news for them, but they seemed to have missed it in all the hullabaloo at the airport. He was ready to tell the world that he was going to marry this woman and they were going to have a baby soon.

  She had hidden in the shadows long enough.

  Andy gave him a big smile. “I’ve been thinking about it,” she said. “How about when you do press for Fierce next week?”

  He liked the sound of that, but he was curious why she still wanted to wait. He asked her as much, and his stomach fell a little when she said, “I’d like to tell Graham in person, privately, before we make a public announcement.”

  She didn’t like how his face fell. She had hoped after all the time they had spent together, especially their romantic and memorable Valentine’s Day, that he’d be over his insecurities as far as Graham was concerned. She put a lid on the simmering sauce pan and walked over to where he sat on a bar stool at the counter. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Only because it’s the right thing to do,” she tried to reason.

  He circled her waist with his arms. “Can we tell him together?”

  She sighed. “I think it might be best if I tell him alone.”

  His grip tightened, but then he mirrored her sigh. If they were going to be married, he’d have to trust her. Now was as good a time as any.

  But just in case he spent the entire night in perfect fiancé mode, making sure that she knew without any doubt what kind of man she had at home so she’d never be tempted to leave him again. He did the dishes, he massaged her feet, they shared a bath – and he made love to her until she could do nothing but scream his name as she rode higher on wave after wave of pleasure.

  She was his, and he emblazoned his mark on her in every loving way possible.

  The next day she arrived in L.A. a little earlier than scheduled. She had hoped to see Graham privately fi
rst. Maybe if he knew about the marriage and the pregnancy he wouldn’t want to work with her on this new production.

  She was a nervous wreck by the time he opened the door for her. He was standing on his own two feet as he greeted her, which made her tear up with joy. “Oh, Graham,” she breathed as she walked into his open embrace. They didn’t speak for a moment, both choked up by the magnitude of the moment. Finally he broke apart and led her into the office.

  “You look amazing, Andy,” he said, and he genuinely meant it. Her face was fuller, rosier and she wore the happy look of a woman well loved. He felt a tug at his gut that she had never looked this way when she was with him, which renewed his commitment to keep his residual longing for her to himself. It was baggage she no longer needed to carry.

  “Look at you,” she said as she watched him walk – slowly but steadily – back to his desk, using only a cane. It was only ten steps, but it was ten more than she thought he’d be making a year ago. She sat in the chair opposite his desk. “I can’t believe how far you’ve come.”

  He chuckled. “Thank Maggie. She’s the one that made it happen.”

  Andy shook her head. “You made it happen, Graham. It just proves again how amazing you are.” He didn’t say anything for an awkward moment. Finally she cleared her throat. “Thanks for agreeing to see me before the meeting with Shannon,” she said.

  He just smiled. “I’m always happy to see you,” he said. “You didn’t need an excuse to come by.”

  It was such a Graham thing to say. “I know. It’s just been… awkward.”

  He nodded. Their relationship had always been complicated.

  She took a deep breath. “I have something to tell you. Something I think you should know before we attempt to revive any kind of working relationship, or even any real friendship.”

  He sat back in his chair. “I’m always going to be your friend, Andy. Despite everything that has happened, I hope you know that.”

  “I do,” she said. “But like I said, things are a bit awkward. I know that … there were feelings…”

  He wanted to correct her and say, “Are feelings,” but he got the sense that would only distress her further. He simply said, “No matter what it is, I have faith we can handle it.”

  She nodded. Her eyes met his. “I’m going to marry Vanni,” she said quietly.

  It was as if a gunshot had reverberated throughout the quiet office. His jaw clenched, but he recovered quickly with a forced smile. “Congratulations,” he managed.

  “There’s more,” she added, looking up at him like a naughty child facing a disappointed parent. “I’m pregnant.”

  That news seemed to rock him more than the engagement. He couldn’t say anything for a moment as he stared at her in disbelief. It had only been a few months, he thought. She had been sleeping in his bed, lying in his arms, only three short months before.

  Now she was pregnant and marrying another man?

  It didn’t seem possible.

  “When?” he asked.

  “July,” she answered.

  His blown mind quickly did the calculations. She was four months pregnant, which meant she was pregnant the last time they were together… when they had made love… when he had hoped beyond hope they had conceived a child – their child.

  “Congratulations,” he managed again, only this time with considerably more difficulty. “I know it was what you wanted,” he added. What I wanted, he thought to himself as he swallowed the bitter, bitter pill.

  She remembered that last night together, when he had whispered that he wanted to give her a baby, and she cried in his arms for those things she thought she could never have. Looking back it seemed so cruel, to use him as some consolation prize because Vanni wasn’t available. He had deserved better than that. “Graham, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know at the time. I swear. I didn’t know until I passed out in New York in December.”

  It was yet another blow. She had known when he set her free in December, and had opted not to tell him. He wondered how much Vanni had influenced that decision.

  He glanced down at the flashy ring on her hand, which was in her lap by her growing belly. He didn’t know why he hadn’t noticed either before. “I’m happy for you,” he said as sincerely as he could muster. “I hope that Vanni can give you the life and happiness you deserve.”

  It was a double-edged sentiment, heavily laced with his doubts on the matter. She just smiled. “He already has,” she assured him, but her words only seemed to inflict more harm. “If this makes things too awkward between us, I understand.”

  He shook his head to cut her off. “Don’t be silly, Andy. I made peace with your decision in December. There are no strings attached to my friendship, nor any other relationship we have in the future. I really think you’ll be an asset for Fierce.” He smiled and was all business the rest of their meeting. He introduced her to Shannon, a fellow writer excited to include her on their team, especially since they had so much in common. With Andy’s music background with Dreaming in Blue, she was a perfect fit to their collaborative production team.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon fine-tuning the creative details on the competition. It was dark before she returned home. Vanni had prepared a candlelight dinner for his workin’ woman, and they spent their evening sharing their excitement over the upcoming project.

  Most of all they couldn’t wait until the following week, when they could finally tell the world they were together.

  And then, just like every other time in their relationship they dared believe they were bulletproof – karma kicked them both in the ass on the morning news.

  PING hadn’t given a rat’s ass about Andy’s two-karat bauble because they had a much juicier story to uncover. They had discovered a pregnant, destitute Holly holed up in a seedy Hollywood motel, carelessly discarded and virtually ignored by the deadbeat father of her child while he shacked up with another woman, spending his 10-million dollar payday on exorbitant trips to New York instead.

  It was all over the news from the time they woke up. When they dared to open their front door to drive to her OB/GYN appointment, the paparazzi was all over their lawn waiting to hear what they had to say on the matter.

  “What are you going to do about Holly?”

  “Is that why you didn’t marry her in December?”

  “Following your father’s footsteps, Vanni?”

  They slammed back into the house and stared at each other in disbelief.

  It had happened again.


  Redondo Beach, California

  February 17, 2011

  “Are you crazy?”

  Andy and Vanni stood off in the bedroom, he on one side of the bed, she on the other. They hadn’t spoken much about their newest problem all that day. In fact, they had barely spoken at all. They each bore their burden separately and silently, mostly because Andy didn’t know how to reach him now that he had withdrawn into a familiar spiral of self-loathing.

  Those rumors about his being a deadbeat dad hit him below the belt and Andy knew it. What had shadowed him most his entire life was being shaded in the same ugly colors as his own absentee father. Now that Holly had tuned up like a bad penny – again – with the claim of being pregnant with his child, Andy knew he was being torn in every direction in order to make things right.

  Graham had called them the minute he heard the news. He was quick to assure them he’d investigate first to make sure her claims were valid, and that they shouldn’t panic until they knew the truth.

  But the weight of the rumor had eaten at Vanni all day, and he couldn’t stand waiting around for someone else to get to the bottom of it.

  He wanted to go see Holly himself.

  “She’s lying,” Andy said. “She can’t be pregnant with your child. She was in a fertility clinic in December, remember?”

  “That was two months ago,” he reminded her. “We were … together – a lot – two months ago.”

  The t
hought turned Andy’s already queasy stomach. Their little Bean wasn’t taking the stressful news too well, and she’d felt like hell all day long.

  “Unprotected sex and a fertility clinic in the same month, Andy. You do the math.”

  She sighed as she plopped down on the bed with her back to him. He crawled across to hold her, which she allowed even though she was furious he’d ever even consider going to see that horrible woman. Why give her any sort of a foothold after all she had done to tear them asunder? There were tears in her eyes as she turned to him. “It’s a trap, Vanni. She’s a grifter. She will do or say anything to get you and your money.”

  He turned her to face him. “She’s not going to get me. Okay?” He held up her hand and showed her the ring. “You have me. Forever. Nothing is going to change that ever again.” Andy didn’t say anything so he went on. “If money is all she wants, then let’s just give it to her. We’ll pay her off just like we’re going to pay off the Wilkes’ and we’ll get our lives back. You, me, the baby. This is our happily ever after, babe. I’m not going to throw it away over her.” He cupped her face. “I need you to trust me.”

  She shook her head. “And I need you to trust me. You go there and she’ll work her magic on you all over again. I know it. She’ll play this poor little victim routine and you’ll crumble just like a dry cookie.”

  “Thanks for the faith, babe.”

  She touched his face. “You’re a good man, Vanni. You have a big heart… and an ever bigger need to be a good boy who makes everyone else happy.”

  That hurt and he withdrew. After the last couple of months, how could she doubt his commitment to her? And if she doubted now, how would she ever trust it once they were married? “I have to do this, Andy.”

  “Why? Why can’t you wait for Graham?”

  His tone was sharp. “I don’t want to wait for Graham,” he told her bluntly. “Next week, when I go in front of the press, I’m going to announce our engagement and our pregnancy. If you’re right and Holly’s lying, then she’ll take whatever I offer and slither back under the rock she’s been hiding under the last two months.”


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