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The Square (Shape of Love Book 2)

Page 18

by JA Huss

  I smile and she smiles back. And then I reach for her panties and bend down again, taking them with me.

  The whole process is slow, and seductive, and a little bit unnerving if I’m being honest.

  I have never seduced Christine. The sex we had before, with Alec and without, was never about seduction.

  And she is far too important, too beautiful, too loved—to not have a night of seduction.

  It’s probably naïve of me to think that sex can fix us, but I’ll take my chances.

  I press my face up against her belly again, dragging my tongue up her body as I stand. Stopping midway to squeeze her breasts and playfully bite her nipple.

  I place my hands on her face, just the way I did a few seconds ago, and we stare into each other’s eyes like a moment on repeat.

  Only this time she’s the one who says, “I love you.”

  And I say, “You smell like the ocean. You smell like salt, and yachts, and tropical paradise.”

  She smiles and starts to say something else, but I place a finger over her mouth to stop her words. Because I’m not done. I have had her to myself for months. And even though I liked it—definitely enjoyed it—we were never really meant to be together. Just us. Not like that. So I say, “And that’s something we need to wash off you.”

  “What?” she asks. The hum of her question filtering past my hushing finger.

  “Because that smell belongs to us.” I nod my head toward the bathroom. “And we belong to him.”


  We belong to him.

  Those words repeat over and over in my head a million times as Danny takes my hand and walks me across the suite toward the master bedroom.

  Ten minutes ago, I’d have argued with him over that statement. Because even though I was hopeful we’d all find our way back to each other, I was overflowing with doubts.

  I saw no way in which Alec and I got past our mutual betrayal. I saw sex, sure. I saw us together. Mostly because it’s a habit now. We are Alec, Christine, and Danny. The team. I saw us doing more jobs. Killing more people. Perhaps we’d even find a way to have fun again.

  I never, ever let myself hope that we’d be something more than that. Not truly. It was just an endless stream of hotel rooms, and yachts, and private-jet trips to exotic places to wait out the heat after we stole something.

  But I never thought we’d find something new. Something better.

  And now I do.


  I bite my lip as Danny opens the door without knocking, feeling unusually nervous.

  We find the whole room filled with steam. Hot, misty air that swirls around my chilled body and then parts as Danny and I enter holding hands.

  I look up at him.

  He shoots me a smile that says so much.

  Things like, Don’t worry. I’ve got this. And, We’ll be fine. Better than fine.

  And because if there’s one person on this planet I trust, it’s Danny… I believe him.

  Alec is standing under a rainfall of water in the glass-enclosed shower, his body blurry through the semi-opaque steam. But I can tell he’s looking upward, letting the water rush over his face like he needs a good cleansing.

  Danny taps on the glass and Alec steps out from under the water and wipes the glass clean.

  I smile at him. Because he’s clean-shaven. The way I know him. The old version of Alec. It makes him look young. Like the boy we met way back when.

  God. We’ve made several lifetimes of memories in the span of ten years, haven’t we?

  And while all of those years were filled with good and bad things—killing, and stealing, and wondering if we were gonna make it through the day—even the dangerous times were good.

  We were happy together, I realize. It’s only when we split apart that things went bad.

  So I make a decision right then and say, “Hi.” Like we’re meeting again for the first time. Because maybe we are.

  And Danny says, “Hey, dude. Better.” Indicating his lack of facial hair.

  “Thanks,” Alec says.

  After which comes a moment of hesitation as Alec wipes at the glass again so he can see us.

  He looks at me. My naked body. And wipes the glass a third time so he can see more.

  And I realize it’s up to me now. Danny has done all he can do and it’s my turn.

  So I say, “Can we come in?”

  I think Alec was holding his breath because it rushes out, audible even over the sound of the water falling behind him. He pushes on the door, opens it, and extends his invitation.

  Danny has already dropped his leather jacket on the floor and is dragging his t-shirt up over his head. For a brief moment I wonder if I should undress him the way he did me.

  Slowly. Methodically.

  But Alec is already reaching for my hand, gently urging me to join him.

  I give Danny a last look over my shoulder as I take that first step, and he finds my gaze and meets it with a smile as he finishes tugging off his boots and begins taking off his pants.

  I step into the mist of hot steam and look up to Alec. He looks better, yes. But still… unsure. And I hate that. I hate it because I did that to him. I’m the one who ripped his world apart, so I have to be the one who puts it back together.

  I just don’t know how.

  Danny joins us, closing the door behind him. He slides a hand around my waist, which is now wet, and tugs me close to him. And for a second, I think it’s a possessive gesture, but then I realize it’s just a comforting one.

  He takes a step forward, toward Alec, bringing me with him until our bodies are so close we’re all touching in one way or another. My stomach pressed up to Alec’s hip. Our hands still holding each other’s. Danny’s thigh bumps up against Alec’s, which makes Alec look down, then up to meet his eyes.

  That erases all the distance between us. Because he leans in, arm still around me so that my upper thighs straddle Alec’s leg, and he kisses him.

  It’s hesitant at first. But then it’s not. And Alec kisses him back. I stare up in wonder, and feel the heat rise inside me. The longing. The want. The lust coming back.

  And I hope this will be enough, I really do.

  But those doubts are still there. Lingering around my head like spiderwebs.

  Then they break apart and I’m the one holding my breath. Because I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to make this better. I will never be able to—

  “Get on your knees, Christine,” Danny says.

  I snap out of it and look at him. “What?”

  But he doesn’t respond or repeat himself. Just places his hand on my shoulder and presses until my knees buckle and I drop to the floor. I look up at them as Danny guides my head towards Alec’s cock. He’s not quite hard when I grab him with my hands, our eyes locked. But one pump and I feel him grow and thicken in my palm.

  “Don’t do it because he’s telling you to,” Alec says.

  But I just say, “Shut the fuck up, Alec. Since when do I do anything Danny tells me?”

  And even though it’s stupid, and it’s not even true… it helps. It’s the old me, and the old Alec, and the old Danny. Because we all break the silence with a laugh.

  I gladly wrap my lips around the tip of his cock, sucking on him as I swirl my tongue. And then I close my eyes and take him all the way to the back of my throat.

  Danny grabs my hair, urging me. But when I open my eyes again, they’re kissing. And it’s not the tentative, uncertain kiss of before.

  Danny kisses him the way I do. He kisses him the way he kisses me.

  I reach for Danny’s cock with my other hand and begin to pump him too. They moan into each other. Enjoying me, and each other, and this new shape we make.

  That’s when I know we’re going to be OK.


  I haven’t touched anyone since I last saw Christine and Danny. Almost quite literally. Apart from smashing down dear old L
iam earlier, I don’t think I’ve had my hands on another soul before now. To have my reintroduction to physical contact come in this way, with these people, is more than I could have hoped for. Had I attempted to hope for anything at all.

  I don’t know that before this very moment I could have understood that a kiss can be both passionate and tender simultaneously. But that’s what this kiss with Danny is. It is filled with lifetimes of familiarity and want and yet it is as fragile as new love. Which, in so many ways, is exactly what it is.

  When I last ‘left’… which isn’t the right word, but I’ll choose it nonetheless… Danny and Christine, we had only just begun to understand this new version of us. And after my departure, I have to assume we all believed that was as far as it would ever go. So to now be rejoined, reborn, reimagined, is something none of us could have predicted and despite the heat of the moment, it feels essential that we go slow.

  However, Danny’s mouth on mine and Christine’s lips on my cock are making it difficult.

  The clenching in my stomach smarts just a tiny bit and I moan in discomfort. Christine can’t hear, I don’t think, with the sound of the water splashing down about her ears, but Danny senses it. He stops kissing me but leaves his mouth close to mine. He takes me by the back of the neck with one of his rugged hands, slides his lips along my cheek, and lands at my ear, whispering, “You OK?”

  He rolls his forehead around to mine and presses us together, staring into my eyes with a probing look. Christine is still absorbing my cock entirely and stroking at Danny. Both Danny and I are heaving breaths, drinking in the shower as we gasp. I make sure I keep my eyes open so that he can see I’m telling the truth when I nod and whisper back, “Yes,” before I force my mouth back on his and bite at his lip as I kiss him with the exigency of a long-lost lover. Which is exactly what I am.

  It’s been so long since I’ve had my cock in anyone’s mouth that I’m worried I’m going come too quickly. Especially with the power of Danny’s kiss intersecting with mine. So I pull back—both from Danny and Christine—and shudder as my body lands against the wall of the great, massive shower box.

  Christine stands, a worried look on her face. It is matched by Danny’s worried look as he reaches out for me. “Are you OK?” they both ask now.

  “Yes. Yes,” I assure them. “I’m very well indeed. Possibly too good, in fact.”

  Danny chuckles a bit and steps toward me. There is a look in his eyes that I may have seen once. Maybe twice. But I’ve never seen it directed toward me. It is a look of power and seduction. Of anger and love simultaneously coexisting. It is frightening and electrifying. Competing emotions abound.

  “C’mere,” he says. Rhetorically. I’m not going anywhere.

  I take a step toward him and he takes my wrist and forces my hand onto his cock. I wrap my fingers around it, tightly, and I begin to pull. The burning heat from the water stings my back and chest. Danny throws his head back and with lips closed, he moans long and slow.

  “Don’t stop,” he says as he now takes Christine’s hand and places it around my own cock. She smiles at Danny. He smiles back. They kiss as I jerk on him and she jerks on me. And now, Danny takes my other hand and places it at the entrance to Christine’s pussy. They are still kissing, but he guides me there with his eyes closed. Then he wraps his palm around the back of my hand and forces both my fingers and his up inside her at the same time. I feel the firm muscles of her stomach contract as he does this, and her thighs shiver as we finger her, slowly.

  We are a perfect simulacrum of a triangle. Forced into being once again. Only this time by Danny. If I was proud and filled with glee at the idea that I caused us to be the last time we found our way to each other—and I was—in this moment, in this place, in this time… Danny is in charge. He is the one who is dictating the terms. Again, this is a Danny I have seen. But never this close and never with this level of command. It is magnificent.

  Our slow, methodical fingering of Christine’s pussy is turning more urgent. And the harder we stroke inside of her, the harder she pulls on my cock. And the harder she pulls on my cock, the harder I pull on Danny’s. And now we all lean into one another and strive valiantly to have our mouths on each other’s at the same time. Three tongues darting and piercing. Each fighting for communion with the other two. We are drinking in as much water as we are each other.

  And suddenly, Danny pulls away, spins me around, and pushes me face first against the glass. He presses his body against my back, and I feel his throbbing cock against my ass. He grabs my hair, pulls my neck back, and places his mouth by my ear once more. “Tell me you love me,” he whispers.

  “What?” I say, feigning that I didn’t understand him. I don’t know why I do it. I think, more than anything, I’m just a bit shocked. For so long, Danny refused this journey. Refused every attempt I made to get him to come along. Even back before the evening of… the unpleasantness… while he was there, while he was willing, he wasn’t fully present. He was the reticent figure. The ambivalent one. The one who seemed as though he could run away at any moment.

  Here, now, he is as demanding of me as I have ever been of him. Something happened in this intervening time. Something inside him has been unleashed. Something, perhaps, between him and Christine. I don’t know, but I’m going to be very curious to learn how far this part of Danny is ready to push things.

  “I said, tell me you love me,” he says again.

  “I love you,” I say. “I love you. I love you. I do, Danny. I love you.” I make no attempt to free his hand from my head or push his cock away from my ass. Whatever it is he wants to do to me, it shall be at his pleasure.

  He reaches behind him, grabs Christine, and pulls her to join us. He slides to one side, places her on the other, and now they effectively straddle me, his hard, throbbing cock on one hip, and her pulsing, wet pussy on the other. They have their hands on my ass. I can feel them both starting to finger my asshole, from both sides. Just as Danny and I split Christine, they are now finding their way inside me. He leans in yet again and says, “Tell Christine.”

  I turn to look at him. He nods, indicating that I look over at our nunu. As he does, he forces his fingers into me deeper. I tense and smile and turn my head to face Christine. She looks nervous. Her fingers are still working their way inside along with Danny’s, but she appears anxious. Anxious and wet and beautiful. And I tell her how beautiful she is to me, in so many words.

  “I love you,” I offer. “I love you, Christine. I love you with all my heart. I love you both. This is where I want to be and I will do what it takes, all it takes, forever and always, to see to it that we are never apart again.” It’s such a profoundly eager proclamation that I fear I may come over as fulsome, but I don’t care. It is not only how I feel, it is imperative that she hear it.

  And suddenly, she calls to mind my dream. The one in which she arrives in the rain and I cannot tell if the water on her face is from the weather or from tears. I see the streaks on her delicate face now, and I don’t know from what source the water is streaming. Her eyes or the cascading shower. But I suppose it’s likely both. Because she says, almost inaudibly over the sound of the beating water and three frantic lovers finding one another again, “I’m sorry.”

  I grab her face, force my mouth onto her—as I do, both she and Danny finger my ass harder and faster—and kiss her with the intention of swallowing her whole. Of consuming every last bit of her. And when I finally break the kiss, I tell her, “I am too, my love. I’m sorry too.”

  And though I’m sure it’s just the heat of the shower landing against my back, I could very nearly swear that my tattoo—the triangle—pulses with energy along all three lines.


  When I first saw Alec in that gym back when we were teenagers, I had no idea that ten years later we’d be this… this perfect threesome. It took a long time. It took a lot of shared danger, and adventures, and fear to get here. It took a lot of arguing, a
nd fist fights, and blood too. Hell, it even took a couple of betrayals and a lot of time apart.

  But we made it, I realize.

  We’re still here, we’re still committed, we’re still friends.

  Anyone can be lovers. It’s not that hard to let things go and give in to sex. And most people can even find a way to fall in love. But it’s an altogether other thing to find one person you love, like to fuck, and are friends with at the same time.

  So finding two is like winning that billion-dollar Powerball.

  That’s how lucky I feel right now.

  I ease my finger out of Alec’s ass. He groans, turning his head to look at me. Questions in his eyes. Simple ones. Like, What’s next?

  I glance at Christine, who’s asking the same thing. It’s only then that I realize I’m in charge tonight. But that’s OK. I have a pretty good idea of how I want this night to go. So I bring Christine over to me, forcing her to remove her finger too, and place her between us. She’s facing me, and Alec has turned slightly so that his chest is pressing into her back. I look at him and a sly grin creeps up my face.

  Christine mutters, “Yes. Yes,” as I smile.

  I don’t even have to say what comes next. It’s like Alec is reading my mind. Because he reaches down, grabs his thick, hard cock, and parts Christine’s ass cheeks. And just as he does that I reach down, hands clasping the underside of her knees, and lift her up.

  She automatically wraps her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. We are all wet from the shower. We are hot and flushed from the steam and the water. But I can feel her wetness as she begins to rub her pussy against the shaft of my cock. Pressing it up against the length of my stomach.

  Alec maneuvers behind her and she gasps, the muscles in her face tightening as her fingernails dig into the back of my neck when he enters her ass. Her shoulders tighten and come inward, forcing her perfect round breasts together. Her nipples are tight and erect, and water is dripping down her face, droplets catching on the edge of her upper lip and then silently melding together and streaming down the corners of her mouth.


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