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Pretty Dangerous

Page 5

by Emery, Lynn

  “Thank you Lord!” MiMi breathed.

  Willa got out and helped carry MiMi’s three bags to the front door. “Yeah, now get some rest and figure out how to stay out of trouble for the next decade.”

  “Amen,” Jazz called from her seat in the SUV. “I don’t want to visit anymore jails or courtrooms. I’ve been in enough of those on my own shit. Don’t need yours, too.”

  “What a sweet sentiment,” MiMi retorted. She grinned when Jazz gave her the finger. “Seriously, I really owe y’all.”

  “Oh hell yes you do,” Willa replied promptly, a hand on one hip. “Now look, I hope this little episode has convinced you to forget Jack’s shady money. You have a child to think about.”

  “I was thinking about Sage, but you’re right,” MiMi said quickly when Willa started to speak again. “I have to let go of the past.”

  “Exactly. Not living the rich life isn’t a death sentence. Work hard, do what you gotta do.” Willa pointed a finger at MiMi for emphasis.

  MiMi frowned. “Right. My job, if I still have one.”

  “Set a meeting with your boss as soon as possible.”

  “Yes, mother.” MiMi gave Willa a quick hug. Then she blew a kiss at Jazz. “I love my two BFFs.”

  Jazz waved at her. She had ear buds in and was bobbing her head to an unheard beat from the playlist on her smartphone. “Whatever.”

  MiMi laughed and turned to Willa. “I’m going to pick up Sage before I do anything though.”

  “Give her a kiss for us.” Willa yawned. “I’m going to the office for a minute after I drop off Jazz. See ya.”

  “Bye, and thanks again for everything,” MiMi called as Willa walked back to the SUV.

  After texting her sister again, MiMi put away the luggage without unpacking. She had a doll from the Dominican Republic sitting in Sage’s car seat as a surprise. Twenty minutes later, she pulled up to Adrienne’s two story home on Brister Boulevard. Arriving in her sister’s circular driveway never ceased to impress MiMi. And that was exactly the effect Adrienne and her husband had gone for when they bought the seven hundred thousand dollar home. Never mind that they only had one child, her son Brayden. MiMi smiled at the thought of her eight year old nephew. Brayden smiled his way into female hearts easily. And Sage adored him. He laughed a lot, and accepted others without judgment. MiMi hoped he would hold onto his personality, and not become his parents. Or his grandparents for that matter.

  MiMi parked her Lexus GX behind a sleek gray BMW 328i and tried not to have car envy. Her sister and brother-in-law also had a shiny new BMW X5 SUV. The front door swung open as she got out of her vehicle. Adrienne’s husband, Christopher, strode out. He stood six feet tall with cafe au lait skin. Snatching him off the market had made a host of debutants depressed. As usual her big sister beat out the competition.

  He didn’t look up from his Blackberry. She watched with amusement as he kept going down the brick sidewalk without seeing her or the SUV. MiMi gave his wool and silk blend thousand dollar black suit an appreciative nod. Chris had his faults, but selecting his outfits wasn’t one of them.

  “Hi Chris.” MiMi was about to tease him but stopped. Christopher Jameson Fortenberry, IV had little, if any, sense of humor.

  “Hi MiMi. Adrienne’s inside. I have to go back to the office. Hope you had a nice trip.” Chris gave her a brief smile.

  “I had a real bang up time.” MiMi couldn’t be mad at him because Chris had no sense of irony either. He always said exactly what he meant, or he kept quiet.


  “Yeah, great,” MiMi said dryly.”

  “So I have to go. A group of Chinese shareholders are in town and we’re having a business dinner.” Chris smoothed down his expensive silk tie.

  “I’m surprised Adrienne’s not in one of her fabulous cocktail dresses and already in the car. She loves those international social affairs.”

  Adrienne missed no opportunity to hit up the well-heeled for her charities. Not to mention she’d make contacts for her private consulting business. Supporting her man was way down on the list. Chris knew it, too. As usual, her small arrow of sarcasm missed the target with Chris.

  “Hmm, she claimed she couldn’t find a babysitter. I think she didn’t want to share Sage with anyone,” Chris said as he looked at his Blackberry again.

  MiMi felt a twinge of nerves at his observation. “Adrienne? She worked at home when Brayden was a newborn to stay in the game.”

  “Maybe having a little girl makes the difference. Brayden stopped wanting to be fussed over when he was four. He’d rather be out with me and my brothers, listening to us talk business and sports.” Chris smiled in a way that actually lit up his hazel eyes.

  MiMi smiled back at him. His chief redeeming quality in her eyes was his genuine devotion to his son. It probably helped that Brayden looked so much like his father. “Strong kid if he won’t let Adrienne boss him around.”

  “Yeah, drove her nuts until she realized it was a losing battle. He’s got her genes after all.” Chris held up his Blackberry with a frown. “Wow, I have to go. Sorry to rush off, MiMi. You know how it is.”

  “Yes, I do,” MiMi said and watched him rush off.

  Chris glanced at one of the bay windows. His face lit up when he saw Brayden waving energetically at him through the glass. He waved back and then got in the BMW. MiMi blew a kiss at her nephew which got her a wide boyishly handsome grin. When she turned to the door, Adrienne stood staring past MiMi down the driveway.

  “He’s working late at least twice a week these days. Business is good.” Adrienne gave a short laugh that contained no humor. Then she focused on MiMi. “Welcome back to freedom.”

  MiMi ignored the subtle dig about her time in jail. “You look well.”

  “This old thing? I’m taking it to our charity designer consignment shop next week.” Adrienne smoothed a hand down one leg of the lovely blue cotton lounge jumpsuit. Pewter gray leather flats completed her look as the wealthy lady who does lunch. “Well come on in. Sage is still playing with her doll house. She’s absolutely in love with the thing, and the set of dolls mother got her.”

  “I hope they don’t have any small parts.”

  “Give me some credit. They’re all organic cotton cloth dolls, the best by the way, from Children’s Palace. It’s a new store in Towne Center.” Adrienne closed the door behind them once inside. She glanced at MiMi from head to toe as they stood in the spacious foyer. “You don’t look the worse for wear being in the big house. Do they still call it that, or have I been watching too many vintage gangster movies?”

  “I’m not in the mood to hear your attempts at humor about it either.”

  “Trust me, none of us were laughing,” Adrienne replied mildly. “Daddy ranted on and on. Mother spent hours on the phone putting out feelers to make sure none of our friends knew. Thank God Roderick’s parents have the sense to be discreet.”

  “Please. Your ‘friends’ have their own skeletons rattling around various closets. They should talk.” MiMi crossed her arms.

  “True, but another exciting tale about you being in trouble again would drown out the noise,” Adrienne said. Her full lips lifted at one corner.

  MiMi held her temper in check. Adrienne had a special skill of pushing MiMi’s buttons until she exploded. Not today. “Chris didn’t seem scandalized or eager to rub my face in it. At least he’s showing some compassion.”

  “That’s because he doesn’t know. Only Roderick’s parents, our parents and I know. We plan to keep it that way.” Adrienne spun around and strolled into the large open plan living room. Just beyond was a formal dining room that flowed into a large kitchen. She sat down on a sofa.

  “You’re keeping secrets from Chris?” MiMi tried to make it into a mocking tease, but something about her sister’s behavior bothered her.

  “He’s mostly interested in work these days and getting the next big bonus.” Adrienne’s pretty face grew stony as she gazed ahead.

; “You like those healthy shots of money. More fun shopping for you,” MiMi quipped. She glanced around at perfect order. The room, like the outside of the house out front, looked ready for a model home design magazine.

  Adrienne picked up a silver framed photo of her husband on a lovely teakwood table. “I’m a bit deeper than the next pair of two hundred dollar ballet flats.”

  MiMi glanced at her sister. The bitterness just beneath the surface of her statement came through clearly. “I doubt anyone considers you a lightweight, Adrienne.”

  “You’d think so wouldn’t you.” Adrienne put the photo down and looked at MiMi with a slight frown. “I’m sure you have to be exhausted. Why don’t you get some rest for a couple of days? Sage is fine here.”

  “I got rest on the flight, so I’m good. Besides, I’m used to being a tired single mommy,” MiMi said with a smile.

  “But Sage loves her room. I’m paying my housekeeper extra to look after her while I work during the day. It’s perfect really. I’m right down the hall in my home office if Estella needs me. Then when Brayden gets home we have quality time.” Adrienne gave a contented sigh.

  MiMi’s smile faded. “I appreciate you looking after Sage for me. Honestly, I missed the little terror. I can’t wait to give her a big hug, a warm bath and tuck her in like always.”

  Adrienne stood up abruptly. “I really don’t see what’s the rush, but since you insist.”

  Before MiMi could reply, her nephew called from upstairs. “Hello Aunt MiMi. Climb aboard my spaceship.”

  “On my way, captain,” MiMi yelled back. She looked at Adrienne who shrugged.

  “His father lets him read those science fiction comics for children. One Sunday they watched Star Trek movies all day.” Adrienne wore a sour expression.

  “You should be thrilled. He must not spend all his time working.” MiMi wondered at the strange vibes her sister seemed to radiate.

  “Humph.” Adrienne brushed past MiMi as a signal she had no interest in expounding on the subject. “Like I said, Sage is in her room. She loves it in there. Brayden, have you been checking on your little cousin?”

  “Yes, mommy. She’s hugging those dumb dolls again. I tried to get her to hold my spaceship, but she just tossed it on the floor.”

  When they reached the top of the stairs, MiMi wrapped both arms around his slender frame. She kissed the top of his head. “She’s a baby, sweetie.”

  “Nope, she’s a girl like at school. They don’t do cool stuff like boys. Except mygirlfriend Allison. She likes to watch space movies.” Brayden grinned widely.

  “Brayden, Allison is your friend. We talked about the meaning of the word girlfriend,” Adrienne said crisply.

  “Yes, mommy.” Brayden’s tone sounded obedient, but his eyes twinkled when MiMi winked at him.

  “Mommy’s here to take you home, Sage.” MiMi couldn’t wait any longer.

  She strode past her sister and down the hall. Sage was in a bedroom near the master suite. A white painted safety gate came up waist high to keep the toddler from wandering out and onto the stairs. Sage sat on the floor in front of a playhouse that she could crawl inside easily. MiMi gasped. Soft light green and pale pink decorated the room. The curtains matched the trundle bed coverlet. A lovely oriental carpet with jewel tones covered half the hardwood floor. Expensive toys had been artfully arranged around the room. Several large dolls sat in an open toy box. A voice startled MiMi out of her state of astonishment.

  “Hello Miss Landry, so nice to see you.” Estella, Adrienne’s housekeeper, beamed at her. “Look, darling girl.”

  Sage looked up and gave a squeal before Estella could finish. “Mommy!”

  Estella laughed as she lifted the gate. “She was just asking about you.”

  “Mommy.” Sage raced across the room and into MiMi’s arms.

  “We’re going home, sweet stuff,” MiMi said. She dusted kisses all over the round soft face as tears rolled down her own. “Mommy missed you so much.”

  “Mommy home.” Sage grabbed onto the front of MiMi’s blouse tightly.

  “Well I’m going home, Mrs. Fortenberry. Welcome back.” Estella gave MiMi a maternal pat on the back.

  “Thank you so much for helping take care of her, Estella. I know you had to work extra.”

  “It was a joy looking after her. Reminds me of when my children were young. My youngest is fourteen now.” Estella sighed. “Thank goodness this is the fourth and last time I deal with a teenager.”

  “You’re still young enough for another one.” MiMi kissed Sage’s smooth cheek again.

  “Ha! My husband knows better than to even suggest such a thing. Goodnight ladies. Bye Brayden.” Estella waved to them as she headed for the stairs.

  “Bye, Mrs. Estella,” Brayden yelled back. He started to dash off to his room, then doubled back. He hugged MiMi and Sage at the same time. “Bye.”

  “Bye little man,” MiMi said and kissed his cheek. She went into the room still holding Sage. “Aunt Adrienne says you’ve been such a good girl. Let’s get you packed up.”

  Adrienne followed close behind. She started picking the few toys scattered around on the floor. “Like I said, you’re rushing for no reason. Sage has a routine. She should be settling in for a story and winding down for bed. My Lord, it’s almost eight o’clock at night.”

  “What time did she have her nap? I hope it wasn’t too long after lunch. That does keep her up late.” MiMi put Sage down in the play pen to free both hands.

  “I know what time she needs a nap. Are you saying I can’t care for her properly? I’m not the one who went off for a whole month,” Adrienne muttered.

  “I didn’t leave for so long on purpose. And no, I wasn’t criticizing you. I just asked a question. You sound more like mother every day.” MiMi held a stack of Sage’s underwear. “I don’t see her overnight bag.”

  “Oh, that thing you brought wasn’t big enough. I had to buy her more clothes, so I got a bigger one.” Adrienne went to a closet, pulled out a fancy large pink bag with Sage’s name on it.

  “The bag I brought was just fine. You didn’t have to spend so much money.” MiMi marched to the closet. Sage’s old bag, a green and yellow plaid cloth duffle, was stuffed into a corner. “What are you going to do with the room? I’m sure you won’t have guest stay in here and sleep in a toddler bed.”

  Adrienne ignored MiMi’s comment about the pink bag. She continued to stuff clothes and baby items into it. “I’ll leave it as is. Sage will probably need a safe place again with the friends you hang out with.”

  MiMi stomped out of the closet. “My friends have given me more support in the last three years than anyone has in my life. They flew to the Dominican Republic. Now tell me, which one of my family members showed up?”

  “Excuse me? You’d still be in jail if Daddy hadn’t paid for your defense attorney and those hefty fines. What a silly mistake.” Adrienne gave a huff of disapproval.

  “Roderick is the one who made the damn mistake,” MiMi hissed. She glanced over at Sage, who was preoccupied with her new favorite doll.

  “So now you’re using profanity in front of the baby,” Adrienne said with a frown.

  “My family’s idea of ‘Mr. Right’ got me arrested, and I’m the one you criticize?” MiMi clapped a palm on her chest. Her sister only wanted to see MiMi as the problem.

  “Your friends may find this kind of behavior just fine, but not in my house around my children,” Adrienne shot back, pointing a manicured fingernail at MiMi.

  “You mean your child. Sage is my daughter, and we’re going home.” MiMi spun around and grabbed the bag. With the shoulder strap on, she picked up Sage. “Come on, sweetie pie. Tonight you’ll be in your own bed. All this pink is starting to look like stomach medicine.”

  “Mommy, mommy,” Sage said in a toddler sing-song voice.

  “Yes, mommy is here, and she’s not going anywhere for a long, long time.”

  MiMi glared at her sister for full five secon
ds. Adrienne glared back but kept silent. With a last look around to make sure she hadn’t missed anything, MiMi went down the stairs. Adrienne followed. She made baby talk to Sage, but kept her distance. Adrienne stopped at the last step of the stairs.

  “Wait a minute. Take one of her new dolls. She’ll probably fret without it. I can get it.” Adrienne half turned.

  “Don’t bother. She has lots of toys at home.” MiMi slid back the locks on the fancy front door.

  “Okay, but slow down.” Adrienne sighed as she came down to the foyer. “I’m sorry for saying those things to you a minute ago. I was out of my lane.”

  “Very much so.” MiMi faced her sister. She didn’t trust herself to say more.

  “Let’s get along for the sake of the children. Sage’s toys can stay here for her next visit with Aunt Adrienne. Isn’t that right precious?” Adrienne came close and smoothed Sage’s thick soft curls. Sage yawned and put her head on MiMi’s shoulder.

  “I won’t need a babysitter for a while, so you might consider donating that stuff to the children’s unit at Our Lady of the Lake.”

  “Now you’re being vindictive,” Adrienne said. Her voice had the quiet, flat tone of suppressed anger.

  “No, I’m being a mother. As you pointed out, I’ve been apart from my child too long. I appreciate the offer to help out though,” MiMi added, her tone empty of warmth or gratitude.

  “I see.” Adrienne brushed her perfectly styled hair.


  MiMi was out the door and at her car before Adrienne could respond. She dropped the bag and opened the door. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the getting Sage properly secured into the car seat. MiMi rebuffed Adrienne’s offers to help. Finally getting the now cranky toddler strapped in, MiMi closed the door and tossed the bag into the back of her SUV. Minutes later they were on the road away from the beautiful upscale neighborhood. MiMi took in deep breaths to stave off the anxiety attack building.


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