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PLAYED: A Small Town Billionaire Romance (Reckless Falls Book 5)

Page 29

by Vivian Lux

  Keep him here, Bee, Finn's voice echoed in my head.

  "You really need to try my honey buns, Kyle," I heard myself say. I lifted my chin and licked my lips. "I swear, they're the sweetest buns in the whole wide world." I took a deep breath and lifted my chest so that my tits jutted out.

  He openly stared, all attempts at escape fleeing his brain. I smiled at him, licking my lips again and wondered just how far I was going to have to take this.

  "How sweet?" he asked.

  I took a deep breath, letting my breasts rise and fall while he stared at me hungrily. I wracked my brain trying to come up with something that would keep his interest long enough to keep him here, but that wouldn't get me in any more trouble than I already seemed to have gotten myself into.

  "You'll have to taste them to find out," I said with a wicked little grin.

  This time his smile did reach his eyes, and it was toothy and sharklike. He stepped forward, his hands reaching out for me. I took a deep breath and pasted the smile on my face, closing my eyes...

  At that moment the police burst through the door.



  I think the thing that pissed me off most — even more than the fact that I'd fallen for his wide-eyed, aw-shucks-boss routine and hired a goddamned thief in the first place — was that Kyle was still acting like his normal, weaselly self. Still wide-eyed. Still calling me boss, even as he was getting the handcuffs slapped on his skinny wrists. Like the fact that he'd stolen thousands of dollars from us was just a silly misunderstanding between friends and he'd be back at work in the morning.

  Small towns are weird sometimes.

  But at least they didn't have that much crime, because it seemed like every single cop in Reckless Falls showed up for the bust. Even if he had acted guilty and made a run for it, Kyle would have been surrounded on all sides. So maybe it was good that he was still smiling while they cuffed him.

  Jackson stood on the sidewalk, giving his statement to Officer Abbott, who couldn't seem to stop chuckling about the whole thing. "You three sure have had an eventful few weeks," he observed.

  Jackson rubbed the back of his neck. "You don't even know the half of it." He smirked.

  At that I craned my neck, searching through the crowd. I spotted Kyle sitting dejectedly on the curb, his hands cuffed behind his back, looking like maybe he was just starting to realize how badly he'd screwed up. He turned to me with big, wounded, puppy dog eyes.

  I turned away angrily and searched some more, but Bee was nowhere to be seen. And I really needed to kiss her. Bad.

  Her little seduction act had kept Kyle interested, and distracted enough to keep him from running when he knew we suspected him. I owed her a kiss... and a lot more.

  "Now," Officer Abbott was saying. He looked around and lowered his voice. "You should know something here. Kyle Foster's brother is on the force."

  I turned back to him, sputtering angrily. "Are you kidding?" I barked. "We caught him red-handed. There's no way he's not guilty."

  Office Abbott held up his hands. "Now I'm not saying justice won't be served. I'm just trying to let you know that we've got a situation here."

  Hot blood boiled up to my face and I opened my mouth to let him know just what I thought of his situation. When all at once, the front door of the bakery burst open and out came Bee.

  She hip-checked the door open wider, and swung in a tight pirouette, her arms laden down with trays of goodies. "Hi there!" she trilled. "You all looked so hungry standing out here, so I thought you might need some fortification!"

  I watched openmouthed as she started passing out cupcakes and pastries to the assembled police officers. "Thank you so much for you help!" she sang out with a smile. "We're so grateful."

  "Damn," one of the cops remarked as he stuffed a honey bun in his mouth. "That's good."

  "Have another!" Bee said encouragingly. "You can't work on an empty stomach, and we sure want you doing a good job!"

  "What are you doing?" I asked, baffled, when she drew closer to me, her arms still laden with half empty trays.

  "Helping you," she hissed through her smile. "You catch more flies with honey than vinegar." Her eyes flashed and she laughed a little. "My mom always said that and you know what? She's right." She grimaced. "That's about the only thing she's right about. That and nothing else."

  "You're amazing," I told her fervently. Then I grabbed a tray and joined her in passing out the baked goods.

  "Does this count as bribery?" Jackson whispered to me as he took a tray out of my arms to pass out himself.

  I shrugged. "Officer Abbott sure looks like he's taking it more seriously," I hissed back. I glanced behind my shoulder to see Bee chatting him up while he wiped the crumbs off the front of his uniform. He was nodding with a very serious expression on his face.

  I shook my head with a smile. "I was about to start ripping him a new one. Bee saved the day."

  Jackson looked over at her with undisguised awe on his face. "She's a keeper," he remarked.

  "You got that right."

  By the time they'd hauled Kyle away, I felt like I'd run a marathon. The delivery slips I'd supplied to the detective were the main evidence against him. Kyle had been forging them almost since the day we'd hired him. He'd funneled thousands of dollars worth of wine from our store. To where and for what reason I still didn't know. That was for the detectives to find out. I was too goddamn tired to worry about it anymore.

  "Hey!" one of the cops called as he climbed back into his cruiser. "My wife wants me to take her to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. When are you guys opening up?"

  I lifted my chin and gave him a confident smile. "Less than two weeks!"

  He nodded and climbed in. Then I let out my breath in a panicky rush. "Well," I observed drily as the police car sped away with Kyle in the back. "I'm opening a restaurant in less than two weeks, and my general manager just got hauled away in handcuffs." I pressed two fingers to the bridge of my nose. "Where the hell am I going to find someone on such short notice?"

  Bee came dancing over to my side and nudged me with her shoulder, grinned widely. "I have an idea."

  "You're going to find me a new general manager?"

  She nodded. "I was trying to ask you about this before, when we were down by the lake, but then," she waved her hands around to indicate the whole arrest of my GM.

  I turned and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Are you serious?"

  She nodded with a grin. "I've got the perfect person."

  "Don't you ever get tired of being amazing?" Jackson murmured.

  "What?" she asked petulantly, letting her lush lower lip quiver a little. "I'm helping."

  "Yes you are," I promised her. "And we're grateful."

  Jackson nodded. "Mmm hmm. So grateful."

  "In fact," I told her, reaching out to brush her hair back from her shoulder. "Let us show you just how grateful we are."



  I slid my hand down to rest it just above the rise of her ass, and guided Bee up the steps.

  "If I'd known what it got me in return, I'd have come over with cupcakes on that very first night I met you," she said with a sly grin. "You know. Instead of a bag of garbage."

  I chuckled and shook my head. "You have no idea how adorable you looked. All red-faced and pissed off, yelling at me with a sack of stinking garbage at your feet." I leaned in and kissed her nose. "I fell head over heels for you right then and there."

  It was her turn to laugh. "Chefs are so weird."

  "You don't have to tell me that," Finn growled from behind us. He stepped around us and pulled the door shut and very deliberately locked it behind us.

  Her store was a disaster. It was clear she'd been baking like crazy this morning, whipping up all the treats for the cops in record time. Sticky spoons were stuck fast to her countertop and the surface was strewn with mixing bowls still half full of icing and glaze. My inner perfe
ctionist shuddered a little.

  Until I had an idea.

  Bee watched with widening eyes as I turned the sign from Open, to Closed.

  "You guys are a good team," she murmured.

  "Yeah," Finn drawled. "We're really good at sharing."

  I smirked and went to her. "You're just the sweetest thing," I told her, bending my lips to her neck and inhaling her fragrance. Then I pulled away with a grin. "But I think you could be sweeter."

  Finn raised his eyebrows at that, but when he saw where I was looking, he swore under his breath. Then he reached for one of the mixing bowls and dipped his fingers inside.

  "This one," he told me, holding it out.

  Bee's eyes widened further as I reached over and dipped my finger into the icing inside. I touched it to my lips before I pressed the sugary syrup to her skin, dragging my finger down the hollow of her throat to the space between her breasts, leaving a sweet, sticky trail.

  "Mmm," I breathed as I kissed her neck.

  Then slowly I started licking the sweetness from her skin.

  She let out a breathy gasp that trailed off into a low moan as I sucked and kissed my way along that sugary path. I knew Finn was watching her face because I could hear his breath coming faster. Finn," I growled. "You need to try this."

  "You telling me what to do with her?" he rumbled, stepping in front of me. "You think I don't know?" But he bent his lips and licked where I told him, dipping his finger again to draw a line across the top of her breasts.

  Her moan came out in a shuddery whisper that raised my dick and the goosebumps on my arms. She slid back from Finn's embrace, her eyes already deliciously half-lidded. "No one needs to tell me," she purred. "I know exactly what I want to do." She licked her lips and my cock twitched, wanting to leap inside that hot little mouth. "To both of you," she murmured, stepping forward and reaching down with her hands.

  I grunted and then groaned as her fingers closed around my length. I growled, sagging into her hand, driven mad by the fabric barrier that stood between us. She must have read my mind, because her hand slid down inside my waistband. "So hard," she gasped as she freed my cock.

  "For you," I promised her. "Only for you."

  "Jesus," Finn hissed as her hand moved faster. "Stop teasing us, beautiful."

  "Since when did you become such a sadist?" I groaned. Her fast moving hand was quickly pushing me to the brink. "Bee...fuck..."

  She pulled away again and with a saucy little grin, she turned and opened her refrigerator. "I don't believe in using the canned stuff," she said. "But I kept it around anyway, just in case I found a use for it."

  "Whipped cream?" Finn gasped.

  "Holy hell, girl," I groaned.

  She smiled a wicked, teasing smile and then squirted some onto her finger before brushing it onto the head of my cock.

  The cream was cold, but the touch of her tongue was red hot.

  The way she knelt down and greedily started sucking us both had my head spinning even before her tight lips slid all the way down to my base. She sucked me first, then slid up and moved to Finn, and there was nothing sexier than the sound of her wild noises and greedy little slurping sounds. Her hums of pleasure radiated up my spine driving all thought from my brain except how incredible she was, how much I wanted her and how much I needed her and...

  "Fuck, Bee," I shouted as her lips found their mark again. "Fuck girl, I fucking love you."



  When I heard Jackson's words, I pulled back, startled.

  But there was no time to process what he'd said because Finn was already hauling me to my feet. Jackson's greedy hands tore at my clothes, and I gasped when I heard a seam pop. My breasts spilled free and Finn caught and cupped one in his hand, and shook the can of whipped cream. "You gave me an idea," he growled with an impish smile.

  I yelped when the cold of the cream hit my sensitive nipple. "Good idea," Jackson rumbled, pinching my other nipple between his fingers before topping it in cream.

  In my wildest fantasies, I'd never even considered it, but here I was, living it in real life. Two achingly sexy men greedily licking and sucking the cream off my breasts, sending shockwaves through my body. I let my head fall back, sliding to the floor and they moved over the top of me, still greedily kissing and licking. "This is fucking perfect," Finn hissed as her drew another cool line of cream along my tummy. "Fuck, I fucking love you so much."

  I froze and tilted my head up to see Jackson catch Finn's eye. And they both smiled. "Yeah Bee," Jackson added. "I love you too. I don't think you heard me the first time I said it."

  "I did," I stammered. "I just..." My heart threatened to burst out of my chest it was beating so hard.

  All this time I thought I knew what love was. I was married, for heaven's sake.

  But it had never been like this. Thrilling, but safe. Fun, and caring and so very easy. "Holy shit," I realized. "I love you too. Both of you." I could feel tears starting to sting my eyes and blinked them away rapidly as I felt a smile stretch across my face. "Holy shit!" I laughed.

  Finn and Jackson both smiled back at me, lifting me up. "Come here," Finn growled, sitting back and setting me down in his lap. "I need to be inside of you. Right now."

  I whimpered as I slowly lowered myself down onto his cock. He growled in my ear as I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on tightly. His dick was so long, so perfectly curved and that piercing... "My god, you feel so good," I gasped.

  "I know something else that'll feel good," Jackson whispered in my ear.

  Finn held me tight, not moving. From behind me, I could feel Jackson positioning himself, my heart hammering in my throat. When I felt him press against my ass, I arched backwards to meet him. "Yes," I whispered frantically. "I want to feel you both, Inside me. At the same time, oh my god...."

  "You are too perfect for words," Finn growled.

  He wrapped his arms around me tight, and laid back so that my chest was pressed against his. He moved his cock in slow circles, teasing me as Jackson reached over into my pantry. "Gotta love bakers," he chuckled as he pulled out the big vat of vegetable oil.

  "Holy..." I inhaled sharply as he dribbled the cool oil down my crack and then began to massage my tight asshole with his thumb. Finn still held me tight with one arm, but with the other hand he cupped my face, turning my head so that my whole vision was filled with the blue of his eyes.

  "I want to watch your face as he slides in," Finn said and the low, possessive rumble in his voice thrilled right through me.

  I nodded, mewling a little as Jackson's thumb pressed deeper. Then I grunted a low animal sound as I felt the head of his cock press against my ass.

  "Breathe, baby girl," Jackson whispered, and I nodded again, and as I exhaled, I felt the fiery ring as he pushed his way inside. I opened my mouth to scream, but suddenly that fire bloomed into an incredible heat that had me gasping instead.

  "Holy shit," Finn growled, watching me.

  "Fuck..." Jackson exhaled, sliding deep inside of me.

  I was sandwiched between them, crushed between their chests, and the feeling was too exquisite to believe. The incredible fullness I felt at having them both inside of me at once matched the incredible fullness that was in my heart. I felt loved, and cherished, and worshipped. With each slow stroke, Finn caressed my face, promising that he loved me, as Jackson whispered in my ear from behind, telling me how good I felt, how incredible I was, how lucky he was that he had me.

  And suddenly it was too much. All at once I burst open and then shattered, laughing and crying at the same time. Every emotion flooded my system at once and I went into overload, overwhelmed by the intensity of everything I was feeling. I buried my face in Finn's neck, screaming as I shattered from the inside out, and the sound of our mingled voices echoed off the stainless steel of my kitchen until it finally died away, leaving my ears ringing.



  It seem
ed like it took forever for me to even catch my breath enough to say, "Oh my God."

  "Oh my God," Bee echoed, resting her head on my shoulder and nuzzling into my neck.

  "Ditto," Jackson chimed in, pushing himself up with his arms.

  Bee started giggling. "What's going on?" I asked, brushing her hair back from her face.

  "Can you imagine if the health inspector came in right now?" she laughed. "We just about broke every health code imaginable, right now."

  I laughed, and Jackson snorted, which made us both start laughing harder, but underneath all of that laughter, I thought I heard a faint noise that didn't belong.

  But I didn't care. I was too busy kissing Bee. Her lips, her jaw, her neck. She said she loved me, and I knew I loved her, and whatever happened next, I had that.

  I'd make this work. Me and Bee. The three of us.

  It was what I wanted.

  And I always got what I wanted.

  Jackson pulled himself back, gently extricating himself. But not gently enough. Bee yelped as she was suddenly deposited on the cold floor. "Shit, sorry," Jackson hissed. "Next time let's do this on a bed."

  "I need a bigger bed," Bee complained.

  I was about to tell her all about the size of my bed and what I planned on doing to her in it, when I heard it again. That same strange noise, something hissing like a snake. Or the rush of air being let out of a tire.

  Or out of a spray can.

  I sat up. "What the fuck?" I asked the air.

  And then all at once, I was running. Bare feet pounding, I sprinted my way to the front door. I skidded to a stop to turn the bolt, then threw the door open.

  "Finn! Pants!" Jackson yelled.

  But I'd already spotted the figure, hanging in the shadows of the alley between our two buildings. He was so intent on his work that he didn't notice the wild-eyed fury streaking towards him, completely nude, until I was almost on him.

  He dropped the can and started running. And even though I hadn't been running in fucking forever, I was still in way better shape than this asshole, whoever he was, because I caught up to him in about twenty paces, and tackled him to the ground.


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