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Blood Bound

Page 7

by Alaska Angelini

  “As you should,” he bit out. “Now, get out of my sight and don’t return until you make amends and fix this.”

  A nod was the only reply I could give as I turned and headed for the door. The moment I left my father’s study, I let the anger fill me.

  “Get my horse ready,” I snapped to Francois, the butler, and continued up the grand stairway to my room. The reflection staring back at me was one I didn’t recognize, but had seen before. Swelling was prevalent around my eye and bruising was already setting in. And my father wanted me to appear before them this way? God, I fucking hated him. They’d know. Everyone knew.

  I poured water into the basin, washing the blood smeared across my chin. The need to run, to say to hell with being the Duke was right there. Duc de Delacroix. I didn’t want it. Didn’t want this life—especially with that conniving bitch, Adelais, as my Duchess.

  A sharp pain had me wincing as I patted my face dry. The ride was another few hours. I’d be lucky to make it by sunset. Dammit, I didn’t want to go back.

  Knocking had me heading for my door. Where I expected my mother, I was surprised to see my father standing before me instead. Apparently, he wasn’t done.

  I took a step back, watching the colors fade out as he rushed forward with the intent to hurt me even more.

  Just as the man I knew to be Marko’s father got to me, my body jolted awake in a mass of deep inhales. Sweat drenched the sheet wrapped around me, trapping my arms from being able to move. From…defending myself. I cried out, thrashing, as a hand clutched my shoulder.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” The roar of Marko’s voice had my head snapping in his direction and I could see his own fear. He was soaked in sweat, too, and there was a paleness to his already fair skin. Tears blinded me as I ached for what he’d been through. But I knew it hadn’t just been a simple beating he’d gotten from his father. Something told me things had gotten worse. So much worse. And I wasn’t sure it had been in his father’s favor.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I…” Scratchiness had taken over my words and the sobs filling me left them almost unrecognizable. I felt as if I’d betrayed my Master. As if I’d somehow spied on his most secret moments. It left me torn to reach out to try to comfort him or hide from the wrath I was sure to come.

  Marko’s hand reached for his chest as his eyes searched the room. I knew he was deep in thought. He didn’t remember that moment. Somehow, I knew that. At least, he hadn’t since he’d been reborn. But I’d brought it back, and the anger starting to mask his face made me wish I hadn’t.

  “He deserved to die. I’d kill him again. I should have killed them all.”

  The covers flew back as he strode across the room, nude. The slam of the bathroom door left me jumping at the impact. If I could have fled, I would have, but I knew it was pointless. I was going to have to face his rage when he returned and it was something I didn’t want to have to do. Even bonded, even…obedient, the longing to go home was still nestled deep within me. It was always fluttering around, but never within reach for me to grasp.

  The shower sounded and I eased from the bed, rushing to the closet to dress. Only a few outfits had come in so far and I was left grabbing the first one I could get my hands on. A deep wine colored, long-sleeved dress that was tight at the top, baring my shoulders, but flowed loosely around my legs. It was too formal in my opinion, but everything that rested on hangers was. By the time I got it on and fixed my hair using the vanity the suppliers had delivered, the shower ended. I kneeled at the foot of the bed, patiently waiting to brush my teeth. I didn’t have to wait long. The door swung back open and Marko’s feet came to stand before me.

  “Such a good little slave. You may go now. Then, you’ll face me.”

  I knew he’d been reading my mind, probably had been the whole time he had been gone. It drove me to my feet, rushing into the restroom. Even as I prolonged the confrontation, I knew it wasn’t worth it. When I headed back into the bedroom, Marko was already dressed and sitting on the edge of the bed, placing on a cufflink. His dark eyes rose to mine, but didn’t appear as black as they usually did. It made me feel braver as I went into position before him.

  “Your dreams may end up getting you into trouble, ma minette. Whether you know this or not, what you did was intentional in your mind. You subconsciously sought out my past and found a piece of it. I suggest you not do it again. I’m aware you saw things when I placed the final bond on you that night in your room. I saw them, too, even if I don’t remember the details of them yet. But we will never speak of what we saw. Ever. Do you understand?”

  Flashes of the massive, gruesome killings during his newborn years assaulted me, as did the plans Julius had discussed with the members on what was to come. So many things filtered though and I tried to block them out as I nodded my head. Marko held secrets, ones that went against our leader, and we couldn’t risk them becoming exposed. “Yes, Master. But…” The assertion came and I couldn’t deny I was dying to learn more. I was quickly realizing that although I’d seen visions of his past, I hadn’t seen everything. Not even close. And I wanted to know who he was.

  “You’re in awe of my status.” Marko turned away from me, grabbing his suit jacket and sliding it on. “It was not everything it was cracked to be, Tessa. It was a curse.”

  “Which one is worse, the one of your past or the one you’re living now?”

  Black eyes snapped over to me. I couldn’t help but lower my head at his anger.

  “I’m sorry, Master. That was out of line.” Cautiously, my head lifted. “How long were you Duke before…?” The question was one of many bombarding me all at once. Did he marry the girl who’d thrown herself at him? What happened after he killed his father?

  “Ma minette, enough. I said we weren’t talking about it. Besides,” his head shook, “the details are not all there and I don’t want them to be. Forget my past. I have.”

  A frown came to my face and I folded my hands in my lap, staring down. Had the woman been beautiful? Surely, he would have married her. Even if his father had been killed by him, Marko still would have had to go about his duties. And if he did marry her, did they have kids? What kind of father would he have been? Surely, better than his own.

  “In the corner!”

  My bicep was grasped and I was ripped up. Fire flared over my ass at the spanking and Marko pushed me into the corner, adding pressure to my shoulder to make me kneel. His offence at my thoughts left my head spinning.

  “Until you learn to listen, you’ll stay. Now, stop thinking about me and worry about yourself. You’re on the verge of being in a lot of trouble if you continue.”

  “They’re just questions. Ones I have a right to know.”

  My head was pushed harder into the corner as he crouched behind me, moving in next to my ear. “You have no rights, slave. The sooner you get that through your thick skull, the better. Silence, manners, obedience, your blood, and your body. Those are what I want from you. Nothing more. Not your love, not your compassion, and most of all, not your pity or concern.”

  “I don’t pity you,” I said quietly. “I just care for you. There’s a big difference. My questions are nothing more than a way I wish to grow closer to you. But you’re right, I shouldn’t bother. After all, I’m no one. Not your concubine, that’s for sure. I doubt you’d treat her this way.”

  A growl sounded behind me and I gritted my teeth as I waited for the punishment I feared would come. I didn’t have to wait long. Marko grabbed my hair, turning me to face him. Lips crushed into mine harshly and I cried out at the cut sending blood to wash over my tongue.

  “Maybe you won’t have to wait long to find out.”

  My breath caught and I jerked from his hold, turning back toward the corner. Anger had tears burning my eyes and I could feel myself shaking from how badly his declaration affected me. I bet my next Master will treat me better than you. In fact, I know he will.

  “Wench!” Marko gave my head ano
ther push as he stood. Cement connected with my forehead and I made a frustrated sound as I slammed the side of my fist into the wall. But I didn’t move, didn’t stand and face him like I wanted to. Even as I felt the harsh feelings toward him diminish, my own declaration sounded in my head. Someday, I’d make him pay. Someday, our positions would be reversed.

  Chapter 9


  Another Master better than me? Tessa had no idea how good she had it. And bringing my future concubine into it? Any other Master would have beat her for the word even leaving her mouth. Better than me…? I wanted to laugh. The stubborn woman just didn’t get it. Hell, she probably never would and I’d be forced to listen to this forever. No. It would get worse when I did find a partner. Dammit. I wasn’t looking forward to that either.

  “Wench…no…more like witch! You probably trapped me into this bonding. Put some sort of spell on me and I just can’t remember you doing it.”

  “How dare you!”

  Tessa spun around to face me and I lurched forward. The action had her quickly turning back around and sinking to her knees to face the corner, but I didn’t stop my advance. I lowered, returning to the side of her face, trying to ignore the way her new soap left me softening. Her. Yes, I’d finally gotten to have her the way I wanted and every small whiff of her essence had me going crazy to have her again.

  “You get up one more time and I get the belt.”

  Frustration emanated from Tessa in a thick aura of pressure and I knew from the vibes she threw off she was past the point of being merely angry. Ma minette was downright fuming and for some reason, it made me happy. I didn’t understand it any more than I understood her or the bond we shared.

  “I hate how much I love you.”

  I smiled, nuzzling behind her ear. “No, you love how much you hate me. You love this right here, whether you want to admit it or not.”

  “Wrong,” she snapped. “If you only gave me the chance, I’d show you what real love was. This,” she said, facing me, “this is not the best conditions to make me love you. A slave I can be. Kneeling before you would give me pride, but the verbal and physical abuse will not get you my entire heart. Don’t you want me to love you? I thought…” her head rested against the cement wall as she stared at it in a daze. “Marko wanted me to love him. Maybe it was my definition I clung to and he saw something entirely different. I don’t know.”

  “He is me, ma minette. Stop talking about me as if we are two different people. And I’ve already told you what I want. Love is not something I need from you.”

  “Lie,” she whispered, facing the wall. “That’s the only thing you wanted from me. That, and my blood. You have my blood at your disposal. My love, you will never truly have. Not like this.”

  I slid my hand over her bare shoulder, trying to ignore the way her words messed with my head. As my body moved in and molded behind hers, Tessa stiffened, but didn’t try to stop me from getting closer.

  “But you do love me. And I’m going to show you just how much.” I eased us to stand, still staying behind her with my arms over her shoulders. I let her watch as I placed a cut between my thumb and index finger. “You’re going to drink and you’re going to have so much love for me, you’re not going to know what to do with it. Artificial, real, it makes no difference. Love is love and I have yours.”

  Tessa dipped down to slip under my arms but I had her slammed down on the mattress before she could escape. Even as I forced her jaw open and thrust my wound to bleed into her mouth, my mind exploded with only one question. What the fuck was I doing? I didn’t know. This wasn’t me. It couldn’t be.

  “It’s not real,” she mumbled against my hand as I applied pressure to keep it in place. The words were muffled, but I heard her thoughts loud and clear. I knew the truth and I couldn’t stand it. Her love wasn’t mine. Not the real version. Hunter had more than I did. The truth was written in her eyes when she came down from the drugging of my blood. I saw it so clearly. Could feel it in my own thoughts. It was driving me crazy. Blood. I’d have to keep her under. Have to make her love me all the time. Or, at least, until she fell in love with me. That was bound to happen…wasn’t it?

  “Drink!” I cut the top edge of my hand more, trying to ignore how the truth was getting to me. Hunter. I had to wipe out not only him, but the hold he had on her subconscious. And her heart.

  Lips settled over my skin, but there was no satisfaction in what I felt. The hard look staring back wasn’t fooled by what I was doing. Neither were my true feelings, however deeply buried they were.

  Adrenaline began making my heart pound faster and I pulled my hand back, a smile tugging at my lips. “There. Now, go take your place back in the corner and don’t move until I tell you to. You’ll do the time for your smart mouth and when I let you up again, you’ll be better. Won’t you.” It wasn’t a question. Tessa blinked and her breath came out in a slow, deep rush.

  “Yes, Master.”

  I stood, watching her make her way back to her spot. Conflict had my mouth twisting, but I pushed it away as I sat on the edge of the bed. Memories of her dream broke through and no matter how hard I tried to bury them back down, the blood covering my fists as I pounded them into my father’s face wouldn’t disappear.

  “See,” I gritted out, swinging continually. “I’ll make a great Duke. The most powerful one to ever rule. I’ll eliminate all problems. I’ll make them disappear. I’ll make you disappear! No one will stand in my way of getting what I want anymore—especially you.”

  A grunt came from my father’s mouth as his hands tried to fend me off, but there was no stopping the events taking place. I was gone. So far gone, I could barely grasp the amount of fury I held.

  So many emotions filled me at once. I pushed from the bed, but I was blind to my surroundings.

  “Marko, what have you done?” My mother pressed herself against the wall, skirting deeper inside, but not closer. Terror filled her eyes as she stared at my father’s bloody, broken face. I couldn’t move, frozen in position on my knees. My eyes lowered as I stared down at my battered hands. The crimson had me shaking my head as I searched for something to say. The boy in me wanted to apologize. To beg for forgiveness. The man who’d been born with his first murder managed to force himself to stand.

  “I’ve done nothing. You haven’t seen anything. Retire for the night, mother. I’ll see you in the morning. Have your food brought to your room.”

  Terrified eyes stared between me and my father and she nodded quickly, running out of the door and shutting it softly behind her. As my attention went back to the damage I’d done, I couldn’t stop the smile etching in. My time was now and I’d show them all who Marko Loren Delacroix really was. My father’s reputation would mean nothing compared to his heir. They’d respect me. They’d fear me if they didn’t. A father dead. A son reborn.

  Deep breaths pulled me back to the room and I watched as Tessa pressed her hands flat against the walls on each side of her. I walked forward, noticing she shook the closer I got. By the time I lowered directly behind her, the trembling was near violent.

  “What’s the matter, ma minette? Are you afraid of your Master? What did you get out of seeing that? Have some of your questions been answered?”

  Silence lasted for all of a few seconds before her breath shuddered. “I expected some trace of remorse. Some…form of conscience. You liked killing him and I got the impression he wasn’t the only person you hurt while you were still alive. Am I right?”

  I could tell from her tone that she wanted me to ease her biggest fear, but I couldn’t. I didn’t really know. “I was never a good man. He made sure of that. Stop trying to romanticize me. You’re only going to let yourself down.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head. “You can’t be all bad. I felt your good. I know it’s in there somewhere.”

  My arm wrapped around her waist as I kneeled behind her, molding myself to her small frame. “Keep telling yourself that, Tessa. You can con
yourself into loving an evil vampire who you wish was once noble and chivalrous all you want, but we’ll both know it’s a lie.” I moved her hair out of the way, kissing her neck as I went back to holding her. “Whatever you want to believe, love, I don’t really care.”

  Slowly, my tongue traced over the tattoo, letting her flavor soak into me. The consumption of my slave would intoxicate me. It would push away the past and I was okay with that. The present was more important to me anyhow. The old me was dead and I wanted everything attached to him to stay buried. Nothing good came out of those dark years of being Duke. I knew that as much as I knew the hole I’d dug myself into had been the result of my death. I’d made a deal with the devil and, like all contracts, my fate couldn’t be voided. My sentence was damn near eternal and I’d accomplish here what I couldn’t do there. I’d rule.

  “Marko.” A moan came from Tessa as I pushed my hand between her legs, rubbing her pussy through her dress. I knew my blood was buffering the way she felt about me and I let it. She loved me again. That’s all I cared about. This was where I wanted her. This was where I needed her. God, I did. I fucking needed this human to love and accept me.

  “Tell me you’re mine.”

  I added more pressure over the top of her slit and nipped at her neck, suddenly remembering Julius had fed from her. The realization began to sink in, even as I continued on. It made me want to stop. To physically fight through the anger of someone else feeding from what was mine.

  “I’m yours. You know I’m yours.”

  “I do and you’ll always be. I’ll never let you go.”

  “Please...” Her hand grabbed my bicep and I wasn’t sure whether her response was a plea for me to release her or keep her. I didn’t let my fear overshadow what I wanted to believe. Tessa loved me. She’d always love me. I’d make sure of it.

  Chapter 10


  Pictures. They were piled to the rim of the box sitting at the top of Tessa’s closet. I scattered them out over the surface of her bed, smiling as I looked at our earliest memories of each other, down to the pictures I’d sent her when I was away, serving our country. She kept every one. Had even written the dates of when she received them on either the back or bottom. The little hearts surrounding the dates had me smiling even bigger. Why had she done that? God, I could only wish it was for the reason I prayed for. Had she loved me all along?


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