Rousseau and Revolution
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journey to Litchfield and Oxford, 839
length of their association, 827
they meet for the first time, 780
tour of the Hebrides, 785, 835–36, 840
writing of The Life of Samuel Johnson, 840–41
Boswell, John, brother of James, 779
Boswell, Margaret, nee Montgomerie (1738–89), 784, 842
botany, Goethe’s work on, 617
Bouchardon, Edme (1698–1762), 107, 120, 247
Boucher, François (1703–70), 23, 106, 113, 117, 120, 912
influences on, 235
sensuality of, 97
Boufflers, Duchèsse de, see Luxembourg, Maréchale de
Boufflers, Marie-Charlotte-Hippolyte de Saujon, Comtesse de (1725-c.1800), 125, 161, 907, 929
Rousseau and, 161, 209, 213–14, 882
Boufflers, Marie-Françoise-Catherine de Beau-vau-Craon, Marquise de (1711–87), 161*
Boulton, Matthew (1728–1809), 675, 734
Boulton and Watt, engine company, 675–76
Bourbon, Abbé de (b. 1762), 68
Bourbon, Duchesse de, 929
Bourbon, Duc Louis-Henri-Joseph de (1756–1830), 850
Bourbon monarchs: Hapsburg rivalry with, 273
restoration in France (1814), 890
bourgeoisie, see middle class
Bourgogne (Burgundy), Louis-Joseph de France, Due de (1751–61), grandson of Louis XV, 71, 845
Bourru bienfaisant, Le (Goldoni), 244
Bouverie, Mrs. Edward (fl. 1770), 753
Bowles, Miss, 753
Boyd, Mary Ann (fl. 1769), 783–84
Brabant, 342, 361
Estates of, defiance of Joseph II, 362, 364
Brabantane, Marquis de (fl. 1766), 209
Bracci, Pietro (1700–73), 247
Bragadino, Zuan (fl. 1750), 323
Brahms, Johannes (1833–97), 381, 399
Brandenburg, 54, 484
Brandenburger Tor, 525
Brandywine, battle of (1777), 869
Braschi, Giovanni, see Pius VI
Braut von Messina, Die (Schiller), 604
Bray-sur-Seine, riots in, 954
Brazil, Jesuits in, 263
breast-feeding, 180
Bremen, duchy of, 653
Brentano, Bettina, see Arnim, Bettina von
Brentano, Maximiliana, nee von La Roche, 611
Brentano, Peter (fl. 1773), 611
Breslau, 51–52, 60
Breteuil, Louis-Auguste Le Tonnelier, Baron de (1730–1807): Diamond Necklace Affair and, 943
as emigré, 963
ministry of (1789), 961–63
on Peter III’s mistreatment of Catherine, 439
Breton Club, 939
Brézé, Marquis Henri-Evrard de (1766–1829), 959
“Bride of Corinth, The” (Goethe), 599
Bride of Messina, The (Schiller), 604
Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3d Duke of (1736–1803), 670, 672
Brief Observations Concerning Trade and Interest (Child), 72
Briefe die neueste Literatur betreffend (issued by Nikolai), 507, 510
Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen (Schiller), 595
Briefe über die Empfindungen (Mendelssohn), 638
Briefe zur Beförderung der Humanitat (Herder), 580
Brienne, Mme. de, 929
Brienne, Loménie de, see Loménie de Brienne, Étienne
Brighella (comic figure), 241
Brindley, James (1716–72), 672
Brindley-Bridgewater canal, 672
Brion, Friederike (1752–1813), 521, 559–60, 608
Brissot de Warville, Jacques-Pierre (1754–93), 88, 938–39
Bristol, George William Hervey, 2d Earl of (1721–75), 282
Bristol: growth of, 681
as port city, 669
theater in, 740
voting population in, 685
Britannicus (Racine), 103
British East India Company: Clive and, 715–16
corruption in, 716–18
Hastings trial and, 719–21
regulation of, 719
British Museum, 750
Briton, The (periodical), 702
Brody, Jews in, 632
Broglie, Mme. de, 118
Broglie, Maréchal Due Victor-Francois de (1718–1804), 54, 963
defeat at Minden, 55
as secretary of war, 961
States General and, 960
Brook Farm, 81
Brooke, Henry (1703?–83), 786
Broschi, Carlo, see Farinelli
Brosses, Charles de (1709–77), 149, 218–20, 250
Brown, Agnes, 772
Brown, Lancelot “Capability” (1715–83), 748
Browning, Robert (1812–89), 658
Bruges, 361
Brühl, Count Heinrich von (1700–63), 466
Brummell, George Bryan “Beau” (1778–1840), 753
Brummell, William, 753
Brunetière, Ferdinand (1849–1906), 138
Brunn, university at, 360
Brunswick: in League of Princes (1785), 362
Seven Years’ War in, 60
Brunswick, Duke Ferdinand of, see Ferdinand of Brunswick
Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of, see Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand
Brunswick-Bevern, August Wilhelm, Duke of (1715–81), 47, 51
Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Prince Ludwig Ernst of, see Ludwig Ernst
Brussels, 342, 361, 364
Bruto primo (Alfieri), 338
Bruto secondo (Alfieri), 338
Brutus, Lucius Junius (fl. 510 B.C.), 912
Buccleuch, Henry Scott, 3d Duke of (1746–1812), 769
Buchanan, George (1506–82), 177
Bucharest, 458
Buckle, Henry Thomas (1821–62), 769
Budapest, 341, 364
Buen Retiro, 288
Buff, Charlotte, see Kestner, Charlotte
Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de (1707–88), 73, 99, 147, 353, 636, 908
clerical attacks on, 902
death of, 893
on sensuality, 97
Bug River, 430
Bühren, Ernst von, see Biron
Bulgarelli, Marianna (La Romanina; 1686–1734), 240
Bulgaria, 411
bullfights, 291
Bünau, Count Heinrich von (1697–1762), 326
Bunbury, Henry, 817
Buonaparte, Carlo (1746–85), 313
Buonaparte, Napoleone, see Napoleon I
Bureau de Roi, 107
Bürger, Gottfried (1747–94), 519–20
Burgoyne, John (1722–92), 713
Burgundy, Duke of, see Bourgogne, Duc de
Büring, Johann Gottlieb (1723-c.1789), 524
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 683, 689–93, 696, 700–1, 121–25, 730, 747–48, 754, 759, 761–62, 828, 832, 839, 897
cultural tastes of, 689
death of, 725
early life and education of, 689
economic policies of, 693
election to Parliament, 692
esthetic views of, 696
on German principalities, 503
Goldsmith and, 817
in Hastings’ trial, 719–21
issues Reflections on the French Revolution, 722–23, 806
Johnson and, 692, 827, 839–41
on lack of religion in England, 734
later conservatism of, 690, 692–93, 722–25
love affairs of, 689
Marie Antoinette and, 722–23
marriage to June Nugent, 691
in ministry, 714–15
morality of, 694
opposition to French Revolution, 690, 693, 721–25
opposition to slave trade, 693, 733
policy toward Catherine II, 689, 736
policy toward Catholics, 689, 736
on Polish constitution, 487–88
predicts French Revolution, 721–22
quality as speaker, 692
rapprochement with George III, 725
refuses peerage offer, 725
on religion, 725
respect for French clergy, 900
rising career of, 691–92
on Rousseau, 891
social, political views of, 692–93
supports American Revolution, 693, 711–14
views on property and state, 724–25
youthful radicalism of, 690
Burke, June, nee Nugent, 691
Burke, Richard, brother of Edmund, 719
Burke, William (fl. 1780), cousin of Edmund, 719
Burkersdorf, battle of (1762), 61
Burlador de Seville, El (Tirso de Molina), 404
Burnes, Agnes, nee Brown, 772
Burnes, William (d. 1784), 772
Burney, Charles (1726–1814), 133, 233, 333, 746–47, 790, 828
description of Gluck, 368
on Duke of Brunswick, 50
on Frederick II, 496
on Gluck-Puccini rivalry, 372
in “the Club,” 827
on Venetian music, 220
on Voltaire’s appearance, 134
Burney, Fanny (1752–1840), 333, 730, 743, 787, 790–91, 839
Burns, Gilbert, brother of Robert, 773
Burns, Jean, nee Armour (d. 1834), 763, 774–77
Burns, Robert (1759–96), 732, 762, 764, 772–78, 964
Burr, Margaret, 755
Burslem, potteries at, 749
Burton, Robert (1577–1640), 788
Bury, John Bagnell (1861–1927), 807
Busoni, Ferruccio Benvenuto (1866–1924), 243*
Bussy, Mme, de, 118
Bute, John Stuart, 3d Earl of (1713–92), 61, 688, 693
conflicts with Wilkes, 702
ministry of, 698–700, 702
Samuel Johnson and, 826–27
Seven Years’ War and, 62, 699
Bute, Mary, Countess of, nee Montagu (1718–1794), 688
Buttafuoco, Matteo (1731–1806), 204
Buttal, Jonathan, 756
Byng, John, Admiral (1704–57), 42–43
Byron, George Gordon, Lord (1788–1824), 340, 623, 627
Rousseau’s influence on, 3
on Sterne, 790
Voltaire’s influence on, 880–81
Byzantine Greeks, 312
Cabala, 620, 635, 637
Cabanis, Pierre-Jean (1757–1808), 869
Cabarrús, Conde Francisco de (1752–1810), 288
Cabinet Dictionary (Sheraton), 748
Cadíz, 288–89
Caduta de’ giganti, La (Gluck), 368
Caesar, Caius Julius (100–44 B.C.), 48, 529
Caffarelli (Gaetano Majorano; 1703–83), 254
Caffè, Il, 320
Caffieri, Jacques (1678–1755), 106–7
Caffieri, Jean-Jacques (1725–92), 109, 911
Cagliostro, “Count” Alessandro di (Giuseppi Balsamo; 1743–95), 321–22, 645
in Affair of the Diamond Necklace, 322, 942–43
Cagliostro, “Countess” Seraphina di (Lorenza Feliciani Balsamo), 321–22
Cagliostro démasqué (author not cited), 322
cahiers des plaintes et doléances, 950
Cahusac, Louis de (d. 1759), 33
Cain, Henri-Louis, see Lekain, Henri-Louis
Cairo, 415–16
Calas, Jean (1698–1762), 90, 146, 881
Calas family, 88, 146, 151, 498, 881
Calatrava College at Salamanca, 301
Calcutta: Black Hole of (1756), 715
English stronghold at, 58
Caldwell, Thomas, bookseller (fl. 1776), 800
Caliste (Charrière), 648
Calonne, Charles-Alexandre de (1734–1802), 943–45, 946
Calvin, John (1509–64), 143, 177, 360, 881
Calvinism: in Holland, 646; Rousseau and, 5–6, 27, 177, 185, 192, 195–99
in Scotland, 763
Calzabigi, Raniero da (1715–95), 368–70
Cambis, Mme. de, 118
Camelford, Lord, 685
Cameron, Charles, architect, 468
Camões, Luiz Vaz de (1524–80), 259, 269
Campan, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette, nee Genêt (1752–1822), 853–57
Campanelli, Cardinal (fl. 1760), 633
Campbell, Mary (d. 1786), 775
Campoformio, Treaty of (1797), 311
Campomanes, Conde Pedro Rodríguez de (1723–1802), 283, 286, 293, 302
Canada, 89, 698, 709
English conquest of, 57, 62, 68
Canaletto (Antonio Canale; 1697–1768), 236, 332
Canaletto, Bernardo Bellotto (1720–80), 236
canals: in England, 672
in Russia, 456
in Scotland, 762
Candide (Voltaire), 34, 155, 825
Cannabich, Christian (1731–98), 525
Canova, Antonio (1757–1822), 479, 750
monument to Alfieri, 340
Cant, Anna, nee Reuter, 531
Cant, Johann Georg, 531
Cantemir, Prince (fl. 1758), 120
Cantemir, Prince Antioch (1709?–44), 427
Canterbury, Archbishop of (1737–47), see Potter, John
Cantillon, Richard (1680?–1734), 72
Cape Breton Island, 57
Capion, Étienne (fl. 1720), 650
capital punishment: abolition in Austria, 356
—in England, 733
—in France, 146
—in Russia, 431, 451
Voltaire’s opposition to, 145–46
capitalism: in Austria, 356
in England, see Industrial Revolution; in France, 70, 936
in Italy, 218, 230
physiocratic theory and, 71
in Prussia, 501
Adam Smith’s attitude toward, 771
see also middle class
Cappella Giulia, 257
Caps (Swedish party), 654, 656–67
Caraccioli, Marchese Domenico di (1715–89), 315
Carinthia, 341, 358
Carli, Conde Giovanni Rinaldo (1720–95), 312
Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of (1748–1825), 753
Carlisle, Georgiana, Countess of, 753
Carlos, Don (1545–68), son of Philip II, 338
Carlos of Bourbon, Don, see Charles III, King of Spain
Carlton House, 748
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 50, 627, 658, 823
Kant’s influence on, 551
on Kaunitz, 41
on Schiller’s The Robbers, 570
Carmelites, 294
Carmer, Johann Heinrich Casimir von (fl. 1780), 500
Carmona, Luis Salvador (1709–67), 298
Carniola, 341, 358
carnivals, 232
Caroline Matilda (1751–75), Queen of Christian VII of Denmark, 652–53
Caron, Lisette, 921
Carpenter, Edward (1844–1929), 891
Carriera, Rosalba (1675–1757), 235, 792
Carstens, Asmus Jakob (1754–98), 524
Cartas eruditas y curiosas (Feijóo), 294
Carter, Elizabeth (1717–1806), 730
Carthaginians, 312
Cartwright, Edmund (1743–1823), 673
Carvajal, Don José de (d. 1754), 279
Carvalho, Paul de, 267
Carvalho, Dona Teresa de, nee Noronha (d. 1745), 261
Calasi-Dugnani, Palazzo, 237
Casanova, Giovanni Jacopo (1725–98), 219, 310, 322–25
adventures in Italy and France, 323–24
on commedia dell’ arte, 241
death of, 325
early life and education of, 322
joins Freemasons, 326
on Maria Theresa, 344
occultist interests of, 324
on Parma, 311–12
returns to Italy, 325
on Spanish dancing, 292
visit to Rousseau, 324
—to Voltaire, 133, 138, 143, 324
on Wolfenbüttel library, 512
p; writes his Memoirs, 325
on Württemberg court, 502–3
Casas y Nova, Fernando de (fl. 1751), 297
Caserta, palace at, 250
Casimir III the Great, King of Poland (r. 1333–1370), 475
Cassel, 525
Castéra, J. H. (fl. 1800), 444
on Catherine II, 461–62
on Elizaveta Vorontsova, 439
on Peter III, 435–36
Castile, 288
Castle of Otranto (Walpole), 691, 794, 809
castrati in Italy, 222
Castro, Machado de, see Machado de Castro, Joaquim
Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England (Walpole), 794
Catalonia, 288
Catéchisme du genre humain (Boissel), 938
Catherine I, Empress of Russia (r. 1725–27), 429
Catherine II the Great, Empress of Russia (r. 1762–96), 121, 334, 337, 342, 353, 425–28
passim, 657, 749, 880, 885, 897
abilities of, 342, 434–35, 442–43, 450–54
absolutism of, 443
achievements of, 470–71
d’Alembert and, 447, 892
Austria and, 349
Beccaria’s influence on, 321
children of, 436–37, 462
conflicts with Peter III, 435–36, 439
conspiracies against, 443–44, 469
death of, 470
deposes Peter III, 439–40
Diderot and, 446–50, 462–63, 466, 893
dismemberment of Poland and, 350, 481–85, 487–92
Enlightenment and, 34, 446–50, 452–53, 462–63
early life and education of, 433–34
early unpopularity of, 441
economic policies of, 454–56
Elizabeth Petrovna and, 434
estimates of, 471
Falconet and, 109
foreign policy of, 456–61, 469–70
Frederick II and, 434, 442, 457–58, 462, 484
French Revolution and, 465, 469
Grimm and, 447, 449, 452–53, 463, 466, 894
illnesses of, 433, 435
Joseph II and, 363, 483
journey to Crimea, 459–60
later years of, 469–70
literary activities of, 463–64
love affairs of, 436, 442, 444–46
marries Peter III, 434–35
musical interests of, 334
Necker and, 870–71
Paul I and, 441
pers mality of, 461–63
policy toward Jews, 632–33
Poniatowski and, 478
reactionary policies in later life, 469–70
reforms of, 142, 146, 452–53
Rousseau and, 173
Russian culture and, 463–69
Sweden and, 656, 664
Voltaire and, 135, 139–40, 434, 442, 447–48, 451, 457–58, 462, 469, 873, 879
withdraws from Seven Years’ War, 61
Catholic Church: in Austria, 343, 358–60
basis of power and influence, 316
Burke and, 689, 736
charitable activities of, 905
conflicts with Catholic monarchs, 317–18