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Carnal Dreams

Page 9

by April Reid

  Then he prepared to fight—and, if necessary, die—for the woman he loved.

  * * * *

  Ashlyn, back to back with Basil, watched the palace guardsmen advance out of the night-bound crowd and up the ring of steps to the temple platform. The circle of lit tapers and moonshine from Qamar and Zurir illuminated the white marble area, but the surrounding dark hid the movements of the fighters until they reached the platform level.

  "I need more light,” Basil muttered.

  "Watch your vision,” she warned.

  Gathering her power to form globes of illumination, she set four in rapid succession high above the crowd. Then, as she had in the bandit's camp, she made and threw bright globes at the guardsmen as they reached the platform. The exploding balls dazzled the warriors, but only left them blinded for moments as more fighters pressed forward.

  Her gift of fire raged through her blood, but she couldn't set it loose to incinerate innocent people in the crowd.

  She sensed Basil was hard-pressed to keep the growing circle of warriors at bay.

  She knew he needed enough time to shift to dragon so he could carry them both out of danger.

  Why doesn't the high priestess call on the Goddess to stop the king? Ashlyn watched warily as four guardsmen worked their way around closer to her.

  She hurled globes of light at them, only to see the brilliance absorbed into an invisible shield.

  Maldoc and a figure clothed in the robes of a high mage stood near one edge of the platform. The priestess stood rigid, hands at her sides, between the two men. A coiled silver bracelet glimmered on one wrist, and Ashlyn realized the woman was trapped in a powerful spell.

  There'd be no help from her.

  While the mage sketched spells in the air, the king raised the handle of his sword with the gem facing her. The red stone caught and reflected radiant beams from one of her light globes.

  Ashlyn ducked to one side to avoid the magic spell. Trapped by the pallet, she bumped against Basil.

  "Ashlyn?” He steadied her with one hand.

  "I'm okay.” She yanked the silken cover off the thick pad, took five strides toward the closest line of guardsmen, and tossed the fabric in their faces.

  Scrambling backward to her position behind Basil, she heard the king yell, “Kill the man and capture the bitch, you fuckin’ cowards, or I'll have your balls ripped off with hot pincers."

  She hurled three more radiant globes, only to watch them melt into the magical shield.

  The only defense now was actual fire.

  Sickened by the idea of burning these men who were just doing their duty to the king, she raised her hands and called the fire in her body clamoring for release.

  With a cry of, “Burn,” she sent flames dancing toward the fighters.

  They shouted and gave ground, then surged back, only to be stopped by a fresh wave of flames.

  Ashlyn's breath came hard. Her chest ached. Her arms quivered with the effort to keep them raised.

  A few fighters broke through. Basil beat them back, while Ashlyn struggled against the growing power of spells cast by the mage.

  Just when it seemed she'd established a temporary ring of protection around her and Basil, another voice joined the high mage. The ultimate betrayal—her own father stood beside Maldoc.

  Through the flames, she saw him sketch a sign in the air. Her right wrist throbbed as if the be-spelled bracelet was still coiled against her skin.

  Basil gripped her shoulders from behind. His warm breath fanned her neck as he asked, “Can you hold the fire spell a little longer? I'll shift and get us to safety."

  "No, it's too dangerous,” she gasped. “If they break through before the change is complete..."

  "My essence will be scattered to the winds.” He kissed the side of her neck. “I have to take the chance."

  "Not yet,” she begged. “I need your help—your energy against my father."

  "The bastard.” His fingers tightened on her shoulders. She felt a fresh surge of energy.

  "I'll stay until the last possible minute,” he promised. “Then I'll take my chances and make the change, for both our sakes."

  "Goddess, help us.” Suddenly the night air was filled with the rich scent of dreamflowers and roses.

  "Thank you, Goddess,” Ashlyn whispered.

  Wearily, in spite of the spurt of energy from Basil, Ashlyn gathered her personal power. Fire danced at the tips of her fingers and she renewed the slender ring of flames guarding them. That protection would soon fail unless she channeled the rest of her energy—even her life force—into holding it long enough for Basil to safely shift.

  She heard her father begin to chant another spell.

  Ashlyn turned to Basil. “I love you, dearling. Remember me when..."

  Pepper popped into view, followed by Hawthorne. ::We've brought help,:: she announced.

  The moment the fairy-dragon finished speaking, a rush of wings filled the air. Flights of fairy-dragons followed a curving path overhead. More fairy-dragons rose from the shoulders of people in the crowd to join the circling throng.

  The ever-widening parade of flyers, in a myriad of colors—blue, green, silver, red—even Ustim's brown-and-gold male, filled the night with their ringing calls. Forming into a spiral, they dropped toward the center of the sacred circle and made a solid wall of bodies surrounding Basil and Ashlyn.

  "Shift, while you have the time,” she urged.

  "Will you come with me? Live with me? Dream with me?"


  She watched him disappear in a swirl of glittering gold-and-green mist.

  Her own body felt sparkly and light. A closed door opened in her mind. In a breathtaking moment she knew what to do ... and shifted.

  * * * *

  Basil Greenstorm d'Vortimer, dragonshifter, king's warrior, and newly married man stepped out onto the south balcony of his brother's home in the first rays of morning sunlight.

  Although he'd just left Ashlyn sleeping in their bridal bed, his cock was halfway erect at just the thought of the many times they'd made love the previous night.

  At a slight noise and a familiar, enticing fragrance, he turned from the view of distant, snow-capped mountains. A far more seductive attraction stood in the open door.

  "Ashlyn, sweetheart.” He strode toward her and caught her in the air as she flung herself into his arms.

  Cradling her supple body, he buried his nose in her neck, inhaling her warm, womanly scent. Her pale blonde hair tumbled around her shoulders. Shimmering locks curled and clung to him—binding them together with delicate strands.

  "Take me back to bed, my life mate,” she whispered.

  "Gods, yes.” He carried her across the thick, cazwool rugs to the large carved fire oak bed, set her gently on the mattress, and knelt beside her.

  Early morning sunlight streamed through the high, arched windows and bathed her nude body framed by a half-open, silky pale-blue robe.

  As he watched her breasts swell and her nipples tighten into rosy peaks, he recalled the first time he'd kissed and tasted her lips, her breasts, and her lush, flowing yoni. “Mine,” he breathed, resting one hand between her breasts. “Mine.” He cupped her between her thighs.

  "Yours, all yours,” she said, and rose to her knees in the center of the tumbled blankets. Slipping out of her robe, she laced her fingers with his other hand and drew it up, palm-to-palm.

  Following her lead, he linked both his hands with hers, raised them high, and leaned in to rub his bare chest slowly back and forth across her swollen nipples.

  Her breath quickened. She arched her spine, thrusting her breasts against him, giving—and by her body language—inviting him to do whatever he desired.

  Her sensual surrender aroused him almost brutally.

  Go slow, he ordered himself. Make it last.

  Lowering his head, he savored the taste and satiny skin of her breast and explored the change in texture when his tongue followed the apricot areola ci
rcling her tip. He kissed her nipple, then drew it into his mouth and sucked the pebbled berry. With each pull of his mouth, her muscles quivered and her fingers tightened in his.

  He released that glistening nipple and moved to the other one, sucking and soothing the tight, lush tip, while she slowly twisted and her breath hitched in her throat.

  His self-control threatened to crumble at her sexy little cries. Reluctantly he raised his head and gazed at her expression of wild abandonment.

  "Life mate...” He dipped in to kiss her lips. “Last night we explored the flash and fire of making love."

  "I loved it.” She nuzzled her cheek against their raised arms. “I love you."

  "Darling"—he peppered her face with kisses—"this morning is a time for tenderness."

  Carefully he laid her out flat on her back with her arms still over her head, and eased down on top of her—covering her from fingertips to toes.

  He rode the rise and fall of her chest and felt her steady heartbeat.

  * * * *

  Ashlyn stretched under Basil's body, loving the closeness, savoring the reality of a man's protection for his mate.

  She gazed up into his eyes, darkened with emotion, and shivered in delight at the hot promise churning in their depths.

  In a low, intimate tone he said, “Part your thighs just enough for me to pierce your sweet yoni."

  Lost in his sensual aura, she opened to his gliding thrust. His hot, thick cock slid slowly up and down between her thighs, rubbing her clit into throbbing sensitivity.

  He paused, his dick buried in her sheath, and lifted himself a little above her on his forearms.

  Passion scrambled her pulse as he searched her with his seductive gaze. “Sweetheart"—his rich voice sent flames through her blood—"I love the look in your eyes when I kiss you like this.” Lowering his mouth to hers, he traced her lips with his tongue.

  She opened to his insistent pressure. He gently nibbled on her upper lip, while marvelous, pulsing sensations zipped through her body and tingled in her clit.

  Heat, pressure, and a hungry need flared between her legs. He flexed his hips again, tantalizing her with his rigid cock. Then he spread the fingers of his right hand across her hip and locked her close as he rolled them both onto their sides. They lay together, still stretched out, their bodies pressed skin to every inch of sensitive skin—and his male shaft nestled in her hot sheath.

  A new surge of love swept through her heart, a love so primal, so great she could barely breathe. Staring into his green eyes flecked with gold, she whispered, “My life mate ... my dragon."

  "My life mate,” he repeated in a voice thick with emotion. “You're a wonder. When we met in our dreams, I didn't know how much more you'd be in reality."

  His warm breath swirled and blended with hers. They inhaled and exhaled in unison. With each exchange of air, Ashlyn felt her passion flare higher. She squeezed her internal muscles around Basil's cock and pressed her pelvis tighter against his, drawing him farther inside.

  With a hungry growl, he rolled over onto his back, placing her on top. She looked down into his taut, flushed face, then followed his gaze to where they joined. Their eyes met again. His cock twitched inside her and a sensation swept through her so powerful she trembled.

  "Great, isn't it?” He gave her a slow, sexy smile. “Rock forward and kiss me."

  "Like this?” She leaned down, her breasts pressing against his hard chest, and tasted the hot, musky flavor of his throat before moving on to his mouth.

  As she sat up, he cupped her breasts in his big hands and rubbed his thumbs across her engorged nipples. She rocked forward and back again. His cock touched the secret places inside her slick channel. Goddess, it felt marvelous.

  "Ashlyn, more,” he said on a gasp.

  She rose a short space on her knees, then seated deeper—rose and fell, up and down, riding her dragon—as he gripped the tumbled bedding and groaned her name.

  His sensual sounds fired her passion higher. “Deeper, I need you deeper,” she cried.

  "I ... hear you,” he said in a ragged tone.

  The world spun around her and she was on her back with her knees bent and drawn up, her thighs wide apart. In this position, she was totally open to him.

  Kneeling, he cupped her hips in his hands, tilting her vagina to just the right angle, and brushed his long cock across her sensitive flesh.

  "Wider,” he instructed.

  She placed her hands on either side of her thighs, drawing them farther apart, and watched him push himself inside her—each delicious inch a throbbing caress.

  He began to pump his long cock inside her in a faster rhythm. His arm and chest muscles slid under his gleaming skin in well-oiled power.

  "Basil ... Greenstorm ... dragon, I love to watch your body move in and out of mine,” she said.

  He lowered his head so he could watch his cock move in her body.

  "Yes,” he said, going deeper with each thrust. “Yes."

  His rhythm faltered. He threw back his head and began moving harder, faster, with a force that rocked her and ground her butt into the thick blankets. Everything in the room narrowed down to that one point where he rammed into her.

  The coil of need exploded in her. She screamed. Her fingers dug into her thighs, holding her wide open as the orgasm rolled through her, over and over.

  Above her, Basil cried out. He slammed into her one more time and filled her with a long, hot flow of seed.

  Basil collapsed on her. She let go of her thighs to wrap her arms and legs around his damp body. They were still joined. His heart pounded in his chest.

  She lay quietly. The rush of ecstasy had passed, but the inner muscles of her sheath moving around his cock filled her with delicate ripples of pleasure.

  Her heart overflowed with her love for this brave man, this tender warrior who'd mated with her for life.

  Raising his head, he touched her cheek. “Am I hurting you?"

  "Everything's wonderful."

  "Good.” He placed a tender kiss on her mouth, then pulled out of her body and lay beside her, one arm tucked around her waist.

  As she drifted into sleep in the quiet of their bridal chamber, she felt him draw a cover over them.

  * * * *

  Basil woke just past noon and slipped out of bed without disturbing Ashlyn. He gazed at his life mate, filled with an amazing sense of completeness. In her, he'd found everything he'd ever wanted in a woman.

  By the time he'd bathed and dressed, Ashlyn had risen and slipped into her robe.

  He was tempted to take her back to bed, but they had one more part of their journey to accomplish before sunset.

  An hour later, they had finished eating a light lunch and went to give their thanks to his brother and sister-in-law.

  After greeting Pepper and Hawthorne on the balcony, then stood with their arms around each other, looking out across the farms and orchards, and the shapeshifter dragons swooping through the sky, to the distant mountains. He loved his family, but he could hardly wait to take Ashlyn to their own home.

  After the fairy-dragon mates took to the sky to begin the trip, Basil gave his wife a gentle squeeze. “Are you ready to see our new home today?"

  "Anytime.” She kissed him and then wiggled out of his arms. “Can we go now?"

  "Yes, now.” He triggered his change in his mind and watched his wife's form dissolve as well into a swirl of colors.

  Moments later, as they rose into the blue skies of Cymbria, he turned toward the mountains with his dainty lady flying beside him. The sunlight rippled across her dazzling white hide and woke a rainbow of colors.

  Tonight they'd sleep together in their own home and explore the heat and reality of their carnal dreams.

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  April Reid

  April Reid is the pseudonym for award-winning author Barbara Clark, who wanted to stretch her writing skills into the romantica genre. Readers will find the same quality in sto
ries by “April,” as they have come to expect in stories by “Barbara.” The only difference is the stories will be more steamy and over-the-top. Always, they will be action-filled ... in more ways than one.

  You can visit her website at

  * * * *

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