Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty Page 1

by Saxon Andrew

  Annihilation Sage

  Lost Royalty

  Saxon Andrew

  Copyright © 2017 Saxon Andrew

  All rights reserved.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organisations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

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  Chapter One • Chapter Two • Chapter Three • Chapter Four • Chapter Five • Chapter Six • Chapter Seven • Chapter Eight • Chapter Nine • Chapter Ten • Chapter Eleven • Chapter Twelve • Chapter Thirteen • Chapter Fourteen • Chapter Fifteen • Chapter Sixteen • Chapter Seventeen • Chapter Eighteen • Chapter Nineteen • Chapter Twenty • Chapter Twenty-One • Chapter Twenty-Two • Chapter Twenty-Three • Chapter Twenty-Four • Chapter Twenty-Five

  Books by Saxon Andrew

  About Saxon Andrew


  The tour guide was operating on automatic control as he recited the same boring litany he went through ten times a day for the last eight years. He wondered if he had enough eggs for breakfast as he talked about the ancient history that happened twenty-thousand-years ago. He even answered questions without even noticing who asked them. He decided he had to get another job soon. This one was mind numbing.

  The lines outside the small house were long and most of those standing in them didn’t mind the wait. They had come from all ends of the Stars Realm to see this historic monument. The number of visitors to this small house outnumbered all the other Realm’s Historic landmarks combined. The walls were covered with paintings and recorded images that attested to the history that emerged from this small building in the middle of Central City. Less than a mile away, the towering crystal buildings soared into the sky. However, the path the sun followed overhead was not blocked by surrounding structures. The government decreed millennia earlier that this place would always have a place in the sun. Even the Realm’s Capital at Ross did not have a place that compared to the traffic that came to this small house. Earth boasted that it was here that the Stars Realm was born.

  • • •

  The young man and woman moved through the house staring at the paintings and images as they listened to the tour guide make his presentation. The young man stared at a painting of the Realm’s two-founders and smiled. He reached up and gave his mustache a twist as he hugged his companion and whispered, “They looked really happy.” The woman returned his hug and nodded.

  One of the visitors raised their hand. The tour guide turned and said, “Yes?”

  “I’ve read that the Spirit of Creation chose him before he was born.”

  The tour guide smiled, “That’s true. He was a special spirit created for his special purpose.”

  Another visitor chimed in, “And he never made a mistake!”

  “You’re exactly right. He was a perfect being.”

  The young man’s eyes narrowed and he stiffened up. His companion felt him and looked up at his expression, “Don’t!” The man glanced down at her and then nodded.

  The tour guide continued the tour and arrived in front of a painting showing the Coronation of the Realm’s first Queen. The tour guide looked at the group and said, “The first Queen was even more perfect than her mate. She was the epitome of what every human should strive to be. She became the heart and soul of what we are today.”

  “Excuse me!” The young man looked down at his companion and his eyebrows came together. She looked up at him as she said, “I’ve read ancient documents that state both made numerous mistakes early in their reigns.”

  The tour guide immediately came out of auto-pilot and said with his nose raised, “Then you must have read something absolutely false. The first Royal Couple never made mistakes.”

  “What about when they put Sprig in charge and the sectors ended up rebelling against the Realm. And what about when the Realm was taken out of this universe to another dimension leaving billions of planets to suffer orbital bombardment killing most of their populations…”

  “That was not the Royal Couple’s doing. It was the fault of those around them offering bad advice.”

  The young man’s eyes were little more than slits as he said, “I assure you that putting an Algean over the Realm was solely the King’s idea. No one else was responsible for that.”

  The tour guide looked down his nose at the couple, “I don’t know where you got your information but you are misinformed. And what you’re saying about the Royal Couple borders on blasphemy.”

  The young woman’s head went back as she inquired, “Blasphemy?”

  “Everyone in the Realm knows that to speak falsehoods about the Royal Couple is against the law and could lead to arrest and imprisonment.” The tour guide lifted a communicator as he stared at the couple who were stunned by what he said. “Would you like to withdraw your statements?”

  The young man looked at the tour guide with a smile as he said, “No, we wouldn’t.”

  The tour guide raised the communicator and said, “I have two individuals violating Prime Law Three. Their actions have been recorded.”

  The crowd moved away from the couple as six-armored Red Warriors teleported in to the building. The tour guide pointed at the couple and the warriors surrounded them. The Leader ordered, “You will come with me!”

  The man looked at the warrior commander and said, “I don’t think so.”

  The warrior didn’t know what to make of the refusal, “I said you will come with me!”

  The young man smiled and looked down at his companion, “Do you believe this?”

  “No, I don’t. We’ve been away far too long.”

  The tour guide sneered, “What are you talking about?”

  The woman took off her beret allowing her blonde hair to spill out. The young man pressed a button on a device in his pocket and a brilliant force field instantly surrounded the couple for a moment as the six armored warriors disappeared.

  The force field disappeared, the woman looked around the room at the visitors, and said, “What you’re being told is a fabrication and just not true. The Royal Couple, as you call them, were simple humans that found themselves in a position where they had no choice but to stumble their way through it. Tag and I made so many mistakes it would take all day to enumerate them. We were not perfect beings then and we certainly aren’t perfect today. The things you’re being told here by this automaton are nothing more than legends and lies. We were no wiser, smarter, or braver than any of you. We simply did what we saw needed doing.” The woman turned to the tour guide, “You should tell the Government that we detest that blasphemy law they passed and that it offends us more than we can say.”

  Suddenly a thought permeated the room, “I think both of you should be aware that more than a thousand Warriors are gathering around the house and they’re calling in Algean Warships to break through the force field to take control of the two of you.”

  Danielle looked at the tour guide, “I really am sorry about spoiling your speech but Tag and I have made a lot of mistakes in the past and you should know that I am known for seeing the truth in any situation. I just couldn’
t allow you to tell things that just aren’t true about us. Carry on with your tour, we will be leaving now.”

  A little girl rushed up to Danielle and hugged her legs, “I will tell my own children one day that I’ve met you.”

  Danielle picked her up and said, “What’s your name?”


  Danielle smiled and hugged her, “That was my daughter’s name. You remind me of her.” She put the little girl down, looked at Tag, and nodded.

  “Alex, get us out of here.”

  Suddenly, the sun was blocked and a shadow fell over the building. The couple disappeared and everyone in the room rushed to the windows and looked up to see a giant flashing ship hovering overhead. One of the visitors asked, “Isn’t that a Psychic Warship?” The stunned tour guide barely nodded. Another visitor turned to him, “I think you just managed to tick off the Royal Couple.”

  The tour guide turned to her in a state of shock and absently said, “Yes, it appears I did.”

  The moment after the man and woman disappeared, Warriors began flooding into the small home. They arrived at the Tour Guide and saw he was almost in a state of shock, “WHAT’S GOING ON?!”

  The Guide looked at the Warrior Commander and said vacantly, “Tag and Queen Danielle just made an appearance here.”

  The Warrior’s eyes narrowed and the little girl said, “Queen Danielle gave me a hug and told me I look like her daughter.”

  The Warrior looked around and saw all the visitors nodding. He pressed his communicator, saw a face appear, and heard, “What’s going on?”

  “It appears that the Royal Couple has made a return.” His remark was greeted with silence. “Tag and Danielle are back!” the Warrior insisted.

  “How certain are you about that?”

  “I wasn’t here but the visitors appear certain. I also have six-warriors that were teleported out of the room, when they confronted a couple in the tour, and all of us saw a Psychic Warship appear overhead for a moment before it teleported out. It’s pretty clear the Gardners were here today.”

  “Arrest everyone in the group and keep them isolated.”

  “On what grounds?”

  “Be creative. Just make it happen!”

  The Warrior Commander began issuing instructions and the area around the house was cleared as a prison shuttle landed. He didn’t like what he was doing but really had no choice.

  • • •

  The President of the Majority Party on Earth was shaking his head at the Leader of the Assembly on Ross and it was clear he was shaken, “What are we going to do about this?”

  The Assembly Leader looked at the monitor and said, “I’m contacting all the members of the Party to discuss this issue.”

  “But what will happen if…”

  “It will not happen!”

  “And just how will you stop it?”

  The Assembly Leader smiled, “We’ll use an age-old tactic to its fullest affect, we’ll lie!”

  • • •

  Tag looked at Danielle as they moved to their chairs on the bridge and said with sarcasm, “Sure, let’s go down and visit a few memories. It’ll be fun and no one will notice…”

  “You’ve made your point, Tag!”

  “And what is this that I should be silent and you burst right out blowing everything?!”

  “Did you hear what that idiot was saying about me? Perfect? I’m not bad but I’m nowhere close to perfect!” Tag stared at her with his mouth open. Danielle sighed. “I’m sorry. You’re right, I should have just kept my mouth shut.”

  “Well, it’s too late now. What do you suggest we do?”

  “I don’t know. Things have changed in the Realm since we’ve been gone. Do you have a suggestion?”

  Tag rolled his eyes, “Hey, you’re the one that sees the truth. This is your kitten to feed.”

  “Do you think we can pick up a kitten while we’re here?!” Danielle said with a grin.

  Tag sighed and rolled his eyes, “I’m reasonably certain we can make that happen before this is over. However, we need to find out what’s going on here before we do anything else.

  Chapter One

  Tag saw the flashing light on his panel and he called out, “Alex?”

  “Six-Algean Warships have teleported in and are holding position above the Planetary Monument. I also detect twenty-four more moving this way. They’ve not detected my presence…yet.”

  “Do you think they can?” Danielle asked.

  “I’ve done a high-frequency scan of their ships and they’re far beyond any ships I’ve seen since we left. However, they’re not nearly as advanced as I expected, given the time we’ve been gone.”

  “Why do you think that is, Alex?”

  “Tag, either the Realm has not been challenged for a very long time or they aren’t as motivated to push their development. Something is going on.”

  “Who is the current Ruler of the Realm?” Danielle asked as she stared at the monitor showing the six-glowing warships in orbit above Earth.

  “I’ve been listening to all the news channels and, from what I can ascertain, there is no longer a Royal Family ruling the Realm.”


  “Tag, it appears the Assembly that once advised the Royal Family is now in control. It also appears that the Realm has shrunk considerably from the galaxies it once ruled.”

  Tag looked at Danielle, “We need a history of what’s happened in our absence.”

  Danielle shook her head, “If it’s anything like what we were hearing on the tour, much of the history is a false narrative. We need to go and talk with someone that can tell us what’s really happened.”

  Tag stared at the monitor and then said, “Alex, take us to the Cainth’s Governing Planet.” The monitor changed and they saw the Cainth Government’s World appear below them.

  Danielle put her hand over her mouth and said, “Oh no!” The world was scarred with vast areas of wastelands covering the planet. The large city that once housed the Clan Leader’s Building was blasted from orbit, along with all the major cities, long ago. Alex said, “My scans indicate the planet was attacked and laid waste about two-thousand years ago.”

  Tag’s expression was grim as he said, “Is there any indication who did it, Alex?”

  “I don’t want to believe it but it appears Algean Blasters caused the damage.”

  Tag looked at Danielle and said to the ship, “Find a survivor on the surface.”

  “I’ve found a male and female Cainth next to a river fishing.”

  “Are they armed with energy-weapons?”

  “No, but they still carry the four-short-swords and throwing-knives.”

  Tag went to a cabinet and pulled out two-long-swords. He put the scabbards’ leather harness over his shoulder and said, “Teleport us near them.”

  “I’m going to keep you covered,” Alex announced.

  “If all they have are their swords, we should be ok, Alex.”

  “Should be, isn’t good enough. Things change over time and your indestructability may not hold as much weight now as it once did, Tag.”

  “Keep us covered, Alex.” Tag jerked his head toward Danielle and she smiled, “Alex is right; the only thing certain is change.” Tag shrugged and stood up. Danielle walked over beside him and nodded. A moment later, they disappeared.

  • • •

  “The river doesn’t want to cooperate today, Dela.”

  “That’s the nature of things, Love.”

  “Maybe we should go into the forest and use our bows to bag our meal.”

  Dela smiled, “You’ve always had trouble being patient.”

  “I’ve never seen a Cainth with much patience,” they heard behind them.

  The two-Cainth jerked their swords out of their scabbards and moved apart as they confronted the one that spoke. They stared at the two-humans and Kogo lowered his eyes, “That’s a good way to die!”

  The human female smiled, “Please tell us another way to a
nnounce our presence.”

  Dela stared at them and said, “Your kind are not welcome here; you should leave now. We’ll take no pleasure in killing you.”

  Tag smiled, “We will go but we wanted to ask you some questions first, if you will allow us a just few moments of your time.”

  Kogo stared at them and said while keeping his eyes on the humans, “They don’t appear to be armed with anything but long-swords, Dela.”

  Dela nodded, “Do you honestly think those swords will save you?”

  “It has many times in the past. I hope it doesn’t come to that. All we want is a few minutes of your time.”

  Kogo smiled, “I’ll remove the male.”

  Danielle smiled as she shook her head, “At least your species is consistent; fight first and ask questions later.” Danielle walked around Tag and walked over to the female, who’s eyes narrowed as she held out her swords toward her, “Do you mind if I watch this with you?”

  Dela shook her head, “Are you out of your mind? Kogo is unmatched in his sword skills.”

  “I’ve seen some of the best your planet has ever produced. I don’t want to get in the way and the males always want to show off how big and bad they are.” Dela stared at the human and shrugged as she put her swords away. “May I ask you some questions while they act like males.”

  Dela smiled, “Males do take every opportunity to show off.”

  Danielle shrugged, “Some things never change.”

  Kogo listened to them and his anger grew by the second. He rushed in on Tag and the human’s swords were out faster than his eyes could follow. Metal began sounding as the swords hit each other and Danielle asked, “What happened here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This planet was once a jewel. The Government center built among the trees was one of the most beautiful buildings in the galaxy.”

  Dela stared at Danielle and said, “That was several millennia in the past. Where have you been hiding, under a rock?”

  “What happened?”

  Dela stared at her and after a moment said, “You really don’t know, do you?” Danielle shook her head. “The Stars Realm imposed a tax on all of its subjects including us and we refused to pay it. They also passed a law forbidding us to carry our swords or to build any warships to defend our worlds. We were told the time of warrior civilizations was over and that we would have to adjust to the changing conditions. We would pay for the Realm’s protection or suffer the consequences.”


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