Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty Page 2

by Saxon Andrew

  Danielle stared at her and shook her head in confusion, “Did you attack the Realm?”

  Dela’s eyes narrowed, “NO! GET REAL!! When we refused to comply with their demands and asked to negotiate, they sent the Algeans in to destroy us.” Danielle closed her eyes and shook her head. Dela stared at her and yelled, “KOGO, BACK OFF NOW!!”

  The young male Cainth backed away from Tag panting from the exertion and said as he bent over and tried to catch his breath, “You…better be…glad…she saved…you.”

  Tag laughed, “I am, I am.”

  Kogo shook his head, “Where did you learn to fight like that?”

  “From a few Glod friends of mine. I also had a Cainth teach me a thing or two.”

  Dela stared at them and heard Kogo ask, “What Cainth?”

  Tag said with a serious tone, “Dorg-Ross.”

  Kogo’s eyes flew wide open and he prepared to attack again, until he heard Dela say, “After all these centuries, you finally decide to come back and see what kind of monster you created?”

  Danielle was shaking her head, “We had no idea…”

  “THAT’S NO EXCUSE!!” Kogo looked at Dela with his head tilted and she looked at him, “This is Tag and Danielle, they founded the Stars Realm.”

  Kogo jerked his head back to Tag, who raised his shoulders and nodded. Kogo blew out a breath as he said, “I guess the legends about you are true.”

  Tag shrugged, “You are an amazing fighter.”

  Kogo shook his head, “I’m not you.”

  Dela looked at Danielle, “You left my species behind to die at the hands of the Star Realm’s forces!”

  Kogo shook his head, “Don’t blame them. They left the Realm in good hands. It took centuries before it turned evil.”

  “They’re responsible for what they made!” Dela said firmly.

  Tag sighed, “You’re right.”

  “Where have you been?” Kogo asked

  Danielle raised her arms and pointed toward the sky, “We’ve been fighting against evil civilizations attempting to conquer peaceful civilizations. We got caught up in so many wars that time got away from us.”

  “So, why did you come back?”

  Tag looked at Kogo and answered, “Because we felt one-more-war was one too many. We realized we needed to come and check up on the Realm. Finding this planet in its current condition is a shock to us. We’re at a loss to understand what happened.”

  Kogo sighed, “You, more than anyone, should understand that absolute power corrupts absolutely. You made the Algeans swear to do what the Realm ordered and there is no civilization in the known universe that can match their warships. They are the Realm’s hitmen.”

  “But I can’t believe that they would attack your species; you were one of the original three-species that started the Stars Realm.”

  Dela looked at Danielle, “You don’t need to waste your time going to check up on the Glod. The Algeans were ordered to leave no survivors on their planets and they did it with their normal precision.”

  Danielle started crying and Tag looked at Kogo, “No survivors?”

  “They destroyed their planets and all their warships.”

  Danielle looked at Tag, as she wiped her tears, and said, “They were sending a message to the universe that if they would kill the Realm’s first Allies, no one was safe and they better get in line or face destruction.” She turned to Dela, “When did this start?”

  Dela sat down on the river bank, “The destruction started with us. We were told that if we ever built another warship, we would be eliminated just like the Glod. We’ve been forced to live in primitive conditions since the cities were blasted.”

  Tag said, “Alex, go and check on the Glod Worlds.”

  “I prefer you come back on board before I do that.”

  Tag looked at the two-Cainth, “I think we won’t be attacked before you return.” Dela glared at him and nodded.

  “I’ll be back.”

  Kogo looked up at the sky, “Is that the Alexander Kosiev?” Tag nodded. “If it’s seen here, we will be attacked.”

  “It won’t be seen. We were just at Earth and it wasn’t detected. There were six-Algean Warships and they didn’t detect us, either.”

  Danielle looked at Dela, “If the Cainth and Glod are gone, what species now rule the Stars Realm?”

  “All the planets with Human populations in the Milky Way and the Algeans make up most of the Realm’s populations...”

  “What about the tens of thousands of galaxies that were once members?” Tag asked.

  “They all pay taxes and tribute to the Realm now and are left alone.”

  “What about the Bristone Empire?”

  “They don’t pay taxes and they agreed to stay out of Realm Territory.”

  Tag shook his head and looked at Danielle, “I think we need to make another trip to the Realm.”

  “Don’t think you’ll change them.” Tag looked at Kogo. “Those that possess absolute power will not give it up. You will die like all the others that opposed them. You will not just waltz in and take control.”

  Danielle shook her head, “Perhaps a trip to the Algeans first.”

  “Do you sense something?”

  Danielle nodded, “Something has changed with them as well. We need to see if the Realm will still be armed before we go there.”

  Tag closed his eyes and then nodded, “You will not leave the Kosiev.”

  “I know.”

  Dela stared at them, “Take us with you.”


  “Because I’m fed up with being a captive on my own planet and I want to see what happens. You could cause the rest of my people to be exterminated and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

  Tag looked at Danielle and saw her concentrating. She looked at him and shrugged, telling him that the decision was his to make. He thought about the two-possibilities and then said, “I sense a better outcome if they come with us.” He looked at Dela, “We will not do anything to threaten your existence.”

  “That’s just it!” Dela replied. “You don’t know enough about what’s happening now to avoid a critical mistake.”

  Danielle nodded and turned to them, “Do you need to tell someone?”

  Dela looked at Kogo, “Go and tell the Clan Leader. Make sure you tell him we have promised to defend them.”

  Kogo nodded and sprinted away.

  “What was that about?”

  Dela shrugged, “My people are not particularly in love with your species.”

  Danielle nodded, “I can understand why.”

  Dela sighed, “I really don’t see anything you can do to change what’s happening now.”

  “Why is that?” Tag asked.

  “You’re only two people with a single warship.” Tag and Danielle smiled and Dela asked Tag, “What do you find amusing?”

  “That’s pretty much what we’ve been facing since we left. It’s not a new situation for us.”

  “You really are the consummate warrior, aren’t you? You were playing with Kogo.”

  Tag tilted his head, “You know how it is; you use what the Creator gives you.”

  Danielle pointed at the water and Dela looked, “OH CRAP!” She grabbed the fishing pole just before it was pulled into the river and she began reeling in the catch.

  The thing that jumped out of the water had Tag’s eyes wide open, “What the hell is that?!”

  “Food for a week!”

  Tag looked at Danielle shaking his head and she laughed. Somethings never change; Tag never did like fishing. It took thirty-minutes but Dela finally landed the monster and Danielle whistled, “I don’t remember that.”

  Dela sighed, “It’s a development from the radioactivity left behind by the Algean blasters. She looked up and yelled, “Both of you, stand behind me!”

  Tag looked over his shoulder and Danielle pulled him by the arm behind Dela. A large gathering of Cainth Warriors came quietly out of the trees with swords
drawn. They saw Kogo had a wrap on his mouth and his arms were bound behind him as two-warriors were holding him to prevent him from giving a warning. An older Cainth stood in front of the gathering and Dela said, “That’s close enough, Father.”

  “You will move and join our ranks, Daughter.”

  “Sorry, but I gave an oath to protect my guests.”

  “Humans are no guests on this planet!”

  Danielle looked at the Clan Leader, “Is that what Dorg-Ross would have said?”

  The Clan Leader’s face turned into a vicious sneer, “I will kill you for saying his name!!”

  “He was like you at first. But he changed and became one of my closest friends,” Danielle responded.

  The Clan Leader stared at Danielle and the Cainth next to him asked, “Are you suggesting you knew him?”

  “He was there when my Daughter was born. I was with him when he ended the war with the Algeans. I gave the Eulogy at his funeral and even then, he had never fully forgiven himself for what he did to the humans on Ross.”

  “Who are you?” one of the Cainth Warriors asked.

  “She’s Queen Danielle and this is Tag her consort; they are the original founders of the Realm,” Dela responded.

  Every Cainth in the gathering suddenly drew in a breath, except for the Clan Leader, who sneered. “I suspect the great Dorg-Ross would feel quite differently about you now after what your Realm did here.”

  Danielle smiled, “No, he wouldn’t. We loved each other and that would never change. I do agree that he would have a different outlook on the Stars Realm. What they did here is unforgivable.”

  “And just what do you intend to do about it?”

  “I intend to make the Realm pay for its sins.”

  The Clan Leader stared at Danielle and Dela said, “Put away your weapons. This single human could kill every one of you and not be breathing hard.” Dela’s father lowered his eyes and Dela said, “You know the legends, they’re true.”

  “And how do you know that?”

  “Ask Kogo.”

  The Clan Leader looked at the two-warriors holding Kogo and nodded. They removed the gag and Kogo said, “He handled me easily. I could see he was playing with me.”

  The Clan Leader shook his head, turned back to Dela, and sneered, “If he’s so dangerous, tell him to take my swords.”

  Tag held up four-short-swords, “Do you mean these?”

  The Clan Leader looked at his scabbards and saw his swords were gone. His eyes went wide and Tag said, “You have them back.”

  The Clan Leader looked again and saw the four-swords were back in their scabbards. The large gathering of warriors began whispering among themselves and the Clan Leader waved them silent. “That’s a clever trick.”

  Danielle looked the Clan Leader in the eyes and said, “My husband can kill all of you before you can move. He is the Ultimate Warrior in this universe and I really hope you don’t do anything stupid to cause him to act.”

  Tag smiled, “Danielle, Danielle, Danielle; this Cainth didn’t get to be Clan Leader by being stupid. He knows he’s in over his head.”

  The Clan Leader stared at Tag and exhaled a hard breath, “Why are you here?”

  “We came to find out what was going on in the Realm,” Danielle replied. “We went to Earth and found that the history they were telling was a complete fabrication and none of it was true. We knew the Cainth would tell us what was really happening and that’s when we discovered the destruction here.”

  “Your Realm did this.”

  “No…it didn’t!” Danielle countered.

  “The Stars Realm did this!!” the Clan Leader said louder.

  “But that is not the Realm I rule. The Stars Realm is no longer ruled by Royals but by men who crave power. Your species is one of my greatest allies and those who attacked you will pay a price for their actions. I am sworn to defend the Cainth and they are sworn to defend me.”

  “The Algeans did the dirty work. Are you going to punish them as well?”

  “If I shot you with a blaster, would you demand the blaster be punished or the hand that held it?” The Clan Leader stared at her and Danielle said, “I made the Algeans swear to follow the orders of the Realm. They had no choice but to do as they were ordered. That was a mistake that I intend to rectify.”

  “You weren’t around to hear the transmissions from the Algean Warships that taunted us as they blasted our cities. You have no idea how humiliating it was to hear a bunch of intelligent plants insulting you.”

  Danielle’s eyes narrowed and she glanced at Tag. Tag sighed, “It appears something has changed with the Algeans as well.”

  Danielle looked at the Clan Leader, “I must go and find out what is going on.”

  “Kogo tells me that he and my daughter are going with you.”

  “If that is their choice, we will allow them to come with us.”

  “Father, we need to go with them to make sure we’re not attacked again.”

  The Clan Leader looked at Dela and then turned to Kogo, “You will make sure she’s safe!”

  “I’ll put my life on the line to protect her.”

  The Clan Leader turned to Danielle and she nodded, “We will also do all we can to make sure neither of them come to any harm.”

  The Cainth Warrior standing next to the Clan Leader asked, “Before you go, will you tell us what you know about Dorg-Ross.”

  Danielle smiled, “That could take some time.”

  Dela pointed at the huge water-creature she pulled out of the river, “Start a fire and I’ll prepare the meal. All of you put away your swords and gather up.”

  The Clan Leader smiled as the warriors followed her instructions. Dela did have a way of getting what she wanted. Three-hours later, he began to understand how his species had bound themselves to this Queen. She was something outside his experience.

  Finally, Danielle stood up, “I’ll come back another time and share some of the Early history of your people.” She looked up and said, “Alex, are you back?”

  Everyone at the Gathering heard the ship’s thought, “I’ve been back two-hours. Dela was right about the Glod worlds being destroyed, however, many them are surviving on a planet hidden somewhere in the Orion Nebula.”

  Danielle saw the skepticism on Dela and the Clan Leader’s faces and she asked, “How did that happen?”

  “When the planets were attacked, not all of their warships were at their planets. A squadron of a hundred-battleships survived the attack and went looking for a new place to settle, where the Realm wouldn’t find them.”

  “How did you find them?” Tag asked.

  “They left a probe at their former main planet and I followed the emissions to the Orion Nebula. Their warships are still no match for the Algean Warships I scanned at Earth. They’ve hidden and do not venture out of the nebula.”

  Danielle nodded and looked at Tag, “We need to go and see them.” Tag nodded and Danielle saw something in his expression. She turned to the Clan Leader and smiled, “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me for not being here when you needed me.”

  “Just keep my two-warriors safe. I know you will do what you can to insure we aren’t harmed further.”

  Danielle nodded and the Cainth in the gathering, along with the Clan Leader, bowed, “Welcome back, Your Majesty. It’s good to know you’re here.”

  Danielle smiled, “Please rise my loyal and powerful warriors. I will do what I can to defend you.” She looked up and said, “Alex!” Tag, Danielle, Dela, and Kogo disappeared.

  The Clan Leader looked up at the sky and said, “Gather what food remains and let’s go home.”

  • • •

  Danielle looked at Tag, “What are you thinking?”

  “If we’re going to see the Algeans, we need to pick up a telepath.”

  Danielle stared at him and shook her head, “I doubt he’ll come.”

  “How can he not?”

  “You know how he is when he’
s focused on something.”

  “I know but we’re going to have to change his focus and get him here with us.” Danielle thought about it and Tag said, “The outcome is better if he’s here.”

  Danielle looked up and said, “Alex…”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re bringing him back on board!”

  “Get moving while I show our guests their quarters.”

  “It was so peaceful here.”

  “Quit your complaining and get moving.”

  Dela looked at Danielle, “Who is Alex complaining about?”

  “Wait and see. Just be nice.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Tag smiled, “You’ll see.”

  Chapter Two

  Thele Moe looked at Merele Lawrence and asked, “Are they still being held in isolation?”

  “They are.”

  “We may have to remove them from the table.”

  “I don’t know if that is a good idea.”

  Thele turned to Curan Browning, “Why is that?”

  “Those hundred-visitors have families and the numbers contacting the Embassy on Earth has swelled considerably. They will not be eliminated without having to offer a reason for their deaths. There are also children among them and no reason you can possibly offer will explain killing them. The Realm’s laws protect those younger than fourteen-years.”

  “So, what do we do about this?”

  Curan leaned back in his chair, “We pass a new-law.”

  Thele’s eyes narrowed, “What are you talking about?”

  “It’s been two-millennia since the Realm has been ruled by Royalty. We pass a law saying that the Realm will never be ruled by a single being again. It would only be recognizing what the current situation is and it would remove the possibility of Tag and Danielle taking power from the Assembly. We could even change the name of our government to something else.”

  “That won’t happen!” Merele replied.


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