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Annihilation Saga: Lost Royalty

Page 19

by Saxon Andrew

  “Why not further?” Dela asked.

  “Because the light from stars further than that would never have enough time to arrive here at the speed we’re moving away from it.”

  “The light will eventually arrive here.”

  “If the Universe wasn’t expanding, it would, Kogo. But those distant galaxies are moving away faster than the speed of light and are accelerating ever faster. All the galaxies further away than that will never have their light arrive here. Some of the galaxies on the edge of what we can see will also disappear as they move away at an ever-increasing speed.”

  “Are you saying that our universe is only that part of the bigger universe that we can see?”

  “It’s called the Observable Universe and, for all intents and purposes, everything outside it is beyond our ability to see or contact.”

  “We could teleport there!”

  “No, Dela. Not without coordinates and those are not available if that space can’t be seen and the coordinates are constantly changing due to expansion.”

  “We could teleport to the edge of our universe and teleport out from there.”

  “For what reason, Kogo?”

  “Maybe to find what the threat moving toward us is.”

  “It’s pretty certain that it’s not outside our visible universe.”


  “Because we would be invisible to that threat if it weren’t in our observable universe.” They stared at Eyes and he smiled, “We exist in a huge globe that’s ninety-two-billion light years in diameter. Everything outside that globe is effectively non-existence to us.”

  Kogo looked up at the night sky, “So, when you talk about a Universal Threat, it is a threat to our visible universe.”

  “Yes. Everything outside that globe would not be visible to any attacker. It would be moving away faster than the light leaving it.”

  “What if that Threat comes from the edge of our visible universe?”

  “Then half of our visible universe would not be seen by that threat. Depending on where it originates, our part of the visible universe could be invisible to them. However, I don’t believe that is the case.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because the Forces of Creation are saying that we are in jeopardy. It’s coming from a place that can see us.”

  “Am I hearing you correctly that you can’t see outside the visible universe?”

  “Yes, Dela; you are.”

  “So why haven’t you seen this threat?”

  Eyes shook his head, “I don’t know. If it’s truly coming, we should be able to see it.”

  “What are you looking for?” Kogo asked.

  “We’re searching for an aggressive civilization attacking planets.”

  “Perhaps you should look for something you don’t normally look for.”

  Eyes looked at Dela, “I’m sorry. What do you mean by that.”

  “You’re searching for something that exists. Try searching for something that’s missing that shouldn’t be.”

  Eyes stared at them as they heard Lola, “Kogo, I’ve received a message from the Psychic Ship Bristone’s Crown that they are arriving to relieve the Grang. You need to come and move your Primes and belongings to the new ship.”

  Kogo and Dela stood up, “Sorry, we need to go. But thanks for the instruction. I think I understand now.”

  “Don’t mention it.” The two-Cainth Warriors disappeared and Eyes thought about what Dela said. After an hour, he sent new instructions to the Watchers.

  • • •


  “Yes, Love.”

  “Do you remember when we first met?”

  “I’ll never forget it.”

  “I was an Agent of the Directorate sent to find you and turn you over to the authorities. You were in love with Leila at the time.”

  Tag shrugged, “That was set up by the Directorate’s Psychics. I did think you were incredibly pretty.”

  “Not as pretty as Leila.”

  “Both of you were real knock-outs.”


  “Danielle, you’re more beautiful today than then.”

  Danielle smiled and lowered her eyes, “Eric made a pass but you pretty much ignored me.”

  “That was Eric’s style; he was more expressive than me and didn’t have a shy bone in his body. Why did you ignore him?”

  “Your eyes captured me and held my attention. I decided at that moment that I had to get to know you better.”

  “Once I shook your hand…”

  “I know, Tag, we were bonded forever. I really miss them.”

  “Eric was my best friend and I’m so happy he and Leila ended up together. It was Leila that found a way for me to escape from Earth in a stolen starship. I miss them more than I can say.”

  “When did you discover your latent talents?”

  Tag was silent for a moment and then snickered. “I think when those five-men attacked me, they came out in full force. The stress of being killed caused them to erupt. I think touching you released them but it took that fear to make them available. Those talents still appear during high stress.”

  “You’ve not used that talent in a very long time.”

  “What are you saying, Danielle?”

  “Do you still have it?”

  “I guess. I just haven’t been stressed enough for it to appear.”

  “Could it encompass the Kosiev.”

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking?”

  “Could the Kosiev be made to move faster than anything around it?”

  “Danielle, I honestly don’t know. Why are you asking; is something bothering you?”

  “I think we need to find out. This coming threat is not being seen by the Cats and we may need your talent to save us.”

  “Do you sense something?”

  “I do.”

  Tag thought, “Then we need to find out. Alex, teleport us on board.”

  “I hope I’m wrong about this,” Danielle muttered.

  “We’ll see, my Love.”

  • • •

  Two days later, Tag exhaled sharply, “I just can’t do this without a high stress level.”

  “But you’re able to move at incredible speed.”

  “I know, Danielle, but I can’t encompass the ship inside the field that makes it happen.”

  “I don’t know what the big issue is. You’re fast, but nowhere close to being able to move as fast as teleporting.”

  “Cute, Alex.”

  “No, I’m serious. Why do you need to use this psychic talent when Grace and I could just teleport away from any danger?”

  Tag looked at Danielle, “He does make a good point.”

  “Do you remember the Captors when they chased you and Tommy?” Danielle asked Alex.


  “And do you remember that they were gaining on you and they passed you until Casandra extended her psychic field, which increased your speed more than ten times? They even followed you through null space and could see you wherever you ran.”

  “Are you saying that this threat is like the Captors?”

  Danielle had a pained expression on her face, “I don’t know!”

  “What’s wrong, Danielle?” Tag asked as he walked over to her chair and took her hand.

  “I keep having a dream where the Kosiev is running from something. Tommy and Cassandra are sitting in their command chairs and Tommy is screaming that there’s no escape.”

  Suddenly, the Kosiev leapt away at a speed that was impossible. “WHOAAAAAA!” Grace yelled.

  “What’s happening, Grace?!” Danielle yelled.

  “We just flew through normal space at more than a hundred-times light speed!”

  Danielle looked at Tag as he released her hand and stood up. The Kosiev instantly slowed its ferocious speed, “I saw your dream in your mind and it scared me.”

  Danielle chuckled and then started laughing, “I guess it takes a nightmare to provide e
nough stress.”

  “Danielle, that so-called nightmare is not a dream; it’s a vision.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Didn’t you notice that the Kosiev in your dream is not the original ship. It’s the bridge from the ship we’re on now!”

  Danielle’s expression changed and her eyes flew wide open, “Oh my God! You’re right!”

  Tag looked up, “Grace, what were you doing when we flew away?”

  “I was moving the Ship around to orient it on a clear space.”

  “What were you using to move the ship?”

  “The bow and rear thrusters. I was not using the main-engines.” Grace replied.

  “I think I know why your talent hasn’t worked before.”

  Tag’s eyes narrowed, “Why, Alex?”

  “Because it takes the psychic energy from both of you to make the field strong enough. Give it a try and see if I’m right.”

  Tag sat down in his chair next to Danielle and took her hand. He looked out of the viewport and asked, “Are your reaction times fast enough to avoid anything we encounter?”

  “The distance between objects in space is vast. I’ll let you know if there’s a problem,” Grace answered.

  Tag squinted as Grace used the main-engines to accelerate and then the distant stars became streaks blowing past them. “Grace, we have to see how this affects teleportation.”

  “That’s scary, Danielle.”

  “Teleport a short distance and try to go to open space.”

  Tag didn’t need to create stress. His fear was real as the streaks they were passing disappeared and then there was blackness surrounding them. Tag looked at his console and shook his head, “We’re traveling at an incredible speed.”

  There was a long pause and Grace remarked, “We came out of the teleportation field and actually picked up speed. I think you have subconscious control over your talent, Tag, and will not fly into something that would damage the ship. In open space, you moved the ship at your maximum speed because there’s nothing out here to hit.”

  “But why were Tommy and Cassandra in my dream?”

  “That’s easy.” Alex replied. Danielle’s eye’s narrowed as she listened, “What if it were you and Tag in your dream and Tag yelled that there was no escape. Would you have made the connection with Cassandra causing the ship to fly faster to escape the Captors?”

  Danielle’s eyes opened wider and she sighed, “No, I wouldn’t have. You’re right.”

  “That tells us something about this coming threat.”

  ‘What is that, Tag.”

  “What made the Captors able to see across null space?” His question was greeted with silence. “And why can’t the Cats see the threat?”

  “The Threat is a life form!”

  Tag nodded, “Are you guessing or do you see it?”

  “I see it.”

  “We need to tell the Cats.”

  “They already know, Tag.”

  “Why haven’t they told us?!”

  “Because the threat is supposed to arrive at the same moment the Black Ships arrive. I believe that our going out to investigate them is what will cause them to come to our space. There’s still two-years before the Black Ships arrive and we will have to wait before we interact with them.”

  “But we have to know their abilities.”

  “The Cats are going to have to investigate that; we will stay away for now.” Tag looked at her thoughts and then nodded. “Eyes may have been right about one thing,” Danielle said with a sigh.

  “What’s that?”

  “We may have to stay hidden in the Dark Dimension and not take part in what’s coming.”

  “I hope you’re wrong about that, Danielle.”

  “So, do I!”

  “Alex, take us to El Prado,” Danielle ordered.

  “Why are we going there?”

  “We need to see what the Cats have found out, Alex.”

  “I’m moving directly there.”

  Danielle glanced up, “That would be good.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Eyes jerked his head up and thought, “Your Majesty, what brings you here?”

  “Eyes, I need you to be honest with me and tell me what you’ve seen.” Eyes hesitated and Danielle continued, “I know the threat we’re going to face is a lifeform and represents a huge danger.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I’ve had a vision about the Captors and they were a mechanical-lifeform. I see that there is no possibility of our ships being able to outrun them. I need to know if our ships can stand up to them.”

  Eyes continued to look up at the sky and, after a very long moment, he said, “They cannot. This information must be kept secret, Your Majesty.”

  “I realize that. We must prevent any one going out to find them. They must not arrive before the Black Ships attack. I believe the only force that can stand against them must be the Black Ships.”

  Eyes knew that the Gardners knew what was happening, “Your Majesty, come down to the grove and I’ll have the Watchers that found them come and tell you what they’ve uncovered.”

  “Grace! Teleport us down!”

  Tag and Danielle appeared in the grove as more than a hundred giant Cats teleported in. Tag looked up at the Giant Ging Trees and smiled, “I find it interesting that the Algeans and Cats are both drawn to a grove to do their heavy work.”

  Eyes smiled, “I’ve often thought the same thing, Tag. This place is where the contact with Creation is strongest.”

  Tag closed his eyes and smiled, “There is a sense of peace here that feels wonderful.”

  Danielle looked at Eyes, “What have you discovered?!”

  Tag’s eyes jerked open, “Danielle!” She looked at him and Tag said, “You need to be open and you’re not!”

  Danielle’s eyes narrowed and then she took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and after a minute opened them. She looked at Eyes and said, “I apologize for disrupting your peace. I’m feeling great fear at what’s coming and it’s difficult to control my emotions.”

  “All of us are feeling the same, Your Majesty.”

  “Call me Danielle.”

  Eyes smiled, “I think you deserve the honorific, Your Majesty. You and Tag are Creation’s chosen tools and deserve all the respect we can offer.”

  “You said our ships cannot stand up to this coming threat?”

  “I’m going to allow my Watchers to start sharing what they’ve seen. I think you should know that we would not have found the enemy, except for the female Cainth’s suggestion.”

  Danielle cocked her head, “What suggestion was that?”

  “She told me to look for things that should be present but weren’t. We were searching for warships attacking civilizations, which is what we’ve always done in the past. We kept coming up empty but we found them quickly after we changed what we were searching to find.”

  Tag shrugged, “This just proves that Kogo and Dela are also tools.”

  Danielle nodded, “Tell me what you changed.”

  “We stopped looking for warships and started looking for life.”


  “We can see life across our universe. We started looking for life and found there has been a radical change from what we once saw thousands of years ago.” Danielle and Tag remained silent and Eyes sent an image to them, “This is what the universe looked like ten-thousand years ago.” They saw a brilliant glow filling all observable space around them. “The small, brighter glows are intelligent civilizations scattered among the galaxies.”

  The vision amazed tag, “There’s so many!”

  “Now, we’re going to look at a section of the universe and show you intelligent life and how it appeared long ago and then I’ll show you how it appears today.” They saw a brilliant glow filling their vision and then, suddenly, a vast section of it appeared to go out. Their eyes flew wide open and Eyes said, “It looks like a dark curtain has covered a large swath of ga
laxies. All intelligent life has been extinguished in that section of the universe.”

  “Has all life been removed?” Tag asked.

  “No, only life forms with rudimentary or high intelligence. The plants and animals in those galaxies appear to have been unaffected by what’s happening.”

  “So, whatever this threat is, it destroys intelligent life.”

  “We believe it feeds on intelligent life, Your Majesty.”

  “What does it look like?” Tag asked.

  “We don’t know.”

  “How is that possible, Eyes?”

  “We do have some idea of its size and shape but that’s all.” The Gardners stared at Eyes and he said, “Katchal, share with them what you’ve seen.”

  A young kitten walked over and they saw a planet appear in their minds. The kitten said, “Notice that this is a dry planet. It does have a rainy season but I saw this during the dry season.”

  They watched the dry continent below them and saw there were numerous cities scattered on the surface. Then they saw a shadow appear on the western coastline. It moved across the continent and passed over a large city on the planet’s surface. The view moved in closer and they saw inhabitants below the shadow appear to be screaming and falling where they stood. A few moments later, they saw the inhabitant’s heads collapse inward like the contents were sucked out by some sort of vacuum. Tag looked at the shadow and saw it was still moving and all of it was still not over land. “How big is that thing?!”

  Katchal thought to them, “I estimated it to be about two-hundred miles long.”

  “Back up the view!” Danielle said forcefully. The shadow eventually was entirely over the land mass and she said, “Freeze it!” The view froze and Danielle saw that it was clearly a lifeform. It had fins close to the front that extended more than fifty-miles to each side and a tail that was shaped like a whale tail. “That thing had to evolve in water.”

  “Or in open space,” Eyes added.

  “What purpose would fins serve in open space?” Tag asked.

  “If that thing can use Dark Energy to push against dark matter, it would be incredibly fast in open space,” Katchal replied.


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