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Dalakis Passion 1 Harker's Journey

Page 5

by N. J. Walters

  the three, the one who had stopped the attack, padded over to her and sat directly in front

  of her. Johanna was afraid to move, not wanting to incite them to any more violence.

  The wolf stuck out its head and nudged her hand. Her heart pounding, Johanna opened

  her hand, placed it on the wolf's head and then slid it down over its massive neck. The

  beast groaned and moved closer.

  Sinking to her knees in the middle of the road, Johanna plunged her fingers through the

  thick silver coat. The muscles flexed beneath her fingers as she stroked its back and sides.

  Now that she was closer, she could see that its eyes were a familiar green and shining

  with intelligence.

  "I'm not sure I'm ready for this." The other two beasts growled when she spoke and her

  wolf whirled around and growled at the other two. Before her very eyes, the beast began

  to change. His limbs lengthened outward and his hair began to recede into his body. The

  muzzle retracted and a familiar face took shape. In less than a minute, Cris stood before

  her, totally naked and still very aroused. His eyes were still feral as he growled at the

  other two wolves.

  Cris was planted in front of her like a dark, avenging angel. With his arms spread wide,

  he spoke to the wolves in a harsh tone. As she watched in amazement, both animals hung

  their heads and whined. At his signal, they sat and waited. Johanna held her breath when

  he finally turned his dark gaze towards her.

  "Did you mean it?"

  Johanna was reeling from what she'd just witnessed, but she immediately knew what he

  meant. "Yes. I was coming back to you." She could feel conflicting emotions rolling off

  him in waves.

  "I cannot release you again. I will not." He hadn't moved, but she could feel his

  threatening presence growing larger.

  Johanna knew there was no choice to make. Slowly, she got to her feet, walked towards

  him and took him by the hand. "Take me..." She glanced at his huge erection and felt her

  nipples tighten in anticipation. "Home."

  He squeezed her hand for a moment before leading her over to the waiting wolves,

  which were sitting and waiting patiently with their tongues hanging out. Her natural

  instinct was to run from them, but she trusted Cris and allowed him to hold out her hand

  towards them.

  "Mine," he uttered in a low, but authoritative tone. Both animals sniffed her fingers

  before licking them in a friendly gesture. They were acting more like oversized dogs than

  ferocious wolves, and Johanna patted one on the head, unable to resist its thick, lush fur.

  "They will protect you with their lives, and they will inform all the other wolves in the

  forest to do the same."

  "Why would they do that?" She was still slightly dazed by the fact she hadn't been torn

  apart by the wild creatures. "It goes against all their natural instincts."

  "They do not want to face my wrath if you come to harm." There was humor and

  affection in his voice now as he gave both wolves one last stroke and sent them on their


  Johanna fell silent at his reply, awed by his power to command the wild beasts. Both

  animals paused at the edge of the woods and gave them one final look before

  disappearing into the forest. It was almost as if they were saying goodbye, which was a

  foolish thing for her to think.

  "You will see them again." Cris turned towards her as he spoke, the wolves forgotten as

  he focused all his attention on her.

  She nodded absently, still trying to absorb all that she'd seen. There was no doubt that

  Cris was standing in front of her with no clothes on. He looked totally relaxed and

  comfortable with the fact that he was standing in the middle of the road, buck-naked.

  "Aren't you chilly?" She realized how absurd her question was, but she'd never learn all

  she needed to know if she didn't ask.

  "No. I'm quite warm." He placed his hands on her shoulders and allowed his body to

  brush against hers. "In fact, I'm quite hot."

  "You were really a wolf?" It seemed obvious, but she was compelled to ask.

  Cris buried his face in her hair and nuzzled it. "Yes. I can shape-shift when I choose."

  "But doesn't it hurt when your body changes that drastically?" She hated the thought that

  he might have been in pain.

  His tongue absently stroked the outer edge of her ear before he whispered his reply. "No.

  It is as natural to me as breathing. I can shift into an owl as well, but it is a much harder

  thing to do. I prefer the wolf."

  It was hard to think when Cris was thrusting his tongue into her ear. She sighed as his

  teeth nibbled at her earlobe, tugging gently before returning to trace the whorls with his


  "I want you." His dark, velvet voice filled her with need even as his hands slowly glided

  over her shoulders and down her back before coming to rest on her behind. "Here." He

  gripped her ass and pulled her close. She could feel the steel of his arousal against her

  stomach. "Now."

  For better or worse, Johanna knew she'd made her choice. Man, wolf, or vampire, he

  was Cris and he was hers. "Yes," she sighed as she leaned closer, rubbing her breasts

  against his chest. "Right now."

  Chapter Six

  Cris bent down and wrapped his left arm around her upper thighs. Straightening, he

  tossed her onto his left shoulder. Her head and shoulders hung down over his back while

  her legs dangled down his front. His move surprised Johanna and she gasped and bucked

  slightly as he carted her towards the woods.

  Cris gave her a swat on the backside when she continued to struggle, trying to free her

  hands that were pinned between their bodies. "Settle down." As he walked the short

  distance from the road, his large hand smacked her once again before caressing her

  behind through the fabric of her skirt.

  The heat from his hand shot straight to her sex, making her squirm even more. His

  laughter was dark and sensual as he gave her bottom another sharp smack. This time his

  fingers stroked between her legs, pulling the material of her skirt tight. Johanna pushed

  back against his hand, wanting his fingers on her. Frustration built as she was unable to

  get the close contact she needed.

  His hands stroked down over her legs until he was gripping the hem of her skirt. With

  one motion, he ripped the back of the skirt open all the way to the waistband, popping the

  button off at the top. The cool night air hit her bare legs as he tore the fabric away from

  her body.

  Intellectually, Johanna knew that Cris would never hurt her. But there was something

  thrilling and slightly scary about being carried off by such a large, powerful man for his

  sexual pleasure. Hanging over his shoulder like she was, she was certainly getting a great

  view of his backside. And Cris had a prime ass. Her mouth watered as she watched the

  flex and movement of it as he strode to whatever destination he had in mind. She longed

  to nibble and bite his firm behind.

  This time his hand stung when it hit her behind. "Cris," she gasped, but it soon turned to

  a moan as his fingers stroked the crotch of her panties. Johanna knew they were already

  damp and getting wetter by the second. She could feel her cream coating her sex,

  readying her for him.

p; In one quick motion, Cris stopped and lifted her off his shoulder. After being upside

  down for so long, she swayed slightly, trying to get her bearings. She looked around, but

  had no idea where they were. Tall trees surrounded them, but they were in a small

  clearing and the moon was shining directly down on them.

  Cris stood with his hands on his hips watching her. She licked her dry lips as he ran his

  gaze over her body, paying particular attention to her bare legs. Her bottom throbbed

  slightly and her pussy creamed in anticipation of what was to come.

  "Strip." Folding his arms across his massive chest, he braced his feet apart and waited.

  The night was quiet except for the swish of the wind through the trees and the occasional

  hoot of an owl.

  Uncertainty filled her and she hesitated. If she hadn't been watching him so closely, she

  would have missed the sadness that flashed in his eyes. It was gone as quickly as it came,

  hidden behind an impassive gaze of green.

  She'd hurt him and was dealing with a slightly wounded beast. Cris could be quite

  sophisticated at times, but he could also be very primal and untamed. If she wanted to be

  with him, she would have to accept all parts of him.

  Not taking her eyes off him, she shrugged off her jacket and let it drop at her feet.

  Raising her hands to her blouse, she slid one button from its hole. Goose bumps covered

  her body as she slowly worked her way to the bottom and slipped the blouse over her

  arms, leaving her feeling very exposed.

  Cris said nothing, but she could hear his breathing getting heavier and louder. His cock

  jutted out in front of him, flexing slightly as she raised her hands to her bra. Emboldened,

  she cupped her lace-covered breasts and molded them with her hands. Her legs were

  shaky as she rubbed her tight nipples through the fabric. A low moan broke from her

  throat as heat shot from her breasts to her sex.

  "Finish it."

  Reaching between her breasts, Johanna unhooked her bra. Rolling her shoulders, she

  allowed the straps to fall over her shoulders and down her arms. It fell to the forest floor,

  forgotten as she felt his eyes devour her naked breasts. Hooking her fingers in the

  waistband of her panties, she shimmied her hips as she pushed the scrap of fabric down to

  her ankles. Stepping out of them, she stood quietly and waited. The slight breeze licked at

  her skin and her nipples pebbled even tighter.

  "Come here."

  Taking the few steps needed to reach him, she pressed her breasts against his chest. The

  hard points of her nipples stabbed at his chest and she felt his muscles flex as she rubbed

  her breasts against him.

  His cock was hard and hot against her stomach. Reaching down, she wrapped both her

  hands around it, marveling at its sheer size and length. Gliding them over his length, she

  rubbed one of her palms over the tip, spreading the fluid that had seeped out from the tip.

  Her damp hand slid easily back down over his cock from tip to base.

  Groaning, Cris buried his hands in her hair and tilted her face up until she was looking at

  him. His face was stamped with need. His eyes were dark mirrors of desire, his nostrils

  were flared, and his lips were pursed in a hard line. He looked like a man in agony. "I

  cannot be gentle."

  Johanna pumped her hands up and down his cock once again. "Whatever you need."

  Lifting her up, Cris buried his face in her breasts while he walked towards a large tree.

  The sudden motion startled her and she dug her fingers into his shoulders and wrapped

  her legs around his waist for support. Every step Cris made caused his cock to rub against

  her clit. Johanna clung tighter to him, wanting the contact to deepen.

  It was darker in the shadow of the tree and Johanna could feel the rough bark against her

  back as Cris pushed her against the trunk. The movement upset an owl and it hooted and

  flew from the branches above. At any other time, Johanna would have been keen to see

  the creature, but she just didn't care about anything at the moment except Cris.

  Johanna tried to raise her body high enough to get his cock inside her, but she was

  pinned between Cris and the tree. She couldn't get enough leverage to do that, but the

  slight up and down motion allowed her to rub her damp sex against his erection.

  Stroking her clit against his cock made her even hotter. She could feel her creamy outer

  lips coating him as she pleasured herself. Cris gripped her ass in his large hands, spread

  her cheeks wide and raised her high. Flexing his knees, he drove his cock to the hilt.

  Johanna arched back, feeling the bark of the tree scrape her back.

  Cris nipped and sucked at her breasts, holding her easily in his grasp. Johanna tried to

  move, but she was helpless, impaled on his cock. Cris kept his hands anchored on her ass,

  not allowing her any motion.

  Arching her back, she pushed her breasts closer to his mouth. Cris laughed and caught

  one of her tight nipples between his teeth and flicked it with his tongue. He teased one

  breast and then the other.

  "Cris." Johanna moaned his name as she tugged his head up to hers. Peppering his face

  with kisses, she desperately tried to move, jerking her hips forward.

  Holding her easily with one hand, he tugged one of her hands away from him and raised

  it high, wrapping her fingers around a thin branch. When he was sure she had hold of it,

  he captured her other one and raised it as well. "Hold tight to the branch and don't let


  She nodded, her face brushing his. Cris turned his head and caught her mouth with his.

  Plunging his tongue deep inside, he kissed her breathless. She was gasping for breath

  when he finally pulled away and buried his face in her neck.

  His fingers tightened around her bottom as he bent his knees and lifted her. He pulled her

  back down at the same time he straightened his legs, driving deep into her. Her inner

  muscles clenched around his cock as he pulled almost all the way out of her. Driving

  back even harder than before, he buried his cock to the hilt.

  Johanna could feel her hot pussy wrap tight around him each time he drove into it. He set

  a pounding rhythm that had her gasping for breath. With her fingers wrapped tight around

  the tree branch, she hung on and rode out the storm. Her breasts bounced with each

  stroke, making them ache for Cris's touch.

  Her cunt clenched harder with each thrust. His skin slapped against hers, music on the

  night air, as she hung onto the tree for support. Cris was relentless, not stopping for a

  moment. If anything, his thrusts seemed to get harder and quicker. Johanna didn't know

  how much more she could take. Every cell in her body was screaming out for release.

  Digging her ankles into his behind, she slammed down hard on his cock with every

  upward thrust he made. A bead of sweat slipped down her temple as she tightened the

  inner muscles of her cunt around him.

  Cris growled and hammered into her over and over again. Tilting back her head, she dug

  her nails into the tree bark, screaming as she finally came. Her muscles flexed and closed

  around his cock as he continued to pound into her.

  "Don't let go." His guttural command had her hanging on even tighter. She felt his teeth

  scraping her throat and tilted it back even further. Growli
ng, he sank his teeth into her

  flesh and drank.

  Even though she'd just come, Johanna felt a familiar heat as her pussy clenched once

  again. Spasms of pleasure rocked her body, as Cris gave one final thrust and came on a

  moan of pleasure. He removed his teeth and licked at her neck as he continued to hold her


  Johanna took a deep breath and the scent of sex and pine filled her nostrils. She shivered

  as the cool night air dried the sweat from her skin.

  "You can let go now." Cris's voice sounded amused and Johanna was slightly bemused

  to discover that she was still clutching the branch. She released her grip and dropped her

  hands to his shoulders.

  Carefully, Cris lifted her off his cock, which had hardened once again, and stood her in

  front of him. Picking up her blouse, he shook it out before helping her to slip it on. Her

  skirt was useless, so she picked up her jacket and wrapped it around her waist, tying the

  sleeves together to keep it up. She scooped up her underwear and stuffed it into the

  pocket of the jacket. Looking around, she spied what was left of her poor leather shoes

  and slipped them over her feet.

  Cris said nothing as he wrapped his arm around her and led her out of the woods and

  back towards the castle. She sensed that he didn't want to talk any more than she did. In

  truth, after what she'd just gone through, she was content to just enjoy the sensations still

  coursing through her body. She knew they'd have to talk, but right now it was enough


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