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Black Tie Affair

Page 4

by Rice, Rachel E.

  I read it: “When you want someone to satisfy you and there is no one, I can give you what you need.”

  Holy shit. How does he know what I need? Am I that transparent?

  “Oh fuck me,” I murmured. This is getting out of hand. Should I tell Max? “No!” I shouted into the empty room. I had answered my own question. He’s so jealous. Who knows what he could do. At least I still have my freedom. I can go where I want.

  I focused on the note. What does he mean? He couldn’t know anything about Max’s needs for BDSM. Or could he? Only I was sure of this but then I couldn’t be sure of anything anymore. I reached for the phone and called Crystal. I needed to talk to Jonas.


  “Crystal. Is Jonas there?”

  “Who is this?” Crystal said with a tense desperate voice.

  “It’s me, Crystal, Alex.”

  “Oh Alex, I was thinking of calling you,” she said with a whine. “I made a big mistake getting pregnant for Jonas. I thought Jonas had changed.” Crystal went on and on about her problems with that twin brother of Max. Once Jonas took Crystal from my friend, he was satisfied. Then he began to neglect her to indulge in his demons. Sounds like someone else I know.

  After listening to her and agreeing with everything she said, I gave her a few sympathetic and encouraging words, “Jonas loves you. I will speak to him. Have him call me when he returns.”

  “Okay, Alex, but don’t tell him I discussed our personal life with you.” I hung up the phone and instead of throwing the key away which Robert deliberately sent me, I placed it in my jewelry box.


  Getting little sleep because I didn’t have Max’s warm body next to me, I woke early and dressed, had breakfast with my boys and Lapita, gathered them up with the little dog in tow and took them to their favorite place—the park for an hour. I expected Brandon at eleven.

  I promised to show him the garage and let him take the Bentley out to get acquainted with it. After a shower from all that running around after the children, I dressed in tailored black pants and a white shirt. The doorman rang my bell and announced that my driver had arrived. I said to the doorman, “Have him wait for me in the lobby.” Rushing out into the hall, searching through my bag, making sure I had my keys, I hit the wrong elevator button, and it opened immediately.

  “Don’t be afraid to get in here with me. I won’t tie you up and take you in this elevator, although I’m tempted. I want your full cooperation, Mrs. Blackstone,” Robert said shooting me a sinister grin and a wink together with his expensive smile.

  I felt warm sensations travel throughout my body. My legs grew weak.

  I should never have gotten on that elevator, but I had to prove a point, and that was, I wasn’t afraid of him. “Do you always talk to married women that way?” I stared him down. “Suppose I were to tell my husband, or better yet call the police and tell them that there is a sex fiend lurking in the elevators in my building.”

  “Do as you like. They won’t believe you and they may take you to jail. The mayor and police commissioner are friends of mine.”

  “Why? Are you some important man who can’t be touched?”

  “I’m a man who knows secrets and keep them,” he said with a dark stare.

  “My husband happens to be a very important and powerful man and if...”

  “But you won’t,” he said looking at me with those dark secretive blue eyes. He stood with his legs crossed and his arm leisurely propped against the wall of the elevator, calm, and at ease. Like nothing could touch him and he could do whatever came to his mind and no one could stop him.

  “Don’t you ever work?” I asked.

  “Funny you mentioned work. I’m on vacation,” he said with a smile that could lay waste and warm even the coldest of women.

  “You must have enough money to go somewhere,” I said.

  “What are you trying to do? Are you asking for a ride on my yacht to my secluded island?”

  “That will be the day.” He pretended he didn’t hear me. His glance took me in from my head to my feet, settling noticeably on my lips.

  “Not today, I have a date,” he said lightly. And he stood back with a cocky smile as the elevator opened. He nodded and waved his hand for me to exit. I glanced at him with a raised eyebrow and hurried off the elevator, and he strolled behind me. Feeling his eyes on me, I stopped and turned, and then I spotted Brandon standing with his arm propped on the security desk. I had never been so happy to see anyone.

  Robert passed me turning around just long enough to show Brandon a bold disapproving glance, a raised eyebrow and his lips tight.

  Brandon ignored him. “Have you been waiting long,” I asked Brandon.

  “No, Mrs. Blackstone.”

  “Don’t call me Mrs. Blackstone, call me Alex. You and I are the same age.” We turned and headed for the elevator to the garage.

  “Mrs. Blackstone, it looks better if I keep a distance between us. And if you don’t mind, I think I’m going to like this job, and I want to keep it.” The elevator stopped. “After you, Mrs. Blackstone.”

  We walked into the garage. The third floor contained all Max’s cars. He had about ten, maybe more. There were three Bentleys, two dark blue ones, one convertible, one hard top four door, it was the one I wanted Brandon to drive me around Manhattan. I adored the dark blue Bentleys.

  I was getting used to this life with all the toys. We passed his Porsches, one red and one gray four door that I hadn’t seen. I remember him telling me when I felt like going to the Hamptons we can ride in it for the weekend. So far we haven’t traveled anywhere, and I haven’t seen our home in the Hamptons.

  After passing two Lamborghinis and two limos and one Aston Martin. “Finally,” I said, “This is the one you will drive.” Brandon’s face lit up like a little boy with his first train set.

  He opened the door and I hopped into the back. Brandon walked around to the driver’s side whistling. I was happy someone enjoyed and got use out of the cars. The car wasn’t outfitted to be driven by a chauffeur and I liked that. As Brandon drove out of the garage, waiting to cross at the light stood Robert and another one of his little friends. “Let him go Brandon.” Robert passed in front of the car with a different girl headed for his apartment. This one was a brunette, slightly smaller and slightly younger.

  He stepped in front of the opened garage door, looked into the car and stared as if he could see me behind the tinted windows.

  “A friend of yours, Mrs. Blackstone? I don’t mean to be forward, but he looks like he admires you.”

  “Admiration is a wrong choice of words, Brandon. That’s not admiration on his face.”

  “I was being respectful, Mrs. Blackstone. I know men very well. Please be careful.”

  “I tell you what Brandon, I get nervous when you call me, Mrs. Blackstone. I could never get use to that greeting. When we are riding or when no one is around, please call me Alex.”


  “Good. Do you have a car?”

  “No, Alex,” Brandon said as if practicing to feel comfortable calling my name. “I have a bike and motorcycle. It’s too expensive in this city what with insurance and parking garage fees. It would cost more than my apartment.”

  “Which did you ride today?” I said making small talk, glancing at him in the mirror.

  “I chained my bike outside the building.”

  “When you want to ride your motorcycle, just leave it in the parking garage. I’ll text you the code.”

  “Thanks, that’s generous of you, Mrs....I mean Alex.”

  “Stop in front of Bergdorf Goodman. I should be there for one hour. Just some light shopping.” Brandon stepped from behind the wheel. I tried to act like I was comfortable having a chauffeur, but after living on the streets since I was a teen, well you can put a saddle on a mule and say it’s a racehorse and it will still be a mule. In other words, I wasn’t comfortable in the role of a billionaire’s wife either.

sp; Just as I stated I was out in an hour. “You haven’t eaten Brandon, do you want to go to lunch?”

  “Mrs. Blackstone I hate to turn you down but I’m not your friend, I’m your employee. As I said, I like this job and I like you. We could both get in trouble if Mr. Blackstone see that you are being familiar with the help.”

  “Brandon, you let me handle him.”

  “To make you feel better, I’ve eaten. I will eat after class.”

  “Do you go to college?”

  “Yes. New York University. I’m a film student.”

  “Wow. That’s great.” We sat quietly listening to the radio, One Direction was playing, and then we reached the building on Park Avenue, my self-imposed prison, I felt sad and I felt anxious. Sad that I didn’t have Max with me and anxious about Robert.

  I waited in the car as Brandon stepped out and opened the door. I was doing this as much for him as for myself. I strode out of the car on to the side walk. Brandon opened the trunk and reached in and took out my packages. “I’ll help you bring them up to your apartment.”

  “Good. Then you can eat some of Lapita’s homemade tamales and enchiladas. It’s lunch time.”

  “Again I can’t do that,” he said entering the lobby. When we turned and made a quick right to the elevators, getting off the elevator, Robert passed us. This time with a blond. I glanced up at him and he threw me a sexy smile and nodded at me, teasing me. Brandon and I walked to the penthouse elevator. When the door closed, Brandon said, I think he likes you, Mrs. Blackstone.”

  “That is putting it mildly,” I said, my eyes looking up, my teeth tightening.

  “Yes, I know. I can’t say what I want out of respect for you,” Brandon said to me. “You need to watch that man since your husband is not around. But if you need me, call anytime.”

  “I will Brandon. Thanks.” He lay my packages in the living area and stood and passed his hands through his blond hair.

  “Wow. That is a sight, Mrs. Blackstone.”

  “I said the same thing myself when I first saw Central Park from here.” I smiled and stood and looked out.

  “I mean this apartment with this view. Mr. Blackstone must love you.”

  “Yes, I guess he does...” And my little dog came running. I knew what time it was. “He bought me this dog to keep me company. I have to walk him.” He jumped into my arms. I grabbed the leash and headed out of the apartment with Brandon on the side of me petting my little dog. When the elevator reached the lobby we strolled outdoors.

  “I’ll park the car in the garage,” he said.

  “Here’s the code. I’ll wait for you.” It didn’t take Brandon but a few minutes. Just enough time for the dog to do his business, and Brandon was back handing me the keys. He unhitched his bike and rode away.

  I strolled along thinking about Max. Looking down at the puppy, I spied a pair of eleven size perfect polished shoes, the kind I’d seen on Max. A pair of expensive Italian bespoke black leather shoes made especially for those feet. I raised my head staring, taking in a pair of long legs inside a pair of perfectly tailored black slacks and an alligator belt holding on to a white shirt that fit so well inside his pants. His waist small, his shoulders wide, his face strong, his smile perfect, and his blue eyes bright and carefree stopping me in my tracks, and taking my breath away.

  “Oh you again,” I said breathless trying to affect a condescending tone. He reached out to pat my dog and I pulled it away. Poor dog, he didn’t understand, he looked at me with his sad big eyes. “What do I have to do to get rid of you?” I said.

  “Have dinner with me. In my apartment.” The thought may have crossed my mind but all I could visualize was my weakness for this stranger. I didn’t know what I was capable of doing or what he was capable of doing to me.

  “Do you think I would get close to your apartment? Who knows what goes on in there?”

  “Are you jealous? Are you concerned with what I do in my apartment? It’s probably more interesting than anything in yours.” I raised my eyebrow and with a huff I turned to walk away. He stood in front of me and said, “Then invite me to your apartment for dinner.”

  “That’s like inviting Dracula in.” He smiled and I put my dog down and hurried along back to the building with him walking beside me, and then he was ahead of me and made a sudden stop turning facing me.

  “What if I invited you to a restaurant for dinner? Somewhere safe?” He said with a brazen smirk.

  “I don’t make dates with strange men when my husband is away.”

  “So, Blackstone is away. That means you will be calling me sooner than you think.”

  “That will be the day,” I said, and I sauntered away from him, inside the lobby of my apartment building, hoping for protection from him, hoping for protection from my own sadistic and erotic thoughts of him. The doorman called out to me and jolted me back to reality.

  “Mrs. Blackstone, a gentleman said that he was your brother-in-law and that I should let him go up to your apartment. He looked a hell of a lot like Mr. Blackstone, so I sent him up.”

  “That’s fine, Ralph.” My mind wasn’t on Jonas it was on the tall seductive stranger and when I looked around, he was standing behind me.

  “Now I see I will have to navigate around two men to get to you? Here’s my card. Call me if you need me,” he said with a whisper, his inviting lips invading my mind when I stared at him. He handed me his card and for some reason I reached for it.

  I glanced at the card. “A lawyer,” I mumbled, my eyes blinking for a second. “Oh God another one,” I closed my eyes murmuring, “That’s all I need.” He looked my way, and I tossed it in the nearest trash bin.


  When I arrived in the safety of my apartment, I dropped the dog off near his bed, and he scampered to his nearest resting spot. Under the couch. No one was home which was good because I wanted to talk to Jonas and get him out as soon as possible, and let him get back to Crystal. I didn’t need him around with his shallow thoughtless behavior.

  “Jonas,” I said calling out to him. He stepped from the dining table and headed in my direction.

  “Alex. You are more beautiful than the day I first met you. Having a baby does wonders for you. He kissed me on both cheeks then gave me a hug that lasted a few minutes. That hug worried me. But then everything about Jonas made my skin crawl. I looked into his dark eyes.

  He felled on my sofa with a large sigh. “What’s wrong now, Jonas?” I sat pensive gazing at him and his theatrics when he balled his fist and put it to his mouth. Then with his fist he tapped his forehead over and over until I took his hand and held it.

  “Well. Well,” he said exhaling and lowering his head.

  “Get to the point,” I said knowing he would tell me anyway. But with him, it would take a lot longer with a few dramatic effects thrown in for good measure. I didn’t have time for him. I lost enough time with him in San Francisco. The stress of him in jail and Jonas and Max accused of murdering his fiancé. Too much drama comes with Jonas.

  “You know how Max said that he wouldn’t help me again if I got in trouble.”

  “Don’t tell did something stupid again?” He nodded his head like a child who was caught pinching his little brother.

  “Don’t judge me, Alex. But...but I’m in trouble. It has to do with one of my BDSM clubs in Manhattan. It wasn’t me this time.” He raised both hands. “One of my patrons went too far with one of the girls and she...”

  “Did she die?”

  “No. But she was in bad shape and she threatened to call the cops. And she wanted a large settlement to keep it quiet. I was low on money because of Crystal and my businesses...”

  “Never mind Crystal, and never mind your business. What happened?” I said to him pissed beyond belief. I never liked to waste time with all the intimations and ceremonies Jonas takes me through, because after all, we would end up at the same place, and my way, we would get to the point sooner.

  “There is this lawyer,
and he did me a favor by taking care of the situation. When I asked him what he wanted in return, he said...I know this is crazy.” I sat waiting for the crazy part that always accompany Jonas. “He said, he wanted my brother’s wife for a night.”

  “He said what?” I cocked my head to the side trying to wrap my mind around that statement. I sat up straight, stunned. “And what did you say?”

  “I said of course not. I was right to say that wasn’t I, Alex?” And his eyes grew large and sad.

  “What the fuck do you think, Jonas?”

  Jonas moved close to me and touched my hand and I stood up and pointed. “Get out.”

  “You don’t know Alex, it’s more than that. If you don’t do this, my life is over. Crystal will leave me, Max will turn his back on me, and my partners will kill me,” he said matter-of-fact. No emotion, no tears. His face cold, pale, and lifeless.

  “I’m begging you, Alex.” Jonas shamelessly got on his knees. “It’s not like you haven’t done this before.”

  “What am I expected to do?” I hissed, my voice unsympathetic and quiet. “And for how long?” My voice cracking. My eyes could have burned through Jonas. Here I am mixed up with his weird bullshit again. Why me I asked the heavens.

  “The lawyer wants you as his Dom.”

  “As his what! Have you lost your mind? Don’t answer that. I know you have a few issues, to be exact, you have a lot of issues.” I sat down and leaned back in my chair trying to recover, my hand clutching my mouth. I stood up and paced around the room, then coming back to Jonas I said, “That doesn’t sound like a temporary thing. And how am I to keep that from Max. If he found out something like that we would both be pariahs in his eyes. He would take my boys.”

  “I won’t let that happen.”

  “How could you stop it?” I questioned.

  “The lawyer is a decent enough guy. He just likes to be flogged. That’s all you have to do. He won’t see you because he wears this hood over his head. He doesn’t want to be recognized. Just one hour, you cane him, and then it’s over. I’m going to monitor everything.” Jonas’s begging eyes glanced at me knowing that I wouldn’t let him get killed over something as simple as flogging a man.


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