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Policed: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 11)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  I could see from all her questions there was something more to this. Was she saying we should make a baby tonight? I wasn’t sure how to respond.

  “Chase,” she said.


  “I’m pregnant.”

  I sprang from my seat. “You’re what?”

  “I’m pregnant,” she whispered.

  I put my hands on top of my head and turned, pacing the room. I didn’t know what to say. I was in complete and utter shock. I was walking around in circles, just totally amazed.

  “You don’t look very happy,” she said.

  “Are you kidding me?” I ran to her side, holding her pretty little face in my hands and kissing her hard on the mouth. “This is incredible. It’s so incredible I literally don’t know what to say.”

  “So you’re ready to be a dad?”

  I sat down. I was shaking. “Scarlett, I’m only ready to be a dad with you by my side.”

  She turned the tables on me taking my face her hands and kissing me right on the smacker.

  We both started laughing as tears began pouring from her cheeks. I grabbed her a tissue and wiped away her tears.

  “From now on, only tears of joy.”

  “Only tears of joy,” she said.

  I hugged my future baby’s mother tight, but released my right arm just enough to pump my fist. In the game of life, I was the ultimate winner. I got my woman and we were about to start a family together.



  I ’m out front. Great, just like my mom to pull a surprise visit.

  I slid out of my sweats and put on some pants. I had been studying all morning. Somehow these last few days I had been a force of learning. Ever since I met with Chase and we discussed our future I felt so relieved, so excited, and so dedicated to ending the semester right. I was focused on what I had to do and determined to get the grades I needed.

  I went outside and greeted my mom with a hug.

  “You look very refreshed and energetic,” she said.

  “Thanks. I’m feeling pretty good right now.”

  “Feel like heading off-campus for a coffee?”

  “Sure, but I have to get back to my studying soon. Finals start next week.”

  “Okay, sweetie. I don’t think this will take long.”

  “Ummm, this? What…this?”

  “I think you’re going to need some Bailey’s in your cup o’ joe.”

  Oh, great. Showing up wasn’t a surprise in and of itself. Now my mom had some bomb she was ready to drop on me.



  L uckily there weren’t many people at the coffee shop. Almost everyone was still in bed sleeping off last night’s hangover except a few die-hards who were getting started on a new day of drinking at one of the bars which offered special early opening hours. Today was the last home football game for the Trojans this year. If they won they’d be in the final four teams for the Bowl Championship Series. I didn’t know too much about all that stuff, but I knew it meant today would be crazy.

  “Okay, mom. I’m ready, good or bad.”

  “Honey, I’ve been working on your dad a little.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, the more I thought about it the more it made sense about you and Chase.”


  “Hear me out. Please. I don’t know how you feel about him now, but the bigger point is that you’re a woman now. You can make your own decisions and we have to respect those decisions and part of respecting them is supporting you.”

  “Thank you,” I said. I reached out and placed my hand on my mother’s. I was expecting an attack or something worse, and here she was doing her best to support me. Maybe today would turn out all right. “But is that why you came? All the way up to L.A. just to tell me that?”

  “Yes, but as you guessed, there is more.”

  “What kind of more are we talking about?” I took a sip of my coffee wishing I really did have a shot of Bailey’s in there now.

  “Chase called your dad last night. He told him, amongst other things, that he really missed their friendship. That and he really needed to talk to him.”

  I swallowed hard. Oh no. He was going to tell him. “Talk to him about what?”

  “I don’t know for sure, but he said it was important.”

  “And then?”

  “And then your dad and I told him we’d come up this morning.”

  “So dad’s over at Chase’s right now?”

  “Yes, for how long I don’t know, but yes, that’s where he is.”

  I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, imagining how my dad was going to react to the news. I knew at any moment my mom might get a phone call and everything would go downhill instantly. Suddenly the relief I’d felt before her arrival turned to panic.

  “You look like you’re going to be sick. Are you okay?”

  If only she knew why I looked sick. “I just might,” I said.

  “Do you want to go lie down?”

  “No, better to just keep going, keep my mind occupied.”

  My mom’s eyes narrowed. “Young lady is there something you’re not telling me? Do you know why Chase called your dad?”

  My head fell forward and was met by my hands. I stared down at the table. This isn’t how I imagined telling my mom, but I didn’t want her to hear it on the phone first.

  I looked up. “Mom,” I began, tears streaming down my cheek.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m pregnant.”



  A fter my mom picked her jaw up from the table, I told her everything. I think between the two of us we covered every emotion in the book. Shock, panic, excitement, anxiety, nervousness, and about a hundred more. As unsure as we were about everything, there was one thing we definitely were sure about. My dad was going to freak the fuck out.

  We knew the call would come anytime, and we knew what it was going to sound like. My dad would tell my mom he’s on the way and they’re going back to Orange County, immediately. If he did let me finish the semester, that would be it. Adios. I’d be back home for sure in another week, and that would be that.

  After we got calmed down we decided there was only one thing to do…go shopping.

  We hit the mall and tried to take our minds off the inevitable. My mom finally relaxed and even got really excited about becoming a grandmother for the first time. I swear we were inside Baby Gap for over an hour. She just wanted to stop at all the baby and kid stores. I can’t say I blamed her, I was excited too.

  The mall was a ghost town thanks to the football game. We were having so much fun, but from time to time the inevitable would creep into our minds. We told each other we wouldn’t think about it and the first one who got bummed out had to buy cupcakes. I’m all for those “everybody wins” kind of deals.

  Around three o’clock I was shocked that we hadn’t heard anything, and right about then my mom’s phone chirped.

  “There it is,” I said.

  My mom removed her phone from her purse and stared at the screen. Her head jerked back. Her eyes narrowed and then suddenly opened wide.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” she said.

  “What? What happened?”

  “You’re never going to believe this,” she said, handing me the phone.

  There were no words, just a picture of my dad and Chase at the football game. They were wearing matching SC hats and had their arms around each other’s shoulders. My dad took a selfie? I didn’t even think he knew how. I didn’t even think Chase knew how. Then I looked…yeah, they handed the phone off to someone else. I laughed at their technological incompetence, but the point was clear…they were having a great time!

  Had Chase told him yet? Was he setting him up for a big letdown later? If anybody knew what to say to my dad it was Chase.

  I looked at my mom and we both shrugged at the same time. We laughed and embra
ced in a big hug.

  “More time to find sales,” she said.

  “Good thinking,” I said.

  We shopped for a few more hours before another message came in on my mom’s phone.

  Okay, I thought to myself. This will be the one. He can’t fool my dad all day.

  Reservations at Nobu! Pick you up in front of the dorms in 90 minutes.

  Are you kidding me? Chase had to have told him by now. There was no way he’d risk dad flipping over a table and hurling chairs in a restaurant, let alone trust him with a knife in his hand. Not only that…how in the world did they get a reservation?

  I pulled out my phone and texted Chase. You told him?

  You’ll see tonight, came back less than a minute later.




  W e stood outside my dorm waiting on Chase and my dad to arrive.

  “Look at these crazy football fans,” I said to my mom. A limo rounded the corner playing the school fight song just a little too loud.

  The limo pulled up right in front of us and we looked at each other. My mom grabbed my arm as we scurried out of the way laughing. We did not want to talk to any drunken football fans.

  The door opened and a head popped out.

  “Where you girls going? Don’t run from us!”

  “Dad?” I said.

  “In the flesh!”

  I put my hand on my head and tried my best not to laugh. It didn’t work.

  “Come on, ladies. We have a date with destiny.”

  My dad escorted us inside the limo as my mom and I shook our heads. What in the world had gotten into him?

  The limo ride was festive to say the least. Chase and my dad were a little inebriated, but not too bad. Their enthusiasm was just so contagious it pulled my mom and I right in. We enjoyed drinks and music as we drove to Nobu.

  At dinner my dad was ordering everything in sight. He was joking with the sushi chefs and just having a great time.

  “Did you tell him?” I mouthed to Chase at dinner. He just winked back at me.

  As much as I wanted to be angry at him I couldn’t. His wink was just too cute, and he always followed it up with a super sexy smirk.

  Still, I had to know what was going on. Had to know what he had told my dad.

  After dinner, and the biggest tip I’ve ever seen my dad leave, we piled back into the limo.

  The party continued. At some point during dinner I just decided to go with it. No more questions. Everyone was in a good mood, why couldn’t I be too?

  The limo rolled to a stop.

  “Okay kids,” my dad said. “This is your stop.”

  “What about you and mom?”

  “I’ve got a little surprise planned for your mother tonight.”

  “Jeff,” my mom said slapping his leg. I could see she was curious though.

  “You’re not driving are you dad?”

  “Gracious no! That’s what the limo’s for.” My dad shooed me with his hand. “Now get out of here. We’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  I stepped out and turned back just in time to see my dad give Chase a big hug, a handshake, and an affirming nod.

  Chase shut the door and the limo took off down the road. We were standing out front of his place. He offered me his hand.

  “Will you please tell me what’s going on?” I asked, as I took his hand.

  “Everything will be clear in just a few minutes. I promise.”

  We took the elevator up and went inside his apartment. He fluffed the cushion on the couch and dusted it with a couple quick swipes of his hand, before signaling for me to sit down.

  “This is getting too weird,” I said.

  Chase sat right next to me, our legs touching. I felt the heat from his body, and my mind quickly turned to what he might have meant by “in a few minutes.”

  He reached out and took my hands in his.

  “Scarlett,” he began. “I told your dad…everything.”

  At this point I wasn’t exactly surprised. “Aaaand?”

  “And he gave his blessing.”

  “His blessing for what exactly?”

  “For this,” Chase said, dropping to one knee in front of me.

  My eyes shot open wide and my hands went to my mouth. Oh. My. God.

  “Scarlett, will you—”

  The football game may have been long over, but I literally flew from my seat tackling him with kisses.

  “Yes, Chase! Yes, yes, yes!”

  In-between kisses he tried to speak. “But I haven’t even asked—”

  “You didn’t need to,” I said, covering his mouth with mine. I didn’t want to hear anymore. I only wanted to feel. Feel his skin on mine. His lips on mine. His body inside mine. What had been the lowest of lows just a few weeks earlier had turned to the highest of highs. I didn’t want to hear anything that could take away my joy. Not that anything he said could or would. It was him, after all, that had given me all the joy in the world. And tonight I was going to show him just how happy I was. And make him just as happy in the process.



  One month later

  I felt two muscular arms wrap around my white beach cover up as I held the railing up at the ship’s bow. I turned my head back and was quickly greeted with a kiss.

  “Have fun out here today?” Chase said.

  “Every moment with you is fun,” I said.

  We smiled and I looked forward again. The smell of the saltwater in the air, the slight ocean breeze in my face, the warmth of the sun on my side, and the view of Cabo’s Golden Arch in front of me were all amazing. But it all would have meant nothing without my man behind me.

  It may have looked like a shotgun wedding, but it was anything but. It was the perfect time, and something we both wanted. The honeymoon down to Cabo was the icing on the cake.

  I turned back around and faced him, remembering something from weeks earlier.

  “You know, you were going to tell me about that name.”

  “What name?”

  “Your name, silly. Chase Justice. Is it truly real?”

  “You know, I’ve never told anyone the story behind it.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want. If it’s something you want to keep to yourself I understand.”

  “There’s nothing I want to keep to myself. I want to share everything with you, and I’m happy to do so with my name.”

  He ran his fingertips along my cheek and pushed a locked of my hair behind my head.

  “Your dad may not have ever told you this, but I was an orphan. I’ll spare you the details, but all things considered I had a lot of great experiences.” He looked off into the distance for a second, before returning his gaze to mine. “But at one point there was a need to start fresh. I wasn’t in the system anymore, so to speak, I was starting my own life, as an adult. I wanted something that could be a real name, but also had meaning. I didn’t want some comic book type name, but it is possible I almost went too far in that direction. Anyways, in my position I didn’t know much about life. I was young, inexperienced, and ready to take on the world.”

  “Like me,” I said.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that,” he said, taking my hands in his. “And you’re not taking on the world by yourself, we’re taking on the world. Together.”

  He leaned down and kissed me.

  “And hopefully this time around I can help out. You can benefit from the mistakes I made, and I made plenty.”

  “But everything turned out pretty well,” I said, winking.

  “Everything turned out…perfectly,” he said. “So to answer your question, I picked Chase Justice because that’s exactly what I wanted to do. That was the one thing I was always sure of, and now is still one of the things I am sure of.”

  I processed his words. “So you were sure of one thing and now you’re sure of more than one?”

  “You’re a gr
eat listener,” he said. “And that’s right.”


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