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Irresistible (Delroi Prophecy)

Page 3

by Hunt, Loribelle

  “Have you brought us another Earth soldier, brother?” His gaze returned to her. “A government assassin perhaps?”

  Her reaction to the question was so negative she didn’t temper her response. “No. I was a rebel.”

  Silence fell over the group with such animosity she had to force herself not to cringe. Too late she remembered what Kaje had told her about his brother.

  “You’re going to have to explain that, der’lan,” Kaje said. His tone was low and hard. She realized he didn’t know much about her.

  She held her wrists up. Her arms were still green and yellow with fading bruises. Her bones still too sharp under her skin. It wasn’t a pretty look.

  “A week ago Roarr and some other warriors led an attack on a secret compound in my country where I was being held prisoner. Those are the people I was rebelling against.”

  She had their full attention, took a long drink to steady herself. She was unaccustomed to giving away her secrets. Couldn’t begin to guess why she was doing it now. It was because of Kaje. Again. He rattled her, broke down her barriers without even trying.

  “They hunted me most of my adult life. If they’d found me as a child they would have made me into a killer. I wasn’t rebelling for power. I was rebelling for freedom. For the right not to be turned into a monster.”

  Animosity had turned to anger, then rage as she spoke. It battered at her shields until Kaje took her hand. As if he understood, he turned to his brothers.

  “Knock it off,” he ordered. Slowly the negative energy dissipated.

  “I’ve heard stories about the males on your world,” Reza said at her side. “I’d hoped they weren’t true.”

  She shrugged. “Evil isn’t limited to men.”

  He shook his head. “That isn’t what I meant. A warrior would never treat his woman, any woman, badly.”

  It was hard not to scoff at that declaration. “Not all men on Earth are monsters,” she said instead.

  “How would these people on Earth have used you?” Cassius asked.

  She didn’t want to answer, but Kaje had invited her into his home and the truth was telepaths made most people uncomfortable. They had a right to be warned. She steeled herself against their reaction, making her voice firm. Regretting her differences in a rare burst of loneliness.

  “I’m a telepath,” she said. Much stronger than anyone knew, even Kareena.

  But instead of trepidation, she only felt curiosity from them especially Vidar. Kaje squeezed her hand then let her go and started fixing her plate.

  “You bear the mark of the goddess,” Cassius said. The statement confused her.

  “Your tattoo, baby. It’s very similar to what the apprentices get when they’re elevated from novice,” Kaje said.

  She looked at the tattoo and wondered if that would cause a problem. “Will I have to have it removed?”

  Kaje set a plate of food in front her and resumed his seat.

  “I doubt Lady Rona would ask that. You’re not from Delroi after all.”

  She heard trepidation in his tone. “And she might try to recruit me, right?”

  He gave her a rueful smile. “I’m sure she will. Don’t let her pressure you to do something you don’t want to.”

  “I won’t,” she assured him. But she would consider it. Especially if it meant making her transition to life on Delroi easier.

  Chapter Three

  Kaje watched her as his brothers drew her out. She was so beautiful in the late afternoon light. Sexy and smart and strong. He clenched his fists in his lap, fought the urge to run off his brothers and grab her. If he waited just a little while he could take her bathed in moonlight.

  “You’re the mind healer my brother wants me to talk to?” Vidar interjected abruptly.

  She nodded. “Of course, I’m not licensed here. Your healers would no doubt object. And truthfully, it would probably do me more good to talk to you,” she said lightly.

  A knowing glint entered his brother’s eyes. “How long were you a prisoner?” he asked softly.

  Kaje was tempted to intervene. He hadn’t heard the story himself yet and he didn’t know how painful it would be to relate. She blew out a long breath.

  “Six months.”

  His heart threatened to swell from his chest. He knew she didn’t want to talk about it, but she thought it would help Vidar. In that moment, he would have given her any price she demanded.

  “That’s an unconscionable thing to do to a gentle woman,” Vidar almost growled.

  “Oh, I don’t know about gentle. I did my share of damage before I was caught.” Her expression never changed, but there was no denying the satisfaction in her voice or the dangerous glint in her eyes.

  “How did you caught?” Kaje asked. He’d been curious about this too and she seemed willing to share.

  “Dumb luck.” This time her face was so open her chagrin was easy to read. “We helped psychics escape the Alliance sometimes. We were seen by a Tel operative when we went to meet some. Tel had been searching for us a long time and we just happened to be in the same place as one of their agents. He got a team in place before we realized we were trapped.”

  “We? You, Zola, and Kareena?”

  “Me and Kareena.” She nodded. “And I probably shouldn’t have told y’all any of that.”

  Now he felt her irritation as well as heard it. If this was only the beginning of their mating bond it would take some getting used to. Though it would be nice to have the advantage of knowing her emotions. It would serve him well when he inevitably made her angry.

  “Don’t worry, baby. Everyone here knows how to keep a secret, and I don’t see any reason this one should be shared.”

  “Thank you.”

  He didn’t like the gratitude or relief in her voice. She had every right to expect him to keep her secrets, even to protect her secrets. She smiled, a mix of amusement and exasperation, and tried to tug her hand free.

  “You’re not even trying to keep your thoughts to yourself, are you?”

  “No,” he agreed. “Why should I?”

  “Self defense?”

  He joined his brothers howling with laughter. She waited them out calmly.

  “When the most treacherous shadow government on Earth thinks someone is dangerous enough to abduct, imprison, and keep drugged, you might want to exercise a little caution,” she said smugly.

  That definitely got his attention. He titled his head to one side and studied her.

  “Come on,” Cassius teased. “A little thing like you. How dangerous could you be?”

  She got very quiet and the mental connection he felt with her stilled.

  “That dangerous?” Kaje asked softly.

  “I can destroy a mind with very little effort.”

  “How did they catch you then? Hold you so long then?”

  “They have a drug that represses psychic abilities. It was loaded in a dart with a tranquilizer.”

  Self-recrimination. Hurt. Anger. He couldn’t stand it. He reached over, easily picked her up, and lifted her to his lap. She sat stiffly while he kept a hand on her thigh and rubbed the other up and down her back. One by one his brothers stood and said goodbye until only Vidar was left.

  She met his gaze calmly, evenly, though Kaje felt her unease and her body vibrated. “Have you decided?”

  He nodded, gave her a tiny smile. “Tomorrow? I’ll meet you at noon on the promenade in the chief’s wing.”


  Then she and Kaje were alone. Finally, she relaxed and made a sound that was almost a laugh.

  “Boundaries don’t mean a damned thing to you, do they?”

  “No,” he groaned as she wiggled to get free and rubbed her ass over his cock. He hadn’t thought it was possible to get any harder. She froze.

  “Well, that’s unexpected,” she whispered.

  “No, it isn’t,” he retorted. “I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you and you know it.”

  She was quiet so l
ong he thought she’d ignore his statement. “You know that girl that just hops into bed with anyone she’s attracted to? I’m not that girl.”

  He buried his face in her neck. “Thank the gods. I’m not a man who could ever share his woman.”

  His words just seemed to make her tenser.

  “It’s getting late. I should go.”

  If he was a better man he’d let her leave. He wanted more time tonight though. Needed to fuel the heat growing between them. To stoke it into flames she couldn’t resist. He let her rise and stood beside her, taking her hand.

  “I want to show you something.”

  He’d felt her affinity towards the sea and he had his own private beach. It was one of the perks of being Steward. There were two ways down. An elevator hidden behind the cliff face and stairs carved on the outside. He led her to the concealed steps on one corner of the balcony. The first step lit as he set foot on it. He turned to meet her startled, eager gaze.

  “Come on. A little moonlit swim never hurt anyone.”

  She glanced down at her clothes. “I don’t have a suit.”

  “Who says you need one?”

  She sucked in a breath that thrust out her breasts and made his mouth water.

  “That,” she said, pointing her finger at him. “That is exactly why I should say no.”

  “Parker. Join me,” he cajoled. “I’m asking for a swim. Nothing else.”

  It might kill him, but he wouldn’t push her for more than that tonight. Eagerness gleamed in her eyes, though, and hard nipples pressed against her shirt. Her nod was slow to come and still a little reluctant. He got the feeling she agreed for a very private reason that had nothing to do with him. He didn’t like that much, but what the hell? She followed him down. The closer they got to the beach, the louder the surf got, the heavier the scent of salt in the air, and the more he sensed her anticipation grow. His earlier impression of her had been right. She was a creature of the sea. An enchantress. At the bottom she slipped off her sandals, dug her toes in the sand, and lifted her face to the wind.

  “You miss the ocean. Did you never live near it again?”

  “No.” Her smile was sad. It made him want to reach for her and never let go. “It was the only place I ever felt safe.”

  “You can come here anytime you want, baby. I promise you’re safe here with me.”

  She gave him a look he had a hard time deciphering. It was almost lost, definitely angry, and something more.

  “For how long? Safety is an illusion I’ve learned not to trust.”

  He had to touch her. Couldn’t not touch her when he saw the haunted look in her eyes and sensed her sorrow and confusion. He didn’t have the strength to turn away, to not sooth away her worries, or at least try. He took her in his arms and tilted her head back, staring at her for several long moments. Gods, she was beautiful. Those bright, startling green eyes were magnificent. Finally, he couldn’t take the suspense anymore and lowered his face to hers. Her lips were soft. Supple and giving. Sweet from the gazzi. She took his breath away.

  She pulled back suddenly, panting, and lifted her fingertips to her mouth. Her eyes were wide, wondering.

  “What are you doing to me?” she whispered.

  He stroked the back of his hand down the side of her face. His heart damned near stopped when she turned into his caress.

  “Come into the water with me?”

  Her lips curved in a small, almost not there smile.

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  And he wasn’t going to. He stepped back enough to pull the shirt over his head, and then reached for the snap on his trousers. Even in the tiny shadowed little cove he could see her blush seconds before she whirled to put her back to him. He chuckled, dropped his pants, and moved out into the water.

  “It’s okay, baby, you can’t see a thing,” he called out, letting desire thicken his voice. Trying to coax her, seduce her into joining him. He didn’t sense denial or retreat. It was curiosity, yearning that he felt. “The water is wonderful. Join me.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and when she saw he was in up to his waist faced him all the way. She tugged the corner of her lip between her teeth. “Is it warm?”

  “Yes. You should come in.”

  Indecision was easy to read on her face, but after a moment it cleared.

  “Turn around,” she demanded.

  He only took orders from Roarr. He wasn’t sure how he felt about his der’lan trying it, but if it got her into the water with him, he’d comply. For now. It wasn’t long before he heard her splashing into the water. He didn’t turn around, but he kept his gaze averted as she moved out before him. The sea lapped at her collarbone when she finally stopped and faced him. He had to approach her. He couldn’t help himself. For the first time since he’d met her, she looked happy. At peace.

  “I was right,” he teased. “You are a sea fairy.”

  She laughed. “I miss the ocean. Thank you,” she said, sobering.

  “Oh, don’t do that, baby,” he said, moving even closer. When she didn’t pull away, he set his hands on her hips and slowly tugged her to him. “I made you happy for a minute there.”

  He wanted her to feel that all the time. He wanted her to give him the chance to give her that contentment. She lifted her hands to cup his face, smiled, gave a slight shake of her head.

  “You can’t make someone else happy, Kaje. And who said I’m unhappy?”

  He did. He could see it in her eyes. But telling her that wouldn’t get her to open up. It wouldn’t get her to accept him.

  “Do you ever relax, Parker?” he asked instead. “Do you ever let go?”

  She stiffened though she didn’t pull away. He wasn’t sure why, but he wasn’t complaining.

  “I’m not like you. I’m not easy and outgoing.”

  No. He could see that she wasn’t. She was reserved, serious, almost shy. That would never change, but he wanted to know the woman behind the walls. He didn’t expect her to show that person to anyone else. Hell, he liked that she wouldn’t. That probably made him selfish. What warrior wasn’t when it came to his der’lan? She shuddered and leaned her forehead against his chest. He assumed she knew what he was feeling. She didn’t share her thoughts about it, though. Instead she lifted her head and met his gaze. He tunneled his hands into her hair and stared into her eyes.

  “Are you going to kiss me again?” she whispered.

  “I’m thinking about it,” he said.

  He’d only meant to tease her, only meant to draw her out of her shell and get to know her. But he’d seriously overestimated his self control. He wanted her with a force that shook him. Her eyes widened as she moved away and dove under the water. She came up for air a few feet away.

  “You’re a little intense. I’m not used to inspiring that kind of emotion from men.”

  “The men you know are idiots, der’lan.” He held his hand out. “Come back.”

  She offered him a sultry smile. “That’s a bad idea.”

  “Really?” he asked, lightly, moving towards her, pleased that she didn’t retreat. “I think it’s the best idea I’ve had since I met you.”

  They’d moved into shallower water and she tried to cover her breasts with her arms. He took her wrists, careful to be gentle, and tugged her hands away.

  “Don’t hide from me, baby,” he said. “So pretty.”

  She laughed. “I think the sun has fried your brains, Kaje.”

  He grinned. “Is that right?”

  He wrapped one arm around her waist, holding her close, pressing his cock against her belly, and kissed her.


  Parker didn’t know how everything got so out of control. Even stranger she didn’t want to stop what was happening. Didn’t want to stop him. His kiss was demanding, almost frantic. Exhilarating. For a woman who’d always chosen safe, predictable men the excitement was irresistible. He cupped her breast with his free hand and broke the kiss to lower his head to take
her nipple between his lips. His mouth was greedy, sucking and nipping. Harder and rougher, until pain and pleasure mingled and she gasped. She bowed her back, offering more, and thrust her hands into his hair to hold him close.

  She felt more than heard his growl. There were no longer any mental shields between them. No barriers between his desires and hers. She experienced what he did, knew what he wanted before he could ask. She wrapped her legs around his waist and rubbed her pussy over the length of his cock. She had to have him inside her. Couldn’t wait another minute. He lifted his head and stared into her eyes as she reached between their bodies to guide him.

  He froze when she wrapped her hand around his cock. She wished she could see better. His face was stark, his body vibrating with leashed power. His erection filled her hand and she was fascinated by the feel of him. The contrast between the hard length and silky soft skin. She wanted to taste him.

  He groaned. “You can explore later, baby. I need inside you now. I can’t wait.”

  Neither could she. She positioned the head of his cock at her entrance and slowly pushed down. He filled her, stretched her. It felt incredible. She wanted to drag it out and make the pleasure last forever, but he had other ideas.

  “Next time. I promise,” he whispered, as if he knew exactly what she was thinking. Hell, he probably did.

  Then he gripped her hips and thrust up. He set a fast, hard rhythm. Thrust, withdraw, thrust. Her body wound tighter, the pleasure pushing all thoughts but coming out of her mind. She clung to him while he fucked her, reaching for the orgasm that seemed just out of reach. When she couldn’t stand it a moment more, he moved a hand between them and rubbed her clit in firm circles.

  “Come for me, der’lan.”

  His demand shimmered in her mind. She couldn’t have resisted if she tried. It was beyond pleasure. Her muscles clenched around him as she came. She gripped his shoulders, bending to his nape and biting to hold back her cries. The aggression snapped his control and he plunged into her one, two more times before coming too. His shout was triumphant, his embrace almost bruising.

  It was a long time before her heart stopped racing and her breathing evened. She lowered her legs, but was so unsteady she had to cling to him. She’d never felt so satiated. She was limp, wrung out. Kaje swung her up in his arms and began walking back to the beach. He set her down on the stairs and gathered their clothes.


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