Book Read Free


Page 12

by Phil Maxey

  One of the men from earlier rushed inside. “We’re being attacked!”

  Everyone in the hall started leaving, pushing and shoving to get outside. Clovis grimaced as arms and legs pushed against him, but he kept limping forward towards Abbey who was on the ground trying to understand if Raj was alive or dead.

  Clovis stopped trying to walk, reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small handgun, then pointed it at her head. “You killed my boys…” His words came out broken and drenched in sadness.

  Abbey looked up at him with defiance in her eyes. He sneered and just as his arm tensed the world around them exploded into splinters of wood and glass. Abbey instinctively covered Raj on the ground.

  Mo stood in the library, his wings almost reaching both sides. He immediately swung one of them around catching Clovis and sending him crashing backwards.

  “Help me with him!” She shouted towards her pet.

  Mo’s head bobbed and he reached down, grabbing Raj around the shoulders and hoisted him up.

  Abbey looked back as the man she hated more than any she had ever come across, tried to get back to his feet searching for his gun.

  She hesitated, looking around for something that she could end his life with, but the sounds of explosions and gunfire distracted her from outside.

  Clovis looked back at her and their eyes met. She then followed Mo who was carrying Raj through what was left of the large windows, back onto the street.

  * * * * *

  The front door splinted into pieces as Zach smashed it open with his shoulder. Running inside with Fiona, Michael and Wyatt, a crab like creature as big as a car, slammed into the front of the house just behind them. They fired their automatic rifles back through the gaping hole that was once the doorway, but the bullets bounced off the creature’s dark blue shell.

  Zach ran up the stairs to the second floor, while clicking on his radio. “Could do with some help! Over.”

  Pinchers snapped away at the wall which made up the front of the double story home, knocking out chunks.

  “Try again!” Shouted Fiona at the young man.

  “It’s no good, it’s already been imprinted by another Cascader!”

  Pieces of wood flew along the hallway and clattered against the walls.

  “You must be able to do something?”

  Wyatt frowned but closed his eyes once again to try to influence the beast that was slowly dismantling the structure around them. After a few seconds he let out breath. “It’s not listening to me.”

  Fiona nodded. “Get to the back, see if there’s any other E.L.F’s you can control around here.”

  He moved off into the kitchen, looking out the windows to the patio and tried to sense any other creatures around them. He could sense plenty, that wasn’t the issue. The problem was, every one he came across so far was already under the control of another Cascader. Taking a deep breath and trying to steady his nerves while the others shot at the thing that had already devoured the front section of the building, he pushed his thoughts and feelings further out, beyond the E.L.F’s in the town.

  As if a key in a lock fell into place, he felt the tingling sensation of something that was pure, not sullied by control.

  Zach ran back down the stairs, hopping over the bannister to keep away from the crumbling walls of the hallway near the entrance. “Bower’s tied up where he is, we’re on our own.”

  The creature’s pincher scythed through the front of the house, completely collapsing it. Zach and the others fell backwards, then jumped to their feet, pushed the patio doors open and ran out into the back yard. The air around them was full of roars, repeated snaps and screeches as a light rain fell.

  “Can you sense the Cascaders? The direction they are in?” Said Zach to Wyatt.

  It was a question the younger man already had an answer for, because the moment they drove into the outskirts of the town, he sensed them. He pointed to the north.

  Zach turned to Fiona and Michael. “Meet up with Bower—”

  Fiona looked back at him, scrunching her face. “We’re not leaving you!”

  “I’ll be fine. Meet up with Bower at the other bunker entrance.” He looked at Wyatt. “Keep them safe.” Wyatt nodded.

  They all ran to the rear gate, pushing it open and then out into the alleyway. Trashcans and an abandoned sedan with open doors looked back at them.

  Zach started backing off, towards the direction Wyatt had just indicated. “Go!”

  Fiona wanted to go with him, wanted to help protect him. She couldn’t lose the only other man that meant something to her.

  Michael put his hand on her arm. “Come on.”

  Zach turned and started running. Past the car and across the puddles, which were littered with plastic children toys. What am I doing? How am I going to find her?

  Ignoring the fact that he had no answers to either of the questions, he slowed as he approached the end of the path, briefly looking back. The others had gone. He peered around the corner into the street. It was empty and the sound of battle was happening somewhere behind him.

  Ruins of buildings lay all around. It reminded him of imagery from destroyed cities in world war two. He then had an idea and looked up at the sky. If he was lucky maybe Mo would be flying overhead, and that would allow him to zero in on where Abbey was.

  Running across the street he stepped onto the sidewalk and then scrambled across mounds of bricks and blocks that once were the rear wall to a three-story building. A stairwell appeared in front of him and he thought about running into it, but decided not too, as the whole structure looked like it was about to fall. Instead he kept on going, across the yard and into the next street. The sound of vehicles pulled him along the sidewalk, and then to the corner of a building which looked out to a junction. In the distance small groups of people ran in various directions. E.L.F’s accompanying them. A particular bearded individual seemed to be directing everyone. He pulled out his binoculars from his pack and looked again.

  Scanning the scene, Abbey wasn’t one of the anxious looking people. He looked at the buildings ahead trying to ascertain which he could make it to without being seen, when he heard it. A squawking that despite all the other E.L.F noises around him, he recognized. “Mo…”

  The sound was coming from somewhere in the major road which led out of the town, and was growing fainter. He had to go after it, but it was at least fifty yards to get across the junction and he would be completely exposed. He held his binoculars up once again and looked towards all the commotion. A few guards were still standing outside certain buildings, but everyone else had driven off.

  He waited for them to be looking the other way then sprinted forward, bundling to the ground behind a small wall on the other side of the road. His heart beat in his ears as he tried to hear Mo once more, but there was no distinctive sound.

  He knelt and peered over the wall. The guards were still standing in the same place.

  He plotted his path across the grass and what obstructions he could use to block anyone’s view of him, then set off again. It wasn’t long before he was clear and free and in the wide road which ran up to the hill.

  For a moment he froze, not quite believing that he could see the back of Abbey, Raj and the large feathered wings of Mo some hundred yards ahead. He went to shout out, but thought better of it. Looking over his shoulder, he ran along the sidewalk, his anticipation almost making his arms and legs seize up.

  He went to shout out when Mo spun around. Abbey and Raj did so too.

  She put her hand to her mouth then ran forward, as did Zach, both of them stopping a few yards short of each other. The sounds of battle raging played out in the town behind them.

  “Are you okay?” Said Zach inching forward.

  Tears started running down her cheeks and she ran forward and flung her arms round him, followed by a kiss.

  “I’m okay but Raj has a concussion. There’s a house at the top of the hill, where we have some of our things. Are the
re others with you?”

  He smiled and nodded. “Let’s get to that house.”

  They all then walked up the slope as quickly as they could.


  Bower looked out from the second floor window of an old farmhouse, across the dark landscape to the small lights which burned at the center of town. In the valleys in-between white mist curled and crept.

  Fiona walked into the small bedroom. “We just got a message from Mitchell, they say they have secured most of their population in bunkers eighteen to twenty-four. And they are holding the E.L.F’s at bay for now.” Bower nodded while still looking out. “She also said if you hadn’t arrived when you did, they would all be dead.”

  This time Bower turned and looked at the face of a woman who had aged during the time he had known her. “I guess coming all this way was worth it then?”

  She smiled.

  “Her people are hunkered down for the night?”

  “Everyone’s secured in the cattle barn. Combining what they could spare and ours, we have around seven platoons or two companies, depending on how you and Zach want to go. And including our Cascaders we have fifteen people able to control the E.L.F’s”

  “Let’s hope that’s enough.”

  A noise came from the landing behind Fiona.

  “It’s going to have to be,” said Zach. “We’re the only line of defense for those in the bunkers.”

  “There’s more troops on the way to the outpost from the camp, but we’re talking five days at the earliest that they can get here,” said Bower.

  Fiona looked at Zach. “How is she?”

  “Resting. She jealous that we went to space.”

  “She’s not the only one,” said Bower with a smirk.

  “Raj had more information on our Hulathen friends. Probably best both of you sit down.”

  Within a few minutes Zach had relayed what Raj and Abbey had told him. Bower and Fiona sat silent, with the occasional open mouth gasp.

  “So this shit has been in people for generations.” Bower looked at Zach. “She knows none of this madness is on her right?”

  “She knows…”

  “And if we get enough Cascaders together, we can stop what’s happening to the land?” Said Fiona.

  “That’s what Raj was told.”

  “How do we know these Hulafucks won’t try and stop us? Or wipe us all out to cover their tracks?” Said Bower.

  “We don’t. But we need to have a plan if that’s how it plays out.” Zach stood back up. “One problem at a time though. We need to help carry out Abbey’s plan, and save as many of the Cascaders down there as possible. Maybe this Erin guy can be persuaded to stop the siege.”

  Bower sighed heavily.

  “If they don’t Cole, we will take them out.”

  “Abbey onboard with that?” Said Fiona.

  “Yes.” It was a lie, but one that had to be told to the two people in front of him. “Abbey’s going to go back into town tomorrow, with our demands.” Each word of that plan threatened to get lodged in his throat, but he knew it was the best way to stop bloodshed.

  “Meanwhile we get our people in place?” Said Bower.

  Zach nodded.

  * * * * *

  Abbey stepped out into the bracing cool of the night air. Closing the rear door of the farmhouse as quietly as she could, she made her way across the muddy yard towards the voices and burning fires of the cattle barn. Walking around discarded rusting machinery she joined a small crowd that were warming their hands on the flames emanating from a few metal drums.


  She looked across the faces to one she recognized. “Burt!”

  The burly man walked around behind the others, hugged her then pulled back. “I wasn’t sure you were still alive!”

  She smiled.

  “Did you—” His eyes flicked left and right at the others around them. He then leaned in a bit closer. “Is he dead?”

  She shook her head. “I almost got him. But no, he’s in the town. What about you? How’s it been going in the bunkers?”

  He turned slightly to continue warming his hands. “We kept those bastards back. Took losses but most of the civilians are safe in the remaining bunkers. I’m looking forward to getting back down there tomorrow and putting those people and their monsters down.”

  Abbey remained silent but nodded.

  From the mass of people trying to get some sleep in the barn, one stood and walked out of the gloom. “Abbey?” Said Miles standing a few yards behind her.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  He walked closer to her. “Can we talk somewhere?”

  “Umm, sure.” She turned to Burt. “I’ll catch you again later.” He nodded, and she and Miles walked away, to another small barn. This one was more closed off to the elements and was empty of people. They both walked inside, standing near the door to at least be able to see each other a bit, lit by the fire outside.

  “Are you ok?” She said.

  “I’m fine. It’s going around that there’s a guy called Erin Santiago in charge in the town?”

  “You know him?”

  “Everyone in Arena town knew him, and his gang.”

  A fusion of thoughts sparked in her mind and she suddenly realized why when Erin mentioned being a ‘creature coach’ it seemed so recognizable. “He was one that fought in the arena?”

  Miles stepped back and sat down on an old wooden crate. “He was Hemming’s main guy. Kept all of Cascaders in line. He was not a man you said no too. Anyway I just thought you should know.”

  She smiled. “Thanks. I—” A crunching noise came from the mud outside, and the door pushed open. It was Zach.

  “Hey…” He then spotted Miles sitting on the crate. “Everything alright?”

  Abbey smiled. “Everything’s fine. There’s someone near the fire I want you to meet.”


  Abbey looked down the long street which eventually cut through the center of the town. E.L.F’s were already waking in the distance which combined with the sound of the Humvee driving away behind her. Her mind kept wanting to jump back to the night she had just spent trying to get some rest. Zach told her he forgave her for leaving, but she wasn’t sure she deserved it. Hours passed with them just laying next to each other, each one with a mind full of things to say, but none of them able to say them. They still loved each other, but something had changed and she wasn’t sure what that meant for the future. For now though she just needed to concentrate on surviving the next few hours.

  A light breeze wafted over her, making her shiver a little. She looked up until she caught the silhouette of Mo’s outline in the sky, and started walking.

  In this section of the town, some homes still stood, although all were damaged to some degree. She thought about running across the overgrown lawns to explore some of the kitchens and basements she was walking past, like she had done on her travels up to where she was now, but the sooner she found Erin the quicker all of this craziness could be done with. He’ll listen…

  She wanted to believe he would. Cascaders need to stand together to help fight the threat they were all facing.

  As she walked along the damp sidewalk and road, something started to bother her. She was not sensing any E.L.F’s around her. Only the ones that belonged to the Cascaders ahead. She felt the same lack of activity at the farmhouse during the night, and now she was outside, her senses confirmed it. When she was in the town almost a week before, the place was teeming with creatures, now there were just the twenty or so that were already imprinted.

  She stopped for a moment, and closed her eyes trying to sense the closest none Cascader E.L.F, and she couldn’t feel one. It was almost as if they all had been scared off or maybe it was something else.

  She took a deep breath then continued walking. Soon she was back in familiar territory, surrounded by the almost absolute devastation of the small town. She could sense the E.L.F’s knew she was there, which meant their m
asters knew as well.

  Stepping over fallen power lines and masts, she walked down the center of the road. The public library and buildings she knew the Cascaders were staying in were not too far off. Instinctively she stopped. They’re close.

  The sound of masonry being moved came from her left, and a plume of dust rose up from behind some buildings. She steadied herself. The large insect like creature she saw in the parking lot the day before slid around the side of a building, then onto the road and stopped thirty or so yards in front of her. Its head rose up and watched her.

  The sound of footsteps came from the same direction and soon Erin appeared, flanked by three others. They walked forward, over the front yards, avoiding potholes, stopping close to the E.L.F. Each of the two men and one woman had rifles in their hands. Erin did not.

  He walked towards Abbey, while she walked forward too. They both stopped ten feet from each other.

  “Why are you here?” He said.

  “You have to stop trying to get into the bunkers and leave those people alone.”

  “Right. And why would we do that?”

  “What did they do to you?”

  He paused then opened his arms out. “Look around you. It’s over. Everything. There is no government or system which will help keep you safe. It’s just pure survival. Beneath our feet are supplies. Lots of them, which we need. It’s as simple as that.”

  “Then why not let the people leave? Why are you killing them?”

  He smirked. “And you think they would just hand over what they have to us?” He stepped closer. “Abbey, the old-worlders will never accept you for who you truly are. Why do you fight on their side?”

  She blinked. His words pulled at her mind, despite her not agreeing with them. “And who am I?”

  “You’re a queen! A new ruler of the planet. I hesitate to even call it Earth anymore, as it’s something else now…Can’t you see what I’m saying is true?”


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