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Cooking Up A Seduction

Page 19

by Jenna Bayley-Burke

  The guest count rose to well over the fifty they’d expected. Without having to be told, her team moved furniture around to make more room for the guests. She swelled with pride at the team she’d created, hoping like hell she could do enough damage control tonight to keep them all employed.

  The waiters milled about with egg rolls and chicken sate, but few people dared try them. Her heart ached at the sight.

  “Smile, baby. It’s your party.” Lauren spun at the sound of her mother’s voice, her eyes bugging out of her head. Her mother looked fetching in her lavender slip dress and long flowing wrap. Her silver hair shined in the light.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I was invited. Good thing I didn’t give all my dresses to you.” Lauren had sent out the invitations herself, hoping to tempt her mother out of the house. But that was before everything went wrong, before only a morbid curiosity to learn what Cameron meant on the phone brought her to the party.

  Tugging her elbow, Lauren pulled her mother past the foyer and dining room, into the den. What do you know, the twinkle tree was here, and sparkling.

  “Mom, I told you, Cameron and I had a falling out. I explained everything to you – the wedding and the other caterer. I didn’t expect you to still come tonight.”

  “Why not? You came.”

  “I’m working. We’re short staffed.” She brushed non-existent lint from her skirt.

  “Playing hostess?”

  “No. I’m in the kitchen.”

  Emma grinned. “In that dress?”

  “In case someone sees me.”

  “Like when you’re answering the door?”

  Lauren groaned in frustration and pursed her lips together. It was one thing to risk abject humiliation by catering Cameron’s party, quite another to have her mother watching.

  “Baby, don’t be angry so long life passes you by. You hate that I’ve done it, so don’t make the same mistake.”

  “It’s not the same thing. You lost a husband and a child, a whole life. You’re allowed to be sad.”

  “They wouldn’t have wanted me to put my life on hold for five years.”

  “No, but they would have understood.”

  “Do you?” Her mother’s grassy green gaze peered through her.

  “I do now. I didn’t before.”

  “And you’re willing to walk away from everything I’d give my life to have one more day with?”

  “He doesn’t want to be all that to me, Mom. And I can’t settle for less. I need someone who understands why I have to have something besides my family, someone who knows that in my heart he’ll come first even if he doesn’t always on paper. I need to be more than someone’s wife, and he doesn’t want that from me anyway.”

  “What do you see when you look in his eyes?”

  Lauren’s mind flashed to the time on the piano when she glimpsed behind his walls, to the time under the Christmas tree when he let her in so deep he’d made love to her soul. Her lips trembled with the flood of emotion, and she rolled them in, biting them down to keep from crying.

  “Hold that thought.” Emma kissed her cheek, disappearing into the hall.

  Thankful for a moment alone to compose herself, Lauren sunk down on the couch and let her heavy head fall into her hands. She didn’t want to lose him, but she didn’t want to lose herself either.

  Footsteps tapped down the hall. Expecting her mother, Lauren looked up and gasped in shock. Cameron stepped into the room, his blue eyes made brighter by the French blue shirt he wore.

  His lip curled in a mischievous grin. “You don’t look like you’re in the mood for a party.”

  “I’ve had a nasty week.” She narrowed her eyes, wondering what he was up to.

  “I know. I’ve called everyone at the party and explained.”

  “You what! That will make me seem twice as guilty, as if I can’t even take responsibility for my own mistakes.”

  “Not really. I talked to the husbands, not the wives. Men are simpler than women. They got it.” He sat next to her on the couch. “We’ll build your reputation back up, one party at a time.”

  “It’s not just about the poison party, Cameron.”

  “You want me to apologize for needing you?”

  “No, I want you to be sorry for demanding I change my plans, then acting like a petulant child when I wouldn’t.”

  “Is it really any more childish than only telling me you love me when you think I am asleep?”

  Her eyes widened as she turned to stare at him. He did not just call her out when he should be apologizing! In turning to face him she got caught up in his stare, the bright blue gaze reaching inside of her to a place she vowed he would never touch again. She’d locked that door, but he had the key.

  “I love you too. In a way that goes beyond affection, which was what I thought love was. I love you with a depth and a trust I never imagined possible. It tears me up that you think I’d hurt you on purpose, that you don’t realize every hole in your soul is a hole in mine.

  “I never wanted to need anyone. I tried to keep my distance to keep from hurting you, because I think I knew you loved me before you said the words. I didn’t want to be responsible for disappointing you when I couldn’t be all that you need.”

  “That’s is a cop out. You can be anything you set your mind to.” She tilted her chin to keep it from trembling. He loved her.

  “I made a mistake out of anger, Lauren. Because I thought I couldn’t trust you, trust anyone, until you showed me I already did. I’ll make more mistakes, and so will you. I don’t think any two people as strong willed as we are will be good at this right off.”

  “This?” She didn’t know if she could trust his words, since they were exactly what she needed to hear.

  “Us. You were right, we’re terrible at dating. We should stop so that the next time we hit a bump, we both know there is no getting out of the car, unless it’s to push.”

  “Maybe we just need regular maintenance so we don’t break down.” She giggled at matching his car analogy.

  “You’re right. Next time we have a row, we keep talking until we see a solution. When we disagree, too many people are affected. Think of all the poor folks who had to find second-rate caterers and won’t have the holiday party they’d planned?”

  “Their loss for listening to gossip trolls.” She sat up straighter, actually feeling better. He had a point, clients would come back because Come For Dinner was good, better than their competition. And he had a point about them both lacking the best relationship communication skills.

  “I need you, Lauren.”

  “Excuse me?” Her heart hiccupped. She had to know exactly what he needed her for.

  Cameron knelt in front of her, his eyes glistening. “What I feel for you goes beyond wanting, Lauren. I need a woman who is my equal, who doesn’t depend on me to fill up her life. I like that you know who you are, and you don’t let that go for anyone, including me.

  “I love you. And I’ve hated this last week. I hadn’t realized how much I took for granted waking you up in the morning, or climbing into bed after you’d fallen asleep. Hated not having someone to talk to who didn’t want anything more from me than a smile. I don’t ever want to be without that again.”

  She felt the same way. Lauren smiled down at him, her thoughts dancing over the possibilities. He loved her, she loved him, and they both wanted to work this through, to make it more than either thought they’d find.

  “Let’s try this for real. You and me together.”

  “Seattle or New York?” She couldn’t move any time soon, not with all the effort her staff had put into the businesses, and the support her mother had given her ideas. Not for another two years at least.

  “Wherever you are. I’d hate having to be away from you so much if we stayed here. But I could make it work. As long as we don’t have kids before Anders steps down. Once I’m in control people will be willing to come to me.”

  “You want to hav
e a baby?”

  “Don’t you?” Her gaze met his and locked, staring until she felt herself melt into him, into the truth.

  “Eventually. I’m only twenty-six.”

  “Then waiting is no problem.”

  She shook her head. He loved her, wanted to be with her, and wanted to have babies with her, someday.

  “This was the worst idea I’ve ever had.”

  “Excuse me?” She fisted his shirt, pulling him up to face her. She’d kill him. She’d taken self-defense classes. She’d use every move.

  “I want nothing more than to spend the night showing you how much I love you, and we have a party going on outside that door. Do you think we can ditch our own party?”

  Lauren thought of the tangle of people milling around the house. She didn’t need to get caught up in it to celebrate. “I’m thinking we could have a private party, right here.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She closed her eyes and he kissed her like her lips belonged to him. Just the way she liked it. She didn’t like it at all when he stopped. Or the ridiculous grin on his face.

  “Your mother is in this house. I’m not letting her find us in any compromising positions.”

  “Fine. If we’re actually going to have dinner I should warn you. Diego’s menu is Asian, which he’s a master at, but you’re going to starve because it’s all delicious sauces and tiny pieces.”

  “I love Chinese food. I asked for classy take-out.”

  “You asked for messy food?”

  “This is a party, not a working dinner. Though, I do have a few things I need to take care of.”

  “Of course you do.” Lauren stepped back and smoothed the shoulders of his blue shirt.

  He placed a sweet kiss on the top of her head before heading back to the fray. She shook her head, disappointment soon replaced by relief that they hadn’t jumped back in over their heads so soon after finding common ground.

  On her way back to the party, she checked in on the kitchen, a bustling flurry of chopping and frying. She opened her mouth to direct the hors d’oeuvres service, but froze as her gaze settled on the dozens of champagne bottles covering the table. That had not been in the budget.

  “Diego, tell me Cameron ordered those cases.”

  “I could tell you that.” He turned from the woks he was tending at the stove. He tilted his lips in a grin that had no place in her kitchen. “Sparkling wine pairs well with the menu.”

  She stepped to him and hoped her whisper wouldn’t be overheard. “I need to approve an invoice of that size. Budgeting is really tricky right now.”

  “I paid cash.” He turned to his woks, flipping a rainbow of vegetables into the air.

  She grabbed his arm, digging her nails into the muscles of his biceps. “If any checks bounce because of this, I’m going to have you pay the fee. You can’t make purchases that large without consulting me.”

  Diego shook her off. “Loverboy paid for it, I just picked it out. But maybe we should talk about your definition of partnership.”

  Ouch. But still. “Communication is key.”

  “You didn’t want to know anything about this party.” He tossed the vegetables in a perfect arc again. Whenever she tried that something always flew out.

  “Since when did you start sugar-coating things?”

  “Life needs sugar, or the sweet and sour shrimp will make everyone pucker. You’ll have a room full of duck-faced guests.” He made the face until they both started laughing.

  Anne breezed into the kitchen with a basket of leftover red table linens. “You’re mama is looking for you, sugar. Best scoot before we put you to work.”

  Lauren gave her a half-hug on her way out the door. Her mother wasn’t hard to find. It seemed she slipped back into her social butterfly ways, animated in conversation with a handful of women. She made her way to her mother’s side to hear talk of a trip to Italy. When her mom got out of the house, she did it in a big way.

  Cameron’s rich baritone filled the air behind her. “Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate the holidays with us tonight.” Lauren turned to watch him descend the staircase, his blue eyes made brighter by the French blue shirt he wore. Halfway down he paused, smiling at the clutter of people. The music cut out and he began to speak.

  “I have a confession to make, and an apology. A few of you were at a dinner here last week that we all regretted. Lauren missed it because she was catering a wedding. But because I’m used to getting what I want, I thought she should cancel on the wedding to have dinner with me.” A snicker came from the crowd. “Thanks, I thought it was a better offer too. But Lauren honored her commitment. And I messed up.

  “I didn’t want anyone to think there was trouble in paradise, so I said she’d taken care of everything before she left. When in fact, I’d called another caterer.”

  She wanted to applaud the gasps and groans, as well as his public admission. She didn’t know if she’d have the guts to admit her mistakes in front of so many people.

  “A few of you might have heard the food at that dinner was a nightmare that wouldn’t end. Those of you there that night, I’m sorry, and I suffered with you. Lauren too because she had to take care of me.

  “I also owe an apology to the Come For Dinner staff. I got an earful this week. They take pride in what they do and are quite annoyed that I let people think they had anything to do with that night.”

  Diego must have read him the riot act. Good for him, standing up for their brand. Lauren was glad everything was out in the open. Hopefully it would be enough to keep her business from dissolving.

  Cameron clapped his hands together, stealing her attention again. He took a deep breath and looked directly at her. “There is one more thing I need to share before we get this party going.”

  He stepped down the stairs, the tangle of people parting as he made his way to her. Her heart beat louder in her ears with every step he took, hammering so loud the quiet crowd must have heard it when he took her left hand.

  Cameron got down on one knee in front of her. Lauren felt her mother’s steadying hand at her back as she started to swoon.

  “I love you, Lauren. I never thought I’d meet someone strong enough to stand up to me, understanding enough to accept who I am, willing to try anything once,” Cameron pulled a velvet box from his pocket, opening it to show her the most gorgeous ring she’d ever seen.

  A brilliant princess cut diamond flanked by rows of sparkling baguettes that made the whole ring light up. Her gaze met his and locked, staring until she felt herself melt into him, into the truth.

  Cameron’s lip curled into a mischievous grin. “I promise to eat all my vegetables, as long as you make them.”

  Lauren began to laugh and nodded, wiggling her finger so he could slip the ring on. With it firmly on her finger he stood, wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her like her lips belonged to him. Just the way she liked it.

  Boxed Lunch :: sandwich, two sides and a dessert

  Sack Lunch :: sandwich, chips and a cookie

  Sampler :: three salads and a dessert


  Roast Turkey & Provolone on Sourdough Roast Beef & Cheddar on Ciabatta

  Chicken Salad Spinach Wrap Muffaletta on Focaccia

  Black Forest Ham & Swiss on Marble Rye Club Sandwich on Croissant


  Red Potato & Bacon Coleslaw Chicken Curry

  New Potato & Pea Tarragon Tuna Pasta Beet & Blue Cheese

  Tossed Green Greek Pasta Cantaloupe Strawberry


  Banana Cake Chocolate Chunk Cookie Rugelach

  Chocolate Fudge Cake Oatmeal Coconut Cookie Brownie

  Cantaloupe & Strawberry Salad

  Wisk together a tablespoon in honey, the juice of one lime, two tablespoons chopped red onion, salt and pepper. Add a cup of chopped cantaloupe, a cup of halved strawberries, half a cup of sliced and seeded cucumber and a tablespoon of chopped mint. Toss together. Best
at room temperature.

  Red Potato & Bacon Salad

  Slice a pound of red potatoes. Boil ten minutes, then drain. Cook four slices of bacon until crisp. Remove from pan and crumble. In bacon drippings, saute a quarter cup chopped red onion. When soft, add a half cup of wine vinegar, a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of mustard, salt and pepper. Toss dressing with cooked potatoes, bacon, a quarter cup of crumbled blue cheese and three scallions, chopped. Best at room temperature.

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  All it takes to light a flame is…just one spark.

  Hannah Daniels can’t get enough of steamy romance novels, and with her busy schedule she has no choice but to read them in public. Like at the laundromat. While sitting on top of a washing machine going through the spin cycle.

  When impulsive firefighter Mason McNally notices Hannah reading a tiny red paperback while sitting atop a running washing machine at the neighborhood Laundromat he’s instantly intrigued by her beauty, boldness, and raw sensuality. The problem? He forgot he happened to be wearing a wedding ring.


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