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Diablo Blanco Club, Unfair Advantage

Page 10

by Qwillia Rain

  “Not good, Lawrence.”

  The rumble of disappointment in his voice was so heavily laced with amusement Mattie couldn’t feel bad about misbehaving. Working her way back onto her elbows, she watched him rise over her, his mouth damp from her body’s climax. Dropping her gaze to the thick wedge of flesh pressing against his trousers, she bit her lip to keep from moaning. It had felt so good under her fingertips. And the flavor of his cum had her mouth watering for more. She’d always thought the stories about women who liked to swallow were male fantasies until now.

  Lifting her eyes to his, she didn’t bother hiding her smug grin. “What?”

  “Did I give you permission?” His hands assisted her in sitting upright and then lifted her to stand against him beside his desk.

  Attempting to adopt a contrite look, Mattie shook her head. “No. Sorry.”

  “Pushing, baby?”

  The challenge in his tone had Mattie’s body on alert. Meeting his gaze, she realized though the amusement was still there, it was banked beneath the firm resolve he often displayed when entering into hardball negotiations. What she wasn’t sure of was just how far he’d allow her to push. She dropped her eyes again to the bulge behind his trousers. The evidence of his arousal had moisture gathering between her thighs. That brief touch hadn’t been enough, and here he stood, taunting her.

  Lifting her eyes to his, she offered a chagrined look. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” Allowing her fingers to drift over his firm chest, she waited, holding his gaze until her hands reached his waistband.

  “Are you suggesting a bribe, Lawrence?”

  She shook her head. “No, not a bribe. More like an incentive.” She licked her lips as she glanced back at his face.

  His fingers threaded through her tangled curls, tilting her face to his as he lowered his lips to hers. “It would depend on just what you have to offer.”

  The stroke of his tongue over her lips had Mattie’s eyes falling to half-mast. Her fingers fumbled with the belt, button, and zipper on his pants, but she was able to gain access to the heated length of his cock. The smooth crown was damp against her fingertips, the evidence of his arousal leaking in tiny pearls from the slit. Keeping one hand around his crest, she smoothed her thumb over and around the soft flesh, while her other hand gripped his shaft with the firmness he’d shown her earlier and massaged his length from tip to base.

  “Mmm.” She purred against his mouth as his lips parted and his teeth nipped at the swollen curve of her bottom lip. “Would you like me to demonstrate?”

  Taking a last swipe of her mouth with his tongue, Bryce smiled and lifted his head. “Please do. I’m interested in seeing if I’ll like this incentive as much as you appear to.”

  His fingertips flexed against her scalp as she caressed his skin with her mouth. First, she moved over his chin, her teeth scraping at the beard stubble along his jaw, then farther down, sampling the taste of his skin along his throat. From there, Mattie investigated the texture of the firm brown disks on his chest, dusted with white blond curls. She discovered the application of her teeth and some suction yielded even more fluid from his cock, easing the slide of her hand up and down the shaft.

  The tip of his erection was almost even with his navel by the time Mattie had settled on her knees in front of him. Abandoning the salty flavor of his skin, she focused her attention on the thick evidence of his arousal. In slow, smooth swipes, she learned the full length of his penis. From base to tip, she investigated every vein, ridge, and wrinkle using her lips and tongue. Again and again, she bathed his flesh, licking away the creamy residue he produced and murmuring her enjoyment of its flavor.

  The smell of his skin intoxicated her. The taste had her thighs streaked with her own juices. If he’d let her, she could easily lose herself for hours just learning about this part of him. When the back of her hand brushed the heated sac beneath, she moved her mouth down as well. The scent was heavier, and a light dusting of curls covered the skin as she licked at the pouch before taking part of it into her mouth and suckling it.

  Above her Bryce cursed, his fingers twisted in her hair, pulling at her scalp. The pain sent heat shooting directly to her pussy, increasing the juices flooding her channel and seeping onto her thighs.

  “Fuck!” Bryce was mesmerized by the sight of his woman going down on him. The fierce hold he had on her hair eased as he realized it was actually painful to her when she moaned against his flesh. A strange emotion stirred in the back of his mind, sending a twist to his gut as he pondered which of her previous lovers had taught her these tricks. Who had shown her that pressure applied in just that spot could make a man’s eyes roll back in his head?

  Despite his years of training, he fought the urge to explode as she worked his balls with her mouth, rolling and sucking on first one side, then the other, before releasing them to return to his shaft. “You keep teasing me like that, baby, and I’ll add another punishment to the one you’ve already earned.” His threat was couched in a throaty rumble. Even he had a hard time recognizing his own voice.

  Slumberous chocolate brown eyes blinked up at him as she lifted her head. The dazed look in her eyes had another curse slipping free. Taking his own cock in his hands, he rubbed the tip along her bottom lip, coating the pink curve with his seed.

  He had to once again fight shooting his load when her tongue whispered over her lip before scooting around the head, lapping up the droplets slipping free. “Goddamn it, baby, just suck it!” He growled, pressing his cock forward, easing it past her lips, then cursing again as it butted up against her teeth.

  The wet suction of her mouth morphed his curse into a groan, as she moved forward, taking as much of his length as was comfortable. Wrestling the need to thrust hard into the wet cave of her mouth, Bryce used every focusing method he knew to regain control. The stroke of her hand against the remainder of his shaft worked in tandem with the roll of her tongue around the part she suckled in her mouth.

  Again his fingers clenched in her hair, adjusting her movements to draw out the sensations curling through his balls and winding up his spine. “That’s it,” he encouraged, his gaze reading the bliss spreading across her face. The concentration evident in her ministrations was visible on her face. With his impending climax near, he halted her motions.

  “Lawrence,” he rasped. “Look at me.”

  Her moaned protest had him fighting a smile. “Baby, I’m gonna come,” he warned her. “Look at me,” he ordered this time. Her eyes lifted to him. “You need to take it all. Don’t waste a drop.”

  A short nod was her only response before her hands and mouth resumed their attentions. Short moments later, he allowed his release to roll through him. Trying to control the speed and amount of ejaculate he spilled, Bryce watched as Mattie received it without difficulty. She followed his directive and never spilled a bit as the spurts neared their end. He eased his still-firm penis from between her lips.

  Drawing her to her feet, he walked her away from his desk to the leather sofa. Settling her on a cushion, he crossed to the wet bar to pull a bottle of water from the minifridge. After twisting off the cap, he took a quick swig, then returned to her side to hold it to Mattie’s lips. When she lifted her hands to take the bottle from him, he used his free hand to stop her. “No, let me.”

  Again, she followed his command without question. Allowing him to set the pace for the water to flow into her mouth, she drank as much as he gave her and only stopped when he took the bottle away.

  “That was a very nice incentive, baby.” He smiled at her, enjoying the brief glow of triumph that lit her eyes when she seemed to think he wouldn’t be meting out a punishment for her orgasm. “But you still broke rule number four.”

  “No coming without permission,” she whispered, resignation in her voice.

  But the triumph didn’t diminish, making him wonder if she was testing to see if she could sway his decisions. If so, she would soon learn there was little he wouldn’t do
and very little that would draw him away from his course.

  Easing his cock back into his pants, he fastened them before pulling his belt free. “Hands.” He waited for her to comply.

  Holding her hands out to him, he could feel Mattie watching him as he settled the belt around both wrists, then drew it tight. “Does it hurt?” he queried, sliding his fingers along the edge of the leather, checking to see if it bit into her skin.

  Her hands twisted and tugged lightly. “No, it doesn’t hurt.” Her voice was soft, almost as if she was somewhat dazed.

  Pulling on the belt, he drew her to her feet and led her to the cushioned ottoman. Grabbing a decorative pillow from the chair, he tossed it onto the floor. “Kneel.” He watched her carefully lower herself to the floor with her knees sunk into the soft cotton. Dropping the belt, he returned to his desk and retrieved the items he’d purchased for her.

  Her eyes followed him as he returned to sit in front of her on the ottoman. Each item was carefully scrutinized as he set it on the floor beside him. “Look at me, Lawrence.” He kept his tone steady and firm. Guiding her through the next challenge would determine the depth of her trust in him. When she raised her gaze to his, he ordered, “Tell me our safe word.”

  “Pirate.” She didn’t hesitate.

  “And when should you use it?”

  Her eyes seemed to search his for a clue as to why he was asking these questions, before she answered, “I should use it if I become frightened or if what is happening goes beyond what I’m comfortable with.”

  “Very good.” Bryce held up an item for her to see. “Do you know what these are?”

  Mattie nodded. “They’re nipple clamps.”

  “Sit up and hold your hands above your head.” He waited until her bottom came off her heels and her hands rose above her head to move the belt aside. Leaning forward, he cupped one round globe in his hand and lowered his lips to the soft red tip. Taking his time, Bryce suckled and laved the tip to a stiff peak, her breast swollen with arousal and her breath hitching with each pass of his tongue over the crinkled bud. While it was still damp from his lips, he fastened the thumb ring over the turgid bead and then lowered his mouth to the other crest. Treating it to the same attentions, he drew back when the tip was swollen and hard and then slipped the second thumb ring over it. Dangling between the two clips was a thin platinum chain without adornment, merely connected to the base of each clip.

  Smoothing his hand down her belly, Bryce grinned and marveled at the amount of moisture she’d produced between her thighs. “Does it feel good, babe?” he queried.

  Eyes half closed, Mattie smiled. “Yes,” she murmured, her hips undulating against his hand.

  “Nuh-uhn,” he warned, pulling his hand back to land a firm swat against her nether lips.

  A shudder trembled through her body. Fists clenched, eyes squeezed shut, Mattie moaned, her body arched toward him, and her breathing stopped for the barest moment before resuming. “Again.”

  God, she looked beautiful, the heat of excitement flushing her body, her breasts adorned and her pussy wet, dampening his hand and her thighs as she sought another tempered blow. But he had other plans. “No.”

  From the floor, he retrieved the next item and held it up for her perusal. “Are you familiar with this?”

  The trembling of her body increased. For a moment he wondered if the safe word would slip from her lips, but when she lifted her eyes to his, Bryce’s erection surged to life within his confining trousers. The pupils had expanded, leaving thin rings of chocolate around them.


  He waited as she swallowed and seemed to draw a deep breath, as if trying to calm herself.

  “It’s a flogger.”

  Oh Lord, the thoughts ran through her head, making her sway as she knelt before him. The sight of his dark, tanned chest, his cool green eyes assessing her every response, had her teetering on the verge of another orgasm. The sting of the clamps on her nipples had the muscles clenching in her womb. Her bound hands only increased the stimulation.

  Now this. She was sure to earn another punishment if he applied the flogger to her ass. In her research about BDSM she’d read about their use and construction. Some could be inexpensively made with leather or suede and a wooden dowel, while others could sell online for hundreds, if not close to a thousand dollars. The one Bryce teased her with was one of the less-decorative designs. A simple black leather handle with a multitude of tails dangling below. Some braided, terminating in thick little knots, while others were flat, half-inch-wide strips of hide.

  Taking his time, he rose from the footstool in front of her.

  “Lower your hands.” His order was cool as he gripped the dangling end of his belt.

  Her teeth nipped at her bottom lip as she followed his directive. The jostling of her breasts by the movement sent another zing of sensation through her body.

  “Lay across the stool, Lawrence. Breasts over the edge.”

  The wide, cushioned top was soft, cradling her body from ribs to midthigh. As she watched, Bryce deftly fastened the belt around the thick metal leg of the ottoman, allowing her to use her hands against the carpeted floor to brace her upper body, if necessary.

  “Since you only disobeyed once, baby, I think we’ll keep this part of your punishment to ten.”

  She couldn’t look over her shoulder to read his expression. Her hair, left loose, had fallen forward to blanket her head in soft brown curls. When the first blow landed, she gasped and squirmed against her cushion. No harder than the strike of his hand against her ass, the flogger’s different tails stung, but the same stirring of arousal tightened in her core.

  “Call off each one, Lawrence.”

  Following his direction, she called out, “One.”

  The next one struck lower, just below the curve of her ass and with more force. “Two.” She called off the next three in quick succession as the flogger landed heavily against her right cheek, her left cheek, and then both. The feelings coursing through her were nothing like the fear her father’s beatings had instilled. Unlike her father, Bryce controlled his strikes, never allowing more than a small measure of his strength to power his blows. Body shaking, breasts heaving with each sobbing breath, Mattie waited for the next one, anticipating the thud and the resultant pain-pleasure melding with the burn in her nipples.

  When it still hadn’t come, she let the words loose that she battled against. “Please, more, Bryce. Again.”

  “Are you sure?” His hand stroked over the heated curve of her ass, pushing between her thighs to spread the swollen lips of her pussy.

  She knew her juices had spilled free, soaking her curls and staining the expensive leather beneath, but she didn’t care. Only the pleasure enfolding her made sense, and the means of maintaining that sensual fire dangled from his left hand. So close. “God, please, Bryce. Five more. Just…” Her back arched, ass pushing upward as if seeking the caress of the flogger.

  Instead, the slow stroke of Bryce’s tongue moved from the top to the bottom of her slit, lapping up her cream, teeth scraping over her swollen clit, and then nipping at her labia. The pulse of her orgasm started in the flutter of her pussy lips. Wrestling to contain it, Mattie clawed at the carpet beneath her fingers.

  “No coming without permission, Lawrence,” was growled against her pussy just before Bryce shifted away and the sixth slap of the flogger was laid across her bottom.

  “Oh God, thank you, yes! Six,” she cried out, barely aware of her words as the climax receded beneath the wave of pain-pleasure. The remaining four were given in quick succession, her voice going hoarse as she fought the orgasm building inside.

  Chapter Eight

  Bryce watched her move around her office the next morning as he leaned in the doorway. The burgundy blouse tucked into a narrow gray skirt accentuated the full curves that had stirred his interest when she first barged into his life eight years earlier. The swish of her braid had him grinning as he recalled the muttere
d curses from the night before when she’d attempted to regain some control of her wild curls.

  “Lawrence,” he called out, keeping his expression neutral even as his cock hardened at the sight of her body freezing in place. “My office.”

  He didn’t check to make sure she followed. Leaving the door open, he waited until Mattie had crossed the threshold before using the intercom. “Dana, hold all calls for the next thirty minutes, please.”

  “Yes, sir.” The crisp response of the receptionist preceded the click of the door lock sliding into place.

  Collecting the nipple clamps from his desk drawer, he circled the desk and leaned against the front of it. “Blouse, bra, skirt, and panties, Lawrence.”

  In the same order he’d given, Mattie slid the buttons free on her blouse, shrugged it from her shoulders, and carefully folded it before handing it to him to place on the desk. The pale pink lace bra, gray skirt, and matching pink lace thong were quickly handed over, leaving her clad in sheer stockings and high-heeled gray pumps.

  Spreading his legs, Bryce eased her to stand between them, admiring the steady way she awaited his next command, her arms still at her sides. The urge to smile was pushed down as he watched her breasts flush, the nipples growing hard beneath his gaze. Lifting his eyes to the tiny triangle of skin at the base of her throat, he studied the increase in its flutter as her heartbeat accelerated and her breathing grew rapid.

  Raising the fingers of his left hand to her breast, he circled the areola, thumbing the hardening peak before pinching it between his forefinger and thumb. “Sore?”

  “Ju—” She cleared her throat. “Just tender.”

  “Hmm.” Taking his time, Bryce played with the tender nipple, tugging on it, giving it a little twist, gauging her response to each action. “Have you been thinking about your decision?” He kept his tone conversational, casual, the complete opposite of the intimate way in which he fondled first one breast before taking the crest in his mouth and turning his fingers loose on the other tip.


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