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I'm Into You

Page 2

by Kris Sawyer

  “Really, wow,” Sean said when Neil told him. “I never saw you as a tat guy. I’m sure Alec knows the right tattoo parlors and would advise you on those if you're serious about it.” Neil nodded with his mouth full of his fries. He was sure Alec could help him. He couldn’t imagine Alec being unable to help him with anything he wanted. It didn’t occur to Neil that everything he thought about or talked about by the end of the meal had Alec in there somehow. That bit of information did not go unnoticed by Sean.

  Neil was glad for the walk home because he felt stuffed. He thought about Alec and his tattoos. He also had a diamond tattoo on one shoulder that Neil liked as well. He wondered how painful it would have been to get these tattoos. He whistled as he entered his dorm room. There was a note from his dormmate on the desk. John said he’d be gone for a couple of days and that he had used some of his bread for sandwiches. He assured Neil he would pay him back. Neil chuckled. John was good about paying his way, even if he wasn’t around much.

  He took a shower, got into his flannel pants and tank top before kicking back on the couch. He had a book on Italian art that he wanted to read. The history was always interesting and it made him wonder what Alec would think about some of the paintings and sculptures that Neil had come across. There were comparative sculptors of Greek work, and one statue reminded him of Alec. Strong, muscular, powerful, yet kind, caring and gentle. When it got late, he decided to call it a night and went to bed. He soon drifted off to sleep and into his dreamland where everything was not as complicated as the reality was.

  “Good work out, Neil. You’re coming along nicely…it shows,” Alec said. Neil was in the shower and turned to face his mentor. Alec stood naked just a few feet away from him. His eyes scrutinized every inch of Neil’s body in admiration. Neil blushed but tried not to show it.

  “Thanks, Alec, but it’s nowhere like yours. Well, I don’t think anyone is quite like you,” he blurted without realizing his thoughts were spoken out loud. Alec didn’t seem to mind though. The heat in the man’s gaze matched the heat Neil felt in his loins.

  “Thanks,” he looked down at his body and moved his hand around his hairy chest before he gazed back up to say, “but it took years. You’re coming along fine. I certainly don’t have a problem with your results.”

  The fog from the steam got thicker as Alec stepped in closer. The smell of soap and his masculinity was strong in Neil’s nostrils. Both of them leaned closer at the same time as if reading each other’s minds, then back as if testing the intentions.

  “I don’t know anyone like you either, you know? I’m amazed that we’ve grown so close,” Alec said, stepping right up to him. They were face to face, Neil had to look up and it felt right. Having such a powerful man showing such obvious interest in him was intoxicating. When Alec licked his lips, Neil felt his heart do a slow roll.

  “M-Me…me too,” Neil stammered. He felt like it was his first time, with all the excitement that came with it.

  “I’m thankful that Sean introduced us,” Alec said, and Neil nodded with his mouth open in surprise at the look in Alec’s eyes. The man put a hand on Neil's shoulder and leaned further in for a kiss. Neil felt eagerness and his dick hardened as their lips touched. He couldn’t help but jerk away nervously when all he wanted was to lose himself in the kiss.

  “It’s alright darling. Everything will be alright, trust me,” Alec said softly. Somehow, it was easy enough for Neil to believe those words and he leaned back in, standing on his toes to match with the other man’s height. When their lips met this time, he didn’t pull away.

  The alarm on his nightstand chose that exact moment to go off and Neil awoke with a start. He was covered in sweat and his shorts were wet again. Uh oh.

  Chapter Three - Alec

  Alec opened the gym at 4 a.m. as usual. He straightened up his office then went to turn the tanning beds on and started the heating for the hot tubs in the back. Once everything was ready to go, he went back up front and got a protein shake along with his usual breakfast. As he drank it, he made sure the computer was booted and the register was set up with its float before he opened the doors. As he unlocked them, he watched Jane walking up right on time. She was always so punctual, it was impressive.

  “Morning boss, ready for another wonderful day?” she asked as she breezed past him. He chuckled and followed her to the desk.

  “Always, Janey. You?”

  She hung her light jacket up and smiled. “You know it. I’m booked all day after eight. Some good prospects too,” she told him, and he nodded. She was his most requested trainer, even beyond himself. He got it, though. Guys liked to have a sexy woman as their trainer. Right up until she got them working hard. Jane was as hardcore on her clients as she was on herself. Despite her hard body, she still managed to keep a sexy figure for her male clients. Her tanned body was clad in a red spandex half-top and cropped leggings.

  “You got me beat, my friend. I have Neil this morning and then a new lady, Martha, at one this afternoon,” he said.

  “In this world, Alec, you gotta show something to get something,” she said pragmatically and lifted her good-sized breasts briefly with a grin. “It isn’t right but that is how it is,” she said. He nodded.

  “I know. You do alright with it, though,” he commented, making her laugh.

  “That’s because they learn pretty quick not to try anything. I haven’t had to hurt anyone in months,” she joked. He knew she was always diplomatic about rude encounters with men.

  “Good thing, too. We could lose half our clients to the emergency room,” he said with a laugh.

  “But we’d gain them back as clients coming in for physical therapy,” she added, still chuckling. “Neil must be a pretty regular client if he’s coming in on a Saturday, eh?” she asked and gave him a glance. He nodded and kept his features bland.

  Alec had developed a new attraction towards his son’s best friend. Knowing Jane, she was aware of it. She never missed things like that. Hell, she’d even caught him staring at Neil while he was running on the treadmill. Fortunately, she was a good friend who understood and trusted him. So, Jane never brought it up.

  Until now.

  “He’s a good client. Hardworking, too. He’s become dedicated to his workout schedule. And most importantly, my son’s fond of him,” he said, trying not to think about his own fondness for the young man. It was complicating matters because he knew how his son felt about the handsome guy and it’d been Alec who had suggested getting the two of them to work out together as a way of connecting. Now, he was the one wanting to connect with the beautiful boy who’d managed to give him many sleepless nights in a row. Alec hadn’t expected to find him so charming and good looking. There was something special about him. The way he stood, smiled or raised an eyebrow, always got Alec’s attention. Fortunately, with Sean around, nothing could ever happen and it was for the best.

  “He does seem like he’s dedicated. He works harder than most we get in here. I wish I could get some of mine to throw themselves into it so easily,” she said and winked before she strolled off back to her office.

  Alec smiled slightly. She was a tease with him because she knew he wasn’t interested in her that way. Alec did some paperwork as a few early risers made their way into the club. He smiled and made small talk with some of them. He liked being amiable and approachable to his clients. He knew his size and bulk could keep people at a distance, so he put extra effort into making sure they felt they could come to him with any concerns. He wondered if he should’ve tuned that down with Neil.

  “Hey, dad,” he heard Sean call as he walked in with Neil. Alec smiled at them both and stood.

  “Good morning, boys. Ready to sweat your asses off?” he joked, and they both nodded. He met Neil’s eyes and saw the light in them that he’d come to cherish. He couldn’t help it. He cleared his throat and brought his focus back to work. “Great, well if I remember, you Sean, get to do the power tower and bench today. You, Neil, are on the p
ower rack with all its glorious settings,” he said with a grin. They laughed and moved off to start their day's work out.

  Neither of the boys needed much looking after. They knew what they were supposed to do. However, Alec still felt the need to watch out for Neil. He didn’t want him to get hurt. Neil went through the leg lifts fine; he’d gotten good at excelling with that set. Next were the shoulder lifts and Alec stood behind him for those reps. He could see Sean grunting away a few rows over, working hard and he was proud of his son. Although he wasn’t his own flesh and blood, Alec felt Sean had been more to him than a biological son could have been. He always listened to him and respected him.

  His attention came back to Neil and he reached out for his shoulders urgently. “Oh, not that way, Neil. Shift your grip down the sides a little, buddy. Here, this way.” He slid Neil's hands down the grips so that they were more perpendicular thus avoiding any shoulder injuries. He noticed then that the warmth where his chest pressed against Neil's back was tingling. He saw the flush go up Neil's neck to his cheeks, so Alec backed away.

  “That’ll work. Go ahead and do ten reps, ten seconds breathing, then ten more,” he said in a mechanical voice and went over to observe Sean to take his mind off the handsome young man. He felt a little distant from his son and he wasn’t sure if it was his new attraction towards Neil, or just work and life getting in the way. He vowed to spend more time with him. He went back to check on Neil when the boy was ready for the bench.

  “Okay, you got the right weights, looks ready to go. I’ll spot you,” he said, and Neil smiled at him while lying back, reaching up to get a good grip on the bar. Their eyes met and then Neil's face flushed as he lifted the heavy weight. Alec kept his eyes on Neil's shoulders and arms, watching for shaking or hesitation in his repetitions. He couldn’t help but enjoy the lines of Neil's muscles. He had to keep his eyes on the weights and the job because if he glanced up, he could see below Neil's stomach and that’d be even more distracting.

  When he finished the final reps on the rack, Alec sent him off to the treadmill for some added cardio and then he went to help his son on the overhead lifts. Even then, while he stood behind Sean, he’d catch himself glancing over to where Neil was doing a slow jog on the machine. He was glad that Sean was there. He wasn’t sure he could stay professional otherwise. That’s when Alec realized he had a problem that could get out of hand very easily.

  After their hour was up, the boys hit the showers and he went back to his desk. He refused to go into the showers while Neil was naked and dripping. He couldn’t stand to see what he so badly wanted to be a part of, so charming and caring, right in front of him.

  Later that day, Jane invited him to have lunch together and they went to a Thai restaurant a block down on the Vine. He ordered a chicken curry and she got rice with a noodle salad and lemon sauce. He sipped his water and dug into his lunch. They both had healthy appetites, so they ate quietly to take the edge off their hunger. After a while Jane sighed and leaned back, looking at him closely.

  “Can I ask you something? Because I’m getting a little worried, Alec,” she said, and he raised a brow.

  “Ask away. You can always ask me anything. You’re my friend, Janey,” he said honestly.

  “I am glad to be your friend and as your friend, I feel I should just check and see how you’re doing with Sean…and Neil. That could be a whole mess of problems, you know?” He blushed slightly and looked down at his plate.

  He should’ve seen it coming. She was a caring person and it was obvious she’d worry about him. He knew he couldn’t lie to her; she’d catch that in a heartbeat. He sighed. “It’s complicated. Neil is Sean’s friend and I think Sean would like it to be more. I haven’t and won’t initiate anything with Neil, but it’s getting harder every day to ignore my feelings for him. I do like him, Janey,” he admitted, and she nodded.

  “Yeah, I can see that. You know that normally I wouldn’t say anything because it’s your life. I do know how complicated these things can get, though, from my own experience,” she said. He gave a curt nod. She was going through a rough patch when they’d first met. Back then he’d helped her get over her ex. So, now she was repaying the favor.

  “I get it, Janey and I really appreciate you looking out for me. But don’t worry. I don’t intend to follow through. Hopefully, Sean and I will find something together. That would cool things down for me, I’m sure,” Alec told her honestly. She nodded. They finished up their lunch and went back to work.

  Alec was determined to keep his word. Yet, throughout the day, he kept thinking about the young man he’d intended to forget.

  Chapter Four - Alec

  The next week started off hectic for Alec. He had several delivery problems and had to let Jane open the gym for him. When he came in on Wednesday, he saw that Jane was doing attending to Neil and had invited Sean to do a duo work out. The young men seemed to be having an enjoyable time and it made Alec smile. He felt a little relieved that he’d get a break from his inner struggles. He could sense that Neil also felt the tension from his desires. And it was leading both of them into a dangerous arena.

  Alec kept finding reasons to come in later than usual so that Jane would be running the shop. He made more trips to the non-profit he was associated with which also kept him away from the gym. That meant Jane being part of Neil and Sean’s training too. From what he could see and what Jane had told him, the two had started a friendly rivalry and were both working their asses off.

  “Thanks, Janey. I didn’t mean for you to take up the slack there,” Alec told her at lunch one day. She shrugged.

  “You had boss things to do so I figured I’d step up. It seems to be going alright so why upset the apple cart, you know?”

  He couldn’t deny it. “Good point and it’s easier on me too. I hope it doesn’t mess up your schedule though,” he said a little worried. She laughed.

  “Not a bit, man. My early morning guy flaked out over a girlfriend and went on an unscheduled vacation. I’ve got the time,” she said, and he laughed with her.

  “How is Important Youth going?” she asked, changing the subject.

  Alec smiled. “Great, we got some more kids placed and safe. That always feels good.”

  Jane nodded. She volunteered there as and when time permitted. Alec definitely appreciated whatever little help she offered.

  Important Youth was a place for young men who had housing problems due to their sexual orientation. It was a safe house for them to get help. Alec partnered with them permanently and would offer help in any way possible. In fact, Alec had met and adopted Sean through the organization. He felt it was the most important thing he’d ever done, helping Sean like that. Being a father was a rewarding experience he’d never thought he’d have.

  That alone was an incentive to avoid any relationship with his son’s friend.

  The next day, when he heard Jane sneezing in the back room, he knew it was a sound of trouble. By the end of the day she wasn’t feeling great at all. It was the only time he’d seen her get sick and he wanted to make sure she took care of herself.

  “Go home, darling. Take tomorrow off and focus on getting better, okay?” he told her.

  She looked embarrassed and sniffed her running nose into a tissue. “I don’t know, Alec. I’ve never missed a day. Hell, I’ve never gotten sick!” she said exasperated, just before sneezing mightily.

  He chuckled. “You have now. Honestly, Janey, you’re looking a little pale and taking off tomorrow will guarantee you get better quicker. Trust me, I don’t get sick much either, but when I do, look out! Just take care of yourself, okay?”

  “You're right, I know. Alright, I’ll go. One thing, though, Alec?” she said.


  “Never tell a woman she doesn’t look good,” she said with a grin.

  “Noted,” he said and got a laugh out of her before she started coughing. She waved and gathered up her bag on her way out. Alec worked until seven that night a
nd his new night guy, Joey, took over after that. He’d watch the gym until eleven in Alec’s absence.

  “See you, boss,” Joey said.

  “Later, Joey, have a good night.” Alec was relieved to be on his way home. It had been a long day. He was a bit worried about Janey. So, when he got home, he sat in the driveway texting her.

  Don’t worry, mother hen! Janey texted back. That made him smile. He got out of the car and went in.

  Alec hung up his jacket and heard coughing in the kitchen. Concerned, he went through the doorway and Sean was bent over with a heavy cough. He finished and straightened up.

  “Damn,” he said hoarsely, and Alec hurried to get to his side.

  “Jesus, son, you okay? That doesn’t sound good,” he said, and Sean gave him a weak smile.

  “I’ll be okay, I’m sure. I thought it was just a cold earlier today, but then it came on like gangbusters,” he said. Alec had him sit down.

  “Janey’s got a bug too. There must be something going around. Did you get something to eat?” he asked, automatically falling into his role as a father.

  “No, not since lunch. Nothing sounds good,” he admitted.

  “I hear you. You must get protein into you to fight the virus, or whatever it is. How about I make you some broth? All you need to do is drink it, and we’ll get you into bed. How does that sound?” he asked, and Sean nodded then shivered slightly. Alec snorted and went to get his son a blanket from the couch. “Here, wrap this around you. I’ll get that broth going,” he said and got to work immediately.


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