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Ultimate Prize

Page 3

by Lolita Lopez

  “Here you are,” she murmured, her toes kneading his calf. His hand drifted down and picked up her foot. As he massaged her instep, the air between them grew heavy with sexual tension. “Would you like to stay?”

  There was no hesitation. “Yes.”

  As he crawled toward her like a cat on the prowl, Yoli wondered what the hell she was getting herself into now. When their lips met, she shoved aside all those niggling thoughts and focused only on the excitement fluttering in her belly. Tomorrow. I’ll deal with the reality tomorrow.

  Chapter Three

  The high-pitched whir of a jump rope whined in Zel’s ears. His feet moved quickly on the mat while his wrists flicked the rope, sometimes switching up the rhythm. Zel should have been concentrating on his rope work but he couldn’t shake Yoli from his mind. Her delicious taste, her tantalizing smell—she’d invaded his senses and taken hold. Zel wondered if he’d ever escape the infatuation.

  Do I even want to escape it?

  Normally he’d have been jumping at an ever-faster pace but he was dragging ass this afternoon. He was grateful it was an easy workout day in preparation for his fight tomorrow night. Any other day and Zel would have collapsed by now. Yoli had practically drained the life out of him last night. He’d never met a woman so incredibly sexy or quite as insatiable. The things she did to him!

  His stomach rolled with heat at the memory of those thick thighs wrapped around his head. Zel could almost taste her sweet pussy. Her shrieks of pleasure echoed in his ears. He remembered the debauched expression on her face as he’d kissed his way up her tummy afterward and—

  Zel tripped on the rope and tumbled forward. “Shit!”

  “Tesla!” Jack, his trainer, shouted angrily as he surged across the gym floor. With his high-and-tight haircut, Jack looked like a drill sergeant. Even his booming voice fit the part. “Get your mind off that pussy and on your foot work!”

  Cringing at the public scolding, Zel unwound the rope from his ankle and stood. He’d thought he’d been slick in sneaking out to Yoli’s penthouse, but obviously Jack had eyes and ears all over the hotel. Abashed, he offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Jack.”

  “I don’t want to hear sorry. I want to see work!”

  Nodding contritely, Zel cleared his mind and focused on his routine. If Yoli could affect him this badly after one night, he probably needed to steer clear until after his fight. He couldn’t risk any distractions, not with so much riding on the line. He’d already stowed away enough cash over the last few years to support him for a while, but Zel desperately needed the prize money to satisfy his obligations back home. He refused to fail…

  And there was, of course, the tiny little issue with his opponent’s fight history. Last year, Mace had killed a man in the ring with a vicious yet legal blow to the head. Zel tried not to dwell on it but the reality of the danger of stepping into the ring with Mace was very genuine. One misstep, one diversion—and he could be paralyzed or dead.

  No. There was absolutely no room for error or distraction. Or Yoli.

  That thought made him uncomfortable as he headed into the showers. Even now Zel craved her. Can I really avoid her for thirty-some-odd hours? His willpower and determination had brought him this far in his life, but saying no to Yoli? He wasn’t so sure. After they’d separated earlier that morning, Yoli had made it clear she’d like to see him again. What if his self-imposed celibacy meant losing out on a last chance to be with her before she skipped town for her next gig? His chest clenched at the thought.

  During the ride back to the hotel, Zel tried to listen to Jack as he droned on and on about watching the fight tapes and making last-minute adjustments. They made plans to meet for dinner in Jack’s room to watch them. Zel understood this was Jack’s way of ensuring he was in bed at a decent hour. Zel couldn’t help but wonder if Jack would go so far as to camp outside his door tonight to protect him from himself.

  When they hit the lobby, Jack spotted an old friend and went over to chat. Tired and considering a late-afternoon nap, Zel headed toward the elevator bank at the back of the opulent lobby. The center elevator reached the bottom floor and, as the shiny brass doors slid open, Yoli came into view. A long, fluttery orange dress hugged her curves, accentuating the fullness of her breasts and that luscious ass he’d worshipped last night.

  Surrounded by her entourage, she exited the elevator. Their eyes met across the crowded lobby and instantly the sparks of desire ignited his lust. A gaggle of fans stepped into the way, obstructing his view momentarily. Zel slowed his pace as he crossed the distance between them. She’d just finished signing the last autograph when he neared her.

  As they passed, Zel was so close he caught the bright citrus scent of her perfume. Briefly, Yoli’s fingers touched his. Paper crinkled against his skin. Without looking down, Zel accepted her note, the giddy nervousness of his schoolboy days suddenly fresh in his mind. He didn’t dare glance at his hand, afraid to alert anyone to the note she’d just passed.

  Fist clenched, he waited for a free elevator. Zel tried not to look but he couldn’t help himself. He glanced over his shoulder and caught her sneaking a peek at him. Wickedly sexy, Yoli flashed a playful smile and wink. His groin tightened. She’s going to be the death of me.

  Safe inside the confines of the elevator, Zel uncurled his fingers and read the note in his hand.

  My room. Two hours.

  Zel glanced at his watch. If he played it just right, he’d have enough time to give Yoli all the attention she deserved before Jack expected him. The professional fighter within him urged common sense and reminded him he needed a clear head and rest for tomorrow night. But the man within him, the primal side that drove him, said go for it.

  “Fuck it,” Zel whispered, ignoring the memory of Jack’s raging voice. Mind made up, he vowed to make their last time together count.

  * * * * *

  Tummy fluttering, Yoli paced the entryway of her suite. Her bare feet slapped against the shiny marble. The TV in the sitting room, tuned to the hotel’s informational channel, spouted off with loud commercial spots highlighting upcoming shows. Yoli hated the irritating, grating silence that seemed only to enhance her anxiety so the TV provided just the right amount of background noise. Jittery with nerves, she teethed her lower lip and glanced at her watch for the thousandth time. Where is he?

  Yoli wanted Zel. Like right now. Tomorrow night she’d be dancing another private show. He’d be pounding the crap out of some other fighter. They were running out of chances for a rendezvous. Deep down inside, Yoli knew this had to be the last time. Zel was just the sort of guy she’d always imagined falling in love with. Smart, funny, handsome as hell and driven for success…

  Getting involved with Zel would be only too easy but it would just never work. Zel was obviously at a point in his life where he wanted stability, and Yoli couldn’t provide that, not now. Currently at its peak, her career required lots of traveling, incredibly late nights and hours of rehearsal. She didn’t even have a physical address at the moment, just a messy room in her parents’ home in Rancho Cucamonga and a mailbox at her agency for all correspondence. Adding a relationship to the mix just wasn’t a possibility at the moment.

  Recognizing that fact said something of her self-awareness, she supposed, but it didn’t make it any easier. There was just something about Zel, something about their connection, that made her wonder if maybe, just maybe…

  But it wouldn’t do to dwell on the impossible. For the most part, Yoli kept her feet firmly planted in reality, and in this reality, she simply couldn’t be there for anyone right now. And Zel deserved better than some half-assed attempt at a relationship.

  The knock at the door sent her mind reeling. Lust blossomed in her core. Heat flooded her clenching pussy and throbbing clit. Nearly breathless with desire, Yoli raced to the door and wrenched it wide open. Zel strode inside and kicked the door shut. At the sight of his predatory grace, Yoli felt a thrill of excitement. His rough hands cuppe
d her face as his mouth lowered to claim hers. She melted into him, whimpering softly against his searching tongue.

  But when he swept her off her feet and into his arms, Yoli squealed in shock. “Ohmigod! Put me down before you break your back!”

  Zel threw back his head and barked with laughter. “You’re not that heavy.”

  Her eyes widened at his casual dismissal. She was, actually, quite heavy, but Zel wasn’t the type for empty flattery. The way he effortlessly carted her through the suite convinced her he wasn’t just acting macho. She really wasn’t that heavy—to him, at least.

  When they reached the dining area, he knocked aside a chair and placed her on the table. Eyes wild with lust, Zel dropped to his knees and grasped the hem of her dress. He shoved it up around her waist and yanked on her thong, jerking it down her thighs and calves and over her ankle. As he pushed her thighs wide open, Yoli shuddered. The brush of air against her naked sex felt cool where her cream slicked her skin. She arched off the table as Zel’s pointed tongue swiped her slit and flicked her clit. The delicious sensation of his lapping tongue drove her insane.

  Clutching at the table, Yoli bucked against his mouth. His stiffened tongue dipped inside her dripping hole, his nose rubbed her swollen clit. Overwhelmed, she shrieked and clasped his head, keeping him right there. It just felt so fucking good. She was going to burst any second. Zel overpowered her clasp and worked his tongue back up to her clit. He sucked the bud between his lips, heightening the sensation.

  Thighs clenching, stomach tightening, Yoli breathed erratically as her orgasm built. Stunned by the power of the explosion, she gasped and undulated wildly atop the table. Toes curling, she slapped the tabletop. Her mouth hung open, only unintelligible ahs and moans escaping. Zel kept torturing her until she put her foot against his shoulder and gently shoved him away. “Enough,” she panted. “Enough.”

  Zel nuzzled her inner thigh and teasingly bit the plump flesh there. She giggled at the ticklish sensation. Slowly, Zel rose to his feet and peeled off his blue t-shirt. He dropped it to the floor and reached into the pocket of his black workout pants. Yoli zeroed in on the condom he produced. She ached to be stretched and filled by him again.

  Pants lowered, Zel moved between her legs, his condom-covered cock standing fully erect. It twitched as he took it in his big hand. He traced her silky folds with the head of his cock, rubbing it in circles around her still-sensitive clit. The sharp sensation made her jump a bit. Lined up with her body, Zel plunged into her wet depths. He leaned over and caught her mouth in a searing kiss.

  As he took her with long, deep strokes, Yoli ran her hands down his back, loving every inch of the muscles rippling beneath her fingers. With that incredible physique, Zel exemplified masculinity at its finest. The flexing sinews made her feel like some fragile flower in need of protection and the most delicate of touches. No other lover had ever affected her in this way, and Yoli found it most intoxicating.

  Zel shifted into a standing position. The new angle of his cock took her breath away. He grabbed her hand and sucked her fingers between his lips. Her belly quivered as his velvety tongue suckled her fingertips. When Zel placed her fingers against her clit, she understood his silent message. Yoli rubbed her slick nub and clenched her pussy around his thrusting cock. Zel grasped her thighs for leverage, his fingers biting into her skin as he pounded into her. Yoli slid up and down the tabletop, her dress bunching around her waist, buttocks squeaking against the shiny wood.

  Trembling with need, Yoli concentrated on the coiling sensation in her lower belly. Her heels pressed into Zel’s ass as she urged him to fuck her harder, faster. Fingers moving quickly, Yoli bit her lower lip as the first faint flutters of an orgasm rocked her core. Zel’s thrusts reached a breakneck pace as he now sought his release. The sound of their bodies slapping together filled the room. Yoli whispered his name again and again as she continued massaging her pulsing clit to draw out every last bit of sensation from her orgasm.

  Zel slammed into her so hard she gasped. Eyes clamped tightly, he shuddered and jerked as he came. Yoli clutched at his abs, her fingernails lightly scratching his bronzed torso. She had a sudden desperate need to kiss him, to feel his lips on hers. As if sensing her need, Zel bent down and kissed her so sweetly, his hand lovingly caressing her face. When he pulled back, the tenderness in his gaze nearly brought tears to her eyes. Yoli blinked hard against the prickling sensation, refusing to show just how much she actually cared about him.

  He planted a playful kiss on the tip of her nose before standing and pulling out of her. Yoli whimpered at the sudden loss and wrinkled her nose at the wet feeling between her thighs. Smiling, Zel grasped her hands and hauled her into a sitting position. His fingers tangled in her hair as he brought their mouths together again. Knowing this could be their last kiss, Yoli made it count, cupping his square jaw and caressing his slightly stubbled skin with her thumbs. She wanted to memorize every last detail.

  Reluctantly they separated, Yoli heading into the master bathroom and Zel into the half bath just a few feet away. As she tidied up, Yoli rehearsed her speech for cutting him loose. She had to make sure not to lead him on with any sort of potential for future hookups or make him feel used. Having been on the receiving end of that treatment, Yoli could never do the same to another person.

  Yoli found Zel standing in the living room, sipping from a bottle of water. He smiled as she made her entrance and extended a second bottle. “I’m sure you’re thirsty.”

  “Parched,” she said, accepting the bottle. As she twisted off the cap, a commercial for Zel’s upcoming match flashed across the plasma screen. The cool water rehydrated her dry mouth while she watched the promo spots on each of the eight fighters taking part in the Caged World Championships tomorrow night. Zel and his opponent Mace McCoy, a dead ringer for a serial killer, were the last featured. The stats shown made little sense to Yoli, but the clips of Mace striking an opponent so hard he dropped like a bag of rocks made her chest constrict.

  Learning Mace had killed the man made her very nearly ill.

  Swallowing hard as her stomach roiled with nausea, Yoli looked at Zel. “You’re fighting that man?”

  Zel nodded. “He’s the toughest opponent I’ve ever faced.”

  “He killed a man!”

  “Not on purpose.”

  “Like that makes it any better?” Yoli shook her head. “You can’t go through with this, Zel.”

  He seemed amused by her sudden concern. “This is what I do, Yoli. It’s the risk I take.”

  “It’s stupid! You’re risking life in a wheelchair or worse, for what? Some money?”

  Zel held her gaze. “Yes.”

  In that instant, Yoli realized ending this right now really was the only option. Caring about him was too dangerous. Tomorrow night he’d be walking into a no-holds-barred death match. She couldn’t handle that kind of terrifying anxiety.



  He frowned, and she signaled him to go first. Zel sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Yoli, I came up here planning for this to be it but…” He paused and shook his head. “I don’t know, Yoli. I’ve realized that’s not what I want.”

  The bottom fell out of Yoli’s stomach. Oh god, no…

  “I think we have something here, Yoli,” Zel continued, “and we’d be stupid to let a chance like this go.”

  Yoli cringed. “Zel…” Glancing toward the ceiling, she chewed her lower lip. There was no easy way to do this. She caught his gaze. “Zel, I understand what you’re saying. I really do. But this just isn’t a good time for me. I didn’t seduce you with the intention of making this anything more than a fling. That’s all it was for me.”

  Pain flashed across his face. She felt sick for having hurt him.

  “I don’t believe you,” Zel said finally.

  Yoli shrugged with affected nonchalance. “Believe whatever you want, but I’m telling you the truth.”

you’re lying. To yourself. To me.” Obviously upset, he strode to the door without so much as a sideways glance in her direction. Zel yanked open the door and Yoli realized she couldn’t let him leave like this.

  “Zel, wait!”

  He stopped abruptly. Slowly he pivoted to face her. There was nothing of the vulnerability he’d just shown her. Instead Zel wore a steeled expression. “What?”

  Taken aback by his anger, she gulped. “I’m sorry.”

  His cheek twitched. “I don’t think you are.”

  Hot tears stung her eyes. “I didn’t mean for it to end like this.”

  “No one ever does.”

  His piece said, Zel left, slamming the door behind him. Yoli collapsed onto the nearest seat and shattered into a million pieces.

  Chapter Four

  Black hair whipping wildly, Yoli shook what her mama gave her center stage at Vegas’ hottest punk club. Queen’s Fat Bottomed Girls blared over the sound system as she performed her brand-new number for the thirtieth birthday bash of BJ Barnes, the lead singer of the infamous punk rock band Blue Sunday.

  Dressed like a sassy fifties pinup, Yoli worked the crowd into a frenzy as she teased them with the slow removal of her polka dot dress. The sight of her plump curves in vintage cherry red lingerie set them off. She smoothed her hands over the swell of her breasts and along the satin shaper hugging her tummy and hips. Tipped forward in her red heels, Yoli sashayed to the antique convertible parked stage left and crawled onto the hood. Her catlike movements showed off her best assets and had the crowd catcalling.

  With the grace of a gymnast, Yoli carefully balanced on the hood, her heels finding traction on the safety mat her crew had put in place. Rocking side to side, she unhooked the back of the shaper and peeled it away from her body. She tossed it overhead and did a sexy spin atop the hood, giving everyone a good look at the lacy briefs covering her voluptuous ass. Yoli gave her backside a hearty smack.

  The roar of approval sent shivers down her spine. Tonight, more than ever, Yoli desperately needed the energy of the pumped-up crowd. Despite being utterly heartbroken, she approached this engagement with the utmost professionalism. BJ deserved to feel like the center of her attention. Feeding off the crowd allowed Yoli to play up her sexiness and mischievous nature.


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