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Wanted Witch (Daughter of Darkness Book 1)

Page 10

by Val O. Morris

  I slammed the door in their faces and returned to the kitchen. "Creeps."

  "Everything okay, dear?"

  "Yeah, just more Ravencrest members hounding me to join."

  Mrs. G took on the motherly tone. "Being in a coven can be a good thing. It's like a family. When you're in trouble, everyone has your back."

  "I know about the whole Dark Daughter thing, and I appreciate your concern." She tried to interrupt, but I continued on. "I'm not cut out to be a part of a group."

  "You always did prefer to do your own thing."

  A worried look crossed her face. "Don't worry, Mrs. G. I don't plan to make Ravencrest Coven my enemy either."

  "That's good to hear. This mess with Alexa, you may need the help." She took a sip of her tea.

  "She sure got herself into a mess." She was always a bitch. Now she was an evil bitch.

  Mrs. G glared at me from over the tip of her tea cup. "She's jealous of you."

  "There's no reason to be," I reminded.

  "Revenge is a dark art many have followed."

  "Is that what they teach in Blackwood? What happened to forgiveness and prosperity?" I didn't even try to hide my sarcasm. "Tell me more about the Blackwood Massacre. Spratlin filled me in on how it started."

  "Thousands lost their lives over an honest accident, but many people saw the situation as an opportunity to spread their hate."

  "Big surprise Alexa wound up in that coven."

  "Did you know you're only the second Healer to have lived in our city?"

  I was still new to the magical world, so I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be surprised. "Is that unusual?"

  "Blackwood dates back many, many generations. The last one was five generations ago." She pointed at the door where the two robed mages were. "Which explains why you're so popular."

  "I didn't ask for fame."

  "Notoriety has found you, dear."

  Her choice of words didn't go unnoticed, and I wanted to make sure she was aware of the latest update. "Spratlin and Gaylin are meeting with the detective and Council on my behalf this morning. Gaylin has proof that Alexa is behind the murders."

  "Oh, that's wonderful, dear!" She jumped up and hugged me. The pain seared through my body like spikes on sandpaper, but I fought to only flinch a little.

  "Yeah, well, I doubt I'll earn any brownie points once he tells them what's going on in the catacombs." It didn't take a psychic to know the look on her face meant she knew more than she was willing to admit. I wondered how much I could drag out of her.

  "A lot of mages are buried there. Mostly Blackwood Coven's but also mages from many other covens who were involved in the massacre."

  "Do you think the war is really over?"

  She shook her head, more in a pitying way. "There will always be those who want what others have. But that shouldn't stop us from living our lives."

  Truer words had never been spoken. Alexa's jealousy wasn't going to force me to live in fear. But there was one thing that had been weighing heavy. "I've been struggling with something lately. One minute I want to know the truth, and the next..." Thunder wandered into the kitchen. Patting his head was a nice distraction.

  "They say the truth can set you free."

  "What if it turns out it's a burden?" I wasn't sure I could live with the truth that my mother was a necromancer and practitioner of dark magic.

  "Going through life playing ignorant is no way to live."

  She was right. But I wasn't ready... yet. But there was one thing she could help me with. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't extremely important. There's this ritual. We think Alexa is gonna use it on me to take my Healer ability for herself. Would you please look into it? I need to know if there is a way to counteract it. Gaylin can give you the details of what we know so far."

  "That's why she kidnapped Emma."

  I nodded.

  She patted my hand. "Of course."

  We both drank our tea in silence for a few minutes. Then, I felt like I needed to lighten the mood. "So," I couldn't contain my smile as I continued, "what's it like being a High Wizard?"

  She laughed that big, hearty laugh that could fill a room. "That's just a silly ole title." She was being modest, but she was a lot like me. We didn't get too caught up in labels.

  Once Mrs. G had left, Thunder and I nestled down for a long, restful sleep. I prayed for the pain to go away and for a clear mind. With an underground cavern full of graves and a coven of necromancers roaming around, war was about to come to Blackwood once again.


  The wind in my face reminded me how great it felt to be free. I didn't have a care in the world when I was on my bike. It was just me, the open road, and the wind at my face. It was the closest I'd ever get to actually flying. On that bike, I was free as a bird. Or I would be as soon as I unhooked the magical shackles holding me back.

  Like the streets, the store was empty. Word had gotten around, and everyone was taking refuge in their homes. Walking into a dark store when the sun was setting was unsettling. My friends would soon meet me, and we'd go off to save the world. Or something like that.

  I was mindlessly straightening game boxes when Spratlin showed up.

  He immediately walked over and kissed me. "Hey, baby."

  "I could get used to this." I didn't even mind the cheesy term of endearment. It wasn't derogatory when you actually liked it.

  "How ya feelin'?"

  "Better now."

  "When this is all over, I'm gonna take you out on my bike for a hot date."

  "When this is all over, you'd better." I kissed him as the door flew open and in flooded the rest of the gang. I wasn't ready to part just yet, but there was work to do.

  Creep was the first one to say anything. "Bout time you two love birds hook up." Then the others pulled out their wallets and one by one handed Creep some cash.

  "What's this?"

  "We had a little wager on how long it would take," he said as he flashed the wad of bills in my face. "I won."

  "Congrats." Then I grabbed about half the wad. "This will help fund pizza for our next gaming party."

  Creep looked at Spratlin like he was gonna help. Instead, Spratlin walked over to him and grabbed the remaining half. "Half for her, half for me. Seems fair."

  The look on Creep's face was priceless. Jeremy didn't wait to get his jab in. "Dude, you just got owned."

  I held out my arms to hug Spratlin. "I do love a man with a sense of humor." We kissed.

  "Oh, get a room. We weren't paying to see it," Gaylin joked as she dropped a cardboard box on the floor.

  It was good to have the whole group together again even if it was for only a brief amount of time. Hopefully after tonight, things would get back to normal.

  Spratlin turned to Gaylin as she pulled out the first Dark Mage robe. "Have any trouble getting those?"

  "Nope. I've been stockpiling them for a few days now." She tossed a robe at each of us.

  I said to Spratlin, "She's a smart one. Have you talked to Mrs. G?" Gaylin was gonna give Mrs. G all the info we had so far on the ritual.

  "Yup, I gave her the scans of the necromancy book."

  That caught me by surprise. "How did you get scans of that book?"

  Her eyes darted to the floor and then all around. "I stole it from the Council."

  "You stole it?"

  "It was part of my proving my allegiance to Blackwood Coven. Unfortunately, I had to hand it over."

  I wondered where she learned the skills to even do such a thing. "You're full of surprises lately."

  "Couldn't let my best friend go to jail for murders that she didn't commit. No way I will let her take you away twice."

  Spratlin had an inquisitive look.

  "I'll explain later," I said to him.

  I hugged Gaylin. I didn't know what I'd ever do without her.

  The door chimed again when Ivy walked in with an armload of pizza boxes. "And here comes another smart lady."

  A well fed witch
was a happy witch.

  As the others helped her set the pizzas down, I pulled Spratlin right in front of Ivy. "That money that you likely owe Creep? Just keep it. Pizza's on us," and I planted a long, wet smooch on him.

  Gaylin shared with us the location of the secret entrance to the catacombs, but after discussing it, we decided it was safer to sneak in through the sewers. So, we stashed our bikes and cars in the nearby woods and once more unto the breach we went.

  The place smelled so bad. "I really hope this is the last time we have to do this."

  "Aww, just when I was getting used to it."

  When we reached the first fork in the path inside the caverns, Gaylin said, "There is a secret passage from here to the catacombs. I'll need to go by myself. The rest of you, follow Zee. You remember the way, right?"

  "Yeah, yeah."

  "When you get to the room with all the crosses, look to your left. There is a lever beside the big cross. It'll open a path to the other little alcoves all around the Great Chamber. You'll have a great view of the whole show."

  "Then what?" asked Creep.

  "Follow Zee's lead." Gaylin turned to me. "When you hear me cough, you'll know it's about to start."

  Jason said, "You sure you're up for this?"

  "I can handle it. Just pray I don't blow my cover." They kissed and off she went.

  The rest of us made our way down the familiar path to hell. Spratlin led the way with me right behind him. Ivy and Creep and Jason followed closely behind. Jeremy volunteered to watch our backs. There was no one I'd rather have doing so than him.

  As we approached another fork, two mages stopped us. I pulled my hood lower to hide my face.

  "Why aren't you in the Great Chamber?"

  Spratlin lowered his voice in reply. "We were sent to take guard above the ceremony."

  The two mages looked at each other. "I thought those spots were already filled."

  Spratlin replied, "Extra precaution."

  "Carry on."

  As soon as we got out of earshot, I said, "Whew! That was close."

  "Sounds like we're gonna have company, too."

  Sure enough, when we finally entered the Cross Room the secret pathway had already been triggered. I whispered to the group. "Make it quiet and quick." They each nodded their understanding.

  Spratlin and I crept down the path through the Living Walls where a mage stood guard high above the Great Chamber. Sneaking up to him, I quickly zapped him in the neck with my Electric Touch, yes, that was my official name for it, and quickly dragged him backwards into the shadows. "Stay with him," I said to Spratlin and I took my place.

  One by one, I watched as my friends repeated my actions and then stood guard high above the Great Chamber. I could imagine what was going through their minds, and I hoped no one gave us away in their awe and amazement.

  Jeremy was the last to fall into place, and he did so right as the mages started filling into the room below. I briefly spotted Gaylin, but soon lost her in the crowd of black and brown robes. Once the Dark Mages took their seats, another mage wearing black robes approached the altar. I assumed he was an Archmage of sorts. My heart was in my throat as he addressed the crowd.

  Something didn't feel right. We were missing something. I surveyed the chamber. Everything appeared to be in place... except for Emma. There was no sign of her yet. Was Alexa hiding her until the ritual began? The butterflies in my stomach were rambunctious and getting the best of me.

  Suddenly, the Archmage scared me straight again. He said, "Seems we have a traitor in our midst." The crowd gasped.

  "Oh shit," I said as softly as I could but so Spratlin could hear. "If he gives her up, Jason is gonna flip."

  "I'm on it," Spratlin said.

  The Archmage continued, "Well, not so much a traitor to us, but a traitor to Ravencrest."

  "Wait," I called out to Spratlin.

  The Archmage said, "Come on out, and let us celebrate your advance in rank." Another black-robed mage walked out on stage.

  That walk... it looked familiar.

  "This is a first. We've never announced a newly ranked Archmage at such a great ceremony as this. Then again, we wouldn't all be here if it weren't for you."

  "Your studies have led you down a path most do not approve, however Blackwood is honored to have you among our ranks."

  The Archmage walked over to the hooded figure and removed the hood. Long platinum white hair fell from it, and he said, "I present to you, Archmage Jasmine."

  I was speechless. When Spratlin called out to me, I didn't answer. I was literally speechless. All my worst nightmares had come true, yet none of it made any sense. My mother was dead. It was a car wreck. They wouldn't let me see the body, but I went to her memorial. They may have known my little secret name for her, but until I actually saw her face....

  The odd thing was that I still had a weird feeling that something was off. As if hearing my mother's name and someone pretending to be her wasn't weird enough. I couldn't shake the feeling that Emma wasn't here.

  I hadn't been listening to what the Dark Mages were saying below, and it was Gaylin's coughing fit that finally pulled me back into what was going on. The ritual was about to start, yet Emma and Alexa were still missing!

  Gaylin got up and exited the chamber still coughing and hacking like crazy. Was it part of her plan, or had she called an audible?

  That was when I remembered. The meadows. The fresh ashes we found while Spratlin and I were out walking. The bad feeling I had that caused me to pass out. That was where Alexa was going to perform the ritual! If she wasn't here, that had to be it.

  I slowly backed away from the ledge as I whispered to Spratlin, "We have to go. Emma's not here."

  He followed me out to the Cross Room. "What are you talking about? Gaylin coughed on cue."

  "Yeah, and she left the chamber, too. She's probably on her way to get us out right now! I've gotta warn the others." I fled up the passageway and one by one I told my friends to follow me. The Dark Mages would soon see the guards were missing, so we had to hurry.

  "Why are we running away?" Spratlin yelled.

  "Alexa and Emma aren't here! She's doing the ritual at the Meadow."

  "At my property?" I could tell the gears were turning as he thought back to that day we found the ashes. The realization set it. "She's been practicing."

  Jeremy called out from behind us. We turned to see him motioning to the Great Chamber behind us. "So, what ceremony are they about to perform?"

  I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to address my friends. They saw me as a leader. It was me who usually led our squad of soldiers into battle on game nights, so I knew they trusted me. But I had to put the fear of God, or rather the Devil, into them so we could get out of there as fast as possible. "We have to leave now. These catacombs are about to come alive, and this place will soon be swarming with reanimated Dark Mages!"


  The rumbling started when we were about halfway out of the caverns. The ceremony had begun and the dead were coming alive. The majority of them would be behind us in the Great Chamber, but I wasn't taking any chances. I readied my magic as I bolted down the path. We were fast approaching the first fork. As we made the turn, I ran smack into Gaylin.

  "We have to get out of here!" she cried.

  "Yeah, I know! Emma isn't here!"

  "We have to hurry! This whole place is one big tomb!"

  "What?" I yelled back to her right as dirt and rock erupted from the cave wall in front of me. A leg stepped through the opening. "Oh, fuck!" I took my stance and zapped the walking corpse in the chest.

  The whole place shook harder. I heard a commotion behind me. I turned to see that Jeremy had stumbled on a huge chunk of stone. Small handfuls of dirt fell from the hole the stone rock had made in the ceiling. The place was crumbling down on us.

  He got up, and we quickly regrouped into a tighter pack. We came in together; we were leaving together. "Faster!" This squad leader wasn't leavi
ng anyone behind.

  One more turn and we'd be out of the caves. But nothing was ever easy. We turned in front of a horde of walking corpses. Make that running corpses because as soon as they saw us, their thirst for flesh escalated.

  A Pulse Wave flew across us.

  Creep yelled, "They're shooting magic at us!"

  That was crazy. A bunch of reanimated corpses using magic? I ran to the back of the pack. "Keep going! I'll fend them off!"

  I felt my arm yank back. "The hell you are! I can't lose you like this. Lead your friends out of here like I know you can!"

  I stared at him as he threw up a massive Aquatic Shield. It would only hold for so long and there wasn't time to argue. Getting everyone out safely was most important. I led them through the caves as fast as I could. Finally, we were at the sewers. Never thought I'd say it, but I was thrilled to be running through sewage water. Anything to be out of the catacombs. We scrambled up the ladder through the manhole in the street just in time.

  The rumble started again, only that time it didn't stop. Spratlin and I jumped on our bikes and the others got in their cars, and we spun out of there in a flash. I watched in my mirror as the whole ground rose up behind us. Soon, all of Blackwood would be swarming with thousands of pissed off dead mages!

  We were flying down the interstate toward our destination. We had outrun the zombies for now. Spratlin and I were side by side leading the way. He turned and said, "Good job back there." Then he motioned with his head to follow, and he sped away with the rest of us falling in line behind. We exited the interstate and sped down Cherry Road. Then, we turned onto the dirt path guarded by the canopy of trees that began the James property.

  Our engines revved as we rode along the dirt dodging low hanging branches and water-filled ruts. It wasn't the best place for a motorcycle, or even a car really, but that was the idea. The meadow was off the beaten path, which helped keep wanderers away. I wondered how Alexa knew of it.

  We stopped at the lookout point that Spratlin took me to what seemed like a lifetime ago. We parked the bikes and cars close to the tree line. The air was always cooler near the water. I wished I could have run to it and let it wash away my fears.


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