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Chaos Among the Vines (Romancing the Vine Book 2)

Page 12

by Gemma Brocato

  But he knew he was partly at fault. When he’d come back from college, he’d gone to work for his dad, but never hid his intention to strike out on his own. Three years ago the land he’d been eyeing on the other side of town from Clover Vines came on the market and he’d jumped at the chance to buy it and make his own mark. Just as he started to make a name for his vineyard, Dad’s crops were hit with black rot, a fungus undetected for too long.

  Jared Bradford blamed his son for not being there as the shit hit the fan. It wasn’t like Will could stop the fungus. At least the rot hadn’t spread to other vineyards in the area. But the failure had changed his father.

  Just as having his own business had changed Will.

  Chapter 14

  During the two hours Will was in town, Avalon had stayed busy. No surprise there. She never let anything grow under her feet. She’d nearly come unglued when Mom had handed him a shopping list. Not the best use of his time, even if the items on the list would make his job easier.

  Determined to streamline the office process, she’d logged on to On Time’s computer vendor site and created a sub account for Rolling In The Clover.

  When he stalked back into the office, she’d started to boast of her accomplishment. But the thunderous quality of his frown, and the tension radiating from his body stopped her.

  “What happened?” She’d known he was going to see Drake. Perhaps Meg’s financial damage was worse than he’d first suspected.

  After what seemed like an eternity, he moved toward the desk where she sat. Nudging her aside with a casual bump of his hip to her shoulder, he tossed his keys into a desk drawer. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  Guin stifled a laugh by turning it into a cough. She covered her mouth with one hand and raised her other, palm out.

  Will turned his scowl on her. “Are you laughing at me?”

  She dropped her hand and grinned at him. “Will, you’re an awful liar. How about a game of poker later?”

  “Guin,” Avalon cautioned. She turned back to Will as she vacated his chair. “Are you angry about Meg? Can I help?” Taking time to aid a client solve a problem unrelated to productivity and processes wasn’t in the scope of her job, but she’d do almost anything to erase the dark, snapping displeasure lurking in Will’s blue eyes.

  “No, I—” He glanced out the front window and huffed out a deep breath. When he looked back, it was as if the harsh exhalation had dispelled his negative feelings. Happy, easygoing Will was back. “You don’t need to get involved. It’s not business. Hey, Guin? Would you mind washing the front windows? They’re pretty dusty.”

  “Yeah, sure. Happy to, boss.” Guin bolted from her seat and disappeared into the back hall where Will kept the cleaning supplies.

  “Will . . .” Avalon began, then paused.

  How to proceed? If it were business, she’d know exactly what to say. But he’d claimed it was personal. Had he gotten in a spat with Penny? The idea he’d seen her while in town grated on Avalon’s brain. She didn’t want to be jealous of any time he spent with his girlfriend, but she couldn’t help it.

  And she had problems of her own. Although the bank had approved her loan, and she’d paid the final installment to Guin’s former employer, she couldn’t be sure Bad-Ass would stay off her case. What if he somehow found them?

  Waiting for that other shoe to drop was exhausting.

  As it happened, Will didn’t give her a chance to finish. He swept his hand toward the clock above Guin’s desk. “Aren’t we due to tour the property?”

  She started, realizing time had gotten away from her. “Um, yeah. Am I dressed okay?” She’d left the house in dress pants, a silky blouse and heels this morning, but decided to return and change after Guin reminded her she’d be walking amid the vines later that morning.

  Will dragged his gaze over her, from head to toe, taking in her T-shirt and sweater, jeans and low-heeled loafers. His eyes lingered over her hips and breasts on the return trip. When he met her gaze, heat simmered in his expression. It catapulted a spike of need within her chest, accelerating her pulse to native drum level.

  “Yeah, you’re perfect.” He actually gave himself a shake, as though trying to jog away . . . something.

  Avalon bit back a frustrated sigh. God, this attraction to him was inconvenient.

  Just then her mother bustled back into the room, carrying a bucket with cleaner and paper towels in one hand. Two water bottles dangled from her other hand.

  “It’s hot out there today. Take a water, sweetie. Don’t want you getting dehydrated.” She handed Will a bottle with a smile, then turned to give Avalon the other. Unfortunately, the handoff was accompanied by a sly wink, as if she knew the path Avalon’s thoughts had taken.

  Clenching her hand around the bottle tight enough to make the paper label crackle, Avalon gave a tiny shake of her head. Mom’s grin widened, displaying the slightly crooked teeth that charmed almost everyone.

  Except me. Snatching up her phone, Avalon shoved it into her back pocket, then tucked her iPad under her arm. She glanced at the timepiece weighing down her wrist. “We’ll be gone ninety minutes.”

  “Not ninety-two, dear?”

  Will laughed. “Or maybe we’ll be overachievers and be back in eighty-eight.”

  Guin—the traitor she’d just rescued by donating a chunk of cash she didn’t have to the woman’s former employer—chuckled right along with Will. Oh, we’re going to have words tonight.

  Avalon stared at the pair of laughing hyenas one-upping each other’s time estimates at her expense. She ought to throw them both off and reschedule the trip to the vines. She could do that and really freak them out.

  Who was she kidding? That would freak her out more than either of them. She scrubbed her palms on her hips. “I’ll wait outside.” She stomped to the exit and slammed the door closed, shutting off their guffaws.

  Her footsteps banged hollowly on the wooden steps down from the porch. Knowing she shouldn’t kick the tires on his vintage red and white Ford truck, she settled for scuffing her shoes in the gravel, pleased to hear the metallic ping of the small stones hitting a shiny hubcap. Then she succumbed to feeling stupid for giving in to such a childish urge. Ridiculous. She was better than that.

  She was halfway across the lot when the door swung open behind her. Avalon sucked in two desperately needed calming breaths. It rankled they’d made fun of her, but not as much as their accuracy did.

  “Sorry,” Will caught up with her, gripping her elbow to get her to stop.

  She bobbled the iPad, losing it from under her arm.

  Will caught it before it crashed to the ground. “That could have been disastrous. What would you do without this thing?”

  Snatching the tablet from his hands, she didn’t bother to contain the temper straining her nerves. “This isn’t funny, Will. This little device is going to fix the holes in your business, and ensure your wines are placed alongside the great vintages of the world.” She shook the iPad in his face. “You make a superior product, but lack of discipline and direction in your operations could rob you of success the same way Meg robbed you of funds.” She propelled herself away from him, ducking past his outstretched hand.

  “Ava, I’m sorry. Come on. We were just having a little fun with you.” He jogged backward as she strode down the path to the first field of vines. They’d reached the towering hundred-year old oak and stepped into the shade. He tripped on a raised stone, but corrected before he tumbled to his ass.

  “That’s not helping.” Avalon pointed to him, stopping abruptly. “You’ll fall.”

  “Are you worried about me?” Laugh lines around his eyes crinkled and a broad grin stretched across his lips.

  She heaved an exaggerated sigh. “If you injure yourself, you’ll only get behind on the schedule. Then you’ll lose you
r national contracts and have to close the business.”

  “Hmm. What would I do all day then?” He ducked his head until he looked her in the eyes.

  Dammit, why’d he have to be freaking attractive? She schooled her face to bland tolerance. “You could probably get a migrant worker gig. You know a little about grapes and harvest. It would be a shame to have to give up the house, though.” She tossed a look over her shoulder, taking in the stately villa atop a prominent crest. The sun burnished the tan stucco a glowing copper color. Trees shading the terrace created a perfect, dark green frame. “It’s a pretty house. And your friend is working so hard to make it beautiful home for you.”

  Will tilted his head curiously. “My friend?”

  “Penny. She was up there working in your room a little while ago. Saw her when I had to go up to my room to look up which computer companies On Time has accounts and discounts with. It’s time to order some new equipment for your operation.”

  Will scowled at the house. “I told her to leave it alone.”

  “Looks like we need to work on your communication skills.” She resumed walking toward the vines, the rattle of leaves in the slight breeze relieving the tension that arose when they started talking about Penny.

  “Or her listening skills,” he mumbled. He quickened his pace until he caught up with her. “Now what’s this about new computers?”

  “I left a purchase order on your desk. I’m recommending one desk top model that can double as a server, a laptop you can take with you at the end of the day, and a Bluetooth printer that will work from your iPad.”

  “Why would I want to take my laptop home with me?” He gave her a sideways glance, like he was afraid of how she’d respond. With his head cocked slightly, a shock of his dark hair flopped into his eyes. The sunlight streamed from straight overhead, and his long, thick lashes cast shadows on his tanned cheeks.

  Gorgeous didn’t begin to describe him. Avalon licked her lips. “In case you want to watch porn?” She slapped a hand over her mouth as warmth rushed into her cheeks. Please let an earthquake strike right this minute and open a fissure wide enough to swallow me.

  Will laughed. “I have a big screen TV in my bedroom. Why in the world would I use a tiny laptop to watch porn?”

  “Oh, God. I’m so sorry. That was highly unprofessional of me. I don’t know what got into me. You probably don’t even watch . . .” She wasn’t going to say porn again. Her palms started sweating and she rubbed her hands on her jeans.

  Will tracked her movement, then met her gaze. Heat and hunger vied for dominance in his eyes. “I do, but I probably shouldn’t admit it. You’re very cute when you blush. I think I’ll get you to do it more often.”

  “Will, please. I’m making an effort to be professional. I know I didn’t make the best impression there, but I’m trying. Besides, there’s Penny.”

  “Hold up!” He stopped as she took a couple more steps. When she looked back, his arms were crossed over his chest, the muscles of his biceps straining his plaid shirt. “What do you mean, ‘there’s Penny?’”

  “She’s your girlfriend. I’d never—”

  “Penny isn’t my girlfriend.”

  “But . . . she’s gone out of her way to mention on a couple of occasions that you’ve been in a relationship for quite a while.”

  “No. Penny has never been, nor will never be, my girlfriend.” His lips pressed together tightly and a muscle ticked in his jaw before he muttered, “I told Drake I’d regret letting Penny redecorate the place.”

  Hope floated in her chest, but she stuck the sharp point of reality in it, deflating it like a burst balloon. He was still a client. “Oh, my mistake. She just led me to believe you two were an item.”

  “She’s not my type at all. Too . . . artsy. Believe it or not, the girl doesn’t have nearly enough structure in her life to be appealing to me.” Will grasped her wrist and towed her along.

  “So you like a woman who believes in order.”

  “Didn’t say that necessarily. I don’t mind a bit of chaos amid my order.”


  He laughed. “That’s it? Just, oh?” He draped his arm over her shoulder and steered her down a row of vines almost as tall as her.

  “What do you want me to say?” The weight of his arm warmed her. The sensation of being tucked along his side blasted pleasurably through her skin.

  Will stopped again, facing her, and rested his hands on her shoulders, close enough the flecks of gold in his eyes glittered and his peppermint scented breath tickled her cheek. The corner of his mouth turned up. “Tell me you have a wild side just dying to get out. Tell me if I closed the scant distance between us, and kissed you, it would be okay. Tell me you want this as much as I do, Ava.”

  He wrested the iPad away from her and balanced it on a nearby stump. Returning to her side, he edged in close enough for her to spot the pulse pounding heavily in his neck.

  She searched his face, debating the intelligence of giving in to the urge swamping her, the desire to test his lips and see if they were as soft as they looked. To know how they’d feel curled up in a smile against her mouth. She licked her lips again.

  He groaned, the sound rising in his chest. His hands tightened on her shoulders, but still he waited, not attempting to kiss her. Giving her the chance to say yes or no.

  Raising her face, she gave him permission without saying a word.

  He closed the distance between them, holding her gaze until the last second, then his lashes swept downward, brushing her face as they closed. The first touch of his lips was tentative, sweet. A gentle flicker of butterfly wings against hers. But then he increased the pressure and slid his hands down to hers, linking their fingers together. He tugged her forward until her body pressed against his.

  A flare of desire flashed through Avalon with a stark intensity that caused her to gasp. He took advantage of her open mouth to explore within, his tongue probing and dancing across hers.

  Her legs trembled and her heart quivered as he clasped her tighter, dragging her hands behind his back until they rested atop his buttocks. Releasing her wrists, he wrapped his arms around her and snugged her closer, hip to hip and chest to chest. She flattened her palms against him, one low on the small of his back, the other climbing higher, counting the indentations along his spine until she reached a spot between his shoulder blades.

  His onslaught on her mouth continued, each stroke of his lips, each slow lap of his tongue fanning the flames burning her up from the inside. She wanted this. No matter what she’d told herself, she’d wanted Will’s kiss since she’d first talked to him. First seen his picture. And she’d been right; the curve of his lips on hers was perfect.

  There was something primal and carnal about him that couldn’t be denied.

  She tangled her fingers in the soft cotton of his shirt and jerked it up, pulling it free of his waistband. The flesh on his abdomen was soft and smooth. Muscles rippled under her fingertips, skin and sinews jumping as she explored. He flexed his arms around her, tugging her closer, until his groin pressed against her stomach.

  She stretched on her toes as he plunged his tongue deeper in her mouth. Delicious friction built inside her and cascaded as damp heat until it settled between her legs. He speared his fingers through her hair, the strands he’d loosened tumbling around her face and shoulders. Cupping her cheeks, his kiss turned frenzied, as though he couldn’t get enough of her.

  God, she couldn’t remember the last time she’d lost control this way. She wanted to climb higher in his arms until she could wrap her legs around his waist.

  A small voice in the back of her head shrilled out a warning. He’s the client. You shouldn’t do this.

  Pulling her lips from his, she took a hasty step away, her head still clutched in his hands.

e let her go, but the heat and longing, the stark need in his eyes, tripped a trigger somewhere deep within and she ruthlessly squashed the voice of reason in her head. She leapt back toward him, colliding with his chest. He stumbled, braced himself, then pulled her in for another soul-searing kiss. His lips plundered and took that which she freely gave.

  The impulsive side of her nature took over as she swept her hands up his ribcage. She dragged them to his pecs and spread her palms over his nipples. Her own hardened in response, aching and full, pressing against the restrictive fabric of her bra.

  Will worked her shirt free of her jeans and traced small circles up one side of her body, resting just below her breast. She twisted and writhed until she’d manipulated his hand over the thin, lacy cup. More aggressive than she’d ever been, she pressed him backward until his spine rested against one of the support poles stretching a framework for the vines. The sweet tang of crushed leaves filled her senses, floating just above his scent: peppermint, sandalwood and smoke.

  He groaned as he circled her nipple, then plucked, drawing the peak tighter. He flattened his other hand on her butt and dragged her tight to him, his body’s reaction to their kiss fully evident, a thick, hard rod.

  Spinning her around until her back was to the framework, he locked both hands behind her back and lifted. She wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and twined a leg behind his butt as he trailed his lips down her neck, nibbling and licking like she was a delicacy he’d craved the taste of for too long.

  Her wrist buzzed along with the rest of her body, and not from the stupor induced by his drugging kiss. The damn thing buzzed a second, then third time. Will groaned in frustration of a completely different sort.

  He released her, letting her slide down his body until she was steady on her feet again, missing the solid warmth of the man. Breath rushed in and out of Avalon’s lungs, her chest heaving as if she’d run a race only to come in second to the demands of her job, her schedule.


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