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Coming Together (A Crack in the Ice: Post-Apocalyptic Tales of Man-Love Book 4)

Page 7

by Leigh Harde

  “El doctor has agreed to release Brick and I from our beds. I’m sure if you cooperate with him, he will release you as well.”

  “I appreciate the concern, Juan,” Master said. “But I think I’m good right here.”

  “Yes, Master,” Juan said and walked back toward Brick and Mitch. Brick gave him a confused look, but Juan ignored it as he walked past him into the hall. Master watched as they left.

  Hell yeah, that’s my boy! Master thought. When the door closed, he broke into a toothy grin. Using one hand, he managed to open the small pen knife that Juan had secretly slipped him.

  Once Brick and Juan were alone in their new room, Brick whispered, “What was that about?” They had gladly taken off the hospital gowns that Mitch had given them and were putting on the clothes that they had arrived in. All of them were freshly laundered, and Mitch had provided some new ones as well.

  “I kept a small knife from my pocket after we changed last night,” Juan said quietly. “Before Reid strapped my arm down, I hid it under my hip. I thought that he would find it when he catheterized me. But I was lucky, no?” He had a mischievous glint in his eyes. “And now Master is lucky as well.” Brick swallowed and turned away from him. Concerned, Juan put a hand on his back. “Querido, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t think you should have done that,” Brick said. His shoulders were hunched.

  “But, why?” Juan asked confused by Brick’s behavior.

  “This place,” Brick said. “It’s good, Juan. Better than we thought possible. Much better than at the Camp. We could make a life here, together.”

  “Together?” Juan asked, afraid of the hope sparking inside him. It was the first time that Brick had ever talked about them in the plural. Juan had loved him even before the Impact, but Brick had never been able to accept his sexuality. He had forced Juan to keep their relationship a secret.

  “Juan,” Brick said and turned around to face him. “I’ve been trying to think about what makes me happy, and all I can think about is you.” Juan seemed stunned as Brick reached for his hands. “I don’t care what anyone else thinks anymore,” he said. “I love you.” Hearing that from Brick made Juan’s eyes fill with tears that spilled over his tattooed face.

  “Brick,” Juan said overcome with emotion. “Yo tambien te amo.” Brick was smiling through his own tears as their lips met, and their arms wrapped around each other.

  Gabriel’s hand flew to his throat before he was even fully awake. When he didn’t feel anything there, he kept his eyes closed and achingly buried his face in his pillow. He grabbed the blanket that was covering him and pulled it up higher.


  Gabriel froze at the sound of his name. Hearing that voice was the only thing that could have pulled him out of his current misery.

  “Nathan?” he asked opening his eyes. Nathan was sitting beside the bed, his freckled face shining. “Nate!” Gabriel exclaimed and grabbed him in a big bear hug that the other man gladly returned. “I thought,” Gabriel began. “I’m sorry,” Nathan said at the same time.

  “Sorry?” Gabriel asked confused. He pulled back but still held onto to Nathan’s arms.

  “I shouldn’t have left you,” Nathan said. His face was twisted with the guilt that he had been harboring since his escape.

  “No, Nate. You had to,” Gabriel said. He remembered how bad the first two months at the Camp had been, especially for Nathan who was the focus of Mac’s torment. “I’m just glad you’re alive. You don’t know how glad,” he said and laughed—delighted that they were together again.

  “You’re safe here with us,” he told Gabriel solemnly. “No one’ll ever hurt you again.”

  “What?” Gabriel asked confused and shook his head. Then he grew serious. “Nate, you gotta help me.”

  “Anything,” Nathan said and meant it.

  “You gotta make them let us go,” he said. Nathan pulled away slightly.

  “What do you mean?” he asked. They both startled when the door opened and Ethan, James, and Elijah walked inside.

  “Is that?” Gabriel asked in a whisper. Nathan smiled. “Yep,” he said.

  “Elijah!” Gabriel cried out. “You look great!” He remembered a small malnourished man with long bangs that covered the scars on his face. This Elijah was big and muscular. With his hair cut short, his scars made him seem menacing. That was until his face turned pink at Gabriel’s complement, and he shyly bowed his head.

  “Thanks Gabe,” he said as he stood beside Nathan. He laid a hand on his arm. Gabriel was surprised at the contact. The old Elijah shied away from touching people.

  “I’m glad you’re free,” he said. Gabriel’s face sobered at that, but he covered Elijah’s hand with his own. He looked up at James and Ethan standing in the background.

  “But I’m not free,” he said addressing them. “Am I?” Everyone grew quiet and still. “I want my collar back,” he told James knowing that he was the one in charge. Intense gray eyes settled on him, and Gabriel swallowed nervously. James was a big guy, and normally he wouldn’t challenge someone like him. But this was important, he thought to himself, and Gabriel felt bolder with his two friends beside him.

  “You don’t need to wear that anymore, Gabriel,” James explained calmly maintaining eye contact.

  “Master gave it to me, and I want it back!” Gabriel insisted loudly. He realized that it sounded childish. But it was more than just a dog collar to him. It was a symbol of his relationship with Master. It connected them together, and he was heartbroken that it was gone.

  “No,” James said sternly trying to put an end to the subject. “That collar has no place in your life anymore.”

  Each word from James hit Gabriel like a punch. His eyes widened, and his mouth slacked. He couldn’t get his breath. It was too much, he thought feeling himself losing control. On top of being worried about Kevin and Master, he was sitting with two friends that he thought had died. Plus, it was looking more and more like the reason that they were all in this mess was the misplaced notion that he had needed saving. Tears formed in Gabriel’s light blue eyes and slid down his cheeks. He drew his knees to his chest and wrapped both arms around his legs. Nathan and Elijah were shocked by his reaction and reached to hold him. “Please,” he begged them hopelessly rocking back and forth on the bed. “Please, help me,” he cried out pitifully.

  Nathan broke away from Gabriel and angrily walked up to James. “Where is it?” he asked with tears in his eyes too. When James didn’t answer, he shouted, “Where?!” James’s expression hardened, and he compressed his lips. He understood why Nathan was so upset. It had to be hard watching his friend struggle, he thought. But as their leader, it fell on him to do what was right for their family and that left him no choice but to stand his ground.

  When Nathan realized that James wouldn’t be swayed, he looked at Ethan for help. Clearly torn between him and James, Ethan finally nodded his head toward the trash can. Nathan stalked over to it. Fortunately, the collar was the only thing inside. It was black and worn, not at all fancy. He retrieved it and walked back to Gabriel.

  “I got it,” he said gently. “Let me put it back on, okay?” Gabriel leaned forward, and Nathan fastened it loosely around his neck. Gabriel was so distraught, he wasn’t sure how it happened. Before he could think about what he was doing, he was pressing his lips to Nathan’s. Nathan was hesitant at first. That wasn’t the relationship that they had with each other except when it had been forced upon them at the Camp. He returned the kiss, though, and they both looked surprised when they separated.

  Ethan was trying to watch a movie with James and Nick that they had taken from the library in the Compound, but he couldn’t follow the storyline. He kept getting distracted thinking about the kiss that Nathan and Gabriel had shared. He had never been a jealous man even when he was married and work had kept him away from his wife for months at a time. But when he agreed to release Gabriel from the medical center, and Nathan had asked if he could bring
him back to their quarters, it was all that he could do not to protest. Then when Nathan asked if Ethan would mind sleeping somewhere else that night so that they could have some privacy—well, Ethan thought to himself, he had to admit that it bothered him.

  James was sitting on his couch with one arm wrapped around Nick who was curled up at his side. Ethan was sitting alone in a chair. When Ethan had shown up at their door and asked if he could spend the night, they both eagerly agreed. James didn’t hold a grudge about him giving into Nathan earlier with the collar. Nathan had Ethan wrapped around his little finger, the same way Nick had James.

  James covertly watched his friend from the corner of his eye. He seemed unusually quiet and withdrawn. “Ethan,” he said. “Why don’t you come over here?” Ethan got up almost reluctantly and sat down on the other side of James. James used a remote to stop the movie.

  “You want to talk about it?” he asked him. Nick sat up then and focused on Ethan curious to find out what was going on. Ethan gave a humorless laugh. “What if he doesn’t need me anymore?” he asked not looking at them.

  “Who? Nathan?” James asked incredulous.

  “I’m more than twice his age,” he said. “Gabriel’s young and handsome. They’re best friends. I can’t compete with that.” His tall slender body seemed to crumple in on itself.

  “Ethan,” James said and put a hand on his thigh. “You know how much Nathan loves you.” Ethan gave a shuddering sigh and leaned against James’s body for comfort. James gave him a reassuring hug and kissed his neck. Ethan’s lips found his eventually, and their tongues explored each other.

  Like James, Nick knew that Ethan didn’t have anything to worry about. Nathan loved him as much as he loved James. It bothered Nick seeing him so upset, though. He decided to go to his knees in front of the couch. He thought a little distraction might help. He loved everyone at the Compound, but James and Ethan were the most special to him.

  While they were kissing, he unzipped Ethan’s pants. He fished his semi-erect penis from his springy pubic hair and devoured it making him moan into James’s mouth. Nick liked that he was responsible for that sound and redoubled his efforts. He had been a straight virgin less than six months ago when he was rescued and brought to the Compound. Ethan was the one who had taken his virginity and changed his life for the better. He pulled away from him just long enough to unzip James and give his cock a hard suck as well. He took turns with each of them until James wanted more and stood.

  James undressed beside the couch as he watched his angel enthusiastically bobbing his head up and down on Ethan’s cock. He and Ethan shared a look while Ethan put a hand on Nick’s head and softly played his fingers through his light blond hair. James licked his lips at the sight. He hurriedly left for the bedroom and brought back some oil which he applied to his thick penis as he continued to watch Nick work Ethan’s cock.

  “Angel,” James said in a voice gone gruff with arousal. “Stand up.” Nick obeyed his command. James took his mouth in a passionate kiss that turned even hotter when he tasted Ethan’s flavor on his lover’s tongue. He removed Nick’s clothes slowly while Ethan watched captivated from the couch.

  Ethan had always found Nick’s young athletically trim body particularly sexy. He decided that he liked where this was going and quickly removed his own clothes.

  James turned Nick’s naked body towards the couch and whispered in his ear. “I want to watch your sweet mouth take Ethan while I take your ass.” Nick didn’t hesitate to return to his knees. He rolled his eyes up so that he could watch Ethan’s face while he swallowed his penis. James knelt behind Nick’s pert bubble butt and pried his cheeks apart. He took a moment to admire the wrinkled little hole winking up at him before he poured some oil on it. Then he applied more oil to himself as well. He entered Nick slowly so as not to cause any pain. He loved the feel of his tight chute squeezing around him. Once he was all the way inside, he leaned over his back and tenderly kissed his shoulder. It gave him a good view of Ethan’s cock as it disappeared and reappeared from Nick’s mouth. He straightened back up and held Ethan’s eyes as he set up a pleasurable rhythm. James reached around Nick to grasp his penis and masturbate him.

  Trapped between his two favorite people, Nick couldn’t last. He released Ethan from his mouth and buried his face between his balls and thigh as he came. Ethan continued to pet his hair while he recuperated, and James took his time in his ass. Nick was just getting hard again when he heard James grunt and felt him coat his insides with hot semen. When he pulled his thick cock free from Nick’s body, it left him loose and open. Nick stood up knowing what he wanted to do next.

  Ethan was enjoying himself. How could he not? he thought. James was his best friend and confidant. Nick was beautiful inside and out. But as soon as Nick took his mouth off him, his couldn’t help thinking about Nathan again and the kiss. Watching James making love to Nick from behind depressed him. He wondered what Nathan and Gabriel were doing. When James finished, Nick stood up in front of him.

  He climbed on top of Ethan and sank down onto his lap. Ethan’s penis easily slipped inside his stretched out anus. Nick threaded his fingers through Ethan’s slightly graying hair but hesitated at the sadness he saw in his eyes.

  “Please, Ethan,” Nick said unsettled by his behavior. He tried to reassure him. “You don’t have to worry about Nathan and Gabriel. I swear.” Ethan loved Nick for trying to cheer him up and gave him a small smile before bringing him in closer for a kiss. Nick almost succeeded in taking his mind off his troubles as he rode his cock while James watched them with hot eyes.

  Ethan waited for Nick to come again then cradled his fresh young body against his hairy chest. He held him tightly while he continued to thrust until he finally found his release inside him.

  Afterward, they all took showers and piled into bed together. But even with his friends beside him, it was still a long time before Ethan could calm his mind enough to find sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Mitch had already brought Kevin, Brick, and Juan their supper. Now he was carrying a tray down the hall to Master’s room. Balancing it with one hand, he unlocked and opened the door. When he noticed that the bed was empty, it was too late. Master had a knife to his throat.

  “Thanks for the gun,” he said and yanked it from Mitch’s waistband. He pushed him hard to put distance between the two of them. Mitch dropped the tray, and it clattered as it hit the floor. He whipped back around to face Master.

  Master laughed while the handsome blond man turned red with anger, and his hands impotently clenched at his sides. “Go ahead,” Master said challenging him. Mitch quickly regained his composure. He knew the danger he was in now that Master was free.

  “You know what?” Master said enjoying himself. “I’ll even make it fair.” He set the knife down first then the gun on a small table beside him. Mitch’s eyes flicked to the weapons then back to Master. It was tempting to try, he thought. But he knew that Master was playing with him. He decided his best bet was to stay where he was.

  Master gave him a moment, but Mitch didn’t move. “Yes? No?” he taunted. Still no reaction. “Oh well,” Master said disappointed and reluctantly retrieved the weapons from the table. He had been hoping that they could have a little fun together. His eyes narrowed. “Maybe later,” he said. Mitch sensed the impending threat, and his skin crawled where Master’s black eyes raked his body. He didn’t breathe again until Master motioned him toward the door with his gun.

  “Kevin and Gabriel. Now,” he ordered. Knowing that he didn’t have a choice, Mitch preceded him out of the door. He was sifting through different scenarios in his mind as he led Master to Kevin’s room. The only explanation that he could come up with was that Juan somehow had managed to slip Master the knife when he grabbed his hand earlier. He shouldn’t have trusted him, he thought. The change in his behavior alone from last night to that morning was a red flag. Mitch was glad that he was the only person from the Compound who was there. No one else sh
ould have to suffer the consequences of his carelessness, he thought grimly. He unlocked the door and walked inside.

  When Kevin saw Master, he ran past Mitch and attached himself to his side. Master kept his eyes on Reid the entire time as he and his step brother shared a quick kiss. Both of Mitch’s eyebrows flew up to his hairline. An incestuous psychopath, he thought as he watched them together. Why not?

  “Where’s Gabriel?” Master asked Kevin.

  “Major Reese took him to see his friends,” Kevin said. “But it’s been hours.”

  “Well Reid,” Master said. “Lead the way.”

  “He’s not here anymore,” Mitch said. “James took him to the Compound.”

  “Where the fuck’s the Compound?” Master asked, and his voice had an edge.

  “It’s about a half mile from here,” Mitch said. “But you’ll never get inside unless they allow it.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “And they’ll never allow it.”

  His confidence had Kevin scared, and he looked at his step brother worried. “We’ll see about that,” Master said undaunted.

  Gabriel was sitting on the couch in Nathan’s quarters. His eyes were glued to the floor, and he was shaking his head as Nathan yelled at him. After they left the medical center, Gabriel had tried to explain his relationship with Master. He wanted Nathan to understand that he didn’t need to be saved. He was hoping that if he could convince him that he was happy, then they might let him and his people go home.

  “How can you say that, Gabe?!” Nathan shouted at him. “You love Master?! After what he did to us?” Nathan’s freckled face was splotchy with anger as he paced back and forth in front of Gabriel. Master was the one who had given them over to his gang, he thought. Master was the one who had given the order for his Scavengers to kill anyone that wouldn’t benefit the Camp. Master was the one who had put a leash on Gabriel and made him his dog.


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