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Where I Found You (Heart's Compass Book 1)

Page 18

by Brooke O'Brien

  “Reid, son! Everything okay?” Hudson grunts, concern evident in his tone. Growing up, Hudson was always looking out for me. Ever since I was young and my dad left, I remember him challenging me to be a better man than the example I had set in front of me. If he only knew how he has impacted me.

  “I’m not sure. Have you talked to Ellie recently? Do you happen to know where she is?” I rattle out, holding my breath in hopes he knows and that she is okay.

  “No, I haven’t talked to her since she was at the store yesterday. What’s wrong?” Hudson is the type of man that doesn’t show fear, but I know he has caught on to Ellie and glimpses of her past she works to keep hidden.

  Without hesitating, I replay everything to him since showing up at Ellie’s house. The pendant is still clasped tightly in my hand, feeling like a solid weight to match the one sitting in the pit of my stomach.

  “Is it possible it’s him?” he asks, drawing my attention. As if reading the expression on my face through the phone, he clarifies his question. “I know you know what I’m talking about, son. Is it possible he was released and she's somehow in danger?”

  Not wasting time wondering if she told him or how he found out, I focus on his question before responding.

  “She told me he was in prison, but I don’t know. FUCK! Hudson, what if he was? God damn it!” I yell, squeezing my phone in my fist, worrying I will crush it. My mind races through every detail Ellie has told me about Royal.

  “I’ll be right there, son. Call the police!” he shouts, a rustling sound comes through the line followed by the sound of his truck starting. When the call ends, a ding comes through notifying me of a text message.

  As if on cue, I look at the text message from Ellie and it’s as if everything around me comes crashing down.

  Ellie: 911

  By the time I disconnect from the emergency operator, Hudson is pulling into the driveway behind my pick-up truck. Emotions that I’ve fought off well up in me. Seeing Hudson standing in front of me, clasping my shoulder in his strong hand, is nearly my undoing.

  The realization of everything creeps in as I replay over and over what I saw. Ellie’s text message reaching out for help fills me with dread, fearing what she could be going through right now.

  I pray the blood that marred the floor is not from her. I silently beg that she fought him off, that she fought to come back to me. I swear to God if he lays a hand on her or harmed her in any way, I will fucking kill him. I will kill him and not care or feel bad about it for even a second.

  Hudson doesn’t say anything but he doesn’t need to. A few minutes later, a patrol car pulls into the driveway. Bending down, I rest my hands on top of my knees as I force a deep breath into my lungs. Tears fill my eyes and flow down my face. Using my thumb and index finger, I rub my eyes and use the back of my hand to dry the tears.

  “You’re Callum, right?” a strong voice asks, commanding my attention. Standing up to full height, I reach my hand out in front of me to shake his.

  “Yes, sir,” I say, concern and anger lacing my words. Living in a small town, I recognize the man standing in front of me. I’ve seen him around Wes’s shop before but I haven’t talked to him or know his name.

  “My name’s Detective Keller. Dispatch relayed the details of your call. I understand your girlfriend is missing and you have reason to believe she was abducted. Can you tell me her name and what you know?” he asks.

  “Her name is Ellie Ryan. I was coming in from out of town and I was here to pick her up for a wedding we were attending together tonight. When I got here, the front door was left open and the rug and shoes in the foyer were strewn all over. If you know Ellie, it’s unlike her to leave the house open like that, especially if she was not home.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hudson interrupts. “Her last name is Hayes,” he says, not making eye contact with me. I can feel the confusion lining my brow, mirroring the same look as the detective.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Hudson. How do you know this woman?” he asks, narrowing his eyes looking between the two of us.

  “Ellie works at Hudson’s and is renting out this property from me,” he shares, pointing toward the house. “She goes by the last name of Ryan, but her last name is legally Hayes. This information was disclosed to me when she began working for me at the same time she became my tenant.”

  Hudson looks back at me with sympathy in his eyes. “I’m sorry, son, but it wasn’t my information to share with you.”

  Nodding my head, I acknowledge what he says. I still can’t help the questions that are swirling around in my head. I know after talking to Ellie there was a lot she did to hide her past out of fear it would chase her down.

  “Can you tell me why you believe she may have been abducted, sir?” Detective Keller asks.

  “Ellie texted me ‘911’ just before I called to report her missing. I also found her necklace broken on the floor with blood spots on the tile in her entryway,” I say, sharing with him the pieces of the puzzle that has my heart heavy with concern. “I believe someone from her past may have found her. I can’t be sure though.” I sigh in frustration, nothing is adding up. “I don’t know what is going on but I believe someone took her and that she could be in some real danger.”

  I give him a brief rundown of the history Ellie shared with me not long ago. I am not surprised when the information I share doesn’t seem to strike Hudson as news. The way he rattled off his name confirmed he has already done his homework. I don’t believe for a second Ellie shared it with him, but knowing her he knew there was more to it.

  “And we’re sure that this Royal Carter is in prison, correct?” Detective Keller asks Hudson. His concern matches mine. The uncertainty behind this confirms everything that I’m feeling.

  “Yes, sir,” Hudson says. I know we both agree, if someone set out to hurt Ellie deliberately, the only person it would be is him.

  “I’m going to put in a call to check into Royal Carter and see what information I can find on him. While I’m doing that, you said she sent you a text from her phone. It’s a long shot but I’m going to see if it’s on and if I can put in a request to track her location.”

  The words hit me like a smack in the face.

  When Ellie came with me to buy a phone, I insisted she register it in case she ever lost it. She thought it was bullshit, but I told her she wasn’t used to carrying it and that I wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up leaving it somewhere.

  Truth be told, I wanted to protect her in every way possible.

  Pulling up the Location Services, I glance up at him and say, “I can do you one better. I have access to her iCloud account. I should be able to track her phone from here.”

  I just hope when we find her it isn’t too late.

  “Wake the fuck up, bitch!” The harsh words come out as a muffle just before the loud smack strikes the side of my face. The pain ricochets through my skull. A strong hand wraps around my jaw, forcing my head back as I struggle to breathe through my nostrils.

  “There she is,” he says as I peek my eyes open. The damp, musty smell is so pungent it causes my stomach to roll. A small light hangs from the ceiling, doing little to brighten up the room but it doesn’t matter.

  I could spot the useless piece of garbage standing in front of me from a mile away.

  The sinister smile is back, leaving me with the urge to wipe it right off his sick fucking face.

  “I’m sorry, what’d you say? I can’t hear you.” He laughs, enjoying my agony. “Listen, we’re going to make this quick. I have someone showing up here soon. It’s a bit of a surprise for you. I have a feeling you’re really going to like it.”

  The way he says surprise tells me it’s the kind I will want nothing to do with.

  Shuffling to move, my wrists strain against the duct tape holding them together. The resistance cutting deep, reducing the circulation to my fingers. Attempting to turn my wrist, I try to loosen the duct tape and ease my hand out. It’s no use though, the duct
tape is wrapped so tight, I’m not able to move my hands even an inch.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this, Ellie. I’m going to remove the duct tape now because seeing you tied up like this doesn’t do it for me. I much prefer you compliant,” he chuckles. “I promised you would pay for putting me behind bars. So, it’s time you come to terms with your punishment. I’d wait until later, but well… I can’t leave you hanging. After all, you are all dressed up for this special reunion,” he moans, bending closer.

  His breath comes out in heavy pants against the side of my face.

  “If I remove this, you better not try anything. I’ll have no fucking problem slitting your throat, so don’t even tempt me.”

  My eyes connect with the sharp object in his hand, causing my heart to pound. He runs the blade over the chiffon of the dress, down to the exposed skin on my chest.

  Nodding my head, I lower my eyes as I hold my wrists out in front of him. If he’s going to remove the tape, he needs to think I’m the same broken down girl he left behind. Sliding the knife between my wrists, he uses the sharp edge to cut away the tape. I don’t move right away, knowing he’ll expect it if I do. Instead, I bide my time and wait as he pulls the tape away, loosening the confines.

  “While I was locked away I thought a lot about what you would look like all grown up. Your long blond hair and creamy pale skin,” he groans, lowering his hand to adjust himself. “So beautiful.”

  My stomach rolls with dread. I’m not the same girl I once was, and I won’t make this easy for him. I know if I’m going to get out of this basement, it’s going to be because I put up a fight. I’m done letting him control my life. I refuse to let him put his hands on me again.

  I swallow nervously as I attempt to calm my racing heart, thinking through my next move. I know I can’t overtake him with his strength, he proved it earlier. I just know if I can find a way to get out of this room, surely, I can get to my phone and call for help.

  “Alright, now that I’ve done you this favor, I have something for you,” he says, taking a step back as his hands return to the button on his pants.

  I can’t even hold back the tears streaming down my face knowing what’s coming next.

  “Open up your pretty little mouth for me. I’m only going to warn you once, if you try to fucking bite me, I’m going to knock your teeth down your throat. You hear me?” he barks.

  Wrapping his hand around my jaw again, he wrenches my head back as he forces his fingers into my mouth, prying it open. The movement causes me to gag against the intrusion.

  Bending my legs beneath the chair, I get into position as I wait for the opportunity. As soon as he moves the knife away to lower his pants, I make the move I’ve been counting on.

  Shooting my arm out, I slam my forearm against his wrist, knocking the knife out of his hand, taking him off guard. Royal snaps his attention up to me. Using every ounce of strength in my body, I use my fist to connect with his groin. His hands move to protect himself causing the knife to slide across the floor in the process.

  “You little bitch,” Royal grunts, dropping his knees to the floor.

  Not missing the opening, I dive toward the knife. I don’t make it very far with the tape wrapped around my ankles but I don’t let that deter me. As soon as my hand is wrapped around the handle, I clutch it in my fist to avoid losing my grip, rolling over to face Royal.

  He’s hunched over as he howls in agony. With all the force left in my body, I push on. The sharp edge of the blade hits him in the side of his stomach, as a look of shock takes over his face.

  Pulling the knife out, I don’t let myself think about the blood covering my hands. Sliding back, I put some distance between us. My hands shake as I try to quickly cut away the tape wrapped around my ankles and thighs. Pulling the tape away, I hurry to stand. My legs feel unsteady beneath me, but the adrenaline coursing through my body spurs me on.

  Looking over at Royal, blood continues to pour out of the wound, turning the light gray shirt a dark burgundy. His eyes are barely open. They lack focus as he stares up at the ceiling.

  I know counting him out would be my biggest mistake. Shuffling along the side of the basement, I press my back against the cinder block wall. As soon as I’ve inched past him, I break for the stairs running up them. Checking the door, I’m surprised when I see it unlocked.

  With nothing but the knife in my hand, I hold it out in front of me as I take a step out of the dingy basement and into a short hallway. With a quick look to the left and right, I’m startled when I see the rest of the house is empty. Whomever he was talking to earlier must have left. Spotting the front door, I make a quick run for it. As soon as it opens and the cool breeze hits my face, I take a deep breath.

  Against my better judgment, I take one last glance behind me. I don’t see her standing in front of me, at least not until my bare foot hits the front porch step. It takes a second before my mind registers the green eyes shining back at me, matching my own, just before everything goes black.

  All this time I’ve spent running, hoping someone would come along and save me. For the first time in my life, I realized the only hope I had was to save myself.

  The soft hum of the lights above filter in through my mind, waking me from unconsciousness. They shine bright above me, almost like they burn through my eyelids as I fight off the urge to squeeze them tight.

  My limbs feel heavy. Even if I wanted to lift them or try to move, it would be no use. The pain I feel throughout my body is more of a dull ache, barely through the surface as I try to register where I am. My thoughts come back to me in pieces, but focusing on one thing.

  Royal. He is here.

  My head starts to pound as I replay the events I can remember. Royal showing up at my house, ending up in the trunk of a car, finding myself tied up in a disgusting basement.

  Fear and panic creeps. Maybe Callum couldn’t find me like I hoped.

  A beeping sound next to me flits through my mind as I start to register where I am.

  The creak from a door opening followed by a soft click jolts me from my thoughts. Footsteps approach me as someone slides something across the floor. The sound as it creaks is followed by a soft click. The footsteps approach me as someone moves something. I try with everything in me to turn my head and open my eyes. Fear creeps inside me, settling in the panic. I want to know who is here.

  Until I hear my name and relief envelops me, melting everything away.

  “Ellie.” The soft words come out with an ache, and I feel my eyes well up.


  I feel his hands wrap around mine as he peppers a soft kiss on the back. I would know the feel of his calloused hands around mine anywhere.

  “If you can hear me baby, I want you to know I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” The sadness laced with worry has me fighting once again to do anything to let him know I’m here. It’s useless, like every part of my body is weighted down. I want to shout from the top of my lungs, tell him I’m okay, but I can’t.

  Callum lets out a deep sigh and I know it’s because he was hoping for some sort of response from me, too.

  “It’s okay, baby, it’s going to be okay. I know you need your rest. You fought hard, so fucking hard. I will stay right here by your side, I’m not ever leaving. Not now… not ever.”

  I can hear the soft hiccup accompanied by a sob unleashed from his throat as his lips find the back of my hand once again. My heart breaks just thinking about how broken up he sounds. I ache to find a way to let him know I’m here, but my body is growing more tired by the second.

  The last words I hear as my subconscious pulls me back under are the three words I thought I’d never hear, but have longed to tell Callum.

  “I love you, Ellie.”

  I feel like my heart has been ripped out of my chest since I first saw her. Cuts and bruises covering her face, arms, and I’m sure other places I can’t see. Seeing someone as sweet and kind as Ellie hurting like this has rage coursing thr
ough me unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.

  As soon as he got the confirmation Royal had been released, I had been coming out of my skin at the thought of where she could be and what could’ve happened to her. Once they picked up a signal on her cell phone, they were quick to move in. I was about to insist I come with him, wanting to get my hands on this motherfucker when Detective Keller told me I needed to stay where I was. If Ellie were to separate from her phone, the first place she would likely go is home.

  Where she knew she would be able to find me.

  Kinsley joined us, along with another patrol officer in case Ellie were to show up. Kinsley couldn’t control herself or the emotion racking through her body. Standing in the driveway, I wrapped my arms around her as sobs shook her small body, the worry and fear overwhelming us both.

  I felt like I had shaved a fucking year off my life waiting for the phone call that they found her. Hearing Keller’s gruff voice on the other end of the line, instructing me to meet him at the hospital where he would fill me in on the details.

  I just needed to know three fucking things, now. That my girl was safe, she would be okay, and that they caught him. I knew by the tone of his voice I wasn’t going to like what I heard next.

  Keller wouldn’t tell me what he saw when he found her, which looking back on I’m grateful for. I don’t think I would be able to keep it together hearing what kind of hell she had lived through. The only information I got from him was she was going to be okay and he would find him.

  The only thing stopping me from running out of this hospital and finding him is knowing she’s the one who needs me right now. I promised her I would be here, that I wouldn’t leave her side. When she opens those beautiful green eyes, I want to be the first person she sees.

  Staring down at her, I lift my right hand and run my thumb along the soft skin of her cheek. Tears fill my eyes and I don’t even try to hold them back, letting them flow down my face. Leaning over the side of the bed, I clutch her small delicate hand in mine.


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