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Side Effects of Loving You 2

Page 3

by Dominique Thomas

  "But why the fuck did you bring her here?" Sophie asked visibly angry. Luke looked down at Mina and up at us.

  "Because right now we need her," he replied and Angel walked over to him. They picked Mina up and carried her out of the room. Sophie watched them carry her out and she shook her head.

  “This is some bullshit, Ameer! That bitch is not about to be in this house recovering while my sister is out missing.” Ameer grabbed Sophie’s hand.

  “Look right now we need to bring that bitch back to health so that she can get my fucking brother out of jail.” Sophie let his hand go.

  “Nah, y’all could have done that at a motel. I love Luke, but he fucked up on this one.” Ameer’s jaw twitched and he walked up on Sophie. He whispered something into her ear and she pushed him back.

  "You calm the fuck down! My sister is the one missing nigga," she yelled at him. Ameer damn near dragged her ass out of the room as we looked on. I sat down on the edge of the sofa and shook my head. This was crazy.

  "This isn’t right," I said thinking out loud. Kadar stood in front of me.

  "Mina being here?" I nodded and licked my lips.

  "Yeah, this shit just don’t feel right. That bitch shouldn’t be here and I'm telling you now if she had anything to do with Aamil getting locked up, I'ma kill her my damn self." Kadar studied me for a moment before speaking.

  "I didn’t know you and Drew rocked like that, but I feel you. We’re all going to be watching that bitch. I really don’t get why Luke fucking brought her here either, but I also feel what Ameer saying. We need to get her together, so she can let us know what the fuck happened at her house. We need to get Aamil’s ass out of jail immediately," he said and I nodded agreeing with him. I guess only time would tell if it was a good decision or bad one for Luke to bring Mina to the house.

  Chapter Three


  "The minute I tried to do right that bitch left me. I was like really hoe," Stretch said and shook his head. Man oh man could this nigga talk. All fucking day long all he did was talk about Mina's trick ass. I was so tired of hearing about that bitch.

  "I mean I gave her my heart. Yeah, I fucked up, but don’t every nigga cheat? I caught chlamydia and I told her instantly. She didn’t even have it and she still fucking put me out. She was so fucking ungrateful."

  I glanced over at the kids and smiled when I saw that they were sleeping. Over the last two weeks, I had become Stretch's therapist and friend. I was slowly working on getting me and these kids up out of here. They missed their momma and I missed my family. My stomach was doing better thank God, but I still had to take half of a pill every once in a while. I had been saving the others to drug Stretch. He started bringing in his beers a few days ago and I concocted a plan to drug him if all else failed. So far I had seven half's of Vicodin. I could only hope that would be enough to knock his ass out.

  “Mina and Aamil was like the fucking modern day Bonnie and Clyde when they started fucking around. She doing drops for the nigga, driving his whips. She said fuck me all the way and acted like she didn’t even know me. He loved the fuck out of her too,” Stretch said making sure to look me in my eyes when he said that. I knew he was trying to fuck with me, but I really wasn’t in the right state of mind to hear stories about my husband and this hoe together.

  “I mean he cashed out on her ass. He just didn’t marry her. That’s what fucked her up. That’s why she always came back to me because he wouldn’t make that shit official. He would hurt her and she would be knocking on my door or my momma’s. I was the dumb nigga for taking her ass back.”

  "Maybe she just didn’t know how to love you, Stretch. All my life I have been looking for love," I said with my eyes slowly peering over at him. Stretch was actually cute it was his craziness that made him look the way he did. That little something in his eyes that showed me he was a killer like Raynard. That his ass could flip out at any minute. I was playing devil’s advocate and I hoped I didn’t fuck this up.

  "Yeah, well shit a nigga like me always been by my motherfucking self. My mom was always busy with her job and my pops wasn’t shit. He let it be known on a daily basis that he didn’t wanna be with my moms. The minute he found a good job he left us and never looked back. He did send me money, but I didn’t want that shit," he mumbled and looked down at his half eaten sandwich.

  I sighed wondering why the fuck I was even feeling sorry for his crazy ass. I guess I could relate to not having the love from your father. That still hadn’t pushed me to do the crazy shit that Stretch had done though. I touched his hand and he looked at me. I knew I had to just put it all out there if I wanted me and these kids to be let free.

  "I was raped by my biological father." I quickly looked away still feeling uncomfortable with sharing something so intimate and Stretch started breathing hard. He jumped up and started picking up the trash. He put it in a small plastic bag he had brought in and he looked down at me. I expected pity from him, which was something I never wanted from anyone up until now, but I saw everything but that. He looked angry as his jaw tightened and he gritted his teeth. He walked out of the room and slammed the door. He shut it so hard that he woke the kids up. We were all untied now, which was a good thing. They ran over to me and climbed onto the mattress. I hugged them as best as I could and Aamil Jr. started to cry. I knew he was scared hell at this point I was too. Royce was dead set on killing me and Stretch was unstable as fuck. We were in a fucked up situation.

  "Please don’t cry AJ it’s going to be alright." I hugged him and rubbed his back all I could think to do was comfort him the same way my mother used to comfort me. "You think I'd leave your side know me better than that," I sung in a low voice with tears slowly falling down my face. The kids snuggled up to me and I continued to sing praying that soon I would get to see my own kids.

  A few hours later, I woke up as Royce carried me out of the room. Two men followed behind us. My heartbeat instantly increased because I had no clue what he was about to do to me. He took me into a fairly clean room and sat me down on a twin size bed. The men stepped out of the room and Royce sat down in a chair near the bed. I pulled my knees to my chest and looked at him. I was so tired and just ready to go home. All we had been eating was fucking Hot-N-Ready’s; my stomach was all fucked up.

  "I never thought it would come to this, Drew. I really didn’t. You used to be my nigga. Shit I used to fuck with you hard. Shit different now though," he said and pulled some coke out of his pocket. He laid it out on the table near us and took two sniffs. He shook it off and finished the coke. He looked at me and his brown eyes darkened.

  "You gotta give me something ma or I'ma have to hurt one of those kids," he threatened. I shook my head not liking the sound of that.

  "What do you want? I'll give you whatever if you just leave them alone." Royce sat back and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. He lit it up and smoked it for a second before answering me.

  "I don’t want pussy. I can get that shit from anywhere and since you won’t be with us much longer, I definitely don’t want yours because if it’s good then it might make me feel bad for what I'ma do. I need some addresses or something and I need that shit to be official. Help me out and I'll let them go. Fuck Stretch and what he talking about. That nigga hasn’t giving me any good info on Aamil since he been out. You do something for me and I’ll do something for you. So what you got?"

  Chapter Four


  What’s some straight bullshit is that a nigga just got out of fucking jail now here I am back in this bitch for some shit I didn’t even fucking do. I sat across from my lawyer Kenneth ready to kill some fucking body. He on the other hand sat across from me smiling. I didn’t know what the fuck this nigga was smiling about because I didn’t see shit funny. Drew was missing and from what I knew, the state had temporary custody of my son while he was in the hospital. When I caught up to Mina’s trick ass, I was going to strangle that bitch. I hated to leave her kids out here motherle
ss, but that bitch didn’t care about doing that shit to me and Drew. Yes I provided for her, but never once did I lie to her or even lead her on. I hadn’t fucked her in years so she had no fucking reason to do what she did and to kill her momma. Joyce was a bitch, but damn a bullet to the head wasn’t the way to handle her.

  “Look, Aamil, it’s like this, Mina has come forth and told her side of the story. With her help, we were able to get all of the charges dropped against you. Today is a very good day," he said and sat back in his seat. I couldn’t help but to smile. I guess that bitch was good for something. I nodded clasping my hands together.

  "Alright so when do I get the fuck out of here? “I asked anxious to get my son back.

  "Actually, today. Your release is being processed and once that’s clear you’re good to go. I'll go make sure they’re doing that now," he said and stood up. He walked out of the room and a few minutes later, Mina stepped in. She sat down and looked me in the eyes. Even through the glass, I could see how fucked up she looked. Her lies and manipulative ways had me feeling no remorse for her.

  "What the fuck you want? I hope it’s not a thank you."

  "Of course, not. I just wanted to see you. I told them about Stretch and they told me what he did to my mother. Your fucking family could have told me she was dead. The way you all treat me is not right," she said with teary eyes.

  "I ain’t got time for this shit," I said pushing my chair back. This bitch was not about to be the victim.

  "He has my kids! Even AJ!" she yelled making me stop from standing up. I looked at her and sighed. I should have paid this bitch off after she did that bid for me and told her to kick rocks. Now it was like I couldn’t fucking get rid of her ass. I wanted to tell her that my fucking wife was missing too, but I didn’t need the law in my fucking business. I stood up and walked off as Mina broke down crying. She wanted me to feel for her when she felt no sympathy for me. I loved her kids, but Drew and my son trumped her and her problems any fucking day of the week.

  It took the stupid ass police ten hours to release a nigga. I stepped outside and Ameer leaned against his black Range with Kadar, Luke, Kasam and some nigga I had never seen before. I took in the night’s air as I walked towards them. I wanted my baby to be waiting for me with that beautiful ass smile of hers. I wanted her to jump into my arms and kiss me on the lips. Shit I just wanted her and she was gone all because of me. Instead of being with her, I went to Mina and that shit fucked me up royally. I could never forgive myself for letting that shit happen.

  "What's up niggas," I said hugging everybody. They all gave me dap and hugged me back. I got to the new nigga and he smiled at me.

  "What's up? I'm Angel a friend of the family. We met a few years ago at a family meeting," he said introducing himself. I looked him over and realized that he was the son of this nigga Mason used to fuck with heavy. I gave him half a hug and turned to my brothers.

  "So, where the fuck is my baby and why is this nigga here?" Kasam looked at me and he chuckled, but I was serious as fuck. I didn’t fuck with no new niggas like that and I needed Drew like yesterday.

  "Nigga I'm serious ain’t shit funny." Ameer walked up on me and threw his arm over my shoulder. He leered me away from them.

  "Angel is now living here and he wants to connect with us. This nigga is connected so he really don’t need our affiliation, but he wants to use our companies to build some shit and he wants to help us go legit all the way. He also has a bunch of niggas that’s on the street right now looking for Drew. You get what I'm saying?" Ameer asked me. I nodded still irritated as fuck.

  "I need to do two things. Get my fucking son back and find my girl. I'm not sleeping, shitting or chilling until that shit is done now let’s go," I said and walked off. I had no problem with Angel because there was strength in numbers, but I also didn’t trust him one hundred percent. After dealing with my mom and uncle’s shady ass, I had a hard time trusting people so this nigga was going to have to prove himself , for me to let my guard down. Until then I was gonna watch his ass.


  "He's fine, Aamil. I've been able to visit him since everything happened. I'm so happy he's coming home today," Erin said dressing Shad. My little man's was bigger than he was the last time I saw him and he was staring at me like he knew exactly who the fuck I was. He reminded me so much of my baby that the shit fucked me up. I jumped up out of my seat and walked over to the window. I had been looking for Drew for three days nonstop. I only slowed down enough to get my fucking son and now it was back to the grind.

  "Erin. I really appreciate you taking on Aamirah and coming up here to see Shad."

  "Aamil...please don’t. Drew is my sister and so her kids are my kids and vice versa. All of us came up we just took turns. Shit I was shocked to see Olivia's evil ass come up here, but she did. My only concern is my sister. If something happens to her…"

  "Don’t," I said turning around to look at her. "I don’t even want you to speak that shit into existence. She's okay, Erin...she has to be." Erin nodded and finished dressing my son. Once he was put together, I gave him a kiss and hugged Erin. "You know if the situation was any different, I would come home with y'all," I said to her as we walked out of the hospital.

  Luke stood by the black SUV while my brothers sat in one of Kasam's old schools waiting on me. Erin handed Luke my son and turned to me. Her pain damn near matched mine. I grabbed her and hugged her tightly. I knew she was really hurting shit I was too, but she couldn’t give up hope. I could never give up on finding my wife. I just couldn’t.

  "I promise she's coming home," I said to her then let her go.

  "You better bring her home, Aamil." I threw my hands on top of my head and looked up at the sky. My baby was good. If she wasn’t, I would be able to feel it. I looked back down at her older sister and I sighed.

  "You know I will. That girl is my fucking heart, without her there is no me." Erin smiled and I walked off. I got into Kasam's car and he pulled off.

  "I gotta get my baby," I said grabbing the blunt from Kasam.

  "Yeah, we on it. Two of our stash houses got hit. Houses that not many people know about," Ameer said. I couldn’t help but to chuckle because for that nigga to be retired his ass was still knee deep in the family’s business. He was a funny ass nigga.

  "Fuck a stash house. We can handle all of that shit after we get Drew."

  "Yeah, I'm not pressed about that shit, but I still wanna know how those niggas knew where to look. If we got a snitch that shit will only hurt us," Ameer replied and I took a hit off the blunt. It felt like I had the fucking weight of the world on my damn shoulders.

  "Mina gave us some good info on that nigga Stretch. I think he might have Drew," Angel said from the backseat.

  "Oh, yeah?" I asked in between coughs.

  "Yeah. She said that he was real hot about you and that he think you’re AJ's father. A jealous nigga will do just about anything to get revenge. Maybe he working with this Royce nigga? I say we sit outside of that nigga's momma’s house and see if he turn up since that’s where he was living before he got locked up," Angel suggested. We all nodded not seeing any harm in that and Angel shot off the address to Kasam. I sat back in my seat and thought about my baby as I puffed on the blunt. I felt so fucking empty without her that the shit was scary. I wasn’t going to be right until she was by my side. Where she belonged.

  Chapter Five


  "So what exactly does your girls do?" Angel asked walking into the kitchen. I looked at him and had to pick my jaw up from falling onto the floor. He was wearing grey sweats that hung off of his narrow waist and his upper body was covered in sweat. I went back to mixing up my shake. I was trying to eat healthier, and now all I needed to do was workout and I would be good.

  "How do you know about my girls, Angel?"

  "I just do. I like to know everything about the people that I'm dealing with," he replied.

  "But you’re not dealing with me," I said glancing a
t him over my shoulder. Angel smiled and shrugged his shoulder.

  "I guess I'm not, but still I like to know everything. I see you and your sister have the party planning business, but what’s the real one? You contract killers or something?" he asked with a laugh. I frowned as I stuck a banana and kale into the blender.

  "We could be if we wanted, but no we’re not. We simply fuck things up for men that have fucked over the wrong woman. That’s all I can say about that."

  "So even as a fiancé and mother you put yourself in danger like that?" he asked with his voice sounding a little too close for comfort. I turned around and he was right behind me. Literally, right fucking behind me. I leaned against the counter to give us some space.

  "No, I haven’t done it in a while. I've been thinking about handing that business over to my sister. I wouldn’t want anything I've done to come back on Kadar and Bella." Angel's eyes slowly looked me up and down and they stopped on my hand.

  "Where’s your ring?" he asked.


  "O, can you go feed Bella? Her ass don’t wanna take that bottle for shit," Kadar said stepping into the kitchen. I jumped and quickly turned around.

  "You about ready to go do that shit again?" Angel asked Kadar. I focused on mixing my shake while they talked.

  "Hell yeah, I'm about to go change now. I'll meet y'all niggas at the car. We should take something different with tints tonight," he suggested.

  "Yeah, I agree," Angel said before he walked off.

  "What the fuck you got on? You can’t be walking around in this shit," Kadar said walking up behind me. He put his arms around my waist and I fell back into him. I had on workout shorts and a black tank top. I wasn’t showing anything.


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