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Her Twin Stepbrothers

Page 16

by Terry Towers

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  Failure To Stop


  Terry Towers


  Since when did the procedure for giving someone a ticket for running a stop sign include a very hands-on pat-down against the hood of my car, not even giving me a chance to see his face? I swear, cop or not he’s getting very close to getting Tasered; my hand was mere inches from the Taser in my open purse. But despite the high inappropriateness of his pat-down there was something very familiar about the way he was touching me – even the scent of his cologne triggered familiarity.

  I never dreamed when the inappropriate, yet highly erotic frisking was over that I’d be standing face to face with my former high school sweetheart, town troublemaker and love of my life Devon Land. But there he was with a cocky smirk, looking sexier than I remembered and thoroughly enjoying my shock.

  One big mistake cost me the upscale life in New York I’d grown to love, forcing me to return home to Alabama. I swore I’d never move back to my small town, I’d outgrown it, but with a temptation like Devon intent on reminding me of the life I’d left behind can I leave a second time?

  Failure To Stop

  Copyright 2014 by Terry Towers

  Cover by: Taria Reed

  All rights reserved. With the exception of brief quotes used for critical reviews and articles no part of this book may be used or reproduced without the written permission of the author Terry Towers. Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada. Terry Towers can be contacted via her website at

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the authors imagination and used fictitiously.

  The material in this book is intended for ages 18+ it may contain adult subject matter including explicit sexual content, profanity, drug use and violence.

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  “I really need to get back to work, I have a meeting to give, Logan,” Violet weakly protested, arching her back and allowing her head to fall back so her boss, CEO of G&B Innovations Advertising, had better access to the sensitive flesh as his lips worked their way down her neck. His lips sent shivers of desire through her, testing her resolve.

  “You’ll just be a few minutes late, baby. Don’t worry about it.” He pulled her tighter with one arm as he grabbed her hand and directed it to his rock hard erection. “I happen to know the boss pretty well.”

  She stroked him over his pants and he groaned. He was right, he was the boss so who was she to argue, it’s not like she was going to get in shit over being late. But their office sex romps had been going on for quite some time now and she was starting to hear murmurings – people were getting suspicious that there might be something going on between them. They’d agreed to keep their relationship a secret; he was separated and in the process of going through a nasty divorce and she didn’t want the staff to think she’d fucked her way to the top. She’d earned her position within the company well before the relationship with Logan began, but she suspected they wouldn’t see it that way.

  Quickly she undid his pants and freed his member. Grasping him in her hand she began stroking his length; he didn’t have the biggest cock in the world, but it did the job. As she was dropping to her knees in front of him the door to the office flew open. Shit. She couldn’t believe she didn’t remember to lock the door, but then again she wasn’t expecting this impromptu sex session; her drop in this afternoon had been for a legitimate business reason, but Logan could be such a very convincing man when he set his mind on something.


  Violet’s body froze, her hand still clutching him as she looked over her shoulder to see a tall, dark-haired woman storm in, rage in her dark eyes. Rebecca, his soon-to-be ex-wife. She’d been in a relationship with Logan for a little over four months, but this was the first time she’d actually seen his almost ex in person.

  Her cheeks burning, she immediately released him and got to her feet as he tucked himself away. This was beyond awkward and she was at a loss as to what to do.

  “What are you doing here, Rebecca?” Looking back at Logan, Violet saw horror and guilt etched in his expression.

  “I knew it! I knew you were fucking around on me and sure enough I catch you here with this whore!”

  Whore? Who, me?

  Violet frowned as she continued to stare at Logan, who met her questioning stare and grimaced. And she could see right then, he’d lied to her, the guilt was written all over his face. He’d been lying to her, to both of them, no doubt from the beginning.

  She’d never, ever been in a situation like this before and had absolutely no idea what to do. There was a whirlwind of emotions racing through her – shame, embarrassment, confusion, hurt, rage... So many emotions all wanting to break out. Cry, scream, run out of there and never return – all of the above.

  “You were never separated?”

  Logan looked anxiously from her to Rebecca and back to Violet. “We… were.”

  “For a few weeks and it was hardly a separation,” Rebecca snapped, cutting her eyes at Violet.

  Violet’s brow creased, even more confused. “But your apartment. I’ve been to your apartment… There’s no…” Had it all been one big elaborate lie? How could she have been so stupid? But in her defense, in their four months together Rebecca had never shown up at the office and he did a very good job at covering his tracks, keeping his private life extremely private.

  Just when she didn’t think his face could get any paler, it did.

  “What apartment, Logan?” She dared a look over at his wife, who seemed to have forgotten all about her and was focusing her hatred directly onto her husband. “And where’s your wedding band?”

  He hung his head in shame. “In my desk. I never gave up the apartment I rented when we separated.”

  Tension filled the room, so thick it was suffocating. Violet was so confused. She couldn’t think straight, but she did know one thing… She needed out of there, and quickly. Up until a few minutes ago she’d really cared for him, but in the span of a few minutes that affection was gone and was replaced with a hate so intense that it was taking all of her restraint not to charge him and knock him senseless.

  She’d unwittingly become the other woman, a home wrecker. The man even had two kids! She’d always prided herself on being a smart, independent woman. God, how could I have let him fool me for so long? So stupid, so, so stupid. He hadn’t been keeping it secret for her benefit or because he was concerned of what the staff would say, he was covering his own ass! The urgent need to flee became too much to deny any longer. With tears of humiliation and shame stinging her eyes she raced from his office, slamming the door behind her. She briefly noticed the startled look on his secretary’s face as she stormed past.

  If she never saw Logan Sinclair again it would be too soon.

  Chapter 1

  Twenty minutes and she’d be home, or at least what she used to consider home. Technically, it hadn’t been home since she left seven years ago at age 18 to go to college in New York City. When she left she swore she’d never come back, she’d said good riddance to Alabama for good – or so she thought. But here she was d
riving down a dark, deserted country road on way to the place she grew up. The only other time she’d returned to Alabama was for her father’s funeral, five years prior, but she was in the middle of exams and her mother insisted she go back to school and make her father proud. So she had – a part of her regretful for leaving her mother alone to deal with the grief, but another part of her relieved; it was easier to come to terms with losing her father when she didn’t have constant reminders of him.

  The sound of a siren behind her and the flashing of red and blue lights in the rear-view mirror broke her from her brief trip down memory lane. “Ahhh, dammit.” Giving her head a shake, her blonde ponytail swinging back and forth behind her, she flicked on the blinker and pulled over to the side of the road. Turning off the car, she reached across the seat, popped the glove compartment and pulled out her insurance and registration cards. She had no clue what she’d done, but then again since the day she’d run from Logan’s office, a little over a week ago, she’d hardly been thinking clearly.

  The police car rolled up behind her.

  “Get out of the vehicle and place your palms flat on the hood of the car,” a voice blared from the car’s speaker system.

  Frowning, she looked into the rear-view mirror at the car behind her. You have got to be shitting me. Since when was that the procedure? She’d seen a news story recently about abductors who pretended to be police, had women pull over and then abducted them. She sure as hell wasn’t going to be tomorrow’s headline.

  “Get out of the vehicle and place your palms flat on the hood of the car. This is your final request,” the voice blared.

  Remembering that she had a Taser in her glove compartment, she popped open the glove compartment and rummaged for it. Finding it, she flicked it on and then stuffed it into her purse before getting out of the car and doing as told, ensuring her purse and the weapon inside were easily accessible – just in case. If this wasn’t a real cop and he intended to take her, then by God he’d have a battle on his hands – Violet Phillips wouldn’t go down without a fight.

  The cop got out of the car and began making his way over to her. He was tall, maybe a little over 6’ and appeared to be well-built, although the bulletproof vest he was wearing added to his thickness. His hat was pulled down over his eyes and with the darkness of the road, she couldn’t make out his features.

  “Do you know why I pulled you over?” he asked in a gruff voice as he came to stand behind her.

  Her hand inched toward her open purse ready to defend herself if needed – although he seemed legit. But what did she know, maybe those crazies who abducted women appeared legit as well. Maybe they even were legit; not all cops were honest and law-abiding.

  “You were bored and figured what the hell?” Violet cringed at her words – this certainly wasn’t the time to be a smartass – but she simply wasn’t in the mood for this shit. All she wanted to do was get to her mother’s house, curl up in her old bed with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and stay there in solitude for a few days licking her wounds and attempting to reassemble the pieces of her broken heart and shattered pride.

  He chuckled softly. “Are you always this combative when being pulled over?” He stepped closer to her, so close that she could feel the warmth of his breath against the back of her neck that sent a shiver through her as he kicked her feet further apart. Her brow creased as she focused on his voice, damn it sounded familiar, she just couldn’t place it. Or maybe it had been so long since she’d been in Alabama that anyone with the accent sounded the same. She didn’t know, but after 14 hours of driving, she was tired and just wanted to sleep.

  “I don’t usually get pulled over, Officer.”

  “Uh-huh. Seems a little hard to believe.” He crouched behind her and began to pat her down, starting at her ankles and working his way upward.

  “Excuse me, what do you mean by that?” Violet turned to look down at him, but only got a glimpse of the top of his hat.

  “It means, you appear to be a bit of a troublemaker. Now, face forward, ma’am.” Standing and grabbing her shoulders, he forced her face forward again and down to the hood before resuming his crouching position.

  Troublemaker? She paused and allowed herself to be readjusted, looking straight ahead. The fear that he may be some perverted abductor left her; he seemed more like an overzealous asshat. His hands continued to work their way up her jean-clad legs, his hands caressing her legs as they worked their way upward. She’d been patted down before and admittedly she’d been a little hellion when she was a teenager so no stranger to this process, but never patted down like this.

  “Is this really necessary?” she asked and attempted to squirm from his grip but his hands were firm on her as they worked their way over her knee and continued upward. He was seconds away from reaching her crotch. Cop or not, if he even dared touch her there she’d Taser his pervy ass!

  “Very, Miss Phillips.” His reply had a faint husky sound to it. Was this shit turning him on?

  Wait a second! Did he just call me Miss Phillips? she thought as the realization that she hadn’t given him her identification yet dawned on her. Her frown deepened as he got up from his crouching position and stood behind her. His hands slid from her legs to her hips, slowly working their way up her sides. The wind picked up and offered a hint of his cologne, a deep woodsy and spicy smell. She’d admit it smelt nice and enticed her to lean back into him, but she denied the urge. Again, a sense of familiarity washed over her.

  When his hands reached the sides of her breasts and paused there her breath hitched and her hand inched its way to the Taser. “Excuse me, but this is highly inappropriate. I’d appreciate it if you took your hands off me, gave me my ticket for whatever you think I did to help fill your quota and I’ll be on my way.”

  He leaned into her, his lips grazing her earlobe. “Well shit Violet, you had no problem with me touching you prom night.” He chuckled again, taking a step back.

  Prom night? It felt like her heart stopped for a second as memories of prom came rushing back to her. He couldn’t be… She twirled around, her mouth dropping open. But, it was. “Devon Land!”

  Placing his hands on his hips, a roar of laughter erupted from him.

  “Ohmygod! You asshole.” Grabbing her purse she gave him a whack on the shoulder with it. “You ass! I thought you were some sort of pervert or kidnapper!” She whacked him a couple more times. “Ass!”

  Her abuse seemed to only further amuse him. Stopping her assault on him, she placed her purse back on the hood of her silver Mercedes. Crossing her arms over her chest, she glared up at her former high school sweetheart and partner in crime from all those years ago.

  His laughter stopped, but a smile remained on his face displaying a set of adorable, yet sexy as hell dimples. And there was no mistaking the mischievous twinkle in his dark eyes. The girls at their high school used to swoon every time he smiled at them – herself included – but they all knew he was hers so none ever tried to get with him, although she’d known many were envious.

  “Welcome home, Violet.”

  Immediately, she relaxed and took a minute to examine the more mature Devon, although after that little stunt she’d hesitate to say more mature. That’s the sort of crap that he’d pull when they were teenagers, and she’d fallen in love with him despite his antics. Hell, because of his antics even; he’d always been fun and exciting to be around. But that was a long time ago. He seemed to have gained a lot more muscle over the years and he seemed a lot taller than she’d remembered, a solid 7 or 8 inches taller than her 5’5.

  “Welcome home? Did you know I was coming home?” As soon as the question passed her lips she realized the answer. Of course he had, her mother had the biggest mouth in town.

  “Your mom,” he confirmed her suspicions.

  “I see.”

  “When your car drove past me with the New York plates I assumed it was you.” He redirected his attention to her car and let out a low whistle. “Fancy ride you got
there V.” V had been his nickname for her growing up. “Turning into a big-time city girl seems to be working out well for you.” He stepped up to the hood of the car and ran his fingertips along it until his eyes landed on her purse, in particular the Taser that had halfway fallen out. He picked it up and examined it, switching it off and turning back to her. “What are you doing with a Taser?”

  Violet shrugged, giving him a wry grin. “Just in case you were a kidnapper or something.”

  “You were going to Taser me?”

  Snatching the Taser from his fingertips, she picked up her purse, tossed it inside and then chucked the purse through the open driver’s window and into the car. “First off, I didn’t know it was you. Second, if your fingers had gotten any more grabby then I just might have.”


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