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Her Twin Stepbrothers

Page 22

by Terry Towers

  “What look?”

  Giving his head a shake he chuckled. “Never mind. It’s just my imagination running wild.”

  She gave his shoulder a light swat. “Tell me. You’re being obtuse.” Was she being that obvious? Could he see the emotions stirring within her for him? She wasn’t sure how she felt about that, it made her feel vulnerable and after Logan vulnerable was the last thing she wanted. But Devon’s nothing like Logan, nothing.

  Chuckling, he played with a strand of her hair, his fingers running through the locks gently tugging at her scalp and sending sweet tremors through her. “I’m just a plain old country boy Miss Phillips, not sure if I even know what being obtuse entails.”

  The music seemed to draw her attention right then, the melody was so haunting and drawing her into him. It made her want to lose herself in his essence and never be found. The lines between a dream and reality seemed blurred right then and she was perfectly happy with that.

  She brushed her lips against his. “Devon, I –”


  She paused, their breaths intermingling. Was she seriously going to be that silly girl who falls for someone in the span of a couple of days? “I –”

  “Well, I’ll be, if it isn’t Violet Phillips and Devon Land. Never thought I’d see this again.” And the moment was broken. With an exasperated sigh she forced a smile onto her face as she glanced over at yet another of their old classmates. It was crazy how in New York it was just a sea of random faces who couldn’t give a shit who you were or what you were doing, but here you couldn’t even go out to dinner without running into dozens of people from your past. And instead of the general niceties you normally exchanged with New Yorkers, people here wanted to know everything. It was so exhausting, especially when all she wanted was to be alone with him.


  “In here.” Devon took a quick glance around, confirmed that no one had seen them and pulled her into the barn, closing the door behind them. The bombardment of their old friends interrupting them the entire night was getting old fast and he wanted her alone, at least until he was able to relieve the ache in his jeans into her moist core. The bar usually used the barn for their larger events, but tonight it was vacant. Tomorrow, which would be a Saturday night, would be a different story entirely.

  “Are we even supposed to be in here?” She looked around, but the barn was nearly pitch black, aside from the light from the moon shining in from the few windows placed towards the ceiling. It gave him just enough light to find what he was looking for, the hay bales towards the far corner of the barn.

  “Since when were you concerned about a little trespassing?” He couldn’t see her face, but could almost feel her smile.

  “I care because you’re a cop and I’m a…”

  He pulled her towards the hay bales. “Besides, where’s your sense of adventure?”

  “’Cause the girl you used to know was fearless, right,” she teased.

  “Exactly. And I’m determined to get that girl back.” He lowered his lips to hers as he backed her towards the hay. Her lips faintly tasted of beer and the smell of apples from her shampoo drifted to his nose. From the moment he’d pulled her onto the dance floor he’d been sporting a severe hard-on. The thought of having to wait until he got her home was an impossibility.

  She moaned against his lips, fisting the front of his shirt. God how he loved how she sounded when she moaned for him, such an arousing sound that had a way of sending him into a frenzy of need. He was sensing her slowly lowering her defenses. Grabbing her hips he twirled her around and leaned her over a hay bale.

  “Right here? On the hay?” Despite her questioning she laughed. As he reached around her and undid her jeans, pulling them down her hips, she lifted her bottom to allow him to pull them off. “And what if someone comes?”

  “Then I’ll have to say I thought you were an intruder and was here investigating.”

  She laughed again. “You’re so full of shit.”

  Her panties came next, as he pulled them down and off leaving her bottom half bare. Despite the ache in his jeans as his cock thickened to its full potential he wanted to taste her. The noises she made, the way she went wild for him as he lapped up her juices was too arousing to miss out on. He’d endure the ache – for a little while longer anyhow.

  He leaned over her and kissed the back of her neck. “Don’t move.” Gently, he kicked her legs apart and dropped to his knees behind her. When he placed a kiss on her inner thigh right above the knee she shivered. A grin spread across his lips as he slowly moved upwards. “You have no idea how much I wanted to do this the night I frisked you.”

  “Devon.” She attempted to move, but he placed a hand at the small of her back, pushing her back down onto the hay.

  “I said, don’t move. Don’t make me tie you.”

  A tremor rocked through her body and his smile widened. Well, well, well his little bad girl was into a little kink, he could work with that. He relished the idea of binding her hands and listening to her begging him. He didn’t think he could get harder, but he’d been mistaken. As his lips reached the apex between her legs he cupped her mound and groaned out loud discovering she was already damp for him.

  Sliding a finger between her folds, he stroked her from her clit to ass and back again. She rocked against his hand as she whimpered softly. Her whimpers were like music to his ears. He stroked her a second time and again she moved with him with another soft whimper.

  “Devon. Oh, Devon.” She attempted to twist to face him, but he pushed her back down. “Last warning, darlin’.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him, but didn’t move. “Maybe that’s what I want.”

  He met her gaze, as he stroked her a third time. “Be careful what you wish for.” He didn’t wait for her to reply. Spreading her wet folds he ran his tongue along her, lapping up her juices. She moaned, bucking back against him as he gently sucked one of her pussy lips into his mouth and then the other, stroking her clit with his thumb as he sucked on her. Moaning a little louder, she began gyrating against his mouth.

  His lips moved onto her clit, sucking her swollen nub into his mouth and gently nipping, causing her to cry out, her hands fisting the hay under her. Releasing her clit, he began stroking her as his tongue began teasing her opening, gently probing her and withdrawing until she was softly whimpering for him.

  “Oh, fuck me Devon. Please.”

  “Not yet.”

  She groaned her frustration, making him chuckle as he thrust his tongue deep into her, making her cry out. As he tongue fucked her, indulging in her juices and her pleas for release, his balls were beginning to ache, needing relief. Just when he thought he couldn’t wait a moment longer to plunge his cock deep into her, her body tensed against his and with a low groan a gush of her juices greeted his tongue and lips. He eagerly lapped up her nectar, until the final spasm rocked through her body.

  Quickly he stood and undid his jeans, producing his member as she lay splayed across the hay bundle panting hard. “Oh God, Devon.”

  Rubbing the head of his cock back and forth along her slit he waited until she was pushing back against him, begging him for his dick before he slowly pressed into her. He savoured the feel of her pussy stretching to accommodate his wide girth and length. As he pushed in the final inch, until he was balls deep, he let out the breath he’d been holding.

  “God baby, it’s been hard waiting to fuck you. You feel so damned good.”

  She didn’t answer, but bucked back against him urging him to begin thrusting. He began slowly, watching in the very dim lighting the sight of his cock slipping in and out of her welcoming core. Curious to see how far he could push her, he lubed his index finger with her juices and pressed against her back entrance. Her entire body froze under him as a gasp escaped her lips.

  Picking up the pace of his thrusts, he pressed his finger past the tight rim of muscle of her ass and began to gently fuck her ass. It seemed to send her into a f
renzy under him, not denying his finger’s invasion, but pressing back harder against him, forcing his finger deeper. It was like she’d become a wild woman under him, bucking and moaning, driving him to near insanity with hunger for her and bringing him to his point of no return at an embarrassing rate.

  “God I want to fuck your ass, V.” He hadn’t meant say the words but they slipped past his lips before he could stop them.

  “Do it. God, do it!”

  He groaned; if only there was time. But his balls were aching, his stomach a knot and his shaft throbbing. He was on the verge of coming. “Come with me now, V. I need you.”

  The words had barely felt his mouth when her body convulsed under him as her pussy clenched and she screamed out as her cum surrounded his cock. It was his undoing; removing his finger from her ass he gripped her hips, withdrew and slammed into her a final time. His release was earth-shattering and he groaned so loudly he had no doubt that if someone was outside the barn and hadn’t heard her scream then he’d heard him, as her pussy gripped his cock milking him for his cum.

  Not removing his cock from her, indulging in the last couple of spurts of cum that released into her, filling her and mixing with her juices, he fell over her. He placed a string of butterfly kisses along her shoulder and as she turned captured her lips with his.

  “Shit, I can’t get enough of you, V. This is crazy,” he said, reluctantly pulling his lips from hers and resting his forehead on her shoulder.

  She didn’t have a chance to respond. As feared their moans had alerted someone of their presence and voices were nearing the barn.

  Damn, damn, damn. “Get up. Get dressed V, someone’s coming.”

  It took her an extra moment to catch up with what was going on outside, but she quickly spurred into action, pulling on her clothing. She was still buttoning up her jeans when he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the back of the barn. Fumbling in the dark he managed to get the door unlatched and push it open, disappearing with Violet outside, shutting the door behind them just as the main door of the barn opened.

  “You damned kids better not be fucking in my barn.”

  Chapter 9

  One week later

  What in the hell would be so urgent? Violet mused as she drove back to her mother’s place. Her mother had sent her an SOS text telling her to get back home ASAP and refusing to give her any indication of what the problem was and she was adamant that she wanted Violet to come alone. Rather melodramatic if you asked her, but then again her mother had a tendency towards the dramatic, especially since her father’s death, so it wasn’t the most shocking thing in the world. Besides, Devon was at work anyhow, she’d wanted to surprise him with supper, but maybe she could still make it back to his place before he got home.

  Pulling into the driveway of her mother’s home she stopped the car and then stared at the convertible in the driveway. A flashy car. Did her mother have a boyfriend she wasn’t aware of and this was her way of introducing her to him? Her mother hadn’t talked about a new man, in fact, she’d asked numerous times and had always been told she was crazy.

  Curious, she got out of the car and hustled her way to the house. It would be nice to see her mother happy. And she had to say she was eager to see her mother’s new man. A part of her wished her mother would move to New York and start over. While there were countless happy memories in this house, there was also pain. Her mother had barely changed anything since her father’s death and it sort of felt like a shrine to him; it couldn’t be healthy.

  “Hey Mom, what’s the –” She stopped dead in her tracks as her gaze locked with Logan’s.

  “Hello, Violet.”

  She looked from Logan to her mother who was sitting next to him on the sofa and then back again.

  “Your boyfriend came down to see you. He said you had a fight and…” Her mother glanced back and forth between her and Logan, her expression worried. She hadn’t discussed her newfound relationship with Devon with her mother, despite spending virtually every minute at his place, although she was sure her mother suspected what was going on.

  “No, we didn’t have a fight, Mom. Logan’s married and fired me.”

  “Oh." Her mother glanced over at Violet, worried. “You didn’t tell me you’d been fired, honey.”

  Violet ignored her mother’s question. “So what he’s doing here is beyond me.” She focused her glare onto Logan, waiting for an explanation. To her surprise, as she looked at him there wasn’t a single affectionate feeling towards him. Before she’d learned the truth she’d thought his refinement and slightly cocky attitude was attractive and admittedly there was a slight rush to having an office affair, but now that she knew him for what he was, all she could see him as was a pompous asshole.

  “So why are you here, Logan?”

  Logan looked over at her mother and then stood. “Can we talk in private, Violet?”

  “I thought we’d left things pretty clear over a week ago. You’re a lying piece of cheating shit and I never want to see you again. Besides, don’t you have a wife to worm your way back into the life of?”

  Looking over his shoulder, he gave her mother a sheepish look before grabbing her elbow gently, urging her away from the living room and towards the door. “Please, ten minutes. Give me ten minutes and I’ll leave with or without you. I came all this way, it’s the least you can do.”

  The least she could do! How dare he! But, with a sigh, she gave in. If hearing him out meant he’d leave then so be it. “We can talk out back. Come on.” Yanking her elbow from his grip she led him out the front door and around the back to the gazebo, which housed a couple of benches.

  Sitting down, she waited until he was seated beside her and glared at him. “So… Talk. What was so important that you had to follow me here?”

  “We broke up.” When she didn’t respond, only stared at him, he added, “Rebecca and I are done for good now.”

  So? Was she supposed to be happy about it? Eager to pick up where they left off? As if!


  Off a couple of hours early. He couldn’t complain about that. It was even more quiet than normal, it was as if crime was on a holiday and he was certainly fine with that, the quicker he was back with Violet the better. A part of him felt he had to make up for those stolen seven years all at once – he knew it was irrational, but he couldn’t help the feeling. There was so much to relearn about her.

  He was about to pass by her mother’s place like he always did on his way home, her mother’s place was on the way, when he noticed Violet’s car in the driveway. Slowing, he pulled into the driveway behind her car. His eyes settled on the convertible parked next to her, a rental car with Alabama plates. He immediately got a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.

  Getting out of his car, he made his way to the front door when he heard the faint sound of people chatting coming from around back. He couldn’t make out what was being said, but he knew one of the voices belonged to Violet. His curiosity piquing, he made his way around to the back of the house, the voices becoming more clear with every step. As he rounded the corner of the house he could make them out clearly and saw them both – or at least the backs of their heads – sitting in the gazebo with their backs to him.

  “So, you’re coming home then,” the man Devon assumed to be her cheating ex stated.

  He was at odds; part of him wanted to break it up and demand to know what in the fuck was going on, but at the same time he was curious to know what was going on between them. They looked cosy together in the gazebo, apparently so engrossed in their conversation they hadn’t even heard his footsteps.

  “Look, Logan…”

  Devon smiled. That’s my girl, give him shit.

  “What’s there to consider, Violet? Your whole life is in New York. I’m offering you everything you’ve ever wanted. We can get past the stupid thing I did. Come home. I promise you, the world on a silver platter. You just have to say yes.”

  Her shoulders slumped a
nd she nodded. “All right. You’re right. I get that.”

  Was that the same woman he knew? It couldn’t be, his Violet wouldn’t allow herself to be persuaded by a piece of shit like that. But she seemed to be… Their voices lowered, like two conspirators and he couldn’t hear another word said and certainly didn’t want to. Turning, Devon made his way back towards the front of the house and to his car before he did something stupid like pound the living shit out of that asshole she’d come here to get away from in the first place! Beating the other man until the anger was drained from his body was something that he’d not think twice about when he was a hotheaded teenager, but he wasn’t a kid anymore. He had a career and reputation to protect and getting into a fight as if he were some adolescent would just make him look like a fool and prove to everyone in town that he hadn’t changed. He was going to keep his anger in check, be a man and walk away.


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