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Reaper's Novice (Soul Collector #1)

Page 31

by Cecilia Robert

  “Thank you.” I wince as I lean forwards. He scoots closer and takes them from my hands. After slipping them on my feet, he leans back on the wall. Words are jammed in my throat, so I do another scan out the door. At least no one seems to be paying us attention.

  Thirty minutes later, we head out of the lobby and into the street. There’s no sign of Sinteler, Rolf, or the Fate. What do I do with Kim? I can’t take him to Grim’s castle. If he is Elias’s son, Sinteler doesn’t have the power to kill him. Maybe he’ll just lock him up. He is a Restless Soul. Schulz said as long as he’s linked through the Elite Seven, he can’t die. Unless one of the Elite kills him. Right now, I’m the only one who is capable of doing that. He’s safer without me around.

  Taking a quick deep breath, I slip my hand from Kim’s and step back. He sucks in a breath and spins around, eyes wide. “Ana? Where did you go? His voice rebounds around the buildings. A few heads turn his way. He lowers his voice and pushes hair off his eyes. “I know you’re here somewhere. I’m not sure what’s happening, but I want to thank you for saving my life.” Then he mumbles, “You owe me my socks.”

  I giggle. I can’t help it, then shift and push myself into the wall, heading for the castle. I have to explain to Grim about my failure. Would he understand? Give me another chance? My family’s souls. I followed my heart to save part of my soul.

  My soul.

  I halt mid-step. What if something happens to him? What if Sinteler finds him? Or the Fate with her horde of crow people? I know I’m buying time before I meet Grim, but I can’t stop myself. I have nowhere else to go. Shifting to my favourite places won’t work today. I retrace my steps. Kimdane is no longer where I left him. After two blocks down the street at the taxi stand, I find him pacing and shoving his fingers into his hair, his lower lip snagged between his teeth. Blowing out a breath, he halts and hops in the first taxi in line. I follow suit, concealed. He gives the driver the address in the nineteenth district and leans his head on the headrest, flinging his arm to cover his eyes.

  Twenty minutes later, the taxi slides to a stop in front of a huge black gate attached to a wrought iron fence. The doors open automatically and the driver proceeds down the long driveway leading to a yellow two-storey house, the façade resembling eighteenth century designs.

  Stepping out the car, I watch as Kimdane shuffles up the steps to the house while rubbing his forehead, shoulders slumped. Suddenly the door bursts open. Dominik and Aggie, my music class students leap out the door and clamber up Kimdane. He catches them easily, his laughter joining his sibling’s giggles and steps inside the house. And I’m glad I saved him. I’m scared I saved him. I hate that my feelings are so messed up right now.

  I shift to the castle.


  As soon as I materialize outside the castle, I find Axe pacing the stone veranda, wringing his hands.

  He halts and bows, looking feverish. “My lady, Sir Ernest requests your presence in the library.” He stares at me like he wants to say something but wrings his hands instead.

  “How long has he been waiting?”

  “A while. Since the news.”

  A school of Nymphs glide by, darting sly looks at me, snickering. Afterworld must be buzzing with the news about my failed collection.

  “Please, lead the way.”

  I trail after him, forcing my legs down the hallway and arrive at the library much too soon. Outside the door, he pauses and clears his throat. “Good luck, my lady.” He scuttles away. Just as I am about to push the door open, voices drift from inside. I pause, leaning closer.

  Sinteler and Grim. I breathe in and trap air in my lungs, but my heart is thudding loudly in my ears.

  “Verdandi did her job. Your Novice failed, Ernest. I am giving you—her one more chance. If that soul is not collected within a fortnight, it is open season on souls,” Sinteler says. “I will capture every soul out there.”

  Verdandi? I have heard that name before. Isn’t she…? Yes. One of the Fates who attended the Unveiling dinner a few weeks back.

  Grim doesn’t reply. I lean my forehead on the door. Given the chance, if this day was rewound, would the results be the same? I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore.

  The door opens suddenly. Rolf strolls out, his eyes so cold and alien. In his face, I don’t recognise the boy who ripped my heart from my chest. His lips curl into smile. The lips that once sent my blood roaring in bliss, now freezes it in my veins.

  “Ana.” I shudder and stumble away. He steps closer and leans down, his lips one inch from mine, and he still smells like my Rolf. Yet he’s not. “What a good job you did today. You see, Lucy and Anton adore me. I’m their idol.” He grins. “Now, collect Kimdane’s soul. Or I will pay them a visit, and you know what that means.”

  I can’t move my feet. I’m waiting to exhale, but my lungs are busy trying to absorb air.

  He leans forwards and brushes his lips to mine before turning to leave, dragging half of my soul with him. Sinteler stares at me for a moment, then says, “My son said it all.” He strides down the hall.

  Once their footfalls fade, I breathe out, close the door and turn around.

  Grim stands by the arched window, his back rigid. His long fingers stroke the red velvet curtains. His head tilts slightly as I enter, but he doesn’t turn to face me. I settle myself on the seat closest to the fireplace.

  It feels like forever before Grim stalks from the window, his eyes narrowed at me. His face grows darker as he approaches. “You seem to have forgotten one small detail, Novice. I own your soul and your family’s.”

  My stomach clenches. Tears press the back of my eyes. “I haven’t forgotten.”

  “It’s not your job to save souls. You carry out the assignment allocated to you.”

  “The soul wasn’t ready. You taught me that souls shouldn’t be reaped prematurely. It wasn’t right.”

  His eyes flash. “I sent the instructions, which means the soul was ready for reaping.” I open my mouth, but he slashes a hand in the air, stopping me. “You have no idea the consequences of your reckless action, do you?” He paces, his body rigid. “You failed the test.”

  “Is that why the Fate was present? To check on me?”

  Grim stops. His eyes widen for an instant, then recover. “Your action will lead to dire consequences. Now, the gateway for that particular soul opens again in two weeks. Do your job and innocent lives will be spared. Innocent souls.” He turns to leave.

  My mind tries to process Grim’s words, but all I can think about is Rolf’s words. I can’t. I can’t stay here. Rolf might be visiting my family as we speak.

  I lift my gaze to his retreating back. “Ernest.” He stops without turning around. I straighten, choking back the lump in my throat. “I need to see my family.”

  Grim nods. “Remember, fortnight, Novice. If you fail, I am duty-bound to hand over a soul every fortnight until the boy’s soul is collected. Your family’s souls are on the line. Do not force my hand.” He disappears through the door, his footsteps making no sound as if he’s walking on air.


  Up in my room, I pace, trying to calm my thoughts. Music from Bringers of Life Band, a celebrated group in the Afterworld consisting of a Banshee and Vila, seeps through the walls. Without warning, the tone changes. The air crackles with the ear-splitting pitch of the Banshee. I grind my teeth. The band should be renamed, ‘Deathbringers’.

  A knock sounds on the door, and I jump.

  “It’s just little old me, lovely,” Zig says. Any other day, I would be laughing that he called his giant body little.

  “I’m decent,” I say.

  He strolls inside the room. “So, you decided to snatch the spotlight from me, eh? You can’t imagine the amount of tongue wagging going on downstairs.”

  I shrug. “Life was getting boring around here.” I turn to shove the rest of my stuff in a suitcase.

  Zig touches my elbow. “Dance with me, lovely.”

  I do, re
lieved that he doesn’t press me for details. One of the things I’ve come to appreciate about Zig. After a few minutes of moving to the sounds of the horrible music drifting from downstairs, I tell him what happened.

  Over the last year, Zig has become a permanent part of my life, especially after Reiner’s death and Rolf’s transformation. He’s the only one who knows everything.

  The tears that have been pressing behind my eyes finally spill over. Zig wraps his arms around me. Once I’ve soaked his shirt and I’m feeling better, I pull away.

  “You saved the daredevil’s soul, eh? Lucky man. Maybe he can autograph my chest, and I can have it tattooed.”

  I smack him on the chest with the back of my hand. “Whose side are you on, Zig? You’re supposed to tell me everything will be all right.”

  He lifts my chin with his finger. “Lovely Ana, you’ve never needed anyone to tell you what to do. You’ve never needed anyone’s help, not really. And I’m always on your side.”

  “But Grim saved y—”

  “And I love him like a father. That doesn’t mean I can’t pledge my allegiance to you. To be there when you need me.”

  I blink at him. “Thank you for everything. For being there when Reiner—” I can’t say the words. “And Rolf—”

  “Went insane?” He grins. “Does that mean you’ll reconsider my proposal to let me be your bed-warmer?”

  “Not on your life.” I move away from him. “Help me with these suitcases. I need to get to Vienna and take a taxi home.”

  He glances at the suitcases on the floor next to my bed. “You’re leaving?”

  I nod. “If Grim follows through with his threat about handing the souls… my family…” I can’t complete the trail of words. I need to maintain control.

  “I don’t think he will.”

  “I failed, Zig.” I lean down to scoop my rucksack. “We made a deal. He gives me back my family’s souls, and I promise—” I halt. “Sinteler.”

  Zig frowns. “Thanks for the shudder.” He does a trembling impression. “What about him?”

  “Last year…” I try to focus to make sure the details are correct. “Sinteler, Grim, and Schulz happened to come in the library while I was searching for information—”

  “You were sneaking in the library?”

  “Is that the only part you heard?” I shake my head. “Anyway, Sinteler mentioned a deal. Asked Grim if he wanted to risk more souls. A little while ago, I overheard Sinteler threatening Grim, saying if I don’t collect Kimdane’s soul the second time, he’ll start hunting for souls.”

  Zigs eyes grow wide. “You don’t mean to say—gods! Grim made a deal with Sinteler?” He rubs his forehead and begins to pace. “Impossible.”

  He stops pacing and heads for the door. “Only one way to find out.”

  I’ve had enough of souls. I’ve had enough of the castle. I slip my arms through the rucksack straps. “I’m leaving. Let me know what he says.”

  He spins around to face me, raking a hand through his hair. “I could shift them to your room.”

  “And have Mom asking me where my luggage is? No, thank you. I’ve already made a mess of things as it is.”

  “By the way, I got a lead on one of your Elite.” I whirl to face him, heart racing. “Remember Slippery Jean? The Immortaliser? He’s been hiding in Paris. Want to pay him a visit? You know, once you settle down? Like tomorrow? Might make you feel better.”

  Jean. I need to concentrate on tracking the rest before Sinteler gets hold of them, or worse, starts the war. I wish Schulz was here.

  “Paris, here we come,” I say. Zig grins, eyes twinkling, then sobers immediately. “What about your family and that daredevil?”

  I sigh, rubbing a hand down my face. “There isn’t much of a choice between these two, is there?”

  Zig doesn’t say anything, just bows and hugs me one more time before turning to lift the suitcases.

  I started out saving my family from breaking apart. Now, I have to save a race from annihilation, hopefully stop a war that might seep into the human world, collect a soul—my fiancé in another world and time—not ready for reaping, and save my family.

  I’m still waiting to exhale.

  Life’s funny that way.

  For the longest time, Reaper’s Novice was a dream. Finally it is more than a dream. It’s reality. I couldn’t have done it without the help of these wonderful people.

  To my family, you are manna from Heaven. I feel blessed I’m in your lives.

  To the awesome Najla Qambar for designing Grim’s invitation card. You are Midas on heels, and Ravven took my breath away with the new cover.

  T.I. Phillips and Kevis, you first loved this story when it was only 5000 words. You loved it in its entire length. Thank you for the great feedback you provided me with. Thank you Nicki and Priya for the wonderful feedback , encouragements and kind words. Kate Coursey from Teen Eyes Editorial, you read the short story last year and saw the potential hidden within. You read it in its entire length and loved it and gave me honest feedback. Your reader’s report made a whole lot of difference in the story.

  To Cara Crabtree, who I met through Young Adult and Teen Readers on Facebook. Thank you for ‘adopting’ me. You are truly a godsend. Thank you to Melissa Keir and Victory Editing for proofreading this manuscript.

  Kelly Hashway, my editor. You deserve an entire page. Your patience is astounding. In my book, you are über-cool. Thank you for your feedback and encouragement and the fact that you loved Ana’s story. Most of all, your help in taming Reaper’s Novice to what it is now.

  Thank you.

  Cecilia Robert lives in Vienna with her two children, has an incurable obsession with books, anything romantic, TV and medieval architecture. When not working in her full time job, catching up with her two children, writing or reading, she can be found, knitting or crocheting, taking photos of old buildings.

  Other books by Cecilia Robert

  Truly Madly Deeply You (Truly Madly #1)

  Author social media links:



  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-one


  About the Author



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