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Douluo Dalu - Volume 01-48

Page 456

by Tang Jia San Shao

  The Sunset Forest was the place Tang San had chosen to resurrect Xiao Wu. There was no need to worry about spirit beasts bothering him near the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and it was practically cut off from the rest of the world. And this was where Tang San’s parents were. Having been gone for almost five years, and finally returned to the Continent, how could he not first come see his parents? This was undoubtedly the best choice for resurrecting Xiao Wu.

  Tang San very soon arrived at that familiar mountain. Looking at it, nothing seemed to have changed. Tang San had used the Vast Sea Barrier the whole way, and hadn’t been blocked by any spirit beasts, smoothly reaching the foot of the mountain. Basically without need for the Eight Spider Lances, Tang San directly relied on the ability from his mother’s spirit bone to instantly reach the mountaintop.

  Looking down from the peak, he could clearly see how all kinds of plants already densely covered the basin surrounding the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, and even though it still couldn’t compare to the place Tang San once “looted”, without any immortal treasures, large amounts of high level medicinal plants still grew densely, and becoming a precious treasure of heaven and earth was just a matter of time.

  Tang San’s gaze didn’t linger on these herbs, directly looking at the edge of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well. With just a glance, he found what he was looking for.

  An enormous blue silver emperor, occupying several dozen square meters, each leaf two chi wide, with a clearly golden pattern twinkling in the sunlight. Even though the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well was the host here, without a doubt, in terms of visual appearance, that immense blue silver emperor was the center of this valley.

  At the same time as Tang San saw her, the blue silver emperor’s leaves also moved, rising in the wind as if sensing something. Next to the blue silver emperor, a tall aged figure shot up. Even though he only had one arm and one leg, the power of his presence was still choking.


  The shout shook the valley, and two ice cold eyes directly gazed at where Tang San was.

  In two days of flight, Tang San’s heart had amassed a deep mass of anger. Finally seeing his parents again, he couldn’t help feeling excited. Howling towards the sky and throwing himself down, as if he wanted to express the depression from Da Ming and Er Ming’s deaths.

  Hearing this howl, Tang Hao’s expression instantly changed. That howl like the cry of a heavenly dragon needed terrifying strength. Even in his flourishing stage he could have done no better. But, his ugly expression quickly changed yet again, first to surprise, then to ecstasy. And the giant blue silver emperor next to him was already dancing in the wind, fluttering with excitement.

  “Little San, it’s little San.”

  Tang San’s mother Ah Yin’s voice drifted out from the center of that blue silver emperor, and blue golden light blossomed from every leaf, condensing into a faint figure in the air, maybe around thirty, stunningly beautiful, gazing dazedly at the figure falling from the sky. Her voice was choked with emotion, only this energy form couldn’t shed tears.

  “Little San, it really is little San.”

  Tang Hao had already clearly seen Tang San, and Tang San had naturally also seen his father.

  In five years apart, Tang San discovered to his astonishment that his father not only hadn’t aged, but on the contrary seemed much younger. The once messy grizzled hair was now neatly combed, and most of it had turned back to black, the wrinkles on his face were also far fewer, and his muddy eyes had become bright and cheerful. Even in his excitement, every motion showed a grave presence.

  “Dad——, mom——”

  Tang San landed five meters away from Tang Hao and Ah Yin. Falling from the air, he landed directly on his knees, tearfully bowing to his parents.

  When together with his companions, Tang San was always the most intelligent one, the one who controlled the situation, the strongest. But, his heart still had a weak side, he was after all human! He could only hide his longing for his parents deep in his heart, but now that he finally saw them again, how could he not be excited? Plus Da Ming and Er Ming’s deaths influencing his mood, this moment he wept bitterly as if letting it all out. Like a hurt child seeing his parents.

  “Don’t cry, child. Don’t cry.”

  The faint Ah Yin made an embracing motion, but her illusory form couldn’t leave the range of the blue silver emperor. She could only urge those wide grass leaves to encircle Tang San, holding him tightly, giving him the warmth of her soul.

  Raising his head with eyes hazy from tears, this was the first time Tang San saw his mother’s appearance. Even though she was just an image, he still watched carefully. In his last life, he had once imagined many kinds of appearances for his mother, and in this world he had still never seen his mother. Now, he finally saw her face. Tang San couldn’t be more excited, and his tears uncontrollably moistened the leaves of blue silver emperor.

  Tang Hao equally excited quickly hopped forward, reaching Tang San, his lips trembling,

  “Good, good child, it’s good that you’re back. You’ve been gone for five years this time, do you know how much we’ve missed you?”

  “Child is unfilial.”

  Tang San’s voice was already hoarse from crying, the pent up frustrations he kept in his heart had been completely let out.

  Ah Yin’s leaves encircling Tang San helped him up, only she didn’t dare touch the Seagod Trident he held. A tiny leaf softly wiped the tears on Tang San’s face,

  “Child, go ahead and cry, let it all out. You’re back with your mom and dad, our whole family is reunited, no matter what has happened, it’s all in the past.”

  While speaking, Ah Yin released her leaves, and Tang San immediately opened his arms and gave his father a big hug. Tang Hao’s patted Tang San’s back with his single arm, equally tearful.

  To be able to spend peaceful days with his wife had always been Tang Hao’s dearest wish, but after Tang San left, Tang Hao had discovered that his son held an equally dear place in his heart.

  Ever since he was a child, he could never have said he took care of Tang San, instead it was the very sensible Tang San who always looked after him. After calming down and being together with his wife, Tang Hao would frequently recall Tang San’s childhood, and besides guilt, he also felt intense paternal love. Even though husband and wife were reunited, father and son were separated. After paying with two limbs, even though Tang Hao resigned himself to not owing the Clear Sky School anything, he had also lost the power to move unhindered in the world, and could no longer protect his son. Ah Yin had missed Tang San even more. Pity the hearts of the world’s parents, the parents’ feelings for their children is the most selfless, and also the grandest. Finally seeing their now even more heroic son, whether Tang Hao or Ah Yin, both were deeply moved.

  In this atmosphere the family of three said nothing else for a full hour, but their hearts were tightly linked together.

  Tang San gradually calmed down. He was after all not an ordinary person. Stabbing the Seagod Trident in the ground next to him, he turned to his parents:

  ”Dad, mom, I still have something important to do. Once I’ve finished, I’ll tell you about the journey.”

  Tang Hao wiped the tears from his face, looking somewhat doubtfully at Tang San,

  “You still have to go do something?”

  Tang San hurriedly said:

  “Dad, I’m not leaving, I can do it here. I want, to resurrect Xiao Wu.”

  As he said the last four words, Tang San’s voice resounded with unhesitating resolve. Hearing it, Tang Hao and Ah Yin were shocked.

  “Little San, you……”

  Tang Hao looked at his son with disbelief. Before Tang San left for Seagod Island, he had already heard Tang San explain the conditions for resurrecting Xiao Wu. Even though Tang San’s previous howl had told him some things, he still found it very difficult to believe. In fact, back then he was already the youngest Title Douluo, but now his son had done it at m
ore than ten years younger than him.

  Tang San extended his right hand. Blue light flashed, and immediately, the surroundings were awash in a misty blue splendor. His mother Ah Yin’s blue silver emperor immediately responded, the same blood causing an intense resonance. Equally golden blue light spread from his mother, and the light Tang San released grew even more intense, provoking the surrounding blue silver grass in the valley to grow violently, and even Ah Yin’s body was excitedly moving rhythmically from this vast Blue Silver Emperor aura, the golden light blossoming from each leaf becoming especially intense. The grass itself also became crystalline blue.

  Under Tang Hao and Ah Yin’s dumbstruck gazes, nine spirit rings in succession rose around Tang San. When Tang Hao saw that the last five of the rings were all red, he couldn’t help feeling being lifeless.

  “Little San, your spirit rings, this is……”

  It was Ah Yin who spoke up. Once a hundred thousand year spirit beast, she already possessed an implacable hatred for those spirit masters who hunted the already highly intelligent hundred thousand year spirit beasts. She didn’t dare believe that her son could possess so many hundred thousand year spirit rings. With the way Xiao Wu was hurt, how could her son still go hunt them?

  With Tang San’s intelligence, he understood her meaning with one look at his mother’s expression. He hastily explained:

  “Mom, don’t misunderstand. Of my hundred thousand year spirit rings, one his from killing a wicked hundred thousand year Evil Spirit Orca King in the ocean, the others don’t come from hunting spirit beasts.”

  Resurrecting Xiao Wu was an important factor, but Tang San also absolutely didn’t want his mother to misunderstand, and simply related how he got his spirit rings. Regarding his experiences on Seagod Island, he only lightly described it as gaining experience in a few sentences, he didn’t want his parents to worry for him.

  Hearing Tang San’s explanation, even Tang Hao couldn’t help feeling admiration,

  “Little San, you truly are blessed by the heavens. You’ve already thought it through, you want to resurrect Xiao Wu? Have you prepared everything?”

  Tang San nodded resolutely,

  “Dad, I’ve already thought it through very clearly. Even when resurrecting Xiao Wu won’t give me too much damage, even if I lost all my strength, I still wouldn’t hesitate. Just like you and mom, I also equally love Xiao Wu. Until death.”

  Tang Hao sighed, then smiled wryly:

  “You really are my son, even as infatuated as your old man.”

  Ah Yin burst into giggles:

  “Are you boasting?”

  Only, her face very quickly grew serious, gazing at her son:

  “Little San, are you sure of the outcome?”

  Tang San nodded,

  “Everything is ready. I brought Xiao Wu here to have the largest chance of success. Dad, mom, don’t worry. I absolutely won’t let Xiao Wu continue to suffer.”

  Ah Yin and Tang Hao glanced at each other. From their hearts, they of course didn’t want their son to take risks, but they also knew that he was determined to resurrect Xiao Wu, and having equally experienced countless hardships, they could naturally understand Tang San’s thinking. In such circumstances they couldn’t hold back their son, they could only encourage him, and pray that everything would go smoothly.

  Tang Hao patted Tang San’s shoulder:

  “With major concerns, don’t be overhasty. First settle your mood, then reach your best condition with cultivation. Me and your mom will watch over you, don’t worry about anything outside.”

  Seeing the encouragement and support in his father’s eyes, Tang San nodded forcefully, once again hugging his father hard, then sat down cross legged, starting to operate his Mysterious Heaven Skill.

  When Tang San broke through to nine rings, his Mysterious Heaven Skill inner strength had also reached completion, the ninth tier realm. In the Tang Sect in his previous life, even the strongest elders hadn’t cultivated to this stage. Right now Tang San’s inner strength had already become what Daoists called True Gang Divine Force. As he exercised it, his spirit withdrew, and a faint white mist slowly began to seep from every one of Tang San’s pores, wrapping him up inside. In a while, all that could be seen was white mist, not even Tang San’s shape was visible.

  Tang Hao and Ah Yin watched intensely from the side. Tang Hao had also step by step cultivated to the Title Douluo level back then, but it was the first time he had seen anyone with Tang San’s circumstances. Nothing like this had happened to him. That white mist seemed weak, but Tang Hao could sense that it contained an intense resilience, protecting Tang San.

  After reaching nine rings, this was still Tang San’s first time cultivating. The Mysterious Heaven Skill, like water forming its own canal, accompanied Tang San’s urging of his inner strength to formally enter the ninth tier. Gradually, the white mist surrounding Tang San slowly rose into the air, condensing into three enormous lotuses. It was the level of Three Flowers Gathering Above, Five Energies Governing The Elements.

  Breathing in and out evenly, it was like clouds drawn down from the sky, the spiritual influence of heaven and earth, and even the energies of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well imperceptibly merged with that white mist, and then rushed into Tang San’s body as he inhaled and exhaled.

  Tang San himself sensed another scene. He clearly felt that both Mysterious Jade Hand and Controlling Crane Catching Dragon had already entered completion at the ninth stage along with his Mysterious Heaven Skill. He understood that he could also finally freely use the two top ranked ultimate Tang Sect hidden weapons techniques.

  He had already cultivated the Tang Sect martial arts to great heights. If he was placed in his old world, it was enough to dazzle the jianghu.

  Only, in this world, Tang San’s cultivation clearly still hadn’t reached the limit. He now had rank ninety one spirit power, there were still even more difficult roads waiting for him. Only, even so, after the Mysterious Heaven Skill reached completion, it assisted his body to automatically absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Not only did his recovery in battle strengthen one step further, at the same time it also substantially increased his cultivation speed. It was an enormous advantage compared to common Title Douluo.

  Gradually, the white mist covered a larger and larger area, that was because it absorbed more and more of the essence of the world. Finally, as that white mist was absorbed by Tang San like a whale breathing in water, his cultivation finished. The originally barely consumed spirit power was again restored to its peak, even so much that he made considerable progress. His mental strength had also already condensed, stabilizing his raging mind.

  The time to resurrect Xiao Wu, had finally come.

  Chapter 265: Resurrect, My Beloved

  As Tang San opened his eyes, Tang Hao and Ah Yin clearly a faint jewel light in their son’s eyes, and a faint golden luster appeared on his skin, his spirit, energy and soul had already reached a frightening degree.

  Tang San stood. After first bowing to his parents, he retreated around fifty meters to a wide open space in the basin. Cautiously, carefully, he brought out Xiao Wu’s body from the Wishful Hundred Treasures Purse, laying her flat on the ground in front of him.

  Tang San was extremely cautious about what should have been a very simple process. To him, this moment was far too important. Xiao Wu’s resurrection was a more serious matter than his own life!

  Raising his head to the sky, Tang San spoke silently within his heart: Da Ming, Er Ming, do you know, resurrecting Xiao Wu is your last wish, but it is my only wish. Xiao Wu’s resurrection is equal to my existence. I don’t need to promise you anything, if Xiao Wu can’t be resurrected, there would be no meaning in my life. There is nobody I love more than her. From the moment I saw Xiao Wu, she was my destined lover.


  “Hello everyone, I’m called Xiao Wu, the ‘wu’ of ‘dance’.”

  “My spirit is a rabbit. A very cute little white rabbit
. Yours?”


  “Ge, can’t you help me comb my hair? It’s a bit tangled.”

  “This comb’s wood is very good!”

  “My mother gave it to me, she made it herself. It’s carved from first rate sandalwood. Even if it doesn’t have any decorations, it’s the last thing mom left me.”

  “Xiao Wu, you really are so beautiful.”

  “Ge, help me comb my hair.”


  “Ge, you really are so stupid, don’t tell me I could live on alone if you died? I don’t want you to die, I want you to live. I really wish I could live together with you. Just like before. But, we can’t. When I’m not here, you have to properly take care of yourself, or my heart will break.”


  Scene after scene like this, constantly flashed through Tang San’s mind. Seeing Xiao Wu laying on the ground with a serene expression, he felt as if his heart was cut by knives.

  “Xiao Wu, we will finally be together again. I will definitely help you resurrect. I won’t let you stay like this. I will forever keep you by my side, until one day, we pass from old age.”

  Suddenly drawing a deep breath, flinging away the tears from his eyes, Tang San’s right hand tightly grasped the Seagod Trident next to him, his left hand fishing out that replaced Xiao Wu spirit bone from the Wishful Hundred Treasures Purse.

  A crystalline red color spread over the spirit bone, the tantalizing aura of a hundred thousand year spirit bone spreading. Along with the Blue Silver Emperor being released, one spirit ring after another rose around Tang San.

  The formidable Mysterious Heaven Skill frantically operated at unprecedented speed under Tang San’s urging, and a clearly visible golden blue stream of air revolved around Tang San. His nine spirit rings flared at almost the same instant, making his body like a brilliant star.

  To the side, Tang Hao’s fists were already tightly clenched, and Ah Yin’s every blue silver emperor leaf was trembling.

  Tang San raised the Seagod Trident up high, and golden light gushed from the trident brand on his forehead, forming a bridge with the Seagod’s Heart. Glittering golden light instantly illuminated the whole valley, and the Seagod Trident’s divine aura blossomed completely, enveloping Tang San and Xiao Wu, enveloping Tan Hao and Ah Yin, even enveloping everything around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well.


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