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What Lies Inside (A Blood Bound Novel, Book 1)

Page 19

by Myers, J. L.

  “I know,” she replied, dunking her paintbrush into a pot of water. “And you’re right. I didn’t like you in the beginning. I only befriended you to gauge your intentions. Ty is my friend and I thought I was looking out for him, protecting him.”

  A dry, mirthless laugh cackled up my throat. “He’s wasn’t the one who needed protecting, now was he?”

  Vanessa’s strained eyes found mine. “Yes, he was. You both were.” She bit her lip, appearing as though what she was about to say pained her. “But I can admit when I’m wrong. I shouldn’t have interfered.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” I demanded. The level of my voice had risen with frustration. Lingering glances from around the classroom turned on me.

  Vanessa smiled, her eyes woeful and almost happy at the same time. “Because I can see it now, the agony he’s in.” She drew in a long, slow breath before exhaling. “Ty loves you, you know.”

  An involuntary spasm shook my entire body, and my knee connected with the tray of paints. I swore. Still I couldn’t strip the shock from my face or slow the now pounding of my aching heart. Loves me? Squeezing my eyes shut, I shook my head. Damn mutinous eyes. Don’t cry. “None of what you are saying,” I said slowly, voice shaking, “excuses what he did.” Uncontrollable tears escaped my blinking eyes, streaking my cheeks. At least they weren’t tinted red. That only happened right after drinking blood. “I will never forget what I saw. Never…”

  “But it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know…” Vanessa’s lips sealed shut with a start, eyes diverting.

  Using the sleeve of my hoodie I swiped away the tears. Her words had stolen my curiosity. “Didn’t know what?”

  “Look,” Vanessa said, eying me pointedly. “You two are dumb for each other. It’s quite nauseating. But it isn’t my place to have this discussion. If you want to know what really happened, you’ll have to hear Ty out. And believe me when I say that I would rather not be encouraging this. But I know when I’m rooting for a lost cause. Whether you believe me or not, hear this: Ty wasn’t at fault.” She turned back to her canvas and resumed the flowing strokes of gold-lined symbols.

  I was left stunned and—yet again—unable to do anything but think about Ty. Ah hell!


  Dorian appeared out of nowhere, head poking over my locker door. My body jarred and my elbow collected the metal frame. “Dammit!”

  “Edgy much?” Dorian smirked, earning a glare from me. He wiped the expression from his face, pursing his lips. “Coming to lunch?”

  I groaned and hung my head. Being subjected to another hour of heartache would be torture. The option to flee and hide away was tempting. Though doing that would only show Ty how badly I was hung up on him. And there was no way in hell that I was about to give him the satisfaction. Bad idea, my inner voice whispered, but my mind was already made up. “O-kay,” I replied in a less than convincing tone. “Let’s get this over with.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Dorian slung his arm through mine and had to almost pull me down the student-swamped corridor and through the cafeteria’s doors.

  Kendrick sat waiting at a table near the doorway. Beside him were two spare trays brimming with food. Two chocolate bars were perched on the edge of the tray that was obviously mine. He glanced up with a smile as we took our seats. “You made it.”

  So he’d expected me to hide out too. With a forced a smile, I pushed the tray and the candy bars away. Even chocolate couldn’t tempt me to eat. Not now, when my eyes were already scanning the busy lunch crowd for him. My heart seized as I glimpsed Ty across the room. He sat at our old table opposite Vanessa, their lips moving in quiet conversation. Vanessa peered up with a sigh, catching my eye. She waved a little awkwardly then turned as Marika strolled over to them.

  Ty glared up as she dropped into the seat beside him, shooting daggers from his eyes. “What do you want?”

  With the noise of the packed cafeteria, I barely heard him. I focused my vampire hearing and stared. Bitter hatred radiated from every inch of his body, corded muscles twitching in visible irritation through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. His venomous tone attracted attention from a number of students in their vicinity.

  Marika’s body almost trembled as she replied in a frantic whisper. I could just make out her words over the mindless babbling crowd. “Ty, please…” She clasped her hands in front of her, pleading. “I was doing you a favor.”

  Ty twisted his head sideways with a look of pure disgust. “You have no idea what you’ve done.”

  Marika sniffed, clutching at his bicep. Her eyes, which seemed brighter than their usual deep brown, appeared glassy, verging on the point of tears. “You’re not meant to be with her.”

  I frowned, shaking my head. Was she referring to me? My stomach dropped, turning in caustic acid. Or the other girl? Just thinking of the mystery girl spiked an eruption of bile to the back of my throat. I swallow hard, trying to relieve the burning sensation, my eyes still set on Ty.

  Scarlet color had cascaded up his neck and across his face. He clutched Marika’s wrist. She grimaced in pain before he thrust it away from his arm. “If you ever touch me again, I will tear your hand clean off the bone.”

  “What’s up with that?” Kendrick asked, his sudden words causing my body to stiffen. He was sneering across the room at Ty and Marika.

  I frowned, and then realized something. Dorian hadn’t spoken or even moved since Marika had walked in. He sat, statue-stiff with glazed eyes trained on the two. “Dorian,” I said, reaching out to shake his arm. “Are you okay?”

  Dorian tore his eyes away. He exchanged a pained frown with me before glancing over at Kendrick. “What do I care?” he said, answering Kendrick’s question instead of mine.

  His sharp tone surprised me at first. And then I knew. The phone call he’d received on Sunday from Marika had resulted in their break-up. I felt disgusted with myself, an unworthy sister. As usual, I had been totally self-obsessed. I hadn’t even noticed the shift in his carefree demeanor.

  “Oh, Dorian…” I collected his hand and squeezed. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He slid his eyes from Marika to settle on a table full of cheerleaders. “She’s just a stupid skank.” He winked and smiled at the girls, who instantly began to gossip and giggle. They were clearly thrilled, but I could tell it was an act on Dorian’s part, a ploy to mask his pain.

  Anger strained my face. I glared at the bitch that had pummeled my brother’s heart. She still sat beside Ty, her hands clasped in front of her. Not daring to touch him, she pleaded. “Ty, forgive me. You have to forgive me.”

  Troy approached their table then, taking up a position opposite the others. “Quit groveling, Marika,” he said, his expression smug. “It’s a serious turn-off.” He patted his thigh and Marika pursed her lips, giving Ty one last look. Then she slinked around the table and onto Troy’s lap.

  My mouth dropped as she curled her arms around him and nibbled at his ear. “That bitch!” Dorian’s hand, still folded in mine, tensed. I cursed myself internally. “Sorry.”

  Dorian shook his hand free. “I’m fine.”

  “We did what we had too.” Troy’s low voice across the room regained my attention.

  We? I remembered Troy and Marika talking heatedly inside the house at his party. They had been arguing, Marika declaring that it was the only way. A sinking feeling weighed down my stomach. The only way to what?

  “And I will not apologize for looking out…” Troy dipped his head and whispered, “For the pack.”

  Until now, Vanessa had been uninterested in any of the drama taking place, sitting in silence with her head dropped. Now it shot up, sending her blazing hair over her shoulders. “That’s enough!” She jumped to her feet, slamming her hand against the table. Her eyes skewered them with a look that could kill. “You were both out of line, and you know it.”

  Ty raised his hand, silencing Vanessa’s reprimand. His face was still red with anger, eyes flashing gold. “
I pull rank here, and you will both stand in line.” He directed a pointed finger at Troy then Marika. “I will not tolerate any further bullshit from either of you. And I couldn’t give a shit about what either of you think is justified. One more stunt and you will both incur my wrath.”

  Troy grunted and Marika’s eyes widened, though neither of them dared to speak.

  I was about to look away, when Ty glanced up, blazing eyes catching mine. The anger drained from his face in an instant, replaced by clear longing. My heartstrings tugged under the draw of his eyes, and I couldn’t look away. He rose to his feet and began walking forward.

  A warning growl rumbled from Kendrick’s chest. My heart jumped into my throat. Stop! Turn around, my eyes pleaded. But Ty kept on walking. Kendrick flipped his half-full tray of food over and snapped it across the edge of the table. My stomach turned like a crashing wave. With a jagged piece of tray clutched in one hand, he leaped over our table. An eruption of gasps sounded all around as he landed before Ty.

  I moved to rush after Kendrick and pull him back. Instantly Dorian’s hand gripped my forearm, restraining me. “Let’s just see where this goes.”

  Fear of exposure pulsed through my body. Kendrick stood with aggression pouring out of him, feet planted and shoulders hunched. Ty’s hands rose in surrender. Every set of eyes, even the kitchen hands behind the buffet line, were focused on the hostile display.

  And then something registered. I couldn’t scent Ty or Troy. I remembered psych class this morning. Apart from the chlorine, he hadn’t had a scent then, either. Was he still protecting my lies to Kendrick by masking his werewolf identity? Had he even ordered Troy to do the same?

  “You better turn around, Malau.” Unblemished hatred emanated from Kendrick’s hissed words.

  “Kendrick, please,” I pleaded, thoughts melting as nausea crawled up my throat. “Don’t do this.”

  Kendrick threw a quick glance over his shoulder, cutting me with narrowed eyes. “No, Amelia. I won’t back down this time.” He turned back to Ty, fist clenched. You,” he spat with venom, “disgust me.”

  All remaining chatter had ceased. The cafeteria echoed deathly silence.

  I sank down in my chair, wanting to disappear. Where was a sink hole when you needed one? The other option was to take off. But running from the cafeteria wouldn’t stop this standoff. There was no escaping this.

  “You don’t understand,” Ty said. He ran tense hands through his hair, which looked like it hadn’t been brushed in days. “Just let me explain.”

  Kendrick took a further step forward, gritting his teeth. “She doesn’t want to hear it,” he snarled, loud enough for the entire room to hear. “So, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll turn around and scurry back to your seat with your tail between your legs. Just like the dog you are.”

  The crowd’s reaction was a mixture of tense laughter and gasps. A number of closer kids scooted their chairs away, out of the line of fire. You couldn’t blame them. I’d never witnessed this side of Kendrick before: the challenge, the arrogance, the pure hostility. His stance reminded me of a Stefan from The Vampire Diaries when he went all Ripper. It was savage and wild, a shut down of emotions that was animalistic in the way he glared down Ty. He was ready to attack without warning.

  Ignoring his challenger, Ty looked to me. “Please, Amelia. Just one minute.”

  Kendrick closed the gap separating them, fingers grasping Ty’s shirt in a white-knuckled fist. His other hand lifted the dangerous piece of tray, pointing it at Ty’s heart.

  In a flash, Troy and Marika sprung to flank Ty. Low rumbles vibrated from their chests.

  “Back off,” Troy growled. He pushed back the edge of his leather jacket, hand hovering over something silvery sheathed to his side.

  Kendrick didn’t afford him or Marika any attention. A start of realization sent a hand of cold fingers up my spine. He didn’t figure any of them to be a physical threat against him. Because he didn’t know he was challenging a pair of werewolves.

  I tore free of Dorian’s grasp and darted to my best friend, clutching his arm. “That’s enough, Kendrick. Stop this!”

  A dangerous smile parted my best friend’s lips. He threw down the jagged piece of tray, curling his fingers into deadly-looking claws. His head cocked to the side and away from the gaping crowd. With his fangs threatening to protrude, he hissed his final threat through clenched teeth, low and inaudible to every watching human. “If you don’t back-off now, I will rip out your beating heart with my bare hands.”

  Troy and Marika stiffened. Before anything could happen Ty raised his hand for them to wait.

  “Break it up, break it up!” Mr. McKenna’s voice rang out. He’d just caught sight of the confrontation from the hall and was bounding our way.

  Ty’s face hardened. There wasn’t even a sliver of weakness as he tore his shirt from Kendrick’s hold. “Fine,” he mouthed. “But this isn’t finished. I won’t give up on her.” With a grunt, he turned and stalked away.

  After a second, Troy and Marika followed with backward looks of loathing.

  “Next time it’ll be detention for all of you,” Mr. McKenna said looking relieved at the outcome.

  Kendrick’s shoulders slumped with a sigh. His head crooked to look me in the eye. “Sorry.”

  Within my chest, my heart was smashing against my ribs. My blood raced. It felt like my head was about to explode with anger. I was furious with my best friend for his reckless actions and blatant disregard of me begging him to stop. “I don’t want to hear it.” I whirled on the spot, face fuming, and stormed away. Told you this was a bad idea.


  After falling into a restless sleep that night, I awoke abruptly. Rather than being within the safety of my room and bed, I was lying on a throw of soft ferns.

  Following the cafeteria incident, the day had passed without any further run-ins. Ty had kept his distance, and Vanessa hadn’t tried to sway me further into hearing him out. Marika and Troy had also restrained themselves to only shooting glares our way. And Kendrick had made it impossible to stay mad with him, apologizing with a box of chocolates that he’d skipped class to buy. How could I stay mad when chocolate was involved?

  The day’s tension had dissipated. Still I couldn’t shake my unease over everything that had happened, or relieve the pain that still gripped my aching heart. Mental exhaustion weighed me down like rocks accumulating over my chest, and I had fallen into a fitful sleep.

  Now I felt the panic of disorientation setting in. I rubbed at my eyes with balled hands and propped myself upright, forcing my rising breath to slow. The surroundings slowly cleaved into focus. A small clearing, bordered by a thicket of pine and oak trees surrounded me. They thinned on one side, letting the moon’s three-quarter light through.

  I rose from the dew-dampened ferns, following the ghostly shine of moonlight through the clearing. On the far side, I found the edge of a sheer cliff that plunged into indistinguishable darkness. Above, not a single cloud blemished the night sky. Instead, a million stars glittered like someone had thrown a fistful of diamonds across its dark surface. Their shine along with the moonlight illuminated not only the space around me, but the jagged-mountain terrain layered with snow that rose up before me. I sucked in a breath of awe as confusion set in. My conscious mind had just caught up with me. How in the world did I get here?

  With a sidestep I leaned against the rough bark of a large oak tree. A light breeze brushed past me, carrying with it the strong scent of pine. There was another scent too. It was so diluted that I almost thought I was imagining it. I’m dreaming, I realized suddenly.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” breathed a familiar and yet not entirely unexpected voice.

  Rearing off the solid tree, I spun. A boy was standing at the bordering tree line. He was dressed in nothing but a pair of cut-off jeans. His hair hung over his forehead and his eyes glowed with intensity. Ty.

  My breath caught in my throat and my heart ached with
its rapid beat. The sight of him instilled a deep longing within me, tainted by irrefutable anger. “You brought me here?” Disbelief edged my sharp words. “How…” Ty stepped forward and my hand rose in repudiation. “No! I don’t care. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”

  I stormed past him, making for the tree line. I still had no idea how he’d brought me here. And there was no way in hell I was about to stick around to find out.

  Ty reached out to grasp my arm, but I darted away. “Wait!” he called out, a crackle evident in his voice. “You can’t go. You have to listen to me.”

  I whirled on the spot and glared at him with skewering eyes. “No, I don’t!” I turned back, continuing on my intended path. “I’m leaving.”

  “Amelia, stop!” he demanded. “You can’t…”

  His words died as my forehead connected with something. Caught off guard, I stumbled back. Shock and embarrassment hammered my pulse, bringing a warm buzz to my ears. With a shake I recovered. Then I raised my hands until they connected with an invisible barrier. What had looked like a living tree line was not. It was a flat surface, somewhat like a looking glass that peered into a place I couldn’t quite touch. I pushed against its flat, hard surface. It rippled beneath my palms, so rigidly stiff that involuntary twitches crawled up my arms. I pushed again, harder this time. An electric shock bolted through my hands and I repelled back. With my jaw set and arms dropped, I turned. Tension fixed my fingers into clawed weapons that strained every muscle along my arms and up to my neck. “What have you done?”

  Ty clasped his hands in front of him. “Amelia, I’m sorry. I didn’t want to do this. But it’s the only way I could get you to listen to me.” He shook his head, looking almost regretful. “Please understand. You left me no other choice.”

  A warning hiss blew through my lips and they parted, revealing fully extended fangs. In Ty’s silent hesitation, I scanned the clearing for a possible escape. Would his conjured force field extend past the cliff? I decided I wasn’t past hurtling myself from the edge to find out.


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