Book Read Free

Tangled Fury

Page 7

by K. L. Middleton

  Fred winked at me. “Sometimes you’ve gotta wonder - who’s taking care of who?”

  “Believe me, she’s definitely taking care of me,” I replied, patting his shoulder as I left the kitchen.

  Chapter Nine


  The weekend flew by quickly. When Monday arrived, I dropped Emma off at school, and then headed to the salon. When I arrived, Thane was behind the front desk, this time dressed in a black, short-sleeved polo shirt with the company’s name and logo etched near the collar. The shirt fit snugly, emphasizing his thick biceps and narrow waist. He was definitely an eye-opening sight for a Monday morning.

  “You ready?” he asked, also giving me a quick once-over.

  I caught my reflection in the mirror, behind the counter, and felt a twinge of shame. My hair was once again pulled back tightly, I wore hardly any makeup, which made me look pale, and even I could see that the thick brown glasses overpowered my face. Basically, I pretty much now looked like an old spinster, or what Ray would often label as a “Cat Lady”. But, in reality, that didn’t matter. Deep down I knew that the dull image in the mirror had to stay. I certainly couldn’t afford to be vain or worry about what others thought of me.

  “Yes,” I replied, forcing a smile.

  He picked up a large white mug and held it out. “You a coffee drinker? We have a fresh batch in the break-room, if you’d like a little kick-start.”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  “Okay, well, let’s go bring you back to your work area and you can start getting settled in. Did you bring your supplies?”

  “I left them in the car. I wasn’t sure if I should bring them in right away, or wait.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Wait? For what?”

  I smiled sheepishly. “I don’t know. To make sure you still wanted me here, I guess.”

  He stared at me for a minute and then shook his head, smiling humorlessly. “Hell, that guy really did a number on you, didn’t he?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ray,” he said, lowering his voice. “The guy obviously stole your confidence and has made you so damn insecure.”

  He was right, obviously, but it made me uncomfortable, having him scrutinize me like that. “He definitely wasn’t easy to live with. Another reason why I would prefer to not talk about him.”

  “I can understand why. Let’s go.”

  I followed him around the partition, where he introduced me to a couple of the other stylists. One of them, a pretty redhead named Sinclair, looked vaguely familiar. It wasn’t until I was alone with Thane, in the break-room, that I learned exactly why.

  “Listen, Sera,” he said in a low voice. “Sinclair has also been through a horrible ordeal recently. Something that put her in the hospital.”

  “That’s horrible,” I replied. “What happened?”

  “To put it bluntly, some asshole stalked and then kidnapped her. She’s been trying to put it behind her, but I’m sure it hasn’t been easy.”

  I stared at him in horror. “Kidnapped?”

  “Yes. Near Huntington Beach. It was all over the news a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, the reason I’m even mentioning this is that sometimes we get reporters in here, still trying to interview her, and it’s important to let me know if that happens. We need to protect her from those assholes. She’s already been through enough.”

  It was then that I remembered seeing a picture of her on the news and the story came back to me.

  “He died, didn’t he?”


  I let out a ragged sigh. “Well, I guess she must take some comfort in knowing that he’s gone.”

  “Yeah. There’s that. But, she’s still pretty spooked. I didn’t know her before the incident, but everyone says she’s a different person. Won’t leave her apartment, unless it’s to come to work. It’s a damn shame that she has to live in fear like that.”

  “When something that terrifying happens, it changes you,” I said, remembering the trusting and carefree person I once was, before Ray had squashed that.

  Thane’s eyes softened. “I’m sure you know more than anyone. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to go through such a violent and traumatic experience.”

  The door opened and Felicia walked into the break-room. “Thane, there’s a man asking for you up front. Says he’s from some place called New Spaces Design.”

  He grinned. “Good. He’s here to give me an estimate for my office.”

  “Why?” asked Felicia.

  He walked towards the door. “I’m changing it. The style in there now just isn’t doing anything for me.”

  “Let me guess - you want to put a moose head and some pine flooring inside,” said Felicia, teasing him. “Maybe a bear-skin rug?”

  “Wow, you really have me pegged, don’t you?” he said, walking out.

  Smirking, Felicia turned to me and changed the subject. “Did Monica give you a call you yet?”

  “Oh, that’s right. No, she hasn’t. I’d better get my station set up. In case she wants to do it today.”

  “I’ve been handing out your business cards. Already had two appointments this morning. Hopefully, you’ll be getting some clients soon.”

  I smiled. “Thank you so much, Felicia. I appreciate your help.”

  She shrugged. “We help each other out here as much as we can. We’re like one big family.”

  “It seems that way. Still, thank you for spreading the word. I’ll definitely return the favor. Uh, both businesses you’re running. If and when someone tells me they need a vibrator,” I said, laughing. I couldn’t imagine how the subject would come up with a client, but something told me that it wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibilities. Not here.

  “Oh, that reminds me. I’m having a girls-only adult toy party next Saturday night. You can check out the merchandise and even make a purchase if you’d like. I had one a couple of months ago and we had such a great time.”

  “Uh, I’m not sure if I can make it this weekend. I’d have to find a sitter…”

  “Girl, you gotta try. We have a blast at these things. There’s going to be about fifteen to twenty of us. Might even hire a stripper, just to get the girls in the mood to buy, you know?”

  “Oh, wow. Great marketing idea.”

  “Exactly. One of my clients is a male stripper and he said he’d give me a deal if I ever needed one. The more I think about it, the better it sounds. I think I’d better give him a call.”


  “Oh, he is and fine…. Anyway, I’m sure you can drum up more nail business if you join us. There’s no obligation to buy anything, either. We just drink wine, stuff our faces, and laugh our asses off all night long.”

  She was being so friendly, that I decided to see if I could get Arlene to watch Emma, since Fred was playing poker that night. “It does sound like a lot of fun. I promise - if I can find a sitter, I’ll be there.”

  “Good. I think most of the girls from the shop will also be there. Oh, and a friend of ours named Jesse. He’s a hoot. You’ll love him.”

  “I thought you said it was a girls-only party.”

  “Jesse is the one exception.”

  Sinclair walked into the back room. “You talking about your sex-toy party again?”

  “Yes. I invited Sera.”

  She looked at me and smiled. “Good. You’ll love it.”

  “Are you going?” I asked.

  Her smile fell. “I’m not sure. I… um, I was going to take Felix over to the cat-groomer, earlier in the day, so I don’t know. He’s getting a lot of knots in his fur and I’m thinking of having it trimmed.”

  “Okay… but what does that have to do with Saturday night?” asked Felicia.

  “If he gets his fur shaved, like last time, he’ll be upset and will need some extra TLC.”

  Felicia rolled her eyes. “So, you’re going to stay home with your cat for… moral support?”

  She blushed. “He’s very sensitive. You
know that.”

  “Yeah, so I’ve heard.” Felicia touched her arm. “You have to show up, Sinclair. It just wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  She sighed. “I’ll try. It’s just not a really good time, you know?”

  Felicia’s brown eyes softened. “I know. I know. But, sometimes, surrounding yourself with friends and laughter is what makes a bad time a little more manageable. Don’t you agree, Sera?”

  “Definitely,” I said, thinking of Fred and Arlene. Their friendship had definitely been therapeutic.

  “Like I said, I’ll let you know by the weekend,” replied Sinclair, turning towards the soda machine. She slid some quarters inside, pushed a button, and then bent down to retrieve her can. “I mean, I’m sure I’ll be there. Jesse will hound the hell out of me if I don’t go.”

  Felicia’s eyes glittered. “That’s another reason why I invited him.”

  “You’re evil,” said Sinclair, popping open the diet soda.

  Felicia laughed. “Did you ever doubt that I wasn’t?”

  “You told me a while ago that you were manipulative bitch,” she replied, shaking her head with a smile. “And I should have listened.”

  “Damn right, and you aint seen nothin’ yet,” said Felicia, looking at her long nails. “I’ve invited Grayson Parker Field’s sister. Her brother is so fine and from what I hear, newly single.”

  “Who is that?” asked Sinclair.

  “A football player,” I answered.

  They both looked at me in surprise.

  “You watch football?” asked Felicia.

  I blushed. “No. My Ex watched it and I remember hearing the name come up a few times. I believe he scores lots of goals?”

  Felicia smiled wickedly. “That’s what I hear, too. I’m hoping to invite him to my field one of these days.”

  “How do you know his sister?” asked Sinclair.

  “I’ve been doing her hair for the past six months and just found out last week. She told me he’s getting a divorce. Apparently, his wife cheated on him. Can you believe it? His wife cheated on that sexy beast?”

  “How long were they married?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure. I didn’t ask. I was too excited at the time. So, I invited her to the party on Saturday, and I swear to God - I’m going to try and find a way for her to hook us up.”

  “What if she gets angry?” said Sinclair. “She’ll think you’re using her.”

  “Remember, I’m a manipulative bitch? When I’m done with her, she’s going to not only going to introduce us, she’ll be begging him to ask me out.”

  Sinclair snorted.

  Felicia put a hand on her waist. “You doubt I can do it?”

  “Look, you’re a very beautiful woman, Felicia, but I’m sure he has tons of women hitting on him all the time. And now that he’s single…”

  “Don’t matter. I love a challenge. It makes it that much more enjoyable when I win the prize.”

  I looked up at the clock. It was already after ten, and I still hadn’t been to my station. “Shoot, it’s getting late. I’m going to get my area set up, before Thane changes his mind about letting me work here.” I looked at Felicia. “Thanks for inviting me to the party and spreading the word. I wasn’t even aware that I had business cards yet.”

  Felicia smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, I saw them on Thane’s desk this morning and grabbed a couple. I didn’t think you’d mind.

  “Not at all. I just can’t wait to see them myself.”

  Laughing, she reached into her apron and pulled one out. “Here you go.”

  I took it from her and frowned when I noticed the name imprinted under the company logo. “He spelled my first name wrong.”

  He’d spelled it Sara and not Sera.

  Felicia clucked her tongue. “Oh, shit. Thane’s first FAIL. And he strives on being so perfect. I love it.”

  I sighed. “Well, it’s really not that big of a deal,” I said. “I’ll whiten out the ‘a’ and handwrite the ‘e’. No need to waste the cards.”

  “Of course it’s a big deal,” said Sinclair, grabbing the card out of my hand. “You’d better tell him. He can definitely afford to buy you new ones.”

  “Plus, handwriting the ‘e’ will look cheap. Just tell him,” added Felicia.

  I stared down at the card again. She was right. It would look cheap. “Okay.”

  “Besides, I think he’ll do anything for you,” said Felicia, smirking.

  My eyebrows shot up. “What? What do you mean by that?”

  “Haven’t you noticed? He can’t seem to stop staring at you,” she said, smiling slyly. “I think he may have the hots for you, girl.”

  I laughed nervously. “Right.”

  “No, I’m serious,” she replied.

  “Interesting,” said Sinclair, also smiling.

  “What’s interesting?” asked Thane, stepping through the doorway.

  My face turned red.

  “Oh, nothing,” said Sinclair, winking at me as she walked around him and back out into the salon.

  “It’s interesting that you spelled Sera’s name wrong on the business card,” said Felicia, following Sinclair out.

  His eyes widened. “What is she talking about?”

  I handed the card to him. “Um, my name is spelled ‘SERA’.”

  He looked at me. “You’re kidding me?”

  I pushed the eyeglasses up on my nose. “Nope. Sorry.”

  “I guess you were right. I should have paid more attention to your resume,” he said, frowning down at the card. “I feel like a moron.”

  “Eh, stuff happens.”

  He folded the card and threw into the garbage. “I’ll order you new ones. Have them over-nighted.”


  “You need help unloading your supplies?”

  I thought about what Felicia said and the thought of him having the hots for me seemed ridiculous. “No. I’ve got it. Thanks.”

  “Okay then. Let me know if you do want my help. I don’t have much going on today.”

  “I will. Thanks. So, did that guy give you an estimate on the remodeling?”

  “Yeah. He gave me some ideas and pricing. Sounded pretty reasonable, but I’m going to get some other quotes, just to compare.”

  “Good idea.”

  “Yeah. Which reminds me, I should start organizing and even clearing some things out of there before it starts getting torn down.”

  “Probably a good idea.”

  He snapped his finger. “I know what I was going to ask you - what are you doing for lunch?”

  “I brought a sandwich.”

  “Sandwich. Okay, well, don’t bring one tomorrow. We’ll do lunch, you know, to discuss the shop and ways to gain clients. I won’t keep you long, but I think it’s important to figure out some strategies, other than just word of mouth.”

  “Oh, sure. Of course.”

  “Do you like Thai?”

  I smiled. “I love it.”

  “Good,” he replied, opening up the door. “Then you’re going to really love it when you try this place up the street. Everything that I’ve have there has been delicious.”

  “Sounds great,” I answered, following him out of the break-room. My eyes glided down from his powerful-looking shoulders, past his narrow waist, to his firm looking buttocks. He definitely took care of himself. “I’ve heard that Thai food is pretty healthy, too.”

  “If you order the right food. Some of it has a lot of sodium. I try to stick with the good stuff, but sometimes I stray.” He chuckled. “You know what they say, you are what you eat.”

  I knew it had to be true, because Thane was definitely… delicious

  Chapter Ten


  I walked away from Sera, telling myself that it would be beneficial for her to create a sales plan and talking about it over lunch, made perfect sense. But, in all reality, the reputation of the salon itself drew in plenty of customers, and she’d probably be over-booked in a week
or two. From what I heard, the last nail technician hadn’t even been able to accept walk-ins; she was kept so busy from the references the stylists generated.

  I reordered Sera’s business cards, and then spent most of the morning in my office, talking to other remodeling contractors and going through the shop’s finances. At twelve-thirty, I stepped back into the busy shop, where everyone was busy with clients. Even Sera, who had her supplies out and looked like she’d already been working at Tangled longer than me. She wore a white mask over her face, and was brushing acrylic on an older woman’s newly elongated nails.

  “Hello there, Thane,” said the woman, smiling up at me.

  I recognized her from the week before. Felicia’s client. Just like before, she was undressing me with her eyes. I stared down at the old cougar with amusement. “Well, hello there, Monica. Getting your nails done, huh?”

  “Yes. I figured I’d give your new gal here a chance.”

  “How is she doing?”

  “So far, so good. She’s gentle on the hands, which I really like. Your last technician did a wonderful job, too, but my nails were always sore afterwards.”

  “You may have had an infection,” said Sera, her voice slightly muffled from the mask. “Or, if she used a drummel, to smooth out your natural nail, it can leave them a little sore. Like I mentioned before, you should try gel nails. It’s less volatile and a lot of people actually prefer them.”

  “I know… I know… but, personally I really like the acrylic,” said Monica. “It’s just what I’m used to.”

  “Whatever makes you happy,” I answered. “We aim to please here.”

  Monica’s eyes glittered. “Whatever makes me happy?”

  I smiled. “You bet. We’re all about pleasing the customer.”

  Monica licked her lips. “You have no idea how exciting it is to hear you say that, young man.”

  Sera let out a strangled giggle.

  I smiled, wondering where she was going with this.

  “You know what would really make me happy?” asked Monica.

  “Uh, what would that be?” I asked, suddenly wishing I would have stayed in my office.


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