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White Leather and No Regrets

Page 3

by Adrianna Dane

  “You’re still mine. His friendship means a lot to me. He once saved my life when things got a little tricky on a business trip to the Sudan. We became close. And you mean a lot to me, too.”

  She cocked her head. “How good a friend, Ariyel? Was he your lover before me?” She knew. Oh, yes, she knew. “Is he your lover now?”

  He stared at her steadily with little expression on his face. His hand tightened on her arm. She knew the answer, but she wanted him to say it.

  “We’ve been friends a long time. No, he’s not my lover. He’s my friend.” He wasn’t going to tell her. Maybe he didn’t realize it, but watching them over dinner, Ren knew the truth. They may not have consummated a sexual relationship, but there was more here than simple camaraderie.

  “Do you always share your women with him?”

  “Sometimes,” he admitted. “If he shows an interest. And he’s quite interested in you. But I swear to you, if you don’t want this, it doesn’t happen. And that won’t change anything between us.”

  “Won’t it?” Ren had to wonder about that. But in the end it really didn’t matter. Because she did want it. She wanted Creed. She wanted what she saw in his eyes that he had to offer.

  Ariyel gripped her arms, then kissed her. “No, it won’t.”

  For the first time since she’d known Ariyel, she didn’t quite believe him. But in the end it didn’t really matter. “I want it. I want him. But I love you. I hope that won’t get lost in the translation.”

  He circled his arm around her waist, drawing her close to his side. They returned to the table. Some sort of silent message passed between Creed and Ariyel as Ariyel took his seat. Ren didn’t mind. Right now, more than anything, Ren wanted dinner over with, and the last course, the best course, to begin.

  In was in the back of the limousine that Ariyel used for special occasions, that Ren had her first taste of truly dominant sex with Creed. It was the first time she felt her submissive nature drawn upon in a deeper, richer context. As she watched, Creed leaned forward and opened a hidden drawer in the back of the limousine. He pulled out a tube of lubricant and another rectangular box.

  Ariyel helped her with her dress. As had become their custom, she wore no bra. She’d only worn the panties to help secure the butt plug.

  “Keep the shoes on,” Creed said. “I like my women in heels.”

  “Even during sex?” Ren couldn’t help asking.

  His grin was wolfish as he raked his gaze over her. “Especially during sex.” He sat at ease in the seat. His arms were spread across the back of the seat, his legs ajar. Ren couldn’t help glancing at his cock, so thick and prominent behind that zipper. She licked her lips. Her gaze lifted to his face.

  A tremor passed through her at that dark, intense look in his eyes. The soft glow of the LED strip lights lining the floor along the sides of the interior and beneath the seats allowed Ren to see him and for him to see her. His gaze traveled almost insolently over her naked breasts, down to her pussy, down to her feet still dressed in heels. He reached out to tweak a ring, then tugged on it. She drew in a breath at the exquisite sensation. She saw a glimmer of appreciation in his eyes, the hint of a smile on his full lips. She kept her white leather stilettos on.

  “Come here,” he said, without preamble as he tugged on the ring lightly. She shimmied across the seat to straddle his lap.

  “No. Not that way,” Creed said as he released the ring. “Turn away from me. Put your hands on those bars in front of me. Stretch forward. Let’s see how ready you are.”

  She shrugged. Okay. She turned and stretched out, lengthening her spine as she reached across the gap to grab the bar. Her breasts swung free. But not for too long as he reached beneath her to stroke her breasts, then played with her ringed nipples.

  “She’s very sensitive,” he said. “And she likes to be played with.” He moved his hands to her midriff, sliding them along her hips, up over her ass to plant them at her inner thighs.

  “I noticed that right away,” Ariyel said from the other side of the seat.

  Creed’s big hands on her thighs, spread her wider. She tried to balance her knees against the edge of the seat, bracing against his strong legs. Ren felt herself wide open to him, so vulnerable, her body tingling from his handling. She gripped the rail tighter, bracing herself for whatever came next. Her breasts swayed. He removed his hands from her thighs and then she felt the coolness of the gel squirting into her anus.

  “Ariyel says he’s never fucked you in your ass before,” Creed said. “He says you’ll belong to me there. Is that all right with you, Ren? That I’ll own your ass?”

  A dildo was pressed into her. This one was bigger, stretching her wider. She glanced over at Ariyel. She couldn’t read his expression. His pants were unzipped and he stroked his cock. His gaze glittered and his look was heavy with lust. His attention seemed to keep shifting from Ren to Creed. But the look remained the same.

  “Arch your back and lift your ass,” Creed said.

  “I—” She couldn’t seem to concentrate on Creed’s question. Nor his command. Her response was slow as she finally did as he instructed. Creed worked the dildo into her with a strangely erotic short and long twisting rhythm that soon had Ren shoving back into the cadence, getting so hot. She never would have thought she’d be so into anal sex. The man sure did know how build the heat. He pulled the dildo out.

  “You didn’t answer me, Ren. I need an answer. Do you have a problem belonging to me?”

  She wanted him to fuck her. She wiggled her ass and tried to back toward the dildo. He slapped her ass. She gasped. “Answer me, Ren. I’m not always a patient man. I can be kind—or not. You’ll find I’m the sort of man who doesn’t expect to have to ask the same question a second time.”

  She shook her head. He slapped her ass again. She liked it. She wanted him to do it again. So, she waited to answer. His was a different touch, very different from Ariyel. She glanced at her blond lover. His eyes were on Creed. The expression was very focused as he jerked his hand up and down his prick.

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes, I’ll be yours. In that way.”

  Then Ariyel finally tore his attention away from Creed and looked at her. He stopped stroking his cock. Creed pushed the dildo into her. She shoved back to take it all. He spanked her again.

  “She has a nice ass. It colors up beautifully. She’s a rare find, Ariyel.”

  Ariyel smiled and his attention turned back to Creed. He seemed to bloom beneath his friend’s admiring words. “I knew she’d please you. Everything about her is perfect. I told you it was.”

  “You didn’t exaggerate.”

  He smoothed a big hand over her ass cheek. “Yes, very nice.” Ren shuddered. He flicked a finger over her ringed clit. “Wet and excited.”

  Then Ren’s eyes flashed wide as the flat of his hand connected with her cheek again. She gasped. He pulled the dildo out, then pressed home again. An odd pairing of sensations shot through her. She gripped the rail harder. She wanted him to do it again. Ariyel had never spanked her. Certainly not like this. This was something totally new and different. Creed’s hand came down across her other cheek. The dildo slid out and in again. He added more lubricant.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  Ren shuddered. “No. I don’t. Oh, God, I don’t.”

  Ariyel reached for a condom and sheathed his prick.

  “Let go of the rail and swing around toward Ariyel. He needs your attention.”

  She did as he said. Now she was spread across Creed’s lap, her head at Ariyel’s crotch. Creed pushed her legs apart, keeping her open. She took Ariyel into her mouth. Creed’s hand came down across her bottom. She sucked Ariyel’s cock with enthusiasm, loving the sensations that were driving through her. Ariyel groaned, his cock grew harder, his balls drew up.

  Creed altered the pattern of his strikes on her ass; she climaxed. She sucked Ariyel deeper into her mouth. He climaxed. Creed stopped spanking her. Her ass throbbed
, the burn so deep inside her she couldn’t catch her breath. Ariyel’s cock popped from her mouth.

  Creed twisted the dildo in her ass. His other hand—so hot, so callused—cupped her soaked pussy. But he didn’t penetrate her there. He worked the dildo inside her ass, his hot hand gripping her, he didn’t touch her clit, didn’t press his fingers into her pussy. But when she came, for just one moment she blacked out. When she came back to herself she was shaking with emotion and couldn’t have moved on her own if she’d wanted to.

  He smoothed both his big hands over her burning ass cheeks. She panted, so lost inside a world of pleasure and pain.

  It was Ariyel, who wipe the tears from her cheeks, that brought her more fully back to herself. He pulled her into his lap. But she twisted around, making him hard again with her hands, and took his cock into her pussy, riding him with a frenzy she’d never felt before.

  They weren’t done with her. Creed wasn’t done with her. Even as she rode Ariyel, Creed moved closer, wound his hand in her hair and arched her back. As another orgasm rocked her, Creed kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. He held her fast, Ariyel deep inside her pussy; Creed, deep inside her mouth. The dildo still lodged in her ass. Her ass cheeks burned.

  She felt Ariyel come.

  Creed kept her locked in place as he stared down into her eyes.

  “You’ll call me sir or master if you want to continue after this. I’m not Ariyel and I want to be certain you’re aware of exactly who is fucking you, who’s making you come, who’s possession you are in at any given moment. Do we understand each other?”

  Ren just managed to give him the answer he sought. “Yes…sir.”

  He eased the plug from her ass, then released her. Ariyel pulled her into his arms. His softened prick slipped from inside her. She’d never felt so drained, nor so satisfied and at peace, than this moment.

  And then she wrapped herself around Ariyel, her whole body shaking in the aftermath.

  By the time the car pulled up to the mansion, both men had helped her dress and they both escorted her into the house and put her to bed—a man to either side of her making her feel more safe than she ever had before. She slept more soundly that night than she had in her whole life.

  When she awoke the next morning, she was alone in the huge king-sized bed. A few moments later Ariyel walked in with breakfast on a tray, a white rose in a white bud vase upon it. After breakfast he made love to her—slowly, sweetly. It was after that weekend that she gave two weeks’ notice at work. Ariyel wanted her to move in with him, and she finally said yes. With his travel schedule, and if she wanted to accompany him as he’d asked, it didn’t allow for her to keep her job with regular hours. Again, there were no regrets.

  Creed had left for an assignment overseas. Ren had no idea when she’d see him again. But he’d left her a gift. She began using the larger butt plug in anticipation of Creed Bennett’s next visit.

  Again her life rhythm changed. Her closet was filled now with white leather. No more brown off-the rack business suits. No more sensible shoes. And now there were two very demanding men in her life and she wasn’t certain she could give up either of them. And she had no regrets about that. Eagerly she embraced this new phase of her life.

  * * *

  Collared. The collar Ren wore now was braided leather, not too wide, not too thin. From it hung a small shining tag and it really was quite beautiful. Its color matched the crop she held in her hands, palms up with the crop lying across her open palms. It represented another turning point in her life.

  She recalled the first collar she’d been given. Simple brown rawhide, cut from an old bridle in the stable. Nothing special about it. She remembered the day quite clearly. Creed and Ariyel had gone out riding. Ren had gone to the salon for an afternoon of pampering. A new dress had been delivered to her while she was there. Ren had just returned from her appointment at the salon feeling refreshed and invigorated when she met Ariyel, who had just come in from the stable. He was still in his very sexy tight beige riding pants and white silk shirt. Creed and Ariyel both looked very good in their riding gear.

  He gazed at Ren with an admiring eye.

  “I was right about you when I first saw you. Just look at you now. Truly a goddess.”

  She walked toward him and kissed him. “I wouldn’t be without your help, Ariyel.”

  “You’d have found yourself eventually.” He sighed. “Creed is waiting for you in the stable.”

  Ren arched a brow. “Creed is? But—what about you? We never do these…sessions with only two of us.”

  He shrugged. His glance drifted away from her. “There comes a time when choices should be—must be made. I have a staff meeting at the university. Because you never have been with Creed without me being present, doesn’t mean it can’t happen. He wants you, Ren.”

  “And you’ve given me to him. I’ve accepted that. I tend to think I belong to both of you now. But I still love you, Ariyel.”

  Ariyel shook his head, seeming at a loss for words. He cupped the side of her face. “I know you do. And I guess I thought maybe it would work that way. But I’ve seen you with him and him with you. You have no idea…what I see. How you submit to him in a way I could never give you.”

  She clasped his hand, trying to hold him to her. “But I love you.”

  “I think there’s more to it. More to your feelings. You’re very loyal, aren’t you? But, of course, I sensed that right from the beginning. I’ve never doubted that I could trust you. You’d never betray me. I care for you very deeply, Ren. But you… Romantic love—courtly love—is very pretty, isn’t it? But you need something more. Let’s just say I’m giving you permission to be everything to him—to embrace everything that you are—with him.”

  “Ariyel—” She didn’t know how to answer him. Some of what he said seemed to resonate inside her. And yet she didn’t want to admit what he was saying.

  “Go to him. We’ll talk this out later.”

  “I’m afraid. He frightens me,” she said.

  “It’s not him that frightens you, Ren. What frightens you is inside you. He draws out the best, the deepest of the passion in you. After you’ve been with him there’s a glow about you that takes my breath away. I wish you could see—I wish you could see yourself with him. I recognized it that first night in the limousine. I should have known. Go to him. Let him be what you need. It’s your choice, Ren. Stay or go. If you choose not to go to the stable, I won’t fault you for it. This has to be your choice. We’ll try to continue as we have been. But I think it won’t be the same for you. And one day you’ll regret it. You just don’t recognize what you really want yet.”

  She watched him walk away down the hall. She wanted to run after him. She was afraid of what would happen if she let him go. It was probably ten minutes later before she turned and headed for the stables.

  Stable games, in the normal course of their relationship as a threesome, could be rather fun. But Ren now realized that most of the time Ariyel didn’t really participate. He looked on like a proud parent. As she stepped into the cool darkness of the interior of the stable, the scent of horses, oiled leather, and hay greeting her, she saw Creed waiting for her. He held a crop. Nothing fancy. It was one he usually carried when he rode.

  Creed stepped back and she preceded him into their special stall. “He spoke with you?”

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  “And you decided to come.”

  “I’m not sure I have made a firm decision, sir. I don’t know if I can choose.”

  “Because you love him,” Creed tapped the crop against the side of his black leather riding boot.

  She looked at the crop longingly. This was something Ariyel couldn’t give her. And Creed could.

  “Yes, I love him, sir.” Why here, in the stable, in front of Creed, did the words suddenly seem lacking in emotion?

  Creed pointed to the stall. “Let’s find out how much, shall we? Let’s find out what you tru
ly love more.”

  Something had changed. Ren could feel it in the atmosphere. But what did it mean? She stepped into the special stall.

  “Are you ready for a challenging session? The ride with Ariyel has invigorated me,” Creed said as he stepped inside the stall. He turned and closed the door, then shoved the bolt lock home.

  Ren turned. “Whatever you want, sir.” Somehow over the course of the relationship she’d given Creed almost as much of herself as she had to Ariyel and she wasn’t quite certain how that had happened. Whenever Creed came to town, or they met up with him somewhere out of town, they had even taken to sharing the same bed. And there had never seemed anything amiss about the relationship. And nothing that Ren wanted to change. But it was usually the three of them; not just two.

  “Undress,” Creed said.

  And so she did.

  When she was ready, Creed circled her, looking at her, inspecting her after her visit to the salon. He went up to her and gripped her ass, slid a finger up and down the crease. “Very nice. Very smooth. I like you smooth there. That pleases me.”

  And then he blindfolded her with a plain leather mask. He pushed her down over a barrel, bound her hands to the links in the floor, spread her legs wide and clamped her ankles into place. Ass high, shoulders low.

  “You know the safe word. Say it.”

  She was already getting excited and so wet. She never used the safe word. Never. She wanted this so badly. Creed had been gone for a long time and she’d gotten itchy without him around. And she had a feeling Ariyel sensed it—sensed that change in her. She had taken to prowling the mansion like a cat in heat. Ariyel saw it—he knew her moods so very well. She gripped the rungs in the floor, her excitement mounting.

  “Cornmeal. But I never use it, sir.”

  “You love it hard, don’t you? The more color you have, the better you like it.”

  “Yes, I do, sir.” This was no time to prevaricate. He knew her probably just as well as Ariyel did.

  “And yet you say you love Ariyel. He can’t give you this. Only I can.”


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