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Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

  “Let’s go,” he said, snagging her hand and forcing her to focus. His calm in the eye of a storm caused her to obey without question. Even as he tugged open a trap door in the floor and shoved her inside the dark hole, she didn’t utter a word of protest. Strong fingers encircled her waist, easing her feet to the ground. Arbor couldn’t see a damn thing, but she knew it was Killian. Perhaps later, she would question how she recognized the weight of his palms on her skin, but right now, she’d never been more grateful. The trap door slammed closed above them. She stared hard at the black space above her. The complete absence of light threw her off-kilter, making her scared to move.

  “What about him?” she asked, unsure of why she was whispering.

  “Lyric can look out for himself.”

  The woman’s voice next to her startled Arbor. Everything had happened so fast, she hadn’t realized she wasn’t alone with Killian.

  “We have to move,” a third voice said, making Arbor wonder how many people were there. As her eyes adjusted a bit, she could see the outline of several figures. Only Killian’s hands at her waist kept her from flipping out. When he moved, she did as well, keeping pace with his steps and allowing him to guide her. It felt like the tunnel went on forever. She wanted to ask what was going on, but fear held her tongue. Finally, a hint of light peeked in. It wasn’t much at first, but it steadied her heart. She glanced around once she could make out her surroundings. A group of ten people, consisting of the rest of Killian’s band and some of the servers, walked as a unit around her. The street lights filtering into the tunnel reflected off their eyes, making them appear inhuman. It was an odd thought, she knew, but a fitting one. A girl with unnaturally black hair and bright red lipstick caught her gaze. She didn’t smile. Arbor wasn’t offended. The woman didn’t seem the type.

  One of the band members shrugged off his jean jacket as they neared the exit. He threw it over her shoulders. The warmth engulfed her. Even as she thought to argue she wasn’t cold, Arbor still slipped her arms inside the sleeves. A large crowd milled outside the mouth of the tunnel. None of them looked in their direction. If she didn’t know better, Arbor would’ve thought they were invisible. Loud music, shouts, and laughter filled the streets. A live band and street performers held the mob’s attention. This part of town didn’t look familiar, but Arbor wasn’t surprised. Downtown New Orleans wasn’t a place she cared to go alone at night. Maybe once she’d lived there longer, she’d give it a shot. The group stopped short of stepping through the doorway.

  “Your woman stands out too much,” Black Hair No Smile said, bearing down on Arbor. Up close, she noticed the woman’s eyes were dark—almost as black as her hair. There were mesmerizing. Arbor couldn’t look away from them, even as the girl buried her fingers in Arbor’s hair. Separating it into two halves, she then tugged the ends over Arbor’s shoulders before securing each side with rubber bands from her wrist. Arbor felt like a five-year-old in pigtails. A hint of a smile touched the woman’s lips as her gaze moved over Arbor’s face.

  “There’s nothing to be done for your coloration, but I can work with what you have. Sometimes it takes a subtle genius to pull off fitting in.”

  “I don’t want to be invisible,” Arbor said before she could stop herself. It was the woman’s eyes. Arbor wanted to tell her every secret.

  “I’m Echo,” the woman said, introducing herself before dipping her head, touching her lips to Arbor’s, and shocking her speechless. The totality of her surprise was the only excuse Arbor had for her reaction, or lack of. She’d never kissed a woman before. If she’d been given a choice in the matter, she certainly wouldn’t have done so with an audience. Echo didn’t attempt to deepen their kiss. She merely pressed her slightly parted lips to Arbor’s. It did seem to go on a bit. The moment Echo pulled away, she swiped at Arbor’s lips, making her realize she’d only been transferring her lipstick to Arbor’s mouth. Echo’s gaze followed the motion of her fingers. Arbor still couldn’t look away from her eyes.

  “You could never be invisible,” Echo said quietly. “I’m a bit jealous.”

  Arbor spoke without thinking. “You shouldn’t be. You’re beautiful.”

  A sardonic smile twisted Echo’s lips. “Oh, babe. You misunderstand. I’m jealous of Killian for owning this mouth. There’s a fire burning beneath your shiny pink surface. I imagine you’re quite magnificent.” Arbor’s cheeks heated. Echo turned away. “She’s going to turn heads no matter what, but not because she’s an obvious outsider.”

  With the spell of Echo’s stare broken, Arbor realized every eye was trained upon her. She shifted, uncomfortable beneath their collective gaze. Lyric appeared in the doorway, pulling their attention his way. He was every bit as unharmed as Echo had promised. With a sweeping glance, beginning at Arbor’s toes and ending at her eyes, Lyric caused every inch of her body to heat. His expression remained blank.

  “You’re wearing my jacket.”

  Arbor glanced down. “I had no idea. That guy gave it to me,” she said, pointing out the brown-haired guy who’d handed it to her. She didn’t feel as much as an ounce of remorse for throwing him under the bus.

  He didn’t look at the guy. “Hunter did a good thing. It looks good on you. Plus, you are well. I’m better for it.”

  It was such an odd thing to say. Arbor searched her mind for a response. “Thank you for saving me.” It seemed lacking somehow, but it was all she had.

  He gave her a short nod before focusing on the rest of the group. “The coast is clear.” His pronouncement got their feet moving and Killian’s arm snaked around her waist, steering her once more. Warm lips touched her temple and his scent filled her lungs.

  “Don’t make eye contact with anyone,” he warned, speaking so quietly she almost felt more than heard his words. “Keep your gaze locked on Lyric’s back.” She had to admit, it wasn’t hard to do. It seemed singing in bars kept a man in shape. His ass was nice too. It looked squeezable. Even with the delicious scenery to focus upon, curiosity still ate her alive. Echo had fallen in behind her, as if guarding her back. Their concern only added to her temptation to peruse the wares. Someone to her left jostled her. Out of pure instinct, she turned her head in the man’s direction. A gasp of surprise rose in her throat, but fear froze it to her tongue before it released. His eyes were crazed. He charged forward, teeth snapping as he attempted to close his mouth over her arm, but Lyric intervened. When he stepped into the man’s path, the guy immediately dropped his gaze to the ground and backed away. He seemed powerless to keep from doing so.

  “He was going to bite me.” It was an asinine comment, but she couldn’t help it. Killian chuckled, but held his tongue. Lyric’s self-control wasn’t as strong. He glanced over his shoulder at her.

  “That’s what happens when you’re delicious. People want to eat you.”

  The way he said it caused her sex to quiver. His words dripped with the promise of pleasure. The Cajun accent didn’t hurt either. Obviously, she’d lost her mind. Here she was in the middle of a rave on the dangerous side of town. Not to mention, she was surrounded by people who’d ingested so much Ecstasy, they’d gone feral. In spite of all those things, her body was still reacting to the presence of so much hotness.

  “It’s true,” Killian whispered against her ear. “My mouth is already watering in anticipation.” Coming from Killian, she easily accepted it. “How far away is your place?”

  Going up on her toes, Arbor did her best to get her bearings. Finally, spotting a familiar drug store, she recognized the street. “One block that way,” she answered, waving in the store’s direction. With a sharp nod, he reached over and pulled the jacket’s hood over her head, covering her hair.

  “We’ll head out on our own. If you stay glued to my side with your head down, I don’t think anyone else will accost you.” Anything to get them out of this crowd. The rest of the group agreed that splitting up would be best. After a couple of uncomfortable hugs, they were on their way. Between the weirdoes
flooding the street and the knowledge of where they were going, Arbor was a nervous wreck. It did make keeping her head down easy. She didn’t have the strength to show off her heated cheeks.

  The closer they got to her apartment, the more the crowd thinned. Killian’s hands slid across her ass before grabbing a handful and squeezing. That was it. She was out of her league.

  Chapter Two

  “I still think about that night all the time. His Cajun accent took me by surprise. I didn’t realize I hadn’t heard him speak before. In every interview I’d ever seen, Killian was the one who answered every question. I knew he had a sexy English accent, but Cajun? Whew! It’s every bit as hot. My shock over the sound of his voice is the only excuse I can muster for not realizing immediately we weren’t alone. I want to fan my face even thinking about it. Killian slid onto the bench, filling the spot next to me. Before I had time to react, I was tucked beneath his arm. He said, ‘It’s bloody cold out here to be alone.’ Not, it’s bloody cold out here to be without a coat, or even, it’s bloody dangerous for a woman out here alone, but it’s bloody cold to be out here alone—like an invitation. Lyric took up the empty spot on the opposite side of me. Squeezed between them, I couldn’t get my voice to work. I’m not sure what I expected. Most likely, the shock was too much for me to expect anything at all. No matter what I thought, I didn’t make it home that night or the night after. In truth, I never made it home again.”—Feb 3rd.

  “I’ve never seen a man in eyeliner, not that I’m complaining.”

  Killian chuckled. He wanted to force his way inside her apartment and take her now. Playing the gentleman while waiting for her to open the door was taking every ounce of his control. “It’s not eyeliner. My eyes are tattooed to look this way.”

  “They’re beautiful,” she said, holding his gaze as she added, “You’re gorgeous.” It came out in a whisper, drawing him in. He inched closer, hoping not to spook her. As his palms flattened against Arbor’s front door, Killian was hyper-aware of his intensity in her presence. “I really want you to kiss me, and I’m scared you won’t.”

  Killian captured the final syllable as it left her lips. Covering her mouth with his, he swallowed the sound. The air thickened. The world narrowed to a pinpoint. He’d never tasted innocence such as hers. It coated his tongue, tasting like ambrosia—sweet and citrusy. He pulled away, staring down into her slightly unfocused eyes before going back for more. He couldn’t resist. She chased his tongue with hers. Killian knew what she was after. Giving in, he allowed her to toy with the metal stud piercing his tongue. The moan she released had his cock leaking. It was too much. Leaning away, he held her stare.

  “Invite me in,” he ordered, unable to keep the growl from his tone. Arbor turned the knob at her back and slipped backward into the house. Her eyes flashed with daring. “Say the words, Arbor.” A mischievous grin curved her lips at his demand.

  “Please come in, Killian.”

  Satisfaction roared through him as his feet crossed the threshold. Walking backward, Arbor shrugged off Lyric’s jacket. “Do you mind returning this for me?” she asked as she tossed it over the rungs of a straight-back wooden chair.


  At his snarled response, Arbor smiled even brighter. “Later,” she agreed. With his attention focused on Arbor, Killian didn’t bother looking around. The room was white with some sort of green sprigs on the wallpaper. A hint of clean linen tickled his nose. None of it mattered. The wicked smile twisting his lips was beyond his control. The one detail about the room he did absorb was the fact that Arbor was the only obstacle between him and her bed. A studio apartment. He couldn’t have planned it better.

  He was stalking her. It had been inevitable. Fate was something he couldn’t escape, nor did he wish to do so. The expression on her face made it evident she hadn’t missed the change in him. Some beasts couldn’t be tamed. He was one of them. The need to corrupt rose inside him, taking over.

  A nervous note entered her voice. “Would you like something to drink?” She licked her lips when he didn’t answer right away. “I could get you…” Killian didn’t allow her to finish. He pounced, cutting off her question. Yes. He did want something, but he doubted it was whatever she’d been about to offer. A squeak left her lungs before he covered her mouth with his, swallowing the sound. Cool hands ran up his back, making Killian realize she’d shoved her hands inside his shirt. The muscles in his stomach tightened. Her teeth sank into his bottom lip. Burying the fingers of one hand in her hair, he held her in place while tasting her mouth.

  Finding her ass with his free hand, Killian hauled her forward, making sure she felt how hard he was for her. Arbor whimpered. Sharp nails scored his skin. His dick wept even more. Killian hadn’t been this close to coming in his jeans in years. The taste of Arbor and vodka filled his mouth. It was such a sweet and unique flavor. Turning his face away, he found her ear. He took her lobe between his teeth, nipping lightly. Arbor’s open willingness combined with her obvious incorruptibility, making him want to see how far she’d allow him to go.

  “Has anyone ever eaten your ass?” he asked, pushing up her shirt as he spoke. She didn’t respond. It didn’t matter. He already knew the answer. There were thousands of wicked acts he could perform. “That’s what I want to do to you,” he added, making his intentions clear. “I want you on your knees, ass in the air and screaming my name.” Her nails scored his back further. She’d draw blood before the end of the night. Ragged breaths filled the air, but he didn’t relent. “First, I’ll toy with that delicious button that brings you so much pleasure, making sure you’re as wet as possible.”

  Killian worked the shirt over her head and easily coaxed Arbor out of her bra. He caught a flash of unfocused eyes and flushed arousal before returning to speak against the shell of her ear. The last thing he wanted was to give Arbor time to come down from her high. He slipped the button loose on her jeans. “When my fingers are buried in your sex and my tongue is fucking your puckered strawberry, you’re going to feel fuller than you ever have before. But I promise you, it won’t be the last time.” A shuttering breath left her throat. Killian pushed her jeans, panties and all, down her hips. Stooping, he helped her step free of her clothing. Before Arbor could escape, Killian snagged hold of her hips and drew her closer, nuzzling the apex of her thighs. Her arousal filled his lungs, feeding his darkest desires.

  “Are you going to let me do those things?” he asked against her skin as he kissed a path up her stomach. A beaded nipple scraped his taste buds before she responded.


  An evil smile twisted his lips at her whispered answer. He wanted to scoop Arbor into his arms and toss her onto the bed. Somehow, he managed to stay where he was, sucking lightly on one of the breasts that had been driving him crazy all night. With a final swipe of his tongue, he pulled away and met her gaze.

  “On your knees, Arbor,” he ordered, motioning toward the bed. In spite of her obvious nervousness, she did as he bade without hesitation. Killian enjoyed the show. Tan skin, high, round breasts, and supple hips were only part of the whole package that was Arbor. She was beyond delectable. With his mouth watering, Killian grabbed the chair where Lyric’s jacket was hanging and followed on her heels. She glanced over her shoulder as she set one knee on the edge, watching as he positioned the chair where he’d have no trouble reaching her. With one chore out of the way, he tugged his shirt up and over his head.

  “Oh God,” Arbor said, sounding breathless. He kept his knowing smile to himself. The mirror in his house worked fine. Killian knew what she was seeing. The tattoos covering his upper torso and pierced nipples were an everyday sight as far as he was concerned.

  “You’re not in position,” he reminded her.

  He was on her the moment she did as he bade. The muscles in his chest twitched. His erection bordered on painful. Arbor was soaking wet. Her tight heat squeezed his fingers as he buried them inside her. There was no pity in his heart. Her feminine
salt coated his tongue. He was relentless in his attack. With his ass firmly planted on the chair, he gripped her hips between his hands, eating at her greedy cunt and ass. She was delicious. The sounds Arbor made as she rocked back against him drove him insane. He wanted to be inside her. When the first spasm hit, Killian shot to his feet, tearing at the button on his jeans. Even though his motions appeared frantic, even to him, he was in control. Thankfully, he had a penchant for carrying condoms in his wallet. In no time, he was suited up. They were pointless, but Arbor didn’t realize it yet. Showing the same lack of mercy he had in eating her pussy, he entered her in one swift motion, growling as her channel stretched wide. At the sound, Arbor moaned. He locked his back teeth together to keep from exploding right then. She tested him unlike anyone. He could barely breathe. A thousand thoughts ran through his mind, rushing to his lips. Left with no choice, he bit them back…for now. Instead, he focused on what he could control.

  “Damn, Arbor. You feel amazing on my dick. Your pussy tugs at me, wanting more. It’s hot as hell.”

  The heavy weight of his balls and the pressure climbing up his shaft spoke volumes about how close he was to orgasm. He refused. Pleasure wasn’t enough. Killian wanted to feel her cunt milking him as she came. Rolling his hips, he pumped against her while toying with the puckered strawberry that was still wet with his saliva.

  “Play with yourself, Arbor. Come on, baby. Get your fingers in there. I know your clit is begging for it.” Going down on one elbow, she reached between her legs. The sight was damn sexy. At the first brush of her tiny bud, her walls tightened around him, making him gasp. Shit. He wasn’t sure he could hang on. In an attempt at pushing her over the edge, he pressed past the tight ring of muscles of her asshole, dipping inside. She cried out. Her muscles drew taut. His knees weakened, forcing him to lock them or fall. When her orgasm hit, the pulsations milked him into a blinding explosion. His eyes fell closed. Lights popped across his vision. As he collapsed on top of her, squashing her into the mattress, Killian swore his brain disconnected from reality. He saw heaven. Arbor was as close as he’d ever be to that holy place.


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