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Page 4

by Charity Parkerson

  “I thought you were with the band,” he said as he lifted his coffee to his lips. It was the only way he could think to open the topic for discussion. Not that he cared, of course. She’d called him. It was a start. If there was a line he wouldn’t cross when it came to getting what he wanted—namely, her—he hadn’t yet seen it. Deep longing for something out his reach was a familiar weight. Her eyes never left the dessert menu. He knew she wasn’t really seeing it because her gaze remained fixed to one spot.

  “With the band,” she repeated, sounding wry and making him wonder if he’d insulted her. “That would require knowing where they are,” she added so quietly Trey assumed it was meant more for her than him. With a shake of her head, Arbor met his stare. For a split second, Trey was rendered mute. Everything around them disappeared. It punched him in the chest. She possessed something other people did not.

  “What about you?” Her question didn’t make as much sense as it might have if she wasn’t affecting his brain function.

  “I’m not with the band,” he said automatically, pulling a ghost of a smile from her.

  “You’re a cop,” she said, helping him along.

  “Detective, actually.” He wasn’t trying to be a dick. It was more that he’d worked hard to get where he was. She set her elbows on the table. A playful light entered her eyes.

  “What do you detect?”

  “Satanic and ritualistic homicides.” Huh. She didn’t even flinch.

  “I wasn’t aware there was such a high number of those types of murders that it required a special title. Are you the only one or is there an entire division?”

  Against his will, Trey’s lips twisted. “Unfortunately, there is a need for such a title. There’re three of us. I’m not sure it counts as an entire division. Louisiana is a hotbed of all things satanic and ritualistic. You’re likely to run across anything here.”

  Her gaze moved over his face, but her expression remained blank. “You do look tired.” Before he had time to react, she added, “I’ll have to take your word on the matter. I only moved here two weeks ago.”

  He opened his mouth to ask more. Instead, something entirely different popped out. “You’re beautiful.” She blinked, her surprise evident. There was no way she was as shocked as he was. He hadn’t meant to say it. It was true, of course, but it had still slipped past his lips without his permission.

  “Thank you.” Arbor’s response sounded more questioning than automatic. He snorted. She blushed. The sight fascinated him. Their knees brushed, making Trey realize that somehow, he’d moved his chair closer to hers.

  Their waitress appeared at the edge of their table, saving Arbor from dredging up another response. She held out a white square of paper to Arbor. She didn’t take it right away. At the woman’s insistence, Arbor finally reached for it. She could feel Trey’s curious gaze upon her as she unfolded the note.

  “You should take what he’s offering. It isn’t a bad bargain. Of course, if you’re interested in a different deal, meet me at La’Vone Bar on 10th at 8 p.m.”

  Keeping her expression carefully blank, Arbor refolded the tiny piece of paper and tucked it into her purse. The overwhelming desire to search Killian out was near to crippling. Somehow, she managed to pretend as if nothing had happened.

  “There’re three of you,” she reminded Trey, hoping to move past the beautiful remark. “Maybe that isn’t a division, but it’s definitely a team.” His eyes crinkled in the corners, showing his humor over her attempts to dodge him. Unsurprisingly, he didn’t let it slide.

  “I’d like to do this again. Have lunch with me tomorrow.”

  Giving in to temptation, Arbor allowed her gaze to wander, slipping over the other patrons under the guise of thinking over Trey’s offer. Instead of the tatted eyes she expected to find, her gaze collided with Lyric’s cool stare. Lounging in a nearby chair, his mouth turned up in one corner as he dipped his chin in acknowledgement. Arbor wondered if there was an everyday real-world award for hiding surprise. She looked away before she drew Trey’s attention.

  “What the hell,” she said finally. “Where would you like to meet?”

  A silky chuckle rumbled from his chest. “You’re not getting off that easily. I want your address so I can pick you up. Information gathering is my forte, after all.” He paused for half a heartbeat, before adding, “And then we’ll discuss how easily you can get off.” Arbor’s nipples hardened, shocking even her. It wasn’t like she found the man repulsive. The opposite, in fact. It was more that he wasn’t her type. Obviously, her body didn’t give a shit about type. Having Killian inside her had done something to her—awakened something. Her body remembered how good it could feel. Now, it wanted more. It wanted everything.

  “You’re awful sure of yourself,” she said for lack of anything more.

  Trey leaned forward, setting his elbows on the table. The motion caused his shirt to part at the collar, showing a hint of tanned and chiseled chest. Arbor couldn’t look away. She wanted to touch it, curious if it felt as hard as it looked. Tearing her mind away, she focused on his face. He was staring at her breasts. No doubt, he was getting an eyeful of hardened nipples. His features tightened with open lust. The heat in his gaze only caused the nipple situation to worsen. Not to mention, the rest of her girlie bits decided to join in on the fun. Damn. She needed to call her hormones under control. By the time Trey lifted his eyes from her chest and met her stare, Arbor was near to panting with desire.

  “I’m not sure of myself in the least,” he said, reminding her of the topic at hand. “But I’m hopeful and skilled.” Oh. God. She didn’t doubt it. The promise of pleasure tinged his every word. “Damn,” he breathed when she still couldn’t find her voice. “If I’m ever going to be able to walk out of here, we’re going to need to talk about the weather or something.” He leaned even closer, lowering his voice for only her ears. “But first, I have to say this. The way you’re looking at me right now has me ready to push this sexy skirt up to find out for myself exactly how wet you are for me. I bet you taste amazing.” He leaned away. “Speaking of wet, I think it’s supposed to rain tonight.”

  Arbor held on to the edge of the table in a white-knuckled grip. “That’s what they say.” Shit. Was that her voice?

  “Good. We can find somewhere indoors to have dinner. The desserts they have here aren’t going to cut it.”

  “I have plans,” Arbor said, grasping at the first lifeline she could find.

  “What time?”

  Damn. He wasn’t going to let it go. “Eight.”

  “Then you have time for me.”

  His bossy tone should’ve made her want to argue, but it didn’t. “Yeah. I have time for you.” One of these days, Arbor was going to learn self-control. Today wasn’t going to be the day.

  * * * * *

  La’Vone Bar turned out to be a low lit place filled with private tables. She hadn’t had time to change clothes. One glance at the expensive-looking tablecloths and low lighting had her regretting it. Fortunately, she spotted Lyric as soon as she came through the door. She motioned in his direction before the hostess could toss her out. Arbor avoided making eye contact with the woman as she swept past, moving in Lyric’s direction.

  The air shifted at her back, growing warmer. She knew without looking that Killian was behind her. Arbor could sense him, smell him. When she reached the corner booth where Lyric sat, he slid over, making room for her. Killian muscled her in and sandwiched her between them. With Lyric’s arm draped over her shoulders and Killian’s thigh pressed against hers, Arbor couldn’t breathe. Of course, she knew it was equally possible the sight of Killian’s muscles encased in a dark Henley while his hair stood on end had stolen her air. Coming in just as powerfully, Lyric wore a black button-down shirt that offset the color of his eyes to perfection. There was so much testosterone and sexy cologne mixed with mood lighting and proximity, Arbor’s ovaries were ready to explode.

  Killian motioned to a nearby waitress. So
me silent code passed between them. The woman magically appeared at their side with two beers and a white wine before slipping away again. Somehow, in the process of passing the drinks down the table, Killian moved even closer.

  “You showed up,” he said, sliding his hand over her upper thigh. “I half-expected you’d accept Blondey this go round.” Even though there hadn’t been an ounce of accusation in his tone, Arbor still blushed. He eyed her questioningly. “This is the first time I’ve seen you embarrassed. I don’t care for it.”

  She had nothing. Killian was unlike anyone she’d ever met. He almost seemed to want her to hook up with Trey. As hard as she tried, Arbor couldn’t decide if he was trying to let her know they weren’t exclusive or if he was testing her. His stare was too knowing. He saw too much when he looked at her. She couldn’t hold it. Instead, she switched her attention to Lyric.

  “I didn’t have time to go home before coming here or I would’ve brought your jacket back to you.”

  Sitting this close to him gave Arbor a new insight into his every feature. His lips were amazing, unlike any she’d ever seen on a man before. She’d never gotten wet over such a tiny detail. But truly, Lyric’s mouth was wicked. Tempting. He would use it for the most carnal of purposes. She just knew it.

  “Don’t concern yourself over it. Killian knows where you live should I find myself in need. For now, it keeps you well. That’s all I care about.” There was that expression again. It didn’t make any more sense tonight than it had the first time he’d said it. He shifted closer. Really, she didn’t have room to move on either side. A look so hot she felt singed beneath it spread across his face. Her gaze shot to Killian. He was watching her, wearing a similar expression. Her mouth went dry as her brain slowed to a crawl. They couldn’t mean to do what she thought. Lyric’s free hand landed on her knee. Swiping upward, he was underneath her skirt in an instant. He stopped at the edge of her panties, but she still let out a squeak of surprise. Killian lowered his voice for only her ears.

  “Have you ever had two men inside you at once?” She blanched. This could not be happening. Killian pressed on as if she wasn’t visibly dying. Lyric continued his exploration, dipping beneath the hem of her panties. He was going to find her soaked. She couldn’t help it. They were every woman’s fantasy. “You see, last weekend, while my fingers were buried in your tight heat and my tongue was fucking your ass, I had an epiphany. One lover isn’t enough for you. You’ll never be truly fulfilled unless you have both of us.”

  She opened her mouth to argue. The serious expression on Killian’s face caused every argument she could think up to die on her tongue. She did want both of them. There wasn’t any sense in denying it.

  “Don’t be ashamed,” Lyric said against her ear, causing chill bumps to rise on her skin. Her nether lips parted under the pressure of his fingertips. “Some people are simply more than others. Do you ever feel as if you’re fading away?” At Lyric’s question, she shot an accusing look at Killian, but found no guilt there. She didn’t know how she knew, but he hadn’t told Lyric about her dream. That meant Lyric had some insight she wanted to hear. She gave him her full attention.

  “I’m slowly disappearing.” A weight lifted from her chest at the admission, as if she’d been waiting for the moment someone would truly understand. Lyric did. She could see it in his gaze. He toyed with her clit, making her suck in her breath. Damn. He was killing her.

  “Your body and mind can’t find balance. Because you’re missing something vital.”

  “What?” Even in her haze of longing, she wanted to know.

  “Us.” It was true. There wasn’t anything arrogant about his answer. It simply was. He groaned deep in his throat as he pushed two fingers inside her pussy. “Your hot cunt is so tight.”

  Killian’s lips touched her throat. “Throw your knees over mine for a second,” Killian demanded, lust sounding heavy in his voice. She did as told. Now that the act had been instigated, she couldn’t find a single argument against them. She didn’t want to fight it. “Lift your hips.” Arbor obeyed. Her panties disappeared.

  “Don’t worry,” Lyric said, reassuring her. “No one will see us. It isn’t our intention to embarrass you. We only want your pleasure.” Somehow, it seemed a vital piece of information was missing from his sentiment. Damned if she could think straight enough to figure it out. Right now, all she needed was these men finger-fucking her. She’d puzzle over things later. Killian set a menu on the table in front of her.

  “Lean back, but pretend to read. Keep your eyes locked on the table. Don’t make a sound.” For some reason Arbor couldn’t explain, she recognized this was a test. If she followed orders, she’d get the pleasure they promised. Later, she would have even more. She was sure of it. Before the night ended, both men would be inside her. Lyric was the first to get straight to the point. His fingers slid inside her channel until they were soaked. The moisture coated her slit and the sweet spot hidden there as he spread her juices around. When Killian dipped inside, wetting his fingers as well, Arbor bit her lip to keep from moaning.

  He trailed a slow path to her asshole. That was all the warning she got before he pressed the tips of two fingers inside her ass. A sharp gasp escaped her before she could stop it from happening. She lifted the glass of wine to her lips to smother the sound. The need to move was driving Arbor insane. Her hips were already rotating, seeking out their touch. The combination of sensations was almost too much, yet her pussy felt achingly empty. As if reading her mind, Lyric smoothed her skirt back down her thighs and nodded at Killian.

  “This isn’t enough for her. Hit that bathroom right there.”

  Killian glanced over in the direction Lyric indicated before casting a look around the room. Luckily, the place was almost dead, and no one paid any notice to the three of them as they crammed inside the single bathroom. To her surprise, Lyric’s mouth found hers first. It was unexpected, but she wasn’t sorry. Those gorgeous lips that had wet her panties were now hers for the tasting. They were every bit as delicious as she’d expected. It wasn’t as if she could go back. With that sure knowledge locked in her mind, she reveled in the experience of the men touching her. Sheer lust consumed her mind. Rough fingers gripped her ass cheeks as he physically fought her for dominance.

  There was tugging, wet kisses, deep moans, and divesting of clothes. It came from every direction until she understood nothing any longer except pleasure. At Lyric’s urging, she wrapped her legs around his hips. His cock probed at her sex. Reality made no appearance. Perhaps this was her reality, and she’d merely been kidding herself up until now. She was incapable of being proper. With Lyric’s dick filling her cunt and Killian against her back, positioning his cock at the back door, she was willing to accept any excuse for the way she felt. It was good. Everything they did to her was right. It was fucking delicious. How would she go back from here?

  It stung as Killian pushed his way past the ring of muscles in her ass, but her high was too high to come down. Plus, his fingers had found her sweet spot, and he was playing her with the same talent he did his guitar. Lyric rolled his hips, pumping inside her. She’d never been so full. Killian didn’t budge. He merely toyed with her clit and braced her weight against Lyric’s onslaught. Arbor wiggled her ass a little, hoping he’d take the hint and get moving. He chuckled at her impatience.

  “Just let us please you, baby. Your ass is tight and greedy. I don’t have to do a thing. Lyric is going to make you come hard, your orgasm is going to milk mine. I can feel you getting close.” He circled her clit, teasing her bud with perfect timing. Lyric dipped his head, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth while surging upward with his hips and hitting bottom. She groaned. It was damn good. She was close. It was right there, tightening her stomach and thighs. Lyric shifted, rocking against her at the perfect angle as he grabbed Killian by the back of the head and jerked him forward. Their mouths collided. The sight of the two men’s tongues entwining was so erotic, Arbor exploded.r />
  Her lower body convulsed harder than it ever had in her life. The motion pulled a sound from deep inside Killian’s chest. It vibrated against her spine, seeming almost animalistic. A vision of riding Lyric’s perfect lips as Killian fucked the man’s ass slammed into her mind. It was so vivid in detail she almost swore they’d done it before. A sense of déjà vu and nostalgia rolled over her, oddly causing her to orgasm again even harder than the first time. Lyric’s head hit the wall behind him. Loud gasps filled the tiny space. With her chin on her chest, she spotted the condom wrappers on the floor and a wave of relief rolled down her spine. They’d stolen her thoughts. She hadn’t even thought of protection.

  “Fuck, Arbor,” Lyric said, sounding wrecked. “You’re fucking perfect.” She wanted to keep both these men. Not only that, she wanted them to desire each other as well. Every secret fantasy she’d ever experienced slammed into her at once. These men were her one-way ticket to hell and she was going down with a smile on her face.

  Chapter Four

  “It’s odd having someone watching every move I make, but the guys tell me I have to have security with me at all times now. I guess it was only a matter of time before the world learned of my existence. Apparently, women really hate me for stealing away their fantasy. Trey isn’t too bad as far as security goes. Not that I have any experience in the matter. If you set aside the fact that I can feel his eyes following me, it isn’t terrible. Lyric is happy with him, so I trust him to take care of me. He’s funny but kind of quiet. For some reason I can’t explain, it bothers me that he might think badly of me. I don’t know why I worry over it. Sometimes, if I’m quick enough, I catch a certain expression on his face before he can mask it. It’s a mystery, but I’ll figure it out. Gah! I feel like such an idiot for even thinking it. Yesterday, I had the oddest thought. I’m almost certain it was longing I saw written on his face. It’s ridiculous. I know.”—September 2nd.


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