The Rebel: A Bad Boy Romance
Page 22
“Yes,” he said with a grin. “It was.”
We tested the tap. It was perfect. I smiled up at him.
“Thank you,” I said.
“It was nothing.”
I laughed. “Well, it certainly was something.”
We both chuckled. I went to get a cloth to dry the floor. While I was working, he looked around the bathroom.
“You must’ve worked hard in here,” he said at length.
“I did quite a lot,” I admitted. “But you know what it’s like, when someone gets old. It’s not their fault.”
“No,” he admitted. “It’s not.”
I was surprised. That was a new attitude from him. A healthier one compared to his earlier comment.
“Thanks,” I said again when we were finished in there. “You’re a great help.”
He shrugged. “I dunno about that. But thanks.”
I smiled up at him. He smiled at me. Suddenly I realized that we were very close in a small hallway and to all intents and purpose we were alone.
His mouth came down over mine and I leaned against him. My body ached for his.
He drew me against him and my passion was rising now, growing to blind me. I pressed my body against his and held him strongly. I could feel a hard lump in his trousers and I pressed myself against it, relishing the proof of his arousal. Wanting him inside me.
I felt his hands stroke down my body, one on my neck and the other pushing my butt so that my hips touched his. I was impossibly aroused now and I wanted him so badly.
We heard footsteps in the kitchen and sprang apart, guiltily. I looked at Reese. My eyes must have shown some panic because he laughed at me.
“I’ll go,” he whispered.
I nodded.
“I’ll let you out.”
I led him to the door and we went through together. I followed him out into the yard and we kissed in the drive, my body reluctant to move away now.
“I should leave,” he said.
“I know.”
We grinned at each other and kissed again, passionately. His tongue thrust into my mouth and I let it in, relishing the feel of its probing presence.
He drove off and I went back inside.
“Ah, Kelly,” Grandpa said. He smiled at me. “There you are. I thought I heard someone in the bathroom. I must be hearing things.”
“I…no, I was in the bathroom,” I said. “Just doing cleaning.”
“Oh.” He gave me a beautiful smile. “Thank you. I appreciate it.”
I swallowed. I hated lying to him, even a bit. I told myself it wasn’t really a lie—I just hadn’t mentioned that Reese was there too.
“How about some coffee?” he asked. “I’m having one just now.”
“I’d like a coffee,” I nodded. “Thanks, Grandpa.”
As I followed him into the kitchen I tried to wipe the smile off my face. I couldn’t stop thinking about Reese and about the kisses we’d shared.
I had coffee with Grandpa and then decided to go for a walk. The farm was cooling off now as the day moved to late afternoon. I could smell the fresh scent of the earth under sunshine and the wind—a light breeze—blew through my hair.
I love it here.
I had always loved the farm. Being in nature gave me such peace. I walked along the path through the fields, staring out at the mountains where they stretched up to the blue sky, white clouds scudding overhead.
When I walked, I stopped in the shade of a tree in the fields. Sat down to think.
It was a lovely afternoon, warm and relaxing. Good for thoughts.
I thought through the extra things I still had to do. More groceries. A doctor’s appointment. Check the farm equipment. Then I let my thoughts turn to the more pleasant things that had been occupying them ever since a few hours ago when I was looking for reception, and likely before.
Reese. I couldn’t get him out of my head. I hadn’t been with someone like this ever before. I found him exciting and interesting and, for all that, also vaguely disturbing.
The whole hypermasculine thing isn’t really working for me.
Even so, I was still laughing, thinking about the tap. I was also impressed.
A lot of guys I know wouldn’t have taken it that well.
I didn’t know many guys besides Grandpa who would have laughed. The ones I knew would mostly either have got mad at me to cover up their own inadequacies, or they would just have got mad. Rodney, my last boyfriend, would have turned it into my fault, telling me I was useless for having turned on the mains before he was through.
The fact that Reese had found it genuinely funny was new to me. New and refreshing.
I’d like to get to know him better, I thought. Get to find out what is behind all those strange opposites inside him.
I sighed. Leaned back on the tree and closed my eyes. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. My heart was too happy for worries. I was here, in the blissful wilderness. I was with Grandpa and helping him, which was also helping me. And I had just met a gorgeous guy. Gorgeous and funny and, seemingly, capable of laughing at his own mistakes.
I really liked him.
For the first time in far too long I felt content, relaxed. And happy.
I made dinner for Grandpa later. I had bought enough ingredients for a week and I decided to make my mom’s Cajun chicken recipe. I was busy in the kitchen when I heard Grandpa in the sitting room. I went over. It sounded like he was making reconstruction work in there.
“Hey, Grandpa?” I called.
He appeared, sweating, from behind the ancient lounge suite. “Just tidying,” he said.
“Don’t worry about it,” I said. “We’ll eat outside. It’s a hot day.”
He nodded. “Good.”
I stirred the dinner, thinking idly about the day. My body felt like I had a new one—every inch of it felt like it had melted. I still couldn’t quite believe that had happened. I was making the rice to go with it when I caught sight of myself.
In the reflection in the window, I was grinning, my face bright. It had been a while since I looked like that.
I grinned to myself and was humming as I finished the dinner. It was six thirty and early, but I decided we should eat. Grandpa was likely to tire easily—he already looked like he was going to doze off soon. I carried the tray out to the terrace.
“Mm!” He grinned. He looked genuinely enthusiastic as I put the plate down in front of him and I wasn’t sure whether I felt happy or guilty as he tucked in. He looked healthier already, and I wished I’d thought of this ages ago.
I took a spoonful of my own cooking, smiling at the result. It had just the right flavor—burn and sweetness perfectly balanced. I swallowed and found myself enjoying my evening. The sky had turned a soft blue and I could see stars. It has been ages since I saw them. Out here, they hung over the barren landscape like diamonds.
“It’s so lovely,” I murmured. Grandpa hadn’t heard. He was too busy eating. I was amazed by how quickly he managed to get through half the meal. Then he sat back, face a funny color.
“I feel a bit sick,” he said. I nodded.
He hasn’t eaten properly for a month. His stomach has shrunk. And besides, there’s some health problem here. I could see his face was flushed and his arm shook a little. I was looking forward to getting him to the doctors’ tomorrow. I’d made an appointment for four.
“I have to say,” Grandpa said slowly. “It’s good to have you.”
I grinned. “Grandpa, it’s good to see you.”
He smiled. I felt deeply touched as he reached across the table, taking my hand. He patted it.
“You were always a good girl, Kelly.”
I coughed, my throat tight. “Thanks, Grandpa.” I blinked rapidly, feeling emotions course through me. Tenderness and regret. How could I have neglected him so badly? I knew I wasn’t entirely to blame for what had happened here—how could I have known? But all the same, I fel
t bad. I finished my meal in silence.
“There’s more of that in the pot,” I told Grandpa. He was finishing his meal and it pleased me to see the color in his face become healthier. The grayish blue had receded, and he had flushed a healthy color.
“Oh.” He brightened at the suggestion, then chuckled. “I think I’ve had all I can take,” he said, leaning back contentedly. His hands rested on his lap and he looked out over the ranch. He seemed happy.
“How’s Jackie?” he asked after a bit.
Jackie was my mom. I cleared my throat, wondering what to tell him. “Oh…she’s good. I haven’t seen her in a while, actually.” The last time I’d gone home had been six months ago or so, round New Year. I spoke to her on the phone every Saturday, but it was hard to gauge how she was. “Last time we spoke she seemed okay. You know how she is…always busy.”
He grinned. “Tell me about it.”
I felt my heart ache. He clearly loved my mom. She should come and visit him. I knew she had her work—which was her life, really—and she found her dad troublesome. But it would mean the world to the old man.
“I think it’d do her good to come out and visit,” I said. I meant it. After months and months in the city, my heart was healing in this wilderness.
He snorted. Looked out over the fields. I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking that it was unlikely Mom would come all the way out here. Last time she’d taken more than a week off her work was for Christmas. She was devoted and never took off.
I sighed. “Want seconds?”
“Maybe we can have them for lunch,” he suggested. I smiled.
“We have plenty of food now, Grandpa. But if you want to?”
He nodded. “Yes. I do.”
I smiled. “I’m glad you liked it. Now,” I added, yawning. “Maybe we should go clean up, huh?”
He nodded. “I’ll make coffee.”
It was nice, I reflected as I tidied the kitchen, setting aside the remainder of our supper for tomorrow, to be here. I could hear Grandpa pottering about with the kettle and tin of coffee—the kitchen light needed a repair, and we worked with the glow from outside—and I felt content.
I wondered, idly, how Reese spent the evening. At the thought my body clenched tight with need. I wanted that man so badly!
I laughed.
Grandpa came over and tapped my shoulder.
“We should go out on the terrace with the coffee,” he said. “Watch the bats come out.”
I smiled. “Okay.”
As I sat watching the landscape shift from day to night in lyrical tones of blue, I felt my soul unfurl for the first time in months. I felt like all my senses were renewed—my eyesight sharpening as I watched bats flit in front of a dusk sky.
I went to my room shortly afterward. It was only eight P.M. but I felt sleepy. It had been a long day. I showered again and contemplated the guest bedroom. It was marginally less awful than when I had arrived—the dust was out and the bed was made. I still wondered if I had the courage to actually sleep in it, or if I’d be better off curled up on the cover.
It was when the light shining through the window woke me that I sat wide awake and realized with complete awe that I had fallen asleep. I was wearing my nightgown and slippers and the sun was streaming in through the window. The clock said seven am. I yawned. I had been asleep for almost half a day!
I stretched and reached for my suitcase to find clothes. It was a new day. I could hear birds singing and somewhere a car, winding its slow way along road past the farmlands. The sun shone on the hills beyond my window, and I thought it was going to be an amazing day.
The next morning, I woke up with a sense of urgency I hadn’t felt before. My loins were aching already, and I had only been thinking about her for five minutes after I woke up.
Kelly! I shook my head, grinning as I thought of her. She was going to drive me crazy! I had never met a girl who I wanted so instantly, so bad. I sat up and slipped out of bed, heading for the shower.
That soft, stunning body, that red hair…her wicked smile.
While I was in there I recalled the memories of our special encounter. My body hardened just thinking about her and that stunning, molded form under those clothes. She was spectacular. I imagined what it would be like to have her lying on her front below me, those sweet rounded butt cheeks pointed at the ceiling as I plowed her.
I finished showering and headed through to the kitchen to make coffee and have breakfast. As I sat at the low table, my mind kept wondering to the occupants of the house next door.
I wonder what she’s doing this morning.
My curiosity was not going to go away unless I satisfied it, I knew. So, washing up and putting my cup back on the countertop I made my plans for the day. I wanted to go over the whole farm, looking for the best field to start my crops—the previous owner had warned me that some of the fields needed to rest for a year or two. I set it on hold for the morning and instead dressed to make a visit.
I surprised myself by turning to look in the mirror before I went out, checking myself. My hair was combed neatly and I had to admit that the crisp white of my cleanest T-shirt suited me. Paired with my best jeans—the ones with the least rips, though these still showed some—I looked quite presentable, I thought.
What is up with you, man?
I wondered what my men would think if they saw me being so conscious of my appearance and chuckled.
Well, they must try it. She is stunning.
I sauntered out to the pickup and headed next door.
I waited behind the steering wheel. What to ask? Inspiration struck. I knocked at the door.
Kelly answered it. Her eyes widened then she frowned. “Hello.”
I bit back a grin. She looked so sexy with her one brow raised, the other lowered, her sweet red lips pursed up like that. I felt myself stiffen.
“Hey. Um, sorry to disturb. I just…do you have any coffee?”
She stared at me. “Coffee? Sure, we have coffee…you need it for something?”
“Yeah. Making coffee.”
She glared at me. “Yeah. Fine. Whatever. Yes, we have coffee. Grandpa?”
“Who is it?” an older voice called from the kitchen behind her.
“A guy who wants to borrow our coffee,” she called back.
I grinned. “Reese. Reese Bradford, actually.” I held out my hand and she glared at me again.
“Yes. I know. But you’re here to borrow coffee. Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I said. Well, I had to, didn’t I? Couldn’t exactly admit that I was only there to see her!
“How much coffee, Kelly?” the second voice inquired.
“Um…” she frowned up at me.
I shrugged. “Just enough for two or three cups. That okay? I don’t want to use up yours too.” I was having trouble concentrating…with her this close all I wanted to do was hold her against me and kiss those soft lips.
“Give him four tablespoons,” she shouted back, startling me. “That’ll do it, right?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said. “That’s nice.”
She gave a look you could have stewed prunes in. I grinned back. Inside, my mind was racing.
How do I get her out of here and on her own for a bit?
“Here we go,” the voice said and my neighbor appeared briefly at her side. “Hi there, son.”
“Hi,” I said politely. He smiled and nodded and went off somewhere. Leaving me alone with her. I tried to direct my focus away from the soft skin that showed at the neck of her vest top, but it was hard. I looked down at her hand where she held out the supplies I’d asked for.
“So,” I said as I took the coffee from her tapered fingertips. It was in a Ziploc bag and looked like enough to provide coffee for a legion. I raised a brow and she smiled.
“Grandpa’s a generous soul.”
“Mm.” I nodded and tucke
d the bag into my pocket, praying it wouldn’t split. It didn’t. “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” she said stonily.
I grinned. “While I’m here,” I said hesitantly, “I was thinking…um…did you notice something wrong with the gate when we came up here yesterday?”
“The gate?” she frowned at me. “Didn’t see it.”
“Well, the gate at the start of this drive,” I said, stepping back and indicating the drive that led from the farm road. “I thought it was hanging loose.”
“Oh?” she frowned. I tensed, wondering if she was going to believe me or if she would leave it.
“I don’t know if it’s supposed to look like that,” I said hopefully. She nodded.
“I should have a look,” she said. “Last thing I need is someone driving up here land riding the damn thing off.”
I chuckled. “Indeed.”
She gave me another of her special looks and my blood fizzed with need. Then she pushed through the door and headed out along the drive.
“Show me?” she said.
I nodded. “My pleasure.”