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Their Virgin Nanny

Page 2

by SC Daiko

  The agency already told me this would be part of my interview, so I’m not surprised. I have a lot of questions, and it will be easier to ask them of Abi.

  She must have been waiting in the adjoining room; she appears almost as soon as Gabe goes to fetch her. Her smile is wide and welcoming, and I return the gesture. She takes me up to the boys’ rooms… a bedroom, bathroom and playroom on the fourth floor. “We can chat while they mess about with their toys,” she says in a northern accent. “Then I’ll show you my bed-sit at the top of the house.”

  TWO HOURS LATER, I’m on my way back to Notting Hill. The boys were amazing, and I think they liked me. I loved Abi’s accommodation in the loft; the bedroom is twice the size of my present one and the adjoining bathroom luxurious. Even the cat was perfect; he’d sat on my lap, purring, and had let me stroke him while Abi answered all my questions, telling me about her circle of nanny friends… who can’t wait to meet me and arrange playdates with Matty and Jack. But when I asked about their surrogate mother, it was like a shutter had come down over her friendly expression. “Sharon is weird. You judge for yourself, though. Maybe it’s just me.”

  I agreed to reserve judgment. I couldn’t help a shiver pass up my spine, and there was a brief heaviness in the atmosphere… at least until Abi changed the subject and started telling me about Gabe and Luke.

  “They’re lovely guys,” she said. “The bee’s knees.” Then she dropped a bombshell that left me open-mouthed. “Although they’re totally committed to each other, they swing both ways,” she’d giggled. “One night, I went downstairs to fetch something I’d left in the kitchen, and you can imagine my surprise when I saw there was a woman with them and they were kissing her… both of them.”

  My hand had flown to my breast. “Oh. My. God! They’re bi-sexual?!”

  “Apparently. I’m glad they didn’t see me as I wouldn’t have known what to say.”

  I’d licked my dry lips, and she must have caught my startled look. “Don’t worry. It doesn’t happen that often, as far as I’m aware. After all, I’ve been with them three years and only saw the once. They’re really discreet about it.”

  I’d laughed and cracked a joke about disturbing their orgies, except now the thought of it is making me feel a hot and tingly sensation between my thighs.


  LUKE COMES INTO the kitchen after he’s seen the girl to the front door and gone to check up on her with our nanny. “She’s perfect according to Abi. I think we’ve found a winner. Well worth taking the afternoon off for.”

  I furrow my brow. “You don’t think we should interview anyone else, just to be sure?”

  “Nope. What’s the point?” he shrugs. “You liked her, didn’t you?”

  “She seemed alright, I suppose. We’ll give her one month’s probation, shall we? In case she doesn’t work out.” I lean back on the sofa and fold my arms. “You haven’t got the hots for her, have you? She’s a lot more attractive than Abi. Her photo didn’t do her justice.”

  He holds up his hands. “What? Moi? Fancy that sweet little girl?” He smirks.

  “Keep your dick in your pants, tiger,” I growl. “We do NOT fuck the staff.”

  “Whoa! You don’t need to worry on that score. She’d probably run a mile if we suggested it.”

  “Bear that in mind.”

  My cock suddenly hard, I shift position in my seat. The girl, Eleri, had been dressed in a short skirt revealing shapely legs, and her fitted blouse had shown the outline of her full breasts. She’d worn minimum make-up, as far as I could tell. Her eyelashes had seemed naturally dark and she hadn’t needed any eyeliner to accentuate the hazel colour of her eyes… eyes that had been filled with nerves, but also a quiet determination. A natural beauty and a kind disposition; the combination had been charming. Warning bells ring in my head.

  The rare times Luke and I feel the urge for some pussy, we visit Club Candid in Soho. My cousin, James, recommended it to me. It’s a sex club where absolute discretion is guaranteed. Just the once have we brought a woman home from there, and that was only because the fire alarm had gone off before we’d enjoyed the threesome.

  I rub my chin; I could suggest to Luke we visit tonight, ask Abi to babysit. But no, that would be admitting Eleri has affected me… the last thing I want to admit.



  THE TAXI DROPS me off at eight am two weeks after my interview. Abi will stay on a few days so the boys can get used to me, and then I’ll be on my own. I pull my trolley suitcase up the steps, excitement fizzing in the pit of my stomach. I can’t wait to start this job; it’s all I’ve been thinking about since my last visit. I was sad to say goodbye to the family I’ve worked for this past year, especially the twins, but I’d steeled myself not to get too attached to them. It’s something the agency warned us about… the need to always behave like a professional.

  Abi opens the front door before I can even press the bell. Jack balanced on her hip, and Matty clinging to her long hippy skirt, she beams me a smile. “Come in! You’re just in time for the boys’ breakfast.”

  I leave my suitcase in the hallway. There are framed photos of my new bosses with their sons, lining the walls, and it’s obvious that Matty is Luke’s as he has the same fair colouring, whereas Jack’s hair is dark like Gabe’s.

  I follow Abi through to the kitchen where she hands baby Jack over to me. “Could you buckle him into his highchair, pet?” she says, lifting Matty onto his booster seat at the table. “Tea or coffee? Would you like some toast?”

  “I’d love a cup of tea, please. No toast as I had some earlier.” I stare at the gleaming white worktops and bespoke fittings. Another magazine-worthy room in this gorgeous house. Gabe and Luke have excellent taste. Abi mentioned there’s a team of professional cleaners who arrive every morning and scour the place from top to bottom. Thank God for that, or I’d be scared about messing it up. In fact, I think I can hear them now, vacuuming upstairs.

  Abi hands me a bowl of mushy cereal and two spoons. “Jack likes to feed himself, but you can use the second spoon to give him a hand.”

  “Yeah, same with the boys I’ve been looking after in Notting Hill,” I tell her. “But they used to have an egg with toast for breakfast, not cereal.”

  “Good thing you’re shadowing me to get used to Matty and Jack’s routine,” she smiles, putting sliced bread into the toaster.

  I chase a dollop of mush down Jack’s chin with my spoon. “Is there anything they won’t eat?”

  “Neither of them are keen on cooked vegetables,” she shrugs, handing me a mug of tea. “But they don’t mind if I blend them in a tasty soup.”

  “Good idea. I’ll do the same.” I enjoy cooking, and can’t wait to try out my recipes on the boys. And maybe their fathers too? “Do you ever cook for Gabe and Luke?” I ask.

  Her eyes widen in evident surprise. “I’m a nanny not a housekeeper, pet. They cook for themselves.”

  I swallow the lump of disappointment in my throat. I’d been hoping to wow them with my signature dishes. “I made a few things for my last employers,” I tell her. “Not regularly, mind. But sometimes I’d accidently on purpose made too much for the kids’ supper, and Jenna was happy to serve it up for her and her husband later. It saved them having to cook after a busy day at work.”

  “Not sure Gabe and Luke would like kiddies’ food,” Abi quips, buttering toast. “No harm in trying, I suppose.”

  My shoulders droop. They probably have far more sophisticated tastes than what I’m used to. “Maybe not, then. As you say, they’d probably hate it.”

  I finish my tea, and spoon the last of the cereal into Jack’s mouth before wiping his face, making him squeal. I sniff the air and catch the whiff of a dirty nappy. “Would you like me to change this young man?” I ask.

  “Good idea, let’s carry your suitcase to the guest room on the way up. It’s on the same floor as Luke and Gabe’s. I was gonna suggest putting a mattress on the floor in
my room, but my snoring might keep you awake,” she giggles, taking the boys’ plates to the sink.

  Her openness is appealing, and I laugh with her. “I probably snore too,” I say, unbuckling Jack and lifting him out of his high chair. “Let me wash up.”

  I put him down on the floor and he pulls himself up to his feet, using the table leg for balance. He toddles a couple of steps before plopping down on his backside. I bend and pick him up again as Abi is already scrubbing the dishes.

  Oreo strolls into the kitchen, his tail up. Matty shrieks and jumps down from his seat. He lunges at him, swooping him into his arms. I fully expect Abi to intervene. Every cat I’ve met would have its claws out at this point, but not so with this one. He lies limply like a ragdoll, and allows himself to be cuddled. Aw!

  We troop from the room, and Abi grabs my suitcase as I’ve got Jack in my arms. “I thought we could have a picnic lunch in Kensington Gardens, later,” she says. “My nanny friends will be there and I’ll introduce you to them.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” I smile.

  WE MEET THE group of girls by the Round Pond, which isn’t round at all but rectangular and more like a small lake than a pond. There are four other nannies: Rosie, Sophia, Grace and Claire. I sit on a park bench with Rosie and Grace, and we watch Abi and Sophia supervising the three and four-year-olds throwing the bread we’ve brought with us into the water to feed the swans. Jack is perched on my lap, laughing at them. “Duckies!” He claps his chubby little hands, and I hug him he’s so cute.

  Rosie, sitting next to me with four-month-old baby Alice asleep in the buggy in front of her, turns and gives me a smile. “Your bosses are so hot.” She tucks a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. “I saw them walking with the boys here last weekend.” Her voice is pretty like she is. “Erm, would you like to hang out on Saturday? We could go to Camden market and pick up some bargains in the vintage clothing stalls.”

  “I’d love that.” And I would. It’s one of my favourite places in London. “My friend Eva, who works in Notting Hill, might come along too if you don’t mind. She’s always up for a shopping expedition.”

  “Awesome,” Rosie says.

  Matty pulls at Abi’s skirt. “Can we go to Wonderland, please?”

  He’s referring to the Diana Memorial Playground, built in memory of the late princess and inspired by Peter Pan. We set off, pushing the strollers, and when we arrive Matty climbs all over the wooden pirate ship with his little buddies, George and Jacob, while we keep an eye on them. We eat the sandwiches, crisps and cookies we’ve brought with us, finish the bottled water, and watch the kids play together in the warm sunshine until mid-afternoon. I hardly hear what the girls are chatting about, though; my mind is focussed on what will happen when I see Gabe and Luke again. I’ve developed a silly crush on them after just one meeting, which is ridiculous. I’m ridiculous. I’m their nanny, years younger; they wouldn’t look twice at me.

  Both boys fall asleep in their double stroller as Abi and I take turns pushing it home, and they wake up as soon as we unbuckle them at the front door. “They can watch some children’s TV,” she suggests. And so they do, while she chats non-stop about her fiancé, Phil, and their wedding plans.

  “How did you meet Phil?” I ask.

  “Oh, I’ve known him for years. We were at school together in Newcastle. He’s a derrickman on an oil platform in the North Sea. We’re buying a house in Aberdeen and he’ll spend his shore leave with me.” She checks her watch. “Time to give the boys supper and have something to eat ourselves. Luke and Gabe will be home shortly and then we’ll have the evening to ourselves.”

  THE HANDOVER HAPPENS so quickly it’s bizarre. In my last job, when Mrs Roberts, or Jenna as she liked me to call her, got in from work she’d have a cup of tea with me and we’d chat about the boys’ day. No such thing with Luke and Gabe. After Abi and I make mac and cheese for Matty and Jack, and feed them while eating ourselves, Abi asks me to run their bath. By the time I return downstairs, the men are home and she’s already handed the kids over to them. Well, that’s gonna change, I say to myself. I know my place, of course I do, but I’ll feel much better carrying on the way I’m used to and having some interaction with my employers when my shift ends. All I get is a hope you had a nice day to which I reply yes, thanks and we’re waved off upstairs.

  I can’t help feeling slightly down. All day long I built myself up into a fever of anticipation at the thought of seeing Gabe and Luke again, and maybe spending a few minutes with them. I’m used to the friendliness of the American family I worked for. Coming from a small town in Wales to the big smoke of London was a huge step for me, and I risked being lonely. But that was never the case when Jenna and her husband made me feel so welcome. Jesus, I hope I haven’t made a mistake accepting this job.

  Abi invites me to her room for a glass of red wine and some popcorn, and we settle ourselves down on the giant floor cushions in front of the low table. “What was the woman like that you saw down in the kitchen with Gabe and Luke?” I ask the question that’s been festering at the back of my mind.

  “Blonde. Curvy.” There’s a sparkle in Abi’s eyes. “Why do you ask?”

  “Just curious.” I chew my lip. “I’ve never been with one man, so I can’t imagine what it would be like to have two.”

  Abi’s mouth forms an ‘o’. “You mean you’ve never had sex?!?”

  “No. I haven’t met the right person,” I pause and think about what to say next. “Boys my own age find me nerdy and I’ve never fancied any of them, to be honest.”

  “I can’t believe you’re actually a virgin.” It’s as if she’s suggested I have an STI.

  “I’m not exactly saving myself for Mr Right,” I groan. “It’s just the way things have worked out.”

  She lifts a brow and continues to give me the third degree. “You made friends in Notting Hill, though?”

  “Of course. Mainly nannies.” I wish I’d never opened my big mouth. “You know how it is. We don’t mix with members of the opposite sex much in our job. Except for the fathers of the kids we look after, and they’re off-limits.”

  “Yeah. Well I hope you meet someone soon, pet,” she says, pouring me another glass of wine.

  We watch the movie Me Before You and both cry our eyes out at the ending. We’ll be on duty at seven tomorrow morning, so I wish her goodnight and go down to the guest room on the third floor. I can hear Luke and Gabe’s voices echoing up from the sitting room below. I wonder what they’re talking about?

  My suitcase is where Abi left it next to the bed. I pull out my baggy PJ bottoms and a cami-top. I prefer to shower in the mornings as it helps me wake up, so I slip into the adjoining bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

  The wall-to-wall beige carpet is soft beneath my bare feet as I pad towards the queen-sized bed. I pull back the duvet, it’s too warm for that; thankfully, there’ a sheet underneath. The wine I drank has made me sleepy, and I start to drift off almost as soon as my head hits the pillow.

  Something disturbs me not long afterwards; I’m not completely submerged in sleep yet and I’m suddenly wide-awake. What the hell is it? A strange sound, like someone’s in pain. No. Not pain. Oh. My. God! I’ve watched enough movies to know what that grunting noise is. There’s a rhythm to the sounds coming through the wall behind my head. Gabe and Luke are having sex.

  They can’t realise how thin the partition is between their bedroom and the guest room. Maybe they’ve never had anyone stay here before? Or could be they didn’t do it when there was someone? Eek, what should I do?

  I bury my head under the pillow, but I can still hear them. Should I go and wait it out in the bathroom? It won’t take long, surely, for them to finish? But I don’t get out of my bed… I’m too caught up in what’s happening next door. Just the thought of what they’re doing is sending tingles through my tits down to my pussy. My legs fall open and I slip my fingers inside my pyjama bottoms. I’m soaking wet.

a virgin as far as having sex with a man goes, but I’m not a prude and I’ve learnt to satisfy my urges without shame. I close my eyes and imagine Gabe pinning Luke to the bed, or is it the other way around? Jesus, I’d give anything to see. Oops, where did that come from?

  My clit buzzes as I stroke it, and my pussy clenches around the finger I slip inside. There’s a groan from the next room, deep and guttural. Is it Gabe? My nipples pucker.

  Loud as anything, I hear Luke’s voice. “Are you enjoying that, loverboy? Is it making you hot there’s a sweet little girl in the next room? Pretend I’m her, Gabe. Pretend my asshole is her tight little snatch.”

  I feel myself burning up. I shouldn’t be overhearing this. I really, really shouldn’t. They’re not being serious, surely? It’s just a game for them. A crazy kind of sex game, right? They couldn’t want to fuck me; I’m their freaking nanny… their employee. Gabe is a lawyer; he wouldn’t risk it. No, it’s just a fantasy on their part…

  But, Christ, it’s so incredibly hot. I add another finger to the one already there, and push them both in and out… building towards release.

  Luke’s voice echoes, “Wouldn’t you love her pouty lips wrapped around your thick cock while I fuck her?”

  The image in my mind makes my heart race. I move my fingers frantically now, aiming for the spot while my thumb circles my throbbing clit. I can hear the thump-thump-thump of body banging against body. I giggle to myself. One of them is getting thoroughly banged, alright.

  I close my eyes and imagine Luke fucking me while I suck Gabe’s cock. What would it feel like? I can play the game too; I put the fingers of my left hand into my mouth and suck on them while my body rocks against my right hand, faster and faster. Tension builds up inside me, spiralling towards my core, and I’m there, going up and over into a shuddering climax that leaves me breathless.


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