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Their Virgin Nanny

Page 9

by SC Daiko

  I almost say, spoken like a true knob, but I bite my tongue.

  AFTER LUNCH, during which the earl did indeed knock back several large glasses of red wine followed by two of port with the cheese course, Gabe and I make our way up to the nursery. “Father will sleep it off for half an hour or so,” Gabe says, shrugging. “I’d like to apologise to Eleri for being treated like a servant. I’ll have words with my father about that later. I hope she understands.”

  “If I’d been her, I wouldn’t have fucking liked it,” I grunt. “Maybe we shouldn’t have asked her along? I mean, the weekends are her time off…”

  “She could have refused. But she seemed keen to be with us.”

  “Like we are with her,” I say, smiling. “I’ve brought along those dildos I ordered online. And the butt-plugs. We could initiate her tonight.”

  “Filthy bugger,” he smirks as we arrive at the top floor of the mansion. “Let’s play it by ear, alright? The decision will be Eleri’s... and hers alone.”

  We find her sitting in an overstuffed armchair watching the boys play with Gabe’s old toys. Fuck, she looks sexy in her short denim skirt and tight pink tee. Matty is going hell-for-leather on a beautiful dappled-grey rocking horse with a flowing white mane. “Daddy, look at me,” he squeals, rocking frantically.

  Jack is on the wooden floor playing with a toy garage, driving the Matchbox cars up and down the ramps and making vroom vroom sounds.

  Gabe and I lower ourselves down next to him.

  “I’d forgotten all about these,” Gabe laughs, picking up a toy truck. “Never imagined my old stuff would still be here.”

  “It must have been amazing growing up in this place,” Eleri says, her eyes shining. “Even though it’s a bit big, dark and old.”

  Gabe snorts out a laugh. “I had a pretty miserable childhood here, to tell you the truth. I wasn’t allowed to touch any of the works of art, or even speak that much. Boarding school was an escape for me, really.”

  Her expression fills with concern. “What happened to your mother, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  I try to send her the message with my eyes. Don’t go there. Gabe doesn’t like to talk about his mum.

  “She left when I was five,” he says in a bleak voice, “and then she died.”

  Eleri pushes herself off the armchair and kneels beside him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Frankly, I don’t remember much about her,” he shrugs. “Just the scent of her perfume and how beautiful she was.”

  “Are there any photos?” she asks, placing her hand on his arm.

  “Nope,” he says in a false-bright tone. “Father got rid of them after she ran off with a so-called friend of his.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I want to apologise for my father, by the way. He’s behind the times. I never had my meals with him when I was little. Nanny always fed me in the kitchen. Now that I think about it, I only ever saw him for a short time every day, even on the weekends.”

  “How old were you when you went to boarding school?” she asks, a frown creasing her brow.

  “I was eight. An all-boys preparatory school followed by Eton.”

  Matty clambers off the rocking horse and flops down next to us. He reaches for one of the toy cars, eliciting a cry of protest from Jack. “Let’s go for a walk in the grounds,” I say. Time to distract the boys. “It’s a nice day and we can get some fresh air.”

  “You two go,” Gabe says, pushing himself to his feet. “It will give me a chance to have a word with my father when he wakes up. And find out why the sudden change of heart about meeting Matty and Jack.”

  “Fine by me,” I say, smirking to myself. I’ll have a quiet word with Eleri about possible plans for tonight.


  LUKE LEADS THE way to a small lake beyond the kitchen gardens. They’re called kitchen gardens due to the fact that’s where they grow fresh vegetables. I can’t get over the size of this place; it’s beyond anything I’d imagined. I’m way out of my depth here, even more so than in Kensington. There are thirty freaking bedrooms, albeit few with adjoining bathrooms, and there’s a ballroom for God’s sake. A ballroom! Apparently, they used to have what they called house parties, and they invited loads of people to stay for the weekend. I suppose that’s why they needed thirty bedrooms.

  We sit on a stone bench and watch Matty digging with a stick in the sand by the edge of the water. Jack has fallen asleep in his stroller, thankfully; all the excitement had tired him out and was making him even more grumpy than he was earlier.

  “I know what you’re thinking,” Luke says. “I found it daunting, too, on my first visit. Still do, to be honest. Hard to imagine a place belonging to one family for over five hundred years.”

  “And such a place.” I twist my hands in my lap and stare at Luke, at his stunning green eyes and that firm jawline under his dark-blond stubble. “I feel bad for Gabe that he had an unhappy childhood.”

  “Yeah,” Luke sighs. “I know what you mean. Hard to imagine what it must have been like to be an only child and not have your mum around. Gabe must have been so lonely. No wonder he enjoyed boarding school.”

  “I’d have hated it.” And I would… I was a real home body until I went off to uni.

  “He’s an awesome dad, though,” Luke says, dimpling. “One of the reasons he wanted a child was to give him or her the happy childhood he himself didn’t have.”

  I lean in and touch my hand to Luke’s arm. “And you? What were your reasons, if you don’t mind telling?”

  He glances at me, and his smile is easy. “I had the best time growing up and I wanted to start a family with my ex-girlfriend, but she wasn’t having any of that. Focused on her career and too fucking selfish to give up her freedom to do what she wanted. Then I met Gabe and fell for him. When Sharon offered to be our surrogate, I leapt at the chance.”

  “Why did she offer herself?” I ask. “Were she and Gabe close?”

  “She just said she wanted to help us. And that she liked being pregnant. Her husband didn’t want them to have any more kids together.”

  “Matty is yours, isn’t he?” I ask.

  “Yep. And Jack is Gabe’s, of course. Looks just like him, doesn’t he? We’re both their dads, though, in all but biology.”

  “And excellent ones.” I smile. “I love nannying for you.”

  He squeezes my hand. “And we love having you as our nanny. Sorry the earl is being such an asshole. Gabe is putting him right and finding out what the deal is with him suddenly wanting to see the boys.”

  I tuck a strand of loose hair behind my ear. “Strange he hasn’t wanted to see them until now. And even stranger he hardly took a glance before packing them off to the kitchen.”

  Luke lets out a hollow laugh. “He’s clearly not a family kind of man.” He gazes across the lake. A flock of ducks is paddling towards the small beach where Matty is playing. Luke pulls out his phone and checks the time. “Before we go back to the house, there’s something I wanted to run by you.”

  “Oh?” My heart skips a beat.

  “Yeah,” he chuckles. “Remember that list you ticked?”

  Here we go… My tummy lurches.

  “Well, we were wondering if you’d let both of us in your pussy at the same time tonight? Our bedroom is just below the nursery and of course we’ll check if the child monitor works.”

  I not only feel the heat of a fierce blush, but also a tingle between my legs. Will they fit? I’ve read online about double penetration, and it’s perfectly possible. After all, my hole is a muscle and it’ll stretch to fit round a baby’s head one day. But will it hurt? Eek!

  “I’ve signed up for it,” I say with more certainty than I feel. “So, yeah. I’ll give it a go.”

  “That’s my girl,” Luke grins a dirty grin and squeezes my hand again. “We’ll take it really slowly, I promise. Make sure you’re fully relaxed. And the onus will always be on you to put a stop to it if you’re not having fun.”

,” I agree. It’s like he’s just asked me if I’m up for trying a new sport. But what did I expect? Moonlight and roses? I’m not in a romantic relationship with Gabe and Luke, I remind myself. They’re teaching me about sex and I want to learn as much as I can. Enjoy this for what it is, Eleri.

  There’s the sound of footsteps on the path behind, and Gabe approaches. “It’s all arranged,” he says. “I’ve told Father that we’ll give the boys their supper and baths, Luke. And Eleri will join us for dinner with him later.”

  My mouth flaps open. “What about the child monitor?”

  “I’ve set it up and it works fine on my phone.”

  “Did you find out why your dad suddenly wanted to see the boys?” Luke asks.

  Gabe takes hold of the handle of the baby stroller, and rocks it back and forth. He pauses, blows out a breath. “He’s been diagnosed with prostate cancer.” His mouth forms a straight line. “It’s metastasized to his bones, I’m afraid.”

  “Oh, God, I’m so sorry,” I whisper, my heart fluttering.

  Luke grabs him around the shoulders and holds him in a firm embrace. “I’m fucking sorry too.”

  “Yes, well. So am I, of course.”

  Matty has bounded up to us, and he wraps his arms around Gabe’s legs. “Papa! Look at the ducks!”

  Gabe lifts him in his arms and plants a kiss on his cheek. “Time for supper, young man. And, if you’re good, tomorrow we’ll come back with some bread to feed them.”

  I trail behind the little family as we walk towards the mansion, lost in thought. I wonder how long the earl has left. His passing could be a real game-changer for Gabe, Luke and the boys. Not that it’s any of my business. Except, I’m growing increasingly attached to them despite myself, and anything that affects them will affect me as well.



  I HAVE A nice warm bath in the chipped enamel tub of the 1930s bathroom opposite my bedroom, then dry myself and step into my nineteen fifties pencil dress I had the foresight to pack. I can hear Gabe and Luke in the nursery, settling the boys. I check my appearance in the wonky old mirror leaning against the wall. All I need is a touch of mascara and my cherry red lipstick. I run a comb through my hair, step into my heels, and then totter into the room next door.

  I stop and stare at my bosses. Gabe has been giving Jack his bottle, and the little fella has fallen asleep in his papa’s arms. Luke, sitting in an overstuffed armchair like the one in the nursery, has been reading a story to Matty, and his son has also nodded off. Both men smile at me and lift their fingers to their lips. They carry the boys to their beds, tuck them in, and switch on the child monitor they’ve managed to connect to their smart phones. My breath catches they look so hot in their swanky dress suits.

  I follow them down two flights of stairs to a long, narrow living room. Earl Grafton is sitting by the ornate fireplace, a glass of what looks like whiskey in his hand. “Ah, there you are,” he says.

  Mr Simmonds approaches with a silver tray. “Would you like a glass of sherry, Miss?”

  I lift the drink to my lips and take a sip while looking around. The walls are covered with so many works of art it’s like a gallery in here.

  “Take a seat, Eleri,” the earl says, patting the chair next to him.

  I smile at Earl Grafton and he smiles at me. We clearly have no clue what to say to each other. The poor man is dying, I remind myself. Gabe warned me not to mention it, though. His father has the typical self-restraint of people from his background and hates talking about it, apparently.

  Luke jumps into the silence and starts telling the earl about the film he’s been working on. Something to do with the war in Afghanistan. Gabe and I sit and listen; it’s clear Luke loves his work, and Earl Grafton knows quite a lot about the history of the region. Mr Simmonds announces that dinner is served, and we go through to the dining room. The earl sits at the head of the long table, with me on his right and Luke on his left. Gabe sits next to me, and, when I drop my hand, he gives it a squeeze.

  During the meal, beef Wellington served with new potatoes and green beans, the earl tells Gabe he’s planning on selling off some of his land to a housing developer. “The cash will allow us to keep afloat a bit longer,” he says with a sigh.

  “You really should consider opening to the public, Papa,” Gabe says. “You’d get tax concessions.”

  “That’s something you’ll need to take on, my boy.” Earl Grafton knocks back half a glass of wine in one go. “When the time comes.”

  I glance at Gabe and take in his concerned expression. He must have known the day would arrive when he’d inherit Aldridge House, but I guess he didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

  Finally, we finish eating and the earl pushes back his chair. “Would you excuse me,” he says. “I’m suddenly feeling rather tired.” He reaches for a hand bell and rings it. Mr Simmonds appears immediately and helps him to his feet.

  “Would you like me to come upstairs with you, Papa?” Gabe asks.

  “Absolutely not, my boy. Mr Simmonds will see me to bed. We have our routine, don’t you know?”

  Gabe’s expression morphs from worry to sadness as his father leaves the room. I lean into him and touch his arm. “You okay?” I ask.

  He sighs. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I know something that will lighten our mood,” Luke says, pushing back his chair and grinning at us.

  Gabe laughs. “Dirty boy, but we love you for it.”

  We love you. He’s joking, but he has no idea how close he is to the truth on my part.

  Luke winks at me. “How about it, babe?”

  I giggle nervously, so scared I could wet myself. Except there’s no way I’ll refuse. I want this. Definitely. Even if my heart is beating like a drum. “Your room or mine?”

  THEY LEAD ME up to their bedroom and close the door. They’re standing there and they seem to be waiting for me to do something. They’re so freaking hot, the two of them… Luke lean, lanky and lust-inducing, Gabe built like a tank, ripped, and with every muscle defined.

  Their hungry eyes are on me, licking every inch of me, and I can’t resist rolling back my shoulders and thrusting my tits forwards.

  “Get undressed for us,” Luke says gruffly.

  I reach behind to unzip my dress; it falls open at the front, exposing my bare breasts. I wriggle out of it, pull down my knickers and I’m naked before them.

  “Perfect,” Luke says. “You’re the most perfect girl in the world, isn’t she, Gabe?”

  “Absolute perfection,” he agrees.

  Gabe’s words melt me, and my heart stutters. I climb onto the bed and kneel with my thighs spread wide.

  They glance at each other, smiling wolfishly before unbuttoning their dress shirts to toss them to the side. It’s like they’re putting on a show specially for me as they drop their trousers, then their boxers. I lick my lips. God, they’re divine.

  I’ve fallen for them both, and it’s totally insane. They make me feel so… complete. I stare at their engorged cocks and swallow, hard. My entire body is stiff with nerves, yet, at the same time, I so need this. I wanna please them, give them what they want. I lift my eyes to theirs and smile.

  They climb onto the bed and kneel in front of me. I reach for them, and run my hands down their rock-hard pecs and abs to caress their beautiful dicks. Luke’s Prince Albert piercing glints at the tip of his long, heavily-veined shaft. Gabe’s is just as long, but thicker. I try to wrap my hands around both cocks, and my fingers look so small as they struggle to encircle them.

  I rub their dicks against each other, shaft to shaft; they groan and gyrate their hips, their cocks thrusting. Gah, they’re really big. I pump them hard, jacking them off with my hands, pushing their tips together, making solid strokes all the way up and down, mixing their pre-cum around the heads. My eyes are glued to them, and my breath hitches they’re so gorgeous.

  “That feels nice,” Luke says, releasing a groan.

ie down, Eleri.” Gabe touches my arm. “Stretch out on your back.”

  I gulp. Is this it? Will I take two cocks inside me now? My pussy is buzzing with need, but my tummy is tight with nerves. Oh, God, what have I let myself in for? A shiver passes through me and my hands shake.

  Gabe takes my trembling fingers in his, and raises them to his lips. “I want you to relax, darling girl.” His voice vibrates through me. “Remember we won’t do anything you don’t want us to do.”

  “Yes,” Luke adds, smiling. “But, I think you’re gonna enjoy this a lot more than you can possibly imagine. Let yourself go, babe. Give in to the pleasure. You won’t regret it… and neither will we.”

  Their words warm my heart and I take in a long slow breath. “Let’s do it then.”

  “That’s our girl,” Gabe says. “Open up for us now.”

  I place my hands on my knees and ease them apart, spreading my thighs wide.

  “Beautiful,” Luke says, and his tone is filled with approval. “You have the most divine pussy.”

  He kneels by my side and runs his hands up my body. “So fucking adorable, so fucking tempting,” he breathes. He presses his lips to mine, and it feels wonderful to wrap my arms around his shoulders and open my mouth to his questing tongue.

  The mattress dips under Gabe’s weight as he lies on the other side of me. He palms my tits, kneading and squeezing before tugging and pinching at my nipples. I let out a deep moan. He hooks his leg over mine, and I feel his cock nudge against my hip, hot and heavy. “Your breasts are stunning, sweetheart.”

  Luke stops kissing me. “Your turn, loverboy,” he says.

  I wait for Gabe to claim me, parting my lips for him. His tongue delves deep into my mouth, taking possession, and I writhe against him, whimpering.

  “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You two are so fucking hot together,” Luke groans. He shuffles down the bed and licks at my nipple.


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