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Love A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 1)

Page 14

by Rebecca Preston

  “You think he’s going to lay siege to the castle?” Maria's voice was soft. .

  She had been away from him, from everyone, except for Erin and did not know what had transpired. He watched her face, waiting to see if she would continue in her anger. Her eyes got watery and she moved toward him. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her cheek against his chest, holding him close. He wrapped his arms around her, glad to have her close.

  “Then please, Cameron, I don’t want to see you die. I can’t be alone in this place. Please, help me to help you. I beg you to get me an audience with Laird Duncan when he arrives. Surely there must be a moment of speaking about these things before the battle begins? Under the white flag.”

  “An audience with Laird Duncan? Have you lost your mind, lass?”

  “No. I am truly thinking clearly. I have a plan. Bring me out to him, Cameron. If you wish it, Bran and your advisors can believe you're bringing me out as your suspect. A visitor in the castle that is not of the Clan MacLeod.”

  “I cannot stomach the idea of you coming to harm, lass. I cannot do what you ask of me. It would be a death sentence.”

  “Trust me.” She looked up at him, pleading. “I assure you I’m trained to handle myself in these situations. MacDonald will be reluctant to resort to violence against you when having the moral high ground is the whole basis of his plan to attack you. If he chooses violence without hearing your ‘suspicions’, his supporters will falter and think him the aggressor. Especially if you raises suspicions that they’re targeting the wrong person.”

  “I do not know, lass,” Cameron said moving away from her. He walked back and forth in the room, contemplating her words.

  “I can do this, Cameron, I promise. This is what I do for a living in my time. I am paid good money to do this. That is how good I am at it. Before I came here I was moved to a higher position in my job, the trip to Scotland was a celebration of my promotion. Please, trust me.”

  Cameron stopped and looked at her. He knew her to be clever, and strong. Any other woman who had gone through a portal from one time to another would be nothing but a shell of herself. Crying constantly and whimpering and not able to handle the transition, but Maria handled it with strength, the same way that he would. He knew her to be his equal, and it was time that he started treating her as such.

  “Do you swear to me, lass, that you have thought this through completely? I have faith in your cleverness after all that you have shown me. I do not doubt you. I only caution you that you do not know these men as I do. Men make brash decisions. Are you aware that while you are speaking to Laird Duncan, he could in that moment take a knife and run it through you while you are mid speaking? Are you ready for something like that? Because I am not ready to watch it,” he assured her.

  “I’m ready for him to make the attempt, because I will expect it. I will remain far enough away from him so that he does not have a chance to do such a thing, but I will also keep in mind that he could throw a knife or order a bowman to fire at me. I will make it difficult for him to target me, but I assure you that my questions and information will occupy his mind so much that he won’t have time to think of violence. You will see, Cameron, I will show you.”

  “Then we will do this. Tomorrow when he arrives, I shall take you to him,” he said, and then had a idea. “We can disguise you as a thief, a possible subject for questioning. We will go out and greet him under the white flag and try to stave off a battle. But that is tomorrow,” he smiled gently and pulled her closer, “tonight I shall make love to you like it is our last.”

  Cameron leaned down and kissed her, hard…

  Chapter 23

  Maria smiled. She felt the tension leaving her, their argument finally over and having come to an understanding. This man took her breath away, she gloried in how he made her feel as he continued to kiss her neck as he undressed her, pulling her dress off her shoulders, letting it fall the floor.

  Cameron made quick work of her underthings before scooping up her naked body and carrying her to the bed. The exhaustion she felt from the long chaos of emotions disappeared as her heart began to pound in her chest. He laid her down gently on the bed and kissed her passionately. He pressed his body against hers.

  Maria moaned softly at the sensation of his clothes caressing her already hard nipples. His kisses moved down over her pale skin and then he covered her breast with his mouth. Maria moaned louder as she arched up toward him. Her hands twisted the sheets underneath her.

  Cameron let out a groan at her response. Then he moved his hand between her thighs and stroked her sweet center.

  “Yes. Yes,” Maria whimpered louder and louder.

  Cameron grinned as he watched her wiggling underneath his touch. He kissed her belly and moved further and further down until his face was between her legs. Maria tangled her fingers in his hair, as he pressed kisses everywhere but where she wanted.

  “Oh Cameron,” she moaned.

  His tongue pressed against her clit, making her even wetter..

  “Oh! Yes! Oh!” she said, her words loud to even her own ears, but she couldn’t help it. She felt the sensations building inside of her. The heartbeat pulsing and throbbing between her thighs.

  Cameron moved his tongue faster, applying more pressure as her climax built and then he pushed her over the edge and she screamed out his name, “Cameron!”

  Cameron stood up, proudly looking down at her with a heated gaze as he unfastened his plaid and pulled off his tunic, draping them on the chair. He removed his boots and then slid the kilt down his legs, letting it fall to the floor. Maria looked at her handsome Scot as she still enjoyed the fog of release and wiggled on the bed.

  “You drive me absolutely mad, lass,” he said.

  Maria bit her lip as his words made her feel very sensual with his thick Scottish accent.

  He climbed on top of her, placing his hips between her thighs. He covered her mouth with his and pushed the tip of his cock inside of her. They both moaned.

  Cameron pushed deeper, entering her. Maria opened her thighs wider to him. He moved slowly and sensually, building a rhythm of pleasure. She clung to his back, kissing his chest and neck. She couldn’t stop placing small passionate kisses all over him, anywhere her mouth would reach. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  “My dearest Maria, you are mine. I am the luckiest man in all of Scotland,” he whispered breathlessly.

  His words made her feel more secure. No words from any other could make her doubt him, not even words from Bran.

  She arched her body up to meet his. They intertwined passionately; feeling each other’s bodies. Cameron made love to her with such eagerness and devotion. Then Maria felt the familiar sensations building again. She knew that she wasn’t going to last much longer. Her moaning grew louder and louder as the pulsing between her thighs started to build faster. She was lost in the moment. She forgot that she was in a different time, that she was lost in the past, right now she was exactly where she wanted to be. She lost herself in the eyes of the handsome man who looked down on her with his blond hair tousled around his face.

  “Oh God! Yes! Don’t stop!” she shouted. Her moaning grew louder and louder, and she didn’t care who heard her.

  Her voice was joined by Cameron’s as he began to thrust faster and more vigorously pushing them both over the edge of pleasure as they both reached the peak of orgasm. Their voices echoed off the walls.

  A few moments later Cameron, having been satisfied, looked at her and grinned as he rolled to his side, next to her.. “Do not fall asleep, prisoner, that was only the first course,” he said breathlessly.

  “Prisoner, hmmm?” Maria looked at him, placing her hand on his chest with a grin. “Aren’t you exhausted?” she asked.

  “I have caught a second wind. Besides there is plenty of time for sleep later,” he said.

  Maria laughed. She was pleasantly pleased at his naughty nature. He moved from the bed and poured himself some port from th
e bottle on the table while she looked at his perfect, naked body.

  “Good. I am ready,” Cameron said, setting the cup down and moving back to her.

  “Already? You can’t be serious?” she said.

  “Oh but I am. Do not doubt me, when I say I am hungry… I am hungry.” He rolled her onto her back and kissed her naked breasts.

  She laughed.

  Later, Maria woke to an empty bed. She’d known that it would be empty as Cameron had warned her that he was going to take care of things.

  Maria was nervous, walking back and forth in her room. Heigl had come to bring her breakfast and help her dress in a fresh dress that was not made in the MacLeod Clan colors, which was important for this day. Instead it was completely brown, a coarse wool dress and cape tied around her neck. Duncan would be arriving any minute, and she could hardly keep her nerves at bay.

  She wanted to take a strong drink of port or whisky but knew better than to do that, She needed to stay sharp. Then she heard the sound of horns, like a conch shell being blown. She moved to the window and saw guards entering the courtyard and could hear the heavy sound of horses hooves, somewhere on the horizon, a lot of them. She couldn’t see outside the castle courtyard walls, but she knew that this meant Duncan was arriving.

  The door unlocked, and Cameron stepped in. He had a bit of rope in his hand. Bran was at his side.

  “I've come to take you to the Laird Duncan MacDonald. Put your hands together,” Cameron said roughly, but his eyes looked soft.

  “I didn't do it,” Maria said, going along with the story they’d come up with together. She put her hands together, regardless.

  Cameron gave her a soft look and then tied the rope around her wrist, putting some of the slack in her palm, she pulled it tight around her wrist, so to anyone else it would seem it was actually tight.

  “Save your protests for Laird MacDonald,” Bran said.

  This was all part of the plan. They had to make Bran believe it, or no one else would believe it and Bran would fight and deny Maria the chance to meet with the Laird. This was best way to accomplish what they needed to.

  Cameron grabbed her arm and pulled her into the hallway. Maria immediately saw Eileen standing there. Her hands were not bound, but there were MacLeod guards all around her. She would be taken to the Laird, but it was going to be a very complex situation. One that Maria knew absolutely had to go right.

  Eileen nodded her head at Maria, and Maria return the greeting. They, being the only two women, it was a show of solidarity which would work in Maria's favor.

  The women were led through the castle corridors and out into the courtyard. It had been a while since Maria walked beyond the castle gates, not since Cameron took her for a walk along the shore. It felt good to get out even in this precarious moment.

  As they walked along the courtyard, everyone turned to stare at them. Maria held her head high, not one to let her dignity leave her. Let the people of the castle think what they wanted of her in this moment, it was necessary but hopefully she would be able to change their minds if she succeeded in solving this murder.

  “Open the gates!” Cameron shouted.

  “Open the gates!” the gate guard echoed his words.

  Very strong men moved to the wooden pylon barring the gate. They lifted it off with a heave, and then set it down. The gates were pulled open and the fresh sea air hit Maria's face. The loose tendrils of hair around her face tickled her skin. She had put her hair up in a bun, anything to not look like a witch.

  As they stepped out, she saw that there were several tents set up across the ravine. She looked at the bridge, remembering it as nothing but a ruin on the ghost tour. Now it was as if it was freshly built, new and beautiful. It crossed the ocean ravine, linking the island to the mainland, where Duncan's camp was set up.

  Cameron squeezed Maria's arm in reassurance. She took a deep breath and they stepped out of the castle gates, toward the bridge, crossing it until they entered Laird Duncan's camp.

  A man taller than Cameron, and very broad with his hand on his sword, which was tucked into his belt, stood at the head of a group of men. She could only assume that this elder man was Laird Duncan, Jamie's father. He seemed to be a very accomplished and strong warrior, nothing like the way Jamie looked, which had been a complete playboy.

  Cameron stopped, several yards in front of the camp and started to shout these words. “Laird Duncan MacDonald, you received my letter. Nothing has changed. We grieve greatly along with you that your son was murdered under my roof. We have not rested while searching for the murderer, but I can assure you that this was not planned by us. We believe our clan is being set up to start a war between our clans, that is not something that I want. We come to you under the white flag to speak with you on this matter further. With me I have the wife of Jamie, Eileen, who I relinquish to you today, as well as this woman in front of me, a guest who has been staying at the castle, but who is not of the Clan MacLeod. Miss Maria Saunders.”

  “Laird MacLeod, we have come here seeking justice. But I do not wish a war between our clans, unless it is discovered that you did this to my son. That is grounds for war, as you know. But in protecting my clan and not causing more bloodshed, I agree to speak with you on the matter first. That way it is known all across the land that I Laird Duncan MacDonald did attempt to keep the peace and to allow my men to stay alive and go home to their families where they are needed. Let us have this conversation and be done with it,” Laird Duncan said.

  Cameron nodded, and then look to Bran. Together the entire group continued walking toward Laird Duncan's tent. Finally they were directly in front of each other and Laird Duncan held out his arm. Cameron took it and wrapped his hand just below Duncan's elbow, in a Scottish handshake. Then Duncan gestured for the party to enter the tent. They all did so.

  Maria entered, noticing that the tent was set up for long-term stay. There was a very long table with benches, and it looked to her to be a tent where one would plan battles.

  “I release Eileen MacDonald to you. We kept her under guard for her own safety. We do not know if whoever took your son from you, would also seek her life. I am happy that we were able to return her to you,” Cameron said as Bran guided Eileen forward.

  Eileen stood in front of Laird Duncan and gave him a very long and deep curtsy. Maria watched, very closely. She noticed that this man, Duncan, had no deep affection for Eileen and that was a sign.

  “You and I shall have words. For now, go sit and wait,” Duncan said to Eileen. He nodded at one of his guards that came forward and guided Eileen to sit down at the table.

  Eileen poured herself some whisky and took a long drink.

  “Tell me what you know, Cameron MacLeod,” Duncan said.

  “Our investigation into the matter of the murder of your son is still ongoing, but we are fairly close. I want to introduce you to this woman,” Cameron said as he suddenly untied Maria's hands.

  “What are ye doing?” Bran said.

  “This woman is not the suspect. Silence Bran, I brought a suspect to Duncan, but I merely did not say who the suspect was. Now you will not speak against me in the presence of another Laird,” Cameron said.

  Bran grew silent even though there was anger on his face. He took a step back and obeyed Cameron.

  “As I was saying, this woman is Miss Maria Saunders. She is a foreigner here who is not a member of Clan MacLeod, but has been staying in the castle as my guest.”

  “Very convenient for you, that your suspect or whatever this woman is, is not a member of your clan, but a visitor.”

  “I know very well how this looks, Duncan but looks can be deceiving. This woman is the key to unlocking who murdered your son. I must explain to you that she is trained and skilled in analyzing murders and crimes in her homeland, and that she has been looking into the murder of your son. Because of the skill, she has come to a possible conclusion of who took his life.”

  Duncan looked Maria up and down, clearly s
urprised that a woman could hold such skills. “I've never known a woman to understand such things, but I am intrigued. Tell me what you know, lass, and then I will decide if it is worth hearing anymore or if it is simply nonsense from a woman.”

  Maria knew that in order to get her confession, she would have to put some pressure on Eileen, who she believed to be the suspect. She directly moved her gaze to Eileen and locked eyes with her. Eileen’s eyes grew wide, and then she poured herself some more whisky and drank it back, a lot of it. That was just the reaction Maria wanted before she put her attention back to Duncan.

  “I do have information for you, sir, but before I give it to you I must ask you a few questions, with your permission,” Maria said.

  Duncan’s brows furrowed. “What accent is this that you speak with? I have not heard of it before.”

  “No. No one in these parts has. That is because I am from a different land, one where women have rights and hold positions of power. Now if you will… my questions?”

  Chapter 24

  Maria was very nervous but used her training as a detective to stay calm. She could feel the tension all around her, from Duncan, and from Bran as well. But she could also feel Cameron being cautious and tense behind her. She had to remain focused on the task at hand, revealing the true murderer of Jamie MacDonald.

  “Laird Duncan, what do you know of your son's relationship with his wife?" Maria asked. She saw Eileen shift in her seat, uncomfortably. It was exactly the effect that she wanted.

  “My son and Eileen? That is an odd question.”

  “One that I need you to answer honestly," Maria said.


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